The rolling and undulating North Ridge, with its lofty mountains and majestic mountains, is daunting. ≧ Vertex Fiction,

At dusk, at the foot of Beiling Mountain, tens of miles north of Xigu Pass, Chu Huan and his party looked up at the towering mountain range with different expressions. He stopped and said, "Chu...Chu Governor, don't really want to cross the North Ridge? is this possible?"

Chu Huan put his hands on his hips and said with a smile, "Do you think I'm joking?"

"I'm just joking." Mei Niang said angrily, "Do you know that the North Ridge spans tens of miles, and there are no roads on the mountain at all. Not to mention snakes, insects, rats and ants, there are too many ferocious birds and beasts...!" He looked Chu Huan up and down, and said, "Brother Huan, are you confused in a hurry and came up with such a way? If Beiling is so easy to turn over, and Xigu Pass, there will be no need for so many people to wait."

Chu Huan asked: "Do you think you can't make it through?"

Mei Niang rolled his eyes at him, "No one can cross it, I'm afraid we will die in the mountains before we go halfway. These are not those hills. So far, I haven't heard of anyone who can cross the North Ridge... !"

"If you really die on it, I promise you will die before you." Chu Huan looked at the lofty mountains. At the foot of the mountain, looking up at the mountains, the peaks seemed to have no end. It’s a mess, don’t forget that the Northwest is not monolithic, whether it’s Xiao Huanzhang or Zhu Lingyue, there may be remnants hiding in the Northwest, if I don’t return for a long time, the Northwest may not be as stable as Mount Tai.”

Mei Niang frowned, knowing that what Chu Huan said was true.

Although Chu Huan implemented a benevolent government in the Northwest and was very kind to his subordinates, after all, his foundation in the Northwest was still shallow. Whether it was Xiao Huanzhang or Zhu Lingyue, they had not settled down for a long time. Huan is even the governor of Xiguan, whether it is Tianshan Road or Beishan Road, Chu Huan has not digested it.

If Chu Huan was in the northwest, no one would dare to act rashly, but this time the group has no leader, who knows what kind of changes will happen in the northwest.

Mei Niang also did not forget the prince, since the prince has already ordered the blockade of Xigu Pass, he is already preparing to take action in the northwest, if he sends people to the northwest, I'm afraid there will be a storm.

Xuanyuan Sheng is the general under Chu Huan's command. Now he is in Jiazhou and has many soldiers under his command, but this person is Xuanyuan Shao's cousin. If Xuanyuan Shao sends a letter, Meiniang will find it hard to believe that Xuanyuan Sheng is not Will there be no movement, thinking up to this point, Mei Niang knew that Chu Huan seemed calm, but in fact she must be extremely anxious, she sighed quietly, her voice was much softer, and said softly: "Brother Huan, don't worry, Brother Pei He and Qiu Ruxue are both there, if something happens, they will be able to hold it back."

Chu Huan smiled gently, knowing that Meiniang had already understood her state of mind, so she spoke to comfort herself.

Qi Hong hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Chu Du, it's dangerous to cross this mountain range, but it's not impossible, just...!" Glancing at the queen, he said: "Chu Du is very skilled in martial arts, so madam needless to say , although the lowly position is not as good as Chu Du and his wife, but with all his strength, he may be able to barely support it, but... how can the queen empress get over it?"

The queen was frowning at this time, and Mei Niang had already said: "That's not easy. Anyway, our Chu master is very powerful, and he carried her out of the palace. Now that the good man has done his best to carry her across the North Ridge, it is also a good idea." It’s as easy as flipping the palm of your hand.”

The empress frowned even tighter, and Chu Huan was also a little embarrassed, saying: "Crossing the North Ridge is difficult, but there have been precedents. As long as you are careful, there should be no problem."

"Precedent?" Meiniang asked curiously, "Have you ever heard of someone crossing the North Ridge?"

In fact, although Xiguguan is an important pass between the northwest and the pass, this pass is rarely blocked. In most cases, it is open, and there is an endless stream of passengers and motorcades traveling from south to north. The road pass is also an important place for customs duties. Caravans entering and leaving Xigu Pass all need to pay taxes to pass through the pass. The tax collected by the pass in a day is really quite a lot. Naturally, this pass will not be closed unless it is absolutely necessary, so People who come and go don't have to find another way at all, let alone think about climbing the steep North Ridge.

Although the hunters living on both sides of the North Ridge go up to the mountains to hunt, they are only on the edge of the mountains. No one dares to enter the deep mountains easily, and no hunter wants to cross the North Ridge.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Not only have I heard it, but I have also seen it with my own eyes." When he entered the pass from outside the pass, in order to avoid the guards and officers and soldiers, he crossed the North Ridge alone, but he didn't explain much. He tied his leggings tightly and checked the dagger and wound medicine he was carrying with him. After confirming that they were safe, he ordered: "After going up the mountain, I will lead the way, and you will follow behind, but you must remember that in the North Ridge, everywhere There are dangers hidden, some strange things, don't touch them...!"

Mei Niang couldn't help but said: "Do you really know Beiling?"

"Just remember my words." Chu Huan said seriously: "No matter what happens, don't panic, just keep calm and listen to my orders." Looking at the queen, she saw that the queen had silently pulled her trousers Tie it tight, it looks like you want to go up the mountain by yourself.

Chu Huan thought that if this was the case, then Amitabha would fall, and she was afraid that the queen would not last long.

"Chu Du, if there are no accidents, I'm afraid we won't be able to cross the North Ridge in three to five days." Qi Hong said: "We haven't prepared any food now, should we prepare enough necessary food before going up the mountain?"

"That's not necessary, I just have the wound medicine on me, just in case." Chu Huan moved his body and said, "It's not difficult to find food and drink on the mountain...!" He took a deep breath, Without any further hesitation, he took the lead in walking down a small path down the mountain. This path was obviously the path that hunters used to go into the mountain to hunt. ,After you!"

The queen nodded slightly, and also followed. Qi Hong pulled out the dagger he was carrying with him, and stood in the rear.

At the beginning of entering the mountain, it was actually smooth. A small path twisted like a snake into the mountain. Chu Huan led the way, but a few people followed closely behind.

The sunset in the sky soon set, and the entire North Ridge began to become dark. At this time, Chu Huan and the others had already climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking to the west, they could only see the rolling mountains. At first I thought it was extremely high, but now I realized that in the middle of the North Ridge, there are countless mountains that seem to reach into the sky. The top of the mountain that took two hours to climb up looks like a small hillside in comparison.

Chu Huan and the others still had plenty of energy, but the Queen followed her up the mountain, obviously struggling. Her originally fair face was now flushed, rosy, charming, and her breathing was a lot short of breath. , Between breaths, her chest rose and fell, and beads of sweat even oozed from her forehead.Chu Huan felt a little admiration in her heart. It stands to reason that the queen is in the palace, the mother of a country, pampered and pampered. It is impossible for ordinary ladies to support such a suffering, let alone climbing this mountain. The mountainside couldn't stand it.

Not only did the empress hold on, although she looked a bit exhausted, she still had strength to spare, even Mei Niang was a little surprised, she never thought that the empress had such physical strength.

Looking at the rolling mountains to the west, Meiniang's eyes showed sorrow, and Qi Hong also frowned.

"It's getting dark, so I'll rest here for the night." Chu Huan said, "We've been on the road for the past few days, and everyone is exhausted, and the road ahead will be even more difficult. Tonight, we have recovered our energy and strength, and we will start tomorrow morning." Said to Meiniang: "Meiniang, you and Qi Hong are here to take care of the queen, I'll go find something to eat, before I come back, just wait here, don't move around easily."

Mei Niang said, "I'll go find something to eat with you." She twisted her waist and walked to Chu Huan's side, then turned her head and said, "Qi Hong, you are here to take care of the queen, Brother Huan and I are looking for food!"

Qi Hong said: "Ma'am, why don't you rest here, I'll go find food."

"You're not familiar with this place." Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Just stay here." Without saying a word, holding a dagger in his hand, he burrowed into the woods, with Meiniang following behind.

It was getting dark and the mountains were dark. Fortunately, the moon was on the edge of the sky. Before Chu Huan and the others entered the depths of the forest, the faint moonlight penetrated into the forest through the gaps between the treetops. Chu Huan had excellent eyesight. The faint moonlight can clearly see the surrounding environment.

Meiniang followed Chu Huan, shuttled through the forest, and walked for a while, but when Chu Huan didn't stop, she couldn't help asking, "Brother Huan, do you know where to find food?"

"I don't know!" Chu Huan shook his head and said, "It's just a matter of luck. If we meet one or two wild beasts and stab them casually, one wild beast will last us two days, but we haven't entered the depths of the mountains and forests, and those wild beasts and birds are not in these places. Activities, when you get to the depths of the forest, there will be so many wild beasts that you don't even know where to hide."

Meiniang said despondently, "There are no beasts, so what can I find for food?"

"See if we can find the fruit." Chu Huan said with a smile, "If you're lucky, you can find rare and exotic fruits that are not found anywhere else...!" In the faint moonlight, I saw a large vine in front of me, and I could vaguely see fruits hanging from the vines.

Meiniang was overjoyed, snatched Chu Huan, and went over first, bent down, saw these tangguo eyeball-sized, purple in color, stretched out her hand to pick them, but before touching the fruit, she saw "whoosh" among the lush vines. " With a sound, a shadow rushed out, and Mei Niang was taken aback. She yelled "Aiya", stepped back two steps, and bumped into Chu Huan who was coming up from behind. Chu Huan hugged him and said, "What's wrong?" But he saw a shadow flying away from the vines, like a night owl, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Chu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, embraced Mei Niang, and said with a smile: "You little greedy cat, what are you in a hurry for, and you don't even look at it clearly. What if you scratch your face?"

Mei Niang leaned against Chu Huan's arms, turned her head slightly, glanced at Chu Huan, and said, "What if you really scratched my face? I've become an ugly monster, so you don't want me anymore?"

Seeing the mournful look on her face, Chu Huan knew that the goblin was pretending again, so he deliberately said, "Ugly? You mean, are you beautiful now? Well, I don't think so... ouch, you... Let go, where are you grabbing...!"

Mei Niang leaned close to Chu Huan's ear, exhaled like blue, and said in a charming voice: "Good brother, you must never think about not wanting him, as soon as he gets angry, he will be the first to destroy it...!"

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