Gu Lianhe looked around and bent down. The gold-plated wooden box was not locked. He wondered in his heart, could it be that the crown prince wanted to reward something again? Qin's treasures are naturally very attractive to the barbarians. He didn't hesitate anymore, he stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the box, saw the things in the box, let out a "ah", and took two steps back. …≦,

Everyone was surprised. When they looked around, they saw that there was a skull in the box. Apparently, to prevent damage to the skull, a layer of ice was placed on the edge of the skull.

In winter, dignitaries and dignitaries store some ice cubes deep underground in order to prevent the summer heat. However, the preservation techniques are relatively complicated and the price is not low, and ordinary people cannot enjoy them at all.

Although there are ice cubes to dispel the heat, the head is already deformed, the face is swollen, and there is an unpleasant smell, but everyone can recognize it at a glance. The first level.

Gu Lianhe came from a barbarian background, so he had seen countless heads, but he thought this box was a treasure, but who knew it was a deformed head, so he was surprised.

"Everyone has seen that Feng Yuanpo's head is here." The crown prince glanced at everyone, calmly, "This man conspired to rebel and was killed by the court. Naturally, you all know him?"

Thinking of the once famous Governor of Hexi, now there is only one head here, and the thin and pale Crown Prince of Qin in front of him is actually smiling faintly, and the chiefs suddenly feel a chill of fire.

"I said before that I want you to make a choice." The prince said: "The barbarian cavalry came all the way from Mobei. I heard from Feng Yuanpo that you are here to help Great Qin put down the rebellion, but I didn't hear it with my own ears. , and I also heard that Feng Yuanpo was very cruel to you barbarians, I really want to know whether you were forced by Feng Yuanpo to lead the troops here, or did you really help me to suppress the rebellion...!" There was a raised eyebrow, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, "Or, do you have other plans?"

Seeing the Prince's unfriendly expression, Gu Lianna hurriedly said: "Prince...His Royal Highness the Prince, we sent troops out of barbarians because we sincerely want to help Great Qin put down the rebellion!"

Seeing this, the other chiefs also said: "Suppress the rebellion with sincerity, put down the rebellion with sincerity!"

The prince showed a gentle smile, "Really? I know that you barbarians are sincere and not good at lying. In this way, I will give you two choices now. If you don't want to be involved in the disputes of Qin, I can let you lead the barbarians under your command. The barbarians return to Mobei, and will give gifts...Of course, if you stay, I will be very happy, and I assure you that as long as you barbarians help me put down the rebellion wholeheartedly, when the rebels are wiped out, This palace will give a great reward."

Gu Lianhe showed hesitation, turned around, and all the chiefs immediately gathered together, chattering, and soon, the prince saw that there seemed to be a dispute among the chiefs.

He observed the situation and understood that these chiefs were clearly divided into two factions, and some seemed willing to stay, but half of the chiefs seemed to want to lead their troops back to Mobei.

The prince cast a sideways glance at Empress Xuehua, seeing the gaze of the prince, Empress Xuehua hurried forward, and said a few words to those chiefs, although she spoke barbaric words, but her voice was soft and clear, the prince listened to it, but I don't think the barbarian's words are too harsh.

Empress Snow Flower said a few words, and the barbarian chief seemed to be asking something. Empress Snow Flower was calm and composed in front of these barbarian chiefs. After a while, all the chiefs nodded slightly, and Empress Snow Flower said a few more words, Gu Lianna also raised his hands, spoke to the chiefs for a while, and then said a few words to Empress Xuehua, and even pointed at the prince with his fingers.

Empress Xuehua turned her head to look at the prince, frowned her eyebrows, her pretty face showed a look of embarrassment, her voice became softer, Gu Lianhe frowned, chattered a few words, and looked at the prince.

The prince asked lightly: "What are they talking about?" Looking at Empress Snow Flower, she was obviously asking.

Empress Xuehua hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Prince, they... they said they are willing to help Da Qin put down the rebellion, but... but there is one condition!"

"Conditions?" The prince said, "What conditions?"

Empress Snow Flower opened her mouth, she hesitated to speak, but she was unable to speak.

The prince said: "Just say it, as long as they sincerely help me, even if the conditions are harsher, it is not impossible for me to consider it."

Only then did Empress Snow Flower cautiously say: "They...they said, since they are going to be loyal to Daqin, why didn't the sage summon them...!"

The prince said: "You can tell them that the father has passed away, and this palace is now the lord of Qin!"

"I...I have already told them, but they said...they said...!" Empress Snow Flower seemed to be a little bit embarrassed, speaking hesitantly.

The prince frowned and said: "It's okay to say something, even if you say something wrong, I won't blame you, so don't hesitate."

Only then did Empress Xuehua lower her head, and said softly: "They said that the concubine was originally the emperor's concubine. Now that the emperor is gone, the concubine...the concubine is not a noble status in Qin... They said, if... …If the crown prince can let the courtiers and concubines serve by his side and become the crown prince’s concubine, he can regain his honorable status. Qin’s rebellion, that is, the family affairs of the barbarians, they should do their best...!"

The crown prince frowned, and his bone union, who had a little understanding of Qin language, crossed his arms across his chest, "His Royal Highness, we Yiman are willing to help the Qin Kingdom to quell the chaos, but I hope you can let Elisa maintain her honorable status. Savage respect!"

The prince glanced at Elisa and asked, "What if I don't agree?"

Gu Lianhe said sternly: "The prince just said that we are allowed to lead the elite soldiers back to Mobei. If His Royal Highness rejects our conditions, that is, he shows contempt for our barbarians, we can only choose to leave."

The prince didn't know much about barbarian customs. According to barbarian customs, once his father died, the heirs who inherited the family business could marry his father's other wives as his own, so as to ensure that they remained in the family and ethnic group. Among them, if they continue to enjoy their original status, the wives who cannot be accepted will be looked down upon by everyone. This has become a custom passed down from generation to generation.

For Bone Lianna and many other chiefs, since the emperor of Great Qin died, the status of Empress Snow Flower will plummet. The only honor they retain in Qin is Empress Snow Flower. Of course, it is unacceptable. On the contrary, if the prince can follow the customs of the barbarians and accept Empress Xuehua as a harem, as the new master of the Great Qin Empire, Empress Xuehua will continue to maintain her status in Qin.

The prince naturally didn't expect that the barbarians would put forward such a condition that was completely inconsistent with the ethics of the Central Plains. She frowned, and Empress Snow Flower took a peek at the prince, and said cautiously: "Prince, they...!"

The prince raised his hand and said to Gu Lianhe: "Even though the father died, Empress Xuehua's position in the empire will not be shaken. He is the concubine of the palace. According to the ethics of the Central Plains, he cannot be accepted, but the palace can promise you , after I ascend the throne, I can make Empress Xuehua the Empress Dowager of Daqin, are you satisfied with that?"

"If this is the case, then there is another way." Gu Lianhe said: "We Yiman still have many beautiful girls, we can choose to send a beautiful girl to Qin, and the prince will marry the Yiman girl. Given her honorable status, we can continue to serve the prince."

The prince knows that such barbarians are stubborn, and because of Empress Snow Flower, their hearts of glory have been greatly increased. In the past, they would not have such thoughts, but with Empress Snow Flower, they naturally hope to continue this way glory.

The prince understands even more that even if he does not agree to their conditions, the barbarian cavalry will still become a sharp weapon in his hands if he controls the chiefs under the current situation. Resentment against them, forcibly controlling them, may be profitable for a while, but it is not a long-term solution.

Once the world is really settled, the barbarians who have become enemies because of this matter will definitely not let it go. On the contrary, if they form a good relationship with them at this time, it will naturally be of great benefit to Qin in the long run.

The prince was silent for a moment, and finally said: "I agree to your conditions, not only will Empress Xuehua become the queen mother, but also I can let the barbarian girl you choose enter the palace and become my concubine!"

All the barbarian chiefs looked at each other, and chattered a few more words. Bone Union took the lead with arms crossed, and said loudly: "Bone Union of the Slavic tribe, I swear to His Royal Highness, from now on, the Slavic tribe will be loyal to the noble His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." The other chiefs also crossed their arms and made oaths to the Crown Prince.

Only then did the prince show a smile.

Immediately comforted the chiefs, and rewarded some treasures. After the chiefs retired with satisfaction, the prince smiled and said to Empress Xuehua: "Thank you for your help in today's matter. Don't worry, the things I promised will not be broken. Change your mind, after I ascend the throne, I will make you the empress dowager!"

Empress Xuehua lowered her head, hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "His Royal Highness, if...if you don't dislike it, in fact, this concubine is very willing to serve by your side!"

The prince glanced at Empress Xuehua, and said indifferently: "Since your empress is already a member of the Daqin royal family, you should understand Daqin's etiquette and laws, and it must be useful to you."

Empress Snow Flower's face felt hot and embarrassed, she bowed her head and retreated.

After Empress Snow Flower retreated, the prince said softly: "Come out!"

Behind the screen, a person came out quickly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness!"

"Xuanwu, the Yiman chiefs, you still need to send someone to keep watching." The prince stared at the person in front of him, "The four thousand households in Shenyi, now you are the only one by my side, the guard in Shenyi has passed away, you should know !"

"Yes!" Xuanwu Qianhu, who was rescued from the underground prison of the Temple of Heaven, said respectfully.

"The Shenyiwei in Hexi will be entrusted to you to command." The crown prince said: "From now on, all the actions of the Shenyiwei will be ordered by this palace personally. Without my order, the Shenyiwei must not act rashly!"

Xuanwu said: "When the Holy Majesty formed the Shenyiwei back then, he directly served the Holy Majesty. Now that the Holy Majesty has passed away, the Shenyiwei will serve His Highness the Crown Prince!" Kneeling down in front of the Prince.

The prince nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "I have already prepared some silver taels, and you will reward them to the Shenyi brothers later, and tell them that I still trust you, and you are still the most loyal yamen in Daqin!"

"Humble duty, thank you Your Highness!"

"Xuanwu, I have something to ask you!" The prince leaned forward slightly, his voice lowered: "Do you know anything about Feng Hanxiao?"

Xuanwu looked up at the crown prince, and asked, "What is your Highness referring to?"

"The battle of Changtian Valley." The prince said solemnly: "I ask you, Feng Hanxiao was really killed by Qinglong and Xiliang people? Who sent Qinglong to go outside the pass to kill Fenghanxiao?"

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