There was no wind in the quiet night, and the weather was quite stuffy. In the elegant side hall, Xuanyuan Shengcai was wearing a light blue light gown, holding a bowl of iced lotus seed porridge in his hand. The middle-aged man entered In the side hall, Xuanyuan Sheng just put down the porridge bowl, got up and greeted him, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Huang Shilang, the journey is tiring, how was your journey?"

The middle-aged man Huang Shilang glanced around, there was no one else in the side hall, an oil lamp was lit, the light was bright, he bowed his hands and said: "General Xuanyuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still as handsome as ever!"

Xuanyuan Sheng just winked and signaled the soldier leading the way to back down, and waited until the soldier backed up, then looked at Huang Shilang, perhaps because the weather was too hot, this Huang Shilang was still sweating a little Only then did Xuanyuan Sheng call out, "Come here!"

A maid soon appeared outside the door, and Xuanyuan Sheng ordered: "Another bowl of lotus seed porridge!"

Huang Shilang hurriedly said: "General Xuanyuan, you are too polite...!"

"Master Shi Lang, please sit down!" Xuanyuan Sheng signaled Huang Shi Lang to sit down, and then said with a smile: "Master Shi Lang came from Hexi?"

Huang Shilang showed vigilance, looked around, and said softly: "Exactly!"

"Don't worry, there is no one else here. It's okay to say something if you have something to say." Xuanyuan Sheng said with a smile: "I've seen the token of the knife, is it my cousin who asked you to come?"

Huang Shilang said: "Returning to the general's words, it is actually the common meaning of the crown prince and Commander Xuanyuan."

"Prince?" Xuanyuan Sheng was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Is your Majesty safe?"

It was Wang Xuanyuan Shengcai who joined Huang Shilang, and said in a low voice: "General, is it really convenient to talk here? I came here to discuss with the general...!"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "You came in through the back door and brought the knife token. I know there must be something secret. This place is very secret, so there will be no problem."

"If that's the case, I can tell the truth." Huang Shilang sighed: "To be honest, the Holy Majesty has passed away, and now Hexi's military and political affairs are all handled by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

Xuanyuan Sheng suddenly changed color, the corners of his mouth twitched, and after a while, he said in a deep voice: "The Holy Majesty is dead, are you joking?"

"How dare I joke about such an important matter." Huang Shilang said solemnly: "The general doesn't know something. The Holy Majesty held a birthday ceremony in Hexi, Feng Yuanpo plotted to rebel, and the Holy Majesty was assassinated and died...!"

"Feng Yuanpo killed the Holy One?" Xuanyuan Sheng clenched his fists, his eyes showing anger.

Huang Shilang shook his head and said: "The matter is very complicated, but Feng Yuanpo has been punished now, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has also settled in Hexi, stabilizing the situation in Hexi...!"

"How could the crown prince be in Hexi?" Xuanyuan Sheng frowned and said, "I heard that the emperor was on a northern tour, and the crown prince stayed in the did he go to Hexi?"

"Don't you know, the general, that the capital has fallen, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince withdrew from the capital and went to Hexi?"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "So that's the case. The Holy Majesty passed away, so the crown prince will inherit the throne soon?" Leaning forward, he stared at Huang Shilang's eyes: "The crown prince sent you to look for me in the northwest, what is your order? ?”

"Since the general sees the knife, he naturally understands the meaning." Huang Shilang said in a low voice, "When Commander Xuanyuan sent me here, he told me that as long as the general sees the knife, he will know that I am here on his behalf."

Xuanyuan Shengcai had already picked up the small knife on the case, stared at the knife, and said softly: "Yes, this is the token that I made an appointment with him back then. Seeing things is like seeing people. Back then, I accompanied Chu Huan to the Northwest , I’m going to leave Beijing for some practice, but the most important thing is to stay by Chu Huan’s side and monitor Chu Huan’s every move.”

Hearing this, Huang Shilang's brows stretched out, and he said with a light smile, "The general is brave and brave. He is in a tiger's den, and he is both wise and brave. It is really admirable. Now that the general is sitting in Jiazhou, it seems that he has gained Chu Huan's trust... .!"

"Don't talk about this." Xuanyuan Shengcai looked calm, waved his hands and said: "Say, why did my cousin ask you to come to see me? But is there anything important to order?"

Huang Shilang hesitated for a moment, but at this moment he heard footsteps outside. The maid had already appeared outside the door with a tray, and Xuanyuan Sheng signaled to come in. The maid placed a bowl of lotus seed porridge on the table next to Huang Shilang Only then did Xuanyuan Sheng order: "You go down first, no one is allowed to come in without the general's order!"

The servant girl agreed and retreated, only then did Xuanyuan Sheng raise her hand and said: "Huang Shilang, it's been a hard journey, first drink a bowl of porridge to relieve the heat, the long night is long, let's talk slowly!"

Huang Shilang picked up the porridge bowl, maybe he really felt stuffy, drank more than half of the bowl in a few gulps, then put it down, took out a black silk handkerchief from his cuff, wiped it, put it away, and said: "General, Now that there is a shortage of food in the Northwest, it may not be easy to drink such a bowl of iced lotus seed porridge?"

"Xigu Pass has been blocked, cutting off the trade between the northwest and the pass." Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "As far as I know, the New Salt Administration has shipped a large amount of new salt to the pass a while ago, planning to exchange for food from the pass. After the West Valley Pass is closed, even if the New Salt Bureau raises a large amount of grain and grass in the pass, it will be difficult to get out of the pass.”

Huang Shilang said with a smile: "I came from Xigu Pass and saw the situation over there. The team blocked in the pass and wanted to go to the northwest stretched for more than ten miles. Da Xizhang was ordered to block Xigu Pass, so he was waiting to strangle the people in the northwest. Throat, don't need to use weapons, Northwest is also going to be exhausted."

Xuanyuan Sheng frowned and said: "Huang Shilang, what is the prince's intention to block Xiguguan? Could it be that he wants to attack the northwest?"

"Don't you know, the general, that Chu Huan suddenly appeared in Tiangong during the birthday ceremony, and kidnapped the empress to escape Hexi." Huang Shilang said softly: "The crown prince has ordered Chu Huan to be wanted, and this person is like Feng Yuan. He is a rebellious thief of Daqin. If he escapes back to the northwest, the consequences will be disastrous, so the crown prince ordered the blockade of Xiguguan early on. Firstly, to cut off his return, and secondly, to guard against him if he really fled back to the northwest , not only can hold his throat, but also prevent the Northwest Army from entering the pass." His voice was even lower, and he leaned forward and asked, "General Xuanyuan, do you have any news about Chu Huan, has this person returned to the Northwest? ?”

Xuanyuan Sheng shook his head and said: "I didn't hear that he has returned to the northwest. However...the crown prince blocked the West Valley Pass, and the famine in the northwest will become more serious. Now there are many places in the northwest that are hungry due to lack of food. If the common people die, this pass will be closed, and there will be more people who will die next...!"

"Those who plan big things don't care about small things." Huang Shilang said: "His Royal Highness wants to quell the rebellion. At this time, it is natural to use some extraordinary means." After a pause, he said: "General, why am I here this time? You must have already guessed something."

"I don't know if what I'm thinking is accurate." Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "Please tell Master Huang clearly!"

Huang Shilang said: "Your Highness means to let the general raise troops in Jiazhou, causing turmoil in the northwest, and if possible, control the northwest."

Xuanyuan Sheng frowned and said: "Prince, do you know that there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers in the northwest, and Jiazhou has only a few thousand soldiers, even if I follow orders, how can a few thousand soldiers in this area achieve great things?"

Huang Shilang said with a smile: "Chu Huan failed to return to the northwest. In the northwest today, it can be said that a group of dragons has no leader. As long as His Highness unfurls the banner, His Highness will issue an edict to inform the northwest that Chu Huan is rebellious. At that time, the northwest must be a mess. It was a mess. Moreover, although Chu Huan defeated Xiao Huanzhang and Zhu Lingyue, he had not yet been able to completely control the entire Northwest. Xiao Huanzhang and Zhu Lingyue must still have remnants of the party active, and these people would inevitably follow the wave Raising his hand to caress his green beard, "Furthermore, Chu Huan's implementation of the land equalization order in the northwest has hurt the interests of many gentry and wealthy families. If there is chaos in the northwest, these gentry and wealthy families will inevitably rise up against Chu Huan."

Xuanyuan Shengcai sat on the chair, put his hands across his chest, pondered for a while, and said: "The military power in the northwest is in the hands of Chu Huan's righteous brother Pei Ji, and most of the generals in the army are also controlled by Chu Huan." After being promoted, Pei Ji has outstanding talents, even if Chu Huan is not in the northwest, this person can stabilize the situation."

"The crown prince got the news that Chu Huan incorporated the Beishan Army and the Tianshan Army in the northwest, and carried out military reforms. Although there are tens of thousands of troops in the northwest, they have not yet condensed into a regiment." Huang Shilang said: "This is also the case. The best time is, if the general can control the northwest, it is naturally the best. Even if he can't control it, as long as the northwest is disturbed and the northwest is in chaos, there is no time for others, then the prince can concentrate on quelling other rebellions first, and turn back Come clean up the northwest."

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "What does the crown prince mean, is to let me raise troops in Jiazhou, first control Jiazhou, and cause turmoil in the northwest?"

"That's right." Huang Shilang said: "Northwest seems to be calm now, but the prince expected that as long as the general raises troops, the northwest will soon be torn apart, and even if Pei Ji is Chu Huan's sworn brother, but Pei Ji is Pei Ji, Chu Huan is Chu Huan, if Chu Huan is here, some people may still be a little afraid, Chu Huan's whereabouts are unknown now, the crown prince said, except for Chu Huan, no one can stabilize the situation in the northwest."

Xuanyuan Sheng nodded slightly, and said softly: "What the prince said makes sense. The Northwest Army was restructured, and the Pingxi Army was changed to the Zhenxi Army. No matter the generals or the soldiers, they are not just Xiguan soldiers and horses, but soldiers from Beishan and Tianshan. They are all in the process of being organized, and the factions are clearly defined. If Chu Huan is there, everyone will not dare to mess around, but without Chu Huan, Pei Ji may not be able to restrain the generals."

"That's right." Huang Shilang said in a low voice: "So now is a great time. Besides, as long as the general controls Jiazhou, he can advance and retreat freely. There are thousands of soldiers and horses at Xiguguan, and they are ready to meet the general at any time!"

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