National color raw owl

Chapter 1756: Crazy Tiger

Da Xizhang vaguely felt that someone around him was pushing him, and he heard anxious shouts in his ears. He managed to open his eyes, but he felt a splitting headache. A soldier was shouting beside him, his brows could not help but wrinkled, but he didn't know where he was for a while. ▲∴,

He had a splitting headache and couldn't understand what the soldiers were calling for, but he could faintly hear words such as "Northwest Army" and "rebellion". Something happened, and I wanted to struggle to sit up, but my whole body felt extremely heavy, and it was difficult to get up for a while.

"Help the general up!" A soldier next to him hurriedly said, two soldiers helped Da Xizhang to sit up, Da Xizhang was tall and big, it took a lot of effort to help him sit still.

"Water...!" Knowing that Da Xizhang was still in a drunken dream at this time, a soldier yelled softly, and someone brought a water plate beside him, and Da Xizhang moved his head forward, and his face was stuck into In the water, the cold water shook, Da Xizhang gave a jolt, and became sober twice, his head was not only painful, but also extremely heavy, he barely raised his head, saw three or four soldiers around him, and asked in a drunken state: "This... where is this?"

"General...!" The battle was raging, but the general guarding the pass looked like this. The soldiers didn't care about other things at this time, and said anxiously: "The Northwest Army is attacking the pass, and Xuanyuan Sheng betrayed the imperial court and cooperated with the Northwest Army. , is taking the pass!"

Da Xizhang looked puzzled and asked, "You...what did you say?"

The soldiers stomped their feet anxiously: "General, Xuanyuan Sheng just rebelled, and he is cooperating with the Northwest Army to seize the pass!"

This time Da Xizhang understood what he heard, he shuddered all over his body, his drunkenness subsided, he grabbed the man's skirt with his hand, and said sharply: " said Xuanyuan Shengcai. ... Xuanyuan Sheng betrayed? This...impossible...!"

"General, it's absolutely true...!" A soldier next to him said anxiously: "General He Pian led the troops to resist at a critical moment, and Xuanyuan Sheng led people to rush in... We shouted for a long time, you I haven't been able to wake up...!"

"Damn...!" Da Xizhang had already understood a little bit at this time, "Xuanyuan...Xuanyuan Shengcai is a bastard, he...he actually betrayed the court... ...!" Standing up with strong support, but top-heavy, almost fell, the side soldiers hurriedly supported him, and barely stood up: "Help me... help me to the critical moment, send someone... Send someone to capture Xuanyuan Shengcai, I...I want to cut him into pieces...!"

He staggered and was helped out of the room, but his heart was already half cold. At this time, he was still light-headed and drunk, but under the drastic change, the drunkenness subsided by three or four points. Thinking of Xuanyuan Shengcai's previous actions, he felt annoyed Incomparable.

If it were someone else, Da Xizhang would never fall for it easily, but he was pulled up by the Xuanyuan family, and he knew very well in his heart that if he was a leaf, then the Xuanyuan family would be that big tree, and Xuanyuan Sheng would be that tree. Branches on the trunk.

His wealth and future depend on the Xuanyuan family. Although Xuanyuan Shengcai is young, he is still a member of the Xuanyuan family. Da Xizhang dare not offend him in his bones. He even wanted to get close to Xuanyuan Shengcai from the very beginning. He is not a Stupid, because of this, after receiving Xuanyuan Shengcai, he will think about the long-term, hoping to have a good relationship with Xuanyuan Shengcai, and lay the foundation for his future, and because of this, he has never thought of Xuanyuan Shengcai Shengcai would actually betray the empire.

He can doubt anyone, even at first he was a little suspicious of Xuanyuan Shengcai's sudden arrival, but soon he thought of Xuanyuan Shengcai's identity, and also thought that as a child of the empire's first martial arts family, it is impossible to betray the empire, because betrayal The Great Qin Empire, if they betrayed the Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Shengcai, as a child of the Wuxun family, had no reason to betray his own family.

It was also because of this that the suspicion that he had in his heart dissipated, and he and Xuanyuan Sheng had a good time drinking and chatting without being defensive.

But he has always been cautious, and at the most critical moment, he lost his guard because of preconceived ideas. At this time, even if he was upset, it was remorse and more anger.

In his mind, at this time, he didn't even think about whether he could repel the Northwest Army, but he was thinking about capturing Xuanyuan Shengcai no matter what, and beheading Xuanyuan Shengcai under his knife.

He has never trusted others, and finally gave him a piece of trust, but was ruthlessly destroyed by Xuanyuan Shengcai.

Footsteps came from the front, and a soldier hurried over. Seeing Da Xizhang being supported by two soldiers, he hurried forward to report: "General, the northwest cavalry has rushed to the pass, and Xuanyuan Sheng is leading people to seize the organ." room......!"

"Office room?" Da Xizhang felt chilled, and pushed away the soldiers around him violently, but his feet went limp, he staggered, and he was about to fall, but fortunately the man in front rushed up to help him, Da Xizhang's face was livid, and he gasped With a heavy breath, he said: "How is it now? They...have they taken down the mechanism room?"

"It's still fighting, but the passages leading to the organ room are all blocked by their people, and we are rushing in...!" The visitor reported: "Their people are not dead, Block it firmly, and it will be difficult to rush through it for a while."

"A bunch of idiots, they...they don't want to die, you...are you afraid?" Da Xizhang was short of breath, "If the order...the order goes on, whoever can pick it up?" For the head of Xuanyuan Shengcai, the bounty... 500 taels of reward... Take off other heads, one... one bounty, 500 taels of silver... Go... go...!"

The soldier agreed, let go, turned around and left, Da Xizhang thought of something, stopped and said: "Shimen...keep Shimen...!"

"People have been sent to fight for Shimen...!" the soldier said.

Da Xizhang was dizzy and extremely thirsty, so he didn't care about it at this moment, and said loudly: "Help me... help me up...!"

Although some of the northwest cavalry had rushed under the pass, just outside the stone gate, but the huge and heavy stone gate lay in front of them, and they couldn't get past it at all.

For this operation, no siege weapons were brought in. The key to the plan was whether Xuanyuan Sheng could open the stone gate.

There were more and more soldiers and cavalry gathered under the gate, and the arrows shot down from the critical moment were densely packed. The cavalry could not advance or retreat, and some people fell to the ground from time to time.

The soldiers were all staring at the huge gate in front of them, holding their sabers in their hands. At this moment, they had nowhere to use their energy. The hands holding the sabers were trembling due to excessive force, and the veins on the back of their hands were bulging.

They only hoped that even if the giant gate opened a small gap, even if there was a gap leaking from below, it would be fine to roll in.

The soldiers already knew that within the pass, their comrades were fighting bloody battles to open the gate for the army. They were not sure whether the gate could really be opened, but they believed that as long as the giant gate could be opened, The entire West Valley Pass will also be in the hands of the Northwest Army.

Whether there is a fallen companion around him makes all the soldiers anxious, but at this time He Changqing has ordered the defenders at the critical moment to move stones and smash them down from the critical moment. The rain fell one after another, and the soldiers in the northwest could only scatter and dodge, their hearts burning with anger.

Xuanyuan Shengcai's armor was stained with blood, his body was already dripping with blood, the shadow of a famous tree, as a soldier of the empire, no one did not know the martial name of the Xuanyuan family in the empire.

Xuanyuan Shengcai led the troops to attack the organ room, and of course the guards in the organ room knew who was coming.

Only now did they truly understand why the Xuanyuan family had such a lofty status in the empire, and why the soldiers of the empire had a deep-rooted awe of the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan Shengcai charged forward, slashing and slashing all the way, killing at least 20 people, and he himself was shot twice, and cut three times.

The blood all over his body, of course, was the blood spattered on him by the enemy, and there was also the blood from the wound on his own body. At this time, Xuanyuan Shengcai had long hair loose and looked like a mad tiger, and the blood on his face seemed to come from hell. Come kill God.

But Xuanyuan Shengcai didn't have the slightest intention of retreating. On the contrary, he was still forward. The big knife in his hand had already cut a gap, but such a Xuanyuan Shengcai was even more terrifying.

Xuanyuan Shengcai is like a mad tiger, and the northwest warriors beside him are also like a pack of mad wolves. Xuanyuan Shengcai is holding a knife with one hand, pointing forward, approaching step by step, his eyes are cold and frightening, full of cruel killing intent, and The northwest warriors beside him also had bloodstained faces and fierce eyes, stepping on the corpses and moving forward step by step.

The defenders suffered heavy casualties, and the most frightening thing was that, facing Xuanyuan Shengcai's bravery, the defenders felt a chill and fear in their hearts.

They retreated slowly, and the muscles on some people's faces twitched. Facing Xuanyuan Shengcai who was like a murderous god, the soldiers did not dare to rush forward.

Xuanyuan Shengcai came all the way, invincible, really meeting gods and gods, meeting Buddhas and Buddhas, no one survived the defenders who met him, everyone had a heart of fear in their bones, even soldiers, after such a tragic fight Next, I also feel chilled.

Although there were several wounds on his body, blood was flowing, but Xuanyuan Shengcai's footsteps were still steady and strong, and the hand holding the knife was still full of blue veins.

With a cry, a defender mustered up his courage, roared, rushed forward, and slashed at him with a knife. Xuanyuan Shengcai also yelled loudly, like a lion's roar. neck, the man raised one hand in the air, his body swayed, and the big knife in his hand fell off.Immediately, he fell forward, but before he fell to the ground, Xuanyuan Sheng let out another roar, the light of the knife flashed, and the man's head flew up, and the headless corpse fell on the pile of corpses, and the head fell. Beside.

His eyes were wide open, full of terror.

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