National color raw owl

Chapter 1758 The overall situation has been decided

Under the moonlight, Chu Huan's eyes were like knives, and he looked coldly at the Xigu Pass in the distance. ,

The fast horse came galloping, and a cavalryman got off his horse and quickly reported: "Report, the bronze gate of Xigu Pass has been opened, our army has entered the pass, and is fighting with the enemy...!"

Another gallop galloped over, "Report, the Xiguguan passage has been controlled by our army, and we are attacking Guanfu...!"

Chu Huan said in a deep voice: "In the past, there are garrison barracks in Xigu Pass. There are thousands of soldiers and horses. If the pass is attacked, they will definitely come to help quickly. Before controlling the pass, don't let the reinforcements enter the pass...! "

The cavalry galloped away, and Xu Shao on the side had already said: "Chu Du, you're done, the pass is already in our hands...!" Of course he knew what it would mean to win Xigu Pass.

Xiguguan is a natural moat between the northwest and the pass. If the pass is in the hands of any other force, the northwest will be completely passive, and even cause a catastrophe in the northwest. However, once the pass is controlled by the northwest army, for the northwest The entire strategic deployment will play an immeasurable strategic role.

The strategic position of Xiguguan is too important to the northwest.

By now, the civil servants and military generals around Chu Huan naturally understood that although Chu Huan did not raise the flag of rebellion, since he sent troops to Xigu Pass this time, if he had already completely broken his face with Qin, in Qin Ting's eyes, then It is an established fact of rebellion, but in the eyes of Northwesterners, it is the prelude to the Northwest's resistance to Tyranny.

Controlling Xiguguan, no matter whether you advance or retreat, the northwest will control its own destiny. If you retreat, you can defend the three northwest roads. Xu Tu develops.

Although Xiguguan is already in the bag, Chu Huan did not show any joy, and his expression was very solemn, and finally asked: "Xu Shao, Xuanyuan should be combined with the outside, what do you is Xuanyuan now?"

Xu Shao's originally excited expression suddenly became serious.

The defenders of Xiguguan are not weak in combat effectiveness, and they have a large number of troops. When Chu Huan made this plan, of course, he also thought that the more people Xuanyuan Sheng brought, the greater the certainty of winning the pass.

But at the same time, I also understand that once there are too many people, Xiguguan will definitely be vigilant, and even if Xuanyuan Sheng insists, Xiguguan will never allow too many foreign soldiers to stay in the pass.

Three hundred soldiers is already the highest possible force that the pass can accept. Of course, Chu Huan also knows that although three hundred warriors attack the pass by surprise, they can only be [-]% sure at most. In the event of an accident, not only the pass cannot be opened, but Xuanyuan Shengcai and others will also annihilate the entire army.

He knew that this surprise attack was a gamble. Once it succeeded, the situation would open up immediately. However, if it failed, it would not only damage Xuanyuan Shengcai's general, but also from now on, if he wanted to win Xiguguan, it would be impossible. It is as difficult as climbing the sky.

In fact, his heart has been tense all the time, but he looks very calm on the outside. At this time, seeing that the pass is already in his pocket, his first feeling is not joy, but worrying about the safety of Xuanyuan Shengcai and others.

"Chu Du, since General Xuanyuan can open the gate, it means that everything is going well for them." Xu Shao hesitated, and finally said softly: "Our soldiers and horses have entered the pass, General Xuanyuan should be able to survive... ...!"

Chu Huan sighed: "I hope so, if it wasn't for Xuanyuan this time, I wouldn't be able to take down this pass no matter what...!"

"Chu Du, look?" Xu Shao suddenly raised his hand and pointed, "Is there a fire on the critical moment?"

Of course, Chu Huan had already seen that above the pass, a raging fire suddenly rose up, and the flames soared into the sky. Although the distance was still far, he could still see it clearly.

"It's a signal." Chu Huan sneered, "Da Xizhang is calling for reinforcements!"

Xu Shao immediately understood that when Da Xizhang saw the Northwest Army swarming in, the pass was already in danger, so it was only natural to ask for help from the troops stationed in the pass at this time.

"Xu Shao...!" Chu Huan said in a deep voice, "You immediately lead the rest of the troops to attack Xigu Pass with all your strength. No matter how much you pay, you must take the pass!"

Xu Shao cupped his hands and said: "The general obeys!" He shook the horse's reins, turned the horse's head, and turned around to send orders to the soldiers and horses behind him. Soon, the two cavalry teams of Xu Shao and Lang Wazi came out in full force, leaving only a few hundred cavalry guards By Chu Huan's side.

During this surprise attack on Xiguguan, Chu Huan secretly mobilized the Northwest Jingqi. The Northwest now has more than [-] cavalry, and most of them are Heifengqi who originally belonged to Tianshan Road. Zhu Lingyue spent a lot of money and material resources to strictly train the black cavalry The combat skills of the wind cavalry and the black wind cavalry are very proficient. What most people lack is actual combat experience, but in the battle of Qingyuan Racecourse, the actual combat experience of the black wind cavalry has actually been greatly improved.

At that time, there was not much time given to Chu Huan. It was naturally impossible to mobilize all the soldiers and horses in the northwest within a few days. This time the plan will come to naught.

Fortunately, Chu Huan has always understood that in troubled times, the world depends on strength, and fists are strength. To have strong fists, an army with strong combat effectiveness is essential.

Because of this, military reforms were carried out in the Northwest.

With such conditions, Chu Huan could not waste it. After defeating Zhu Lingyue, he immediately rectified the cavalry, and then ordered Xu Shao to be the cavalry commander. Send out a mighty cavalry regiment.

The base of the cavalry was set up in the Qingyuan Racecourse area. After the plan started, [-] cavalry were secretly mobilized from the Qingyuan Racecourse, and they moved towards Xiguguan quietly.

The main force that cooperated with Xuanyuan Shengcai to take the pass this time was the five thousand fine cavalry led by Chu Huan. The ability to quickly mobilize five thousand cavalry to carry out a surprise attack in a short period of time was also the effect of Chu Huan's garrison of cavalry.

The horses galloped and roared towards the pass to reinforce the soldiers and horses who were fighting in the pass.

Chu Huan knew that at this point, it was only a matter of time before Xiguguan was won, but he only hoped to reduce the casualties as much as possible. , but it is not the same as the meaning of the previous war.

This is his first step towards the pass, and it can even be said that it is his first battle for supremacy in the world.

The Northwest Army is his foundation, and every loss is a loss of vitality.

He didn't want to lose too much vitality in the first battle of entering the pass, not to mention that the Jingqi who attacked the pass at this moment was the trump card of the Northwest Army.

The pass has become a Shura battle formation, and the sound of fighting can be heard everywhere. Chu Huan immediately stood on the slope with a calm expression, looking at the battlefield from a distance, and I don't know how long it has passed. The Northwest Army has already reached the pass.

Suddenly I saw a group of people and horses galloping in front, but only five or six riders, when they got close, all the horses stopped, and the knights on the several horses behind got off their horses and came forward, but they came from the front. A man was lifted up on the horse, Chu Huan frowned slightly, shook the reins of the horse, went forward, then turned off the horse, the cavalry had already carefully lifted the man to the ground, Chu Huan went forward, already recognized It was Ye Jun who came out, and said in a deep voice: "Tell the army doctor...!"

In the Northwest Army, Chu Huan specially formed a medical team on the battlefield. This time he went out of the station, but he also had a doctor accompanying the army, but the troops were dispatched in a hurry and the number was not large.

Ye Jun was bloodstained all over his body, lying on the ground without moving, Chu Huan was kneeling beside him, and a cavalryman had already reported: "Chu Du, when we arrived, the brothers guarding the stone gate all Already killed in battle, Ye Pianjiang is the only one left...!" Looking at Ye Jun who looked like a blood man, the eyes of the escorting cavalry were red, and the soldier continued with a choked voice: "He There are many wounds on his body, bleeding too much, we bandaged his wounds, but...but depending on the situation, it's more or less ominous...!"

Chu Huan didn't say anything, just looked at Ye Jun's face quietly. Although his face had been wiped clean, there were still many spots of blood, and his breath was extremely weak. At this time, the two doctors accompanying the army had already walked over quickly, and Chu Huan stood up. Said: "You have to do everything possible to save his life, as long as he can survive, the governor will reward you a lot...!"

The two doctors cooperated with each other and quickly healed Ye Jun. Then Chu Huan asked the soldiers: "Is there any news about General Xuanyuan?"

"The fight is still going on at the pass." The cavalry replied: "The defenders are fighting in a corner, and the fight is very fierce now. For the time being, no trace of General Xuanyuan has been found...!"

"Report...!" The soldier hadn't finished speaking, they galloped together and got off their horses, "Chu Du, General Hou Jinganghou beheaded the defending general Guan Lei, and he has found General Xuanyuan... ..!"

Chu Huan immediately asked: "How is Xuanyuan now?"

"General Xuanyuan was injured, but his life is not in danger." The visitor reported, "General Xuanyuan is now attacking the critical moment with General Hou, and the defenders have already retreated above the critical moment...Many defenders have already surrendered. There are still a small number of people who are still stubbornly resisting...!"

Chu Huan breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky, the sky had already turned white, and dawn was approaching.

"What's the situation with the enemy's reinforcements?"

"The reinforcements in the pass have arrived, but we have already controlled the agency room, and the reinforcements cannot enter...!" Lai Bing said: "General Xu has ordered to clear the enemy troops in the pass first, and after controlling the pass, then To deal with the enemy reinforcements...!"

Sure enough, the sound of fighting at the pass gradually became quieter, and it could be judged from the sound that the fighting between the two sides was no longer as intense as before.

A round of red sun rose from the sky, and the morning glow was overwhelming. Two doctors finally came over. Chu Huan glanced at Ye Jun who was still motionless, and asked, "How is the situation?"

The two doctors glanced at each other, and one of them cupped his hands and said, "Chu Du, Ye Pianjiang has more than a dozen wounds on his body, the most serious of which is a gunshot wound on his abdomen...!"

"The governor only asks you, can he survive?" Chu Huan said sharply.

The doctor hurriedly said: "Chu Du, we have tried our best, his injuries are too serious, we can't guarantee that he will survive, but...but if he can survive today, there is hope of surviving... ...!"

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