National color raw owl

Chapter 1770 The Throat

Xuanyuan Sheng got up, cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to Governor Chu, I haven't woken up yet, but the doctor said that Ye Jun was close to death, and if he survived these two days, he should have saved his life. But the injury is serious, doctor Said, although Ye Jun is strong and strong, but such an injury does not last three to five months, and he cannot act violently at all, otherwise the internal injury will easily recur."

All the generals present took down Xigu Pass this time, and Ye Jun made the most of the contribution. After hearing about Ye Jun's deeds, the soldiers in the army actually admired him very much. Hearing that Ye Jun saved his life, everyone immediately expressed joy color.

Xu Shao laughed and said, "It seems that Jun Ye is reincarnated from an old cat."

Hou Jingang next to him couldn't help asking: "General Xu, what do you say?"

"Cats have nine lives." Xu Shao said with a smile, "This kid's life is hanging by a thread. Everyone thought he was dead, but he came back to life. It must be an old cat reincarnated, with eight lives left."

Everyone present burst out laughing, Chu Huan also smiled for it, and ordered: "Send someone to take good care of you, if you can't move for the time being, stay here for a while to recuperate, and send it back to Shuoquan when the injury recovers."

Xuanyuan Sheng just bowed his hands and said yes.

"Remember all of you for the time being, and you will be rewarded when you return to Shuoquan." Chu Huan said slowly: "Brother who was injured, stay in the pass to heal your injuries for the time being, if... until you die in battle. brethren, let them be buried alive, and give good care to their families."

Everyone looked solemn.

At this moment, they heard the sound of snoring, and everyone was startled. Following the sound, they saw a person wearing armor sitting on a chair. He seemed to be sitting quite well, but with his eyes closed, he was making a sound of snoring. Gu Liangchen leaned closer, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of the man's eyes, but there was no response. Gu Liangchen looked at Chu Huan and said, "Chu Du, Qin Lei is asleep."

The one who sat quietly and fell asleep was none other than the little overlord Qin Lei.

Qin Lei's bravery was known to the Northwest Army, and many people also knew about Qin Lei's incomprehension.

Qin Lei fought several times, always at the front. Chu Huan did not avoid relatives, but Qin Lei was given the position of a partial general. It's just that Qin Lei didn't have much interest in such an official position. Follow Pei Ji and train with the army.

Marching in the army was Qin Lei's happiest thing, but the symposium was quite difficult for Qin Lei.

All the generals gathered here, Qin Lei was bored and lazy, and fell asleep in a moment.

The generals knew that for such an important meeting, it would be an unforgivable crime for someone else to do it like this, but Qin Lei was just one of the outliers.

Chu Huan and Pei Ji looked at each other and smiled, Pei Ji shook his head, then Chu Huan asked Xu Shao, "What time is it?"

"It's not yet the child's hour." Xu Shao replied.

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and asked, "Cheng Yishi's team should arrive in Tongzhou City in less than two days?"

Xu Shao said: "The last general sent people to follow for a certain distance. According to their speed, it would take three days at the fastest, but they always have to rest on the way. In addition, they are mainly infantry, so it is impossible to maintain the speed at the beginning. And it is far away from Xiguguan, so they will relax and slow down... If there is no accident, it should be about two days away from Tongzhou."

Hou Jingang asked for orders: "Chu Governor, give the last general five hundred horses, and the last general will take the head of Cheng Yishi. I would like to issue a military order!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "General Hou, don't worry."

"Chu Du, let's not chase after Cheng Yishi, it will be too late when Cheng Yishi escapes to Tongzhou City." Hou Jingang was still a little anxious: "If you don't take this opportunity to catch them all and kill his arrogance, I'm afraid it will be trouble in the future. "

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Cheng Yishi's soldiers and horses are not what I am most worried about. The governor said just now that although it is very important to win Xiguguan, it does not make us completely close to the trade routes in the pass. Get through. There is a shortage of food in the Northwest, and there is a huge demand for many goods in the customs. We can use the new salt to sell to the customs in exchange for what we need, but if we can't guarantee the smooth flow of the line, it will always be a huge problem for us. threat."

Pei Ji said on the sidelines: "Chu Governor's words are very true. Everyone, the Qin State blocked Xigu Pass, regardless of the life and death of the people in the northwest, and deliberately forced us to a dead end. Although Xigu Pass was taken, as long as there is a chance , They will definitely try their best to block our way." Get up, go to the edge of the map, pointing to one of them, "This is Tongzhou City, the only way to go east, if they stay here Blocking the passing business travelers will definitely become our big problem."

The generals already knew very well that after entering the pass, they would be within the territory of Tongzhou, and Tongzhou City was guarded at the most important position, which could be said to be another barrier behind Xigu Pass.

"As the general said, they are guarding Tongzhou City, and we want to trade with the pass, and the convoy must pass through Tongzhou. Naturally, it is impossible for us to send troops to escort the convoy, and they are squatting in Tongzhou City. With a knife on our throat, they can send someone to stop the convoy passing by at any time." Chu Huan looked serious: "So our situation is still not optimistic."

All the generals nodded slightly, and Pei Ji said: "Everyone pay attention, the north of Tongzhou City is where the Yunshan Mansion of Xishan Taoist City is located, the north is the territory of Liangzhou on Xishan Road, and the south of Liangzhou is Jinling Road. It is open, with many roads, and can go straight to the hinterland of Guanzhong, so as long as Tongzhou is captured, we can trade with the hinterland of Guanzhong."

Xuanyuan Shengcai saw the trick, stood up and said: "General, taking Tongzhou, not only controlled the main traffic routes, but also cut Yunshan Mansion and Liangzhou from it."

"General Xuanyuan really made it clear." Pei Ji smiled and said, "Yunshan Mansion is north of Tongzhou, Liangzhou is within Tongzhou, and Tongzhou is in between. The road is cut off at the waist."

Hou Jingang clenched his fists and said, "Since this is the case, we should take Tongzhou quickly and cut them off, so that the West Mountain Road will not be able to look at each other from beginning to end."

Xu Shao shook his head and said: "Chu Du, general, it is important to win Tongzhou, and if we send out surprise troops and launch an offensive on Tongzhou before they fully react, we should be able to take it down. It's just... ...There will be a worry at the end."

"Oh?" Pei Ji raised his hand and said, "Let me tell you."

Xu Shao walked over, pointed to the location of Tongzhou City, and said worryingly: "Look, everyone, just as the general said, Tongzhou is located in the middle and south of Xishan Road, taking Tongzhou can indeed cut off Yunshan Mansion and Liangzhou. , but...You should also think that although we cut them off, we are also under their two breadcrumbs. Yunshan Prefecture and Liangzhou are one south and one north, like pliers, clamping Tongzhou middle."

When all the generals heard the words, they were deeply convinced. Gu Liangchen, who had not said a word, got up and said, "Chu Du, general, what General Xu said is very reasonable. If we win Tongzhou, what should we do next?"

Hou Jingang immediately said: "Of course it is to stick to Tongzhou."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about." Gu Liangchen bowed his hands to Chu Huan with a dignified expression, "Chu Du, Tongzhou is three or four days away from Xiguguan, and it's about ten days away from Shuoquan. This has to be done day and night, without any delay on the way. It may be easy for us to capture Tongzhou, but it is very difficult to hold Tongzhou. After taking Tongzhou, neither Yunshan nor Hexi Let it go, we stick to Tongzhou and want to control the throat, how many troops should we garrison? The number is too small, once we are besieged, our reinforcements may not arrive, Tongzhou may fall, so the troops guarding Tongzhou must not Too few. But there are too many troops. It takes more than ten days to continuously supply military rations from the northwest to Tongzhou. If we can’t get food locally, the consumption of food and grass will inevitably be huge, and Tongzhou will also become a heavy burden for us. But to Getting food locally in Tongzhou is undoubtedly a dream, Tongzhou is not a grain-producing area, there are a lot of minerals, and there is a shortage of food... The last general dares to say that if he just sticks to the throat of Tongzhou, I am afraid it will not last long."

After Gu Liangchen said these words, everyone immediately felt that they were very reasonable, and even Hou Jingang felt that what Gu Liangchen said really hit the point.

The soldiers of the Northwest Army are not afraid of going to battle, but they are afraid that the supply of food and grass will not be enough. The shortage of food and grass in the Northwest is something that everyone knows from top to bottom. It is extremely difficult to build a city and be under the threat of the enemy.

Chu Huan already laughed and said, "What General Gu said is indeed the key point. If we just attack Tongzhou, it is easy to take it, but it is difficult to defend it."

Hou Jingang frowned and said: "Even if the throat is important, it is related to the trade with the customs. If you don't take it, you will still be blocked by them. It is imperative to take Tongzhou. It's just... just really want to take it , if you stick to it, it will be even more troublesome, where do we get so much food supply...!"

Pei Ji walked to the table and said solemnly: "Of course you all know that if the Northwest Army's power wants to spread to the pass, food and grass are indispensable... If you only rely on the food in the Northwest, even after the autumn harvest, it may not be enough. We can free up enough food." After a pause, his eyes sparkled, and he said slowly: "So if we don't want to sit and wait for death, we must solve the problem of food and grass. The gains and losses of a city and a place are not important. The important thing is that we have a well-thought-out overall plan."

Chu Huan also got up and said: "As the general said, we not only want to take Tongzhou, but also firmly control Tongzhou, so the governor and the general have made a careful plan. If we can If it goes smoothly, not only will it be able to gain a firm foothold in the central and southern regions of the Western Mountains and control the trade routes, but also...!" With a mysterious smile, he said, "It can also enrich our granary!"

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