The breeze blew by, and the bloody feeling was strong, Qin Bing was already chilling at this moment, the wolf armor stabbed Cheng Yishi to death in just one click, his martial arts skills were really appalling.

As soon as the general died, the Qin army immediately lost control. Hearing the sound of horseshoes in every corner, the Qin army only felt that there were enemies everywhere. At this time, it was impossible to kill the enemy. First of all, there were hundreds of infantry trailing behind Cheng Yishi. , lost his head and walked away, just wanting to escape for his life.

The wolf armor will naturally be Chu Huan.

Chu Huan shot and stabbed Cheng Yishi to death, but he didn't feel complacent at all. He led the army to make a surprise attack, knowing in his heart that with the power of the northwest cavalry, it would be an easy task to defeat the exhausted Qin army.

However, in the battle of Xiguguan, Chu Huan understood that Da Xizhang's troops were not without fighting power, in fact, their fighting will was not weak. Although Xiguguan was finally captured, the loss of the Northwest Army was not small .

For Chu Huan, it is natural to defeat this Qin army at the least cost, and capturing the thief and the king is naturally the best way.

As long as Cheng Yishi can be killed, this army will naturally collapse without a fight.

He also expected that in this almost desperate situation, as long as Cheng Yishi sees the "Chu" flag, he must have a plan to fight bravely. It may be difficult to find Cheng Yishi among the chaotic army, but if Cheng Yishi takes the initiative to attack , the target can be locked immediately, and the facts are exactly as Chu Huan expected. Cheng Yishi only thought that the black armored general was Chu Huan, and he led the army to attack, which happened to give Chu Huan a chance. Chu Huan led hundreds of horses from the flank, After recognizing Cheng Yishi, he stopped hesitating, captured the thief and the king, and killed him in one fell swoop.

Drums, flags, horseshoes, and screams intertwined. Part of the Qin army fled westward in panic, and the morale of the army suddenly collapsed. All the soldiers of the Qin army rushed to the west. roll.

"Surrender without killing, those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

Among the northwest cavalry, many voices shouted. Although most of the chaotic Qin army fled to the west, many people still dropped their weapons, knelt on the ground, and surrendered with their hands raised.

Everyone knows that the Northwest Army not only has sturdy cavalry, but also has far more troops than itself, and the main general is dead. If they continue to resist under such circumstances, it will only cause the Northwest Army to carry out a massacre.

More and more Qin soldiers had already knelt down and begged for surrender. Only a small number of them rode fast horses and fled westward.

This fight came suddenly and went very quickly. Not long after, the surrounding area became silent. There were two or three hundred Qin soldiers who were killed, and only a dozen or so horsemen fled away. Qin Jun, almost all surrendered.

Chu Huan did not send cavalry to chase the fleeing Qin army, but just watched from a distance and let them flee.

At this time, the black armor general had already urged his horse to come, and when he came to Chu Huan, he said with a smile: "Chu Du, these Qin soldiers are really vulnerable. It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt them. This army and horse are wiped out. Going to Tongzhou City, the defense of Tongzhou City will not be strengthened."

This black armor general is exactly Xu Shao.

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said: "The defensive force of Tongzhou City is only about a thousand people. Let's kill them now, and take advantage of the unpreparedness, and easily break the city...!" Shaking his head and sighing: "It's a pity that the big The fat is on the lips, but we can't swallow it...!" He ordered: "Send the order and clean it up. This group of surrendered soldiers will follow the army on the road. If they want to survive, let them assist in the siege. , otherwise they will be killed without mercy."



The Northwest Army quickly dealt with the Qin army who had escaped from Xiguguan. The news was known to Xu Qing, the magistrate of Tongzhou, in the early morning of the next day. More than a dozen cavalrymen who escaped from the battlefield flew all the way to Tongzhou City without stopping.

Xu Qing was over fifty years old and capable of doing things. He was recommended by Qiao Mingtang, and the imperial court decreed that he be the magistrate of Tongzhou to manage this barren but strategically important place.

Tongzhou is the weakest economy among the prefectures of Xishan Road, but the city of Tongzhou is quite strong. Because of the frequent droughts in Tongzhou and the heavy taxation of the imperial court, many people are exiled to other places.

It’s just that everyone knows that Tongzhou is not only an important strategic location, but also rich in minerals, and there are many iron ore. The iron ore mined from Tongzhou every year is actually a huge income. It’s just that the imperial court set up a yamen in Tongzhou to manage ore. The mining and operation of ores are all under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court, and minerals cannot become local fiscal revenue.

As the saying goes, it is good to rely on mountains to eat mountains, and to rely on water to eat water. Although Tongzhou has ore, it cannot rely on ore as fiscal revenue. The Ministry of Mines will also collude with local officials to make profits from it. However, compared with the huge income from ores flowing into the court every year, Tongzhou's finances will not increase at all.

After the emperor toured the north and the crown prince supervised the country, Qiao Mingtang immediately wrote a letter to the court, begging the court to relax the supervision of ore. The West Mountain Road is struggling financially, and it must rely on ore to increase its financial revenue. Only in this way can the stability of the West Mountain Road be maintained. Qiao Mingtang As a member of the princeling party itself, for the prince, the increase in the strength of Xishan Road means that if his own strength is increasing, this proposal will naturally be approved, but the court also made it very clear that the mining rights in Tongzhou, The court has the right to take it back at any time.

Qiao Mingtang took this opportunity to recommend Xu Qing. Xu Qing was originally the director of the Ministry of Industry in Xishan Road, and he was quite familiar with ore affairs. After taking office, he immediately followed Qiao Mingtang's instructions and set aside the mining department in Tongzhou. The mining rights in Tongzhou will be taken back to the local government, and mining efforts will be immediately increased.

After Tongzhou's mining rights were recovered, ore was exported, which greatly increased Xishan's financial revenue. Moreover, the iron ore in Tongzhou was of excellent quality. Qiao Mingtang used high-quality iron ore to build weapons and equipment, which further strengthened the combat effectiveness of Xishan Road.

The main force of the Xishan Army is deployed on the front line of Liangzhou. It is true that they are looking for opportunities to extinguish the Jinling rebellion, but the most important reason is also to protect Tongzhou.

The three thieves of Jinling Dao stood on their own and became kings. Ren Wang Xu Chang occupied the north-central area of ​​Jinling Dao, including Jinling Cang. Faced with a huge threat, Qiao Mingtang was naturally worried that once Xu Chang sent his troops northward, broke through Liangzhou, and entered the ground of Tongzhou, the ore that Xishan Road depended on would be fatally threatened.

For Xishan Road, the recovered Tongzhou mining rights are undoubtedly a money bag. Xu Chang has sufficient food and grass in his hands. If he takes Tongzhou and wins the Tongzhou mining rights, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the main force of tens of thousands of Xishan troops gathered in Liangzhou to resist Xu Chang's threat to Xishan Road.

Tongzhou is surrounded by Yunshan Mansion in the north, Liangzhou in the south, and the rock-solid Xigu Pass in the west. Naturally, there is no need for too many troops to garrison here.

For Qiao Mingtang, the supply of food and grass to Da Xizhang's troops at Xigu Pass was an imperial order, but in fact, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages for Xishan Dao itself. Da Xizhang guarded the pass, so he waited for Ruo to help Xishan Road block the Northwest Army and ensure that the west side of Xishan Road was worry-free.

Once there is a problem with the pass, Xishan Road will be the first to be directly threatened by the Northwest Army, and it is Tongzhou, which is currently very important to Xishan Road. Qiao Mingtang naturally knows the power of this, and spent some money and food to erect a natural moat barrier on the west side, violently- The security of Zhengtong Prefecture, no matter how it is calculated, is of course a very cost-effective matter.

Since Xu Qing was recommended by Qiao Mingtang, he naturally understood Qiao Mingtang's thoughts very clearly. The first task of sitting in Tongzhou is naturally to do his best to mine ore vigorously, and turn Tongzhou ore into money, food and weapons that Xishan Road urgently needs. equipment.

Naturally, few people know that the ore mined in Tongzhou is not only transported to other places, but even Jinling Road also has secret sales.

Xu Chang occupied Jinling Road, and Jinling Road has always been one of the most affluent places in the empire. After Xu Chang occupied the central and northern part of Jinling Road, he forced the local gentry to donate money and food. For Xu Chang, there is no shortage of money and food, but Jinling Road The lack of minerals, on the contrary, is the problem of weapons and equipment. It is only natural that the two sides get what they need in private.

Although the world is in turmoil, Xu Qing has been enjoying himself recently, sitting on the treasures of Tongzhou, not only the money and food flowed in quickly, and the tasks assigned by Qiao Mingtang were overfulfilled, but also there are quite a lot of underground transactions with Tongzhou in various places. Naturally, there are many businessmen from all over the world who come to seek ore transactions, and even some unknown people come to seek transactions with large sums of money.

For Xu Qing, the more people who seek trade, the better it is, and the money will flow in. In fact, he knows very well that some of the people with unknown origins are behind some forces who are preparing to plot rebellion. They are created by Tongzhou Iron Mine Excellent weapons, if you want to win a place in this troubled world, money and food are indispensable, weapons and equipment are also indispensable.

He can be regarded as a very busy person every day, and the people's livelihood can be left aside for the time being, but the ore trade cannot be delayed at all. From mining to trade, and even to financial accounting, he is personally involved, sitting on the treasure , there must be some benefits in it. In the past, the position of Tongzhou Zhizhou was avoided by everyone, and no one was willing to sit on this volcano. But now it is Feng Shui in turn, and Tongzhou Zhizhou has become a piece of sweet pastry. Sitting on this seat, Xu Qing could be said to be full of joy.

Until the fleeing Qin soldiers reported that Xigu Pass had been breached and that the Northwest Army was heading towards Tongzhou, Xu Qing felt that this was absurd, and he was very skeptical.

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