National color raw owl

Chapter 1777 Reinforcement

Liangzhou is located in the south of Tongzhou, between Tongzhou and Qiongzhou on Jinling Road. Less than [-] miles south of Liangzhou City is Shiqiligou. It is the place where the Xishan Army is heavily defended.

In fact, there is no steep barrier between Liangzhou and Qiongzhou, and it is very convenient to travel. The Shiqiligou is only a dozen miles to the south, which is in Qiongzhou. There is an arc-shaped river in Qiongzhou, called the Qionghe River. It extends west to east, then turns south, and extends to Qiongzhou City. Its tributaries spread across several places and spread to the southwest. The most important thing is to connect with Rao River. It was built at a distance of less than fifty miles from Shiqiligou. Among the four major granaries in the empire, Jinling warehouse was second to none.

It is located in hills, the situation is dangerous, the soil is hard, and there are waterways, which can lead to the capital. At the beginning, I chose to set up warehouses here because it is located at the axis of the main waterway, and along the waterway, less than ten miles away. In a few days, the grain can be quickly sent to the capital to meet the needs of the capital. The Jinling warehouse is surrounded by water on both sides, and Tushan Mountain is on the west side, which can be said to be extremely steep.

The grain in the southwestern part of the empire will be stored here. There are more than [-] miles around Cangcheng, and there are a total of [-] cellars. Each cellar can store [-] tons of grain, and the total capacity can reach tens of millions of tons. It is truly the largest in the empire. The capacity of the granary is so huge that even the two warehouses of Jiping in the northeast and Chenyang in the north cannot be compared.

Although Jinling Cang has never been full of grain since it was established as a country, but at its peak, the grain stored here was as high as tens of millions of tons, and even now, the stock is as high as millions of stones.

The four major granaries of the empire, and the other three granaries are almost empty. As the most important reserve of the empire, the grain in the Jinling warehouse will not be easily mobilized unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Jinling warehouse has always been guarded by elite soldiers and strong generals. The prince supervises the country and the emperor's capital is at stake. He orders grain to be transferred from the Jinling warehouse. Yuan Buyi, the governor of Jinling, suddenly launched a rebellion. He raised his flag to rebel and proclaimed himself king. After that, Yuan Buji was killed, Xu Chang occupied the Jinling warehouse, and the three anti-kings of Jinling, Xu Chang occupied the most affluent central and northern region of Jinling, and also owned the Jinling warehouse, which can be said to be one of the most powerful forces in the southwest .

Holding treasures in their hands, there are not a few people who are spying on them, and Xu Chang naturally knows the truth of the crime of embracing biscuits, so he deployed heavy troops in Jinling Cang, and based on this, he recruited troops and the team expanded rapidly. There are 5 to [-] soldiers, although most of them are temporarily recruited soldiers, but with [-] to [-] troops, it is difficult for ordinary forces to match.

The rapid expansion of Xu Chang's strength not only made Jinling's other two anti-kings Rumang at his back, but also Xishan Qiao Mingtang was also afraid, so he deployed heavy troops in Liangzhou to prevent Xu Chang from taking advantage of the situation to go north.

Wei Tianqing was Qiao Mingtang's number one fighter, and Qiao Mingtang himself was in charge of Yunshan, and the candidate for Liangzhou was naturally Wei Tianqing.

Wei Tianqing knew that Xu Chang owned the Jinling Warehouse, which was uniquely endowed by nature, and his power would expand rapidly. He wanted to take down the Jinling Warehouse and cut off Xu Chang's foundation, but Xishan's financial resources were limited. The Xishan Army has also expanded its military strength, but its strength is hard to match that of the rich and powerful Xu Chang.

Since he couldn't attack, Wei Tianqing could only focus on defense. He not only strengthened Liangzhou's city defense, but also built fortifications in the Shiqiligou area to deal with the threat from the south.

Fortunately, Xu Chang's strategy center is placed in Jinling. Jinling has a large area and a large population, and it is very rich. One three points. The other two anti-kings know that Xu Chang is powerful, so they form an alliance and form a corner against Xu Chang. If Xu Chang can't get rid of these two anti-kings, he will feel like a light on his back and dare not go north easily.

Under such a situation, Xu Chang and Xishan are for their own interests. Under the stalemate, they are conducting trade in private. Xu Chang has money and food in his hands, while Xishan has minerals for smelting weapons and equipment. The two sides are trading in private. Although Wei Tianqing knew that this would make Xu Chang stronger and raise tigers, but Qiao Mingtang was very interested in this trade. can give up.

The trade between the two sides, the team actually shuttles from the Shiqiligou area, which is a key defense area. Although the two parties seem to have a harmonious relationship because of the trade, Wei Tianqing strictly checks the team and issued a military order. The number of people traveling to and from the caravan should not exceed 200, in case Xu Chang had other plans.

Although Xu Chang was a local force that suddenly rose up, but he was able to rise up in the power struggle in Jinling, even Wei Tianqing knew that he must have something extraordinary, and dared not underestimate him.

He trained hard in Liangzhou. Although he took defense as his current strategy, he didn't give up on taking the Jinling warehouse. Instead, he was looking forward to the three kings of Jinling fighting each other, looking for opportunities to seize the Jinling warehouse.

He stared at the Jinling Warehouse. He really didn't expect the backyard to catch fire. When the courier from Tongzhou Pegasus saw Wei Tianqing, Wei Tianqing was still supervising the construction of fortifications in Shiqiligou, and he had read the report submitted by the courier. The letter changed drastically, and he frowned and said, "Master Xu wrote it himself? Is the Northwest Army really approaching the city?"

"Wei Tongzhi is absolutely true." The messenger said anxiously: "The Northwest Army captured Xigu Pass, and defeated the thousands of soldiers who retreated from Xigu Pass, and the soldiers pointed directly at Tongzhou...!"

Holding the letter, Wei Tianqing stood on the slope with a dignified expression.

Wei Tianqing naturally knew that Chu Huan was expanding his strength in the northwest. When Xiguguan was blocked, Wei Tianqing knew that the northwest would be in great trouble. He also looked for Qiao Mingtang and hoped that Qiao Mingtang would He can advise the prince to open the pass. After all, once the pass is blocked, although it will seriously hit Chu Huan's strength expansion, it will also make the northwest fall into a more serious famine. He even predicted that once the pass is closed for a long time, the northwest will surely be A large number of hungry people appeared.

Regarding Chu Huan, Wei Tianqing's mood was very complicated. When he learned that Chu Huan implemented the Equalization Order in the Northwest and defeated Zhu Lingyue and Xiao Huanzhang, Wei Tianqing even felt a little excited in his heart. He even thought that Chu Huan would continue to be loyal to the Qin Guo, together with Qiao Mingtang, will be loyal to the crown prince. In this way, Qin Guo will recover the rivers and mountains, and it will be just around the corner.

But he also knew that when Chu Huan entered Beijing, Qiao Mingtang once hoped that Chu Huan would also become a member of the princeling party, but things backfired. Not only did Chu Huan not go with the princeling party, but he became the core figure of the Qi royal party. , and after the Qi royal party replaced the Han king, it became the biggest enemy of the princeling party. The two parties fought, and Chu Huan was once on the cusp.

Wei Tianqing regards Chu Huan as a brother, but sometimes he feels that the development of the situation makes the two go further and further apart.

After the crown prince supervised the country, Qi Wang's party was exterminated. Wei Tianqing knew at that time that it was impossible for Chu Huan to seek refuge with the crown prince under such circumstances. As he wished, he became the prince's helper, and one day he even became the biggest enemy that threatened the prince.

Although he didn't get along with Chu Huan for a long time, he understood Chu Huan's temperament quite well. When the crown prince ordered the blockade of Xiguguan, Wei Tianqing knew that there was no way out. Chu Huan is loyal to the country, so a pass will completely break Chu Huan's heart. In fact, he has already felt that if Xigu Pass is captured by the Northwesters one day, Qin will usher in a new era. A furious northwestern gray wolf.

It's just that he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Master Control...!" The messenger called out twice, finally calling Wei Tianqing out of his thoughts, Wei Tianqing frowned and said, "How many soldiers and horses does the Northwest Army have?"

The messenger was taken aback, and said: "It should be... there should be no less than ten thousand people...!"

"Ten thousand people?" Wei Tianqing frowned and said, "Should? How many people have they already attacked Tongzhou City?" Seeing the messenger's eyes flickering, he said sharply, "Tell me the truth."

The messenger panted and said, "Master Zhizhi, little one...the little one ran fast without any delay. It was early yesterday morning that I was ordered by Master Zhizhou to come to ask for help. When the little one left, the Northwest Army came To reach the city, thousands of soldiers and horses were easily defeated by them, it is small...the small ones estimate that they have tens of thousands of people...!"

Wei Tianqing said coldly: "You are so brave, you don't know the truth, how dare you talk nonsense here?"

A Lang Jiang next to him approached and said in a low voice: "My lord, the location of Tongzhou is extremely important. If Tongzhou is really captured by the Northwest Army, the road between us and Yunshan will be cut off, and it will be difficult to transport money and food. The consequences will be disastrous. "

Wei Tianqing nodded slightly, and asked, "What's the current situation in Tongzhou City?"

"When approaching, Master Xu asked the younger one to tell Master Zhi that there is enough food and grass in the city, and they will stick to it to the end, but the Northwest Army is strong and strong, and they don't know how long they can last." The messenger said anxiously: "It's just that Master Xu said that they will Persevere until the end, and wait for the reinforcements from Commander-sama to arrive...!"

Lang knit his eyebrows into a line, and said worriedly: "My lord, Tongzhou's defense forces are weak. Since Chu Huan intends to capture Tongzhou City, there should be a lot of troops. It took too long." Glancing at the messenger, he asked, "You said that when you set off yesterday, the Northwest Army was about to arrive at the city?"

The messenger hurriedly said: "Exactly."

"In this way, if there are no accidents, the Northwest Army should have already attacked the city by now." Lang will clenched his fists, "If they take Tongzhou City, it will not be easy for us to take it back. My lord, saving soldiers is like putting out a fire. We must rush to help immediately before the fall of Tongzhou, without delay."

Wei Tianqing also knew that the situation was serious, so he hesitated for a moment before saying: "This time we send troops to rescue, we must have more troops, otherwise not only will we not be able to solve the siege of Tongzhou, but we may even be eaten by the Northwest Army...!"

"My lord, we have 8000 horse infantry troops in our hands. Your lord governor will definitely dispatch troops to rescue them. Two reinforcements will surely repel the Northwest Army." Lead 8000 people to rush to help, and my lord sits in Liangzhou."

"8000 people are not enough." Wei Tianqing shook his head and said, "Since we have dispatched troops, we must repel the Northwest Army with all our strength. It takes tens of thousands of troops to fight against the Northwest Army...!" After thinking for a while, he said, "If too many troops are drawn from here, will Xu Chang take advantage of the situation to attack Liangzhou?"

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ps: Thank you good friends for your support of the monthly tickets. The monthly tickets of Guose were voted one by one. It is based on real evidence and there is no moisture. This is what the desert wants to see, and it can also see the strength of the support of brothers and sisters.In fact, being able to break into the top [-], when it comes to real standards, actually has a place. I hope everyone will support me and strive to break into the top [-]. We don’t compare with others, but rely on the support of our friends. Let Guose have a real place.Don't be disappointed with the monthly pass, it's our own fruit.

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