National color raw owl

Chapter 1780 Torrent

It was already late at night when the Xishan Army arrived at the Liuzi River. The gurgling river flowed from west to east, meandering like a snake. The river is not regular, but a natural river, the river is not deep.

Wei Tianqing rushed to the river and looked at the gurgling river. In fact, he had walked this river many times. There were actually many simple pontoon bridges on the river surface. People usually walked on the pontoon bridges. Pass.

But this time tens of thousands of soldiers and horses are crossing the river, if they line up along the pontoon bridge, I am afraid that they may not be able to pass all of them by tomorrow night. Fortunately, the river is not deep, even cavalry can cross the river on horseback, and infantry can also swim across .

The water is gurgling and flowing continuously, so the water quality in the river is also very clear.

"Send down the order to cross the river first. After crossing the river, rest at the same place for an hour." Wei Tianqing ordered: "Replenish drinking water on the spot.....All ministries cross the river by themselves, and assemble after crossing the river."

All the generals under his command immediately passed down the order.

Although the river was not deep, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses crossed the river, but it didn't take a short while for them to complete it. After hearing the order, the soldiers spread out on the bank and rolled up their trouser legs.

"Cavalry cross the river first." Seeing that the soldiers were already preparing to cross the river, Wei Tianqing ordered: "After the cavalry crosses the river, be alert immediately, and the infantry will cross the river first."

Wei Tianqing had also read a few military books on weekdays, so he knew that during the march, he still had to be cautious at times, and gave orders out of habit.

The Xishan Army had no more than a thousand cavalry, and upon hearing the military order, they crossed the river first. Cavalry and horses have always shared joys and sorrows, and when crossing the river, the cavalry led the horses across the river.

Wei Tianqing got off his horse. He was dressed in armor and looked very mighty. He looked up at the sky, where the stars were dotted, and looked back at the dark soldiers and horses preparing to cross the river, but his expression was quite dignified.

Most of the soldiers and horses in this army are soldiers recruited from Xishan, and most of them are in the prime of life. Originally, many soldiers should work hard in the fields for their families, but in troubled times, these Xishan athletes can only join the army.

Wei Tianqing knew that the battle to rescue Tongzhou was unavoidable. Although he and Chu Huan were sworn brothers, they were their masters and could only meet each other on the battlefield.

He didn't know how many soldiers around him would die on the battlefield after this battle.

He didn't cross the river immediately, but commanded from the bank to avoid too much confusion in the team, but tens of thousands of people had to cross the river, so naturally it was impossible to maintain formation, and chaos was inevitable.

Most of the cavalry of the Xishan Army had already crossed the Liuzi River.

The flowing water of the Liuzi River seemed to be condensed by the army crossing the river, and the originally clear water had already become turbid.

But Wei Tianqing naturally wouldn't be worried. After crossing the Liuzi River, the water would soon become clear again.

After the cavalry crossed the river, according to Wei Tianqing's order, dozens of scouts were dispatched to disperse the investigation.

The infantry waited until the cavalry had crossed the river, and gave an order, and they all walked into the river. The sound of weapons and armor rubbing against each other was heard for a while. Although the weather was a little hot during the day, at night, the temperature dropped and the river water was a little cold.

More than 1 people wanted to cross the Liuzi River, and it would be difficult to cross the river without a certain amount of time. Wei Tianqing raised his hand to personally command, trying to keep the team orderly. With only a water bag, he said: "My lord, it's like drinking saliva. It will be difficult for the brothers to pass all of them in a while. You should take a rest first."

Wei Tianqing took the water bag, raised his head and took a sip. Although he was a general in command, he had a bold and open-minded personality. He wiped the water stains from his mouth with his palm, and sat down on a stone by the river.

"Master Zhi, we have arrived in Tongzhou City, how should we meet the enemy?" General Wei sat down beside him and asked for instructions softly.

Wei Tianqing said: "Your Excellency must have sent reinforcements. As long as Tongzhou City can be defended, the Northwest Army will be attacked from three sides, and our army can attack from three sides... As long as Tongzhou City is not breached, we are not the ones who are anxious. It is the Northwest Army. After our army arrives, there is no need to rush to launch an attack. As long as we stabilize our formation and stand south of the Northwest Army, the Northwest Army will not dare to act rashly."

General Wei nodded and said: "My lord's words are very true. Even though the Northwest Army has a large number of troops this time, the total number of soldiers in the Northwest is only tens of thousands. The three territories in the Northwest have a vast territory. Chu Huan must not dare to use all the troops in the Northwest. If they are all mobilized, their troops may not necessarily be superior to ours."

Wei Tianqing said indifferently: "There is not enough money and food in the Northwest. Chu Huan is not a fool. He knows that he cannot raise too many soldiers. If there are too many soldiers and horses, and the supply of money and food is not enough, there will inevitably be a mutiny. He will not dig his own grave. You say There is nothing wrong with that. Although Chu Huan controls the Northwest, Zhu Lingyue and Xiao Huanzhang first leveled off soon. The Northwest is not peaceful, nor is it monolithic. If you can send [-] troops, you have already reached the extreme, and you can't come up with too many troops at all."

"Twenty thousand troops is not a small number." General Wei said softly, "And the Northwest Army is fierce and good at fighting...!"

Wei Tianqing said solemnly: "I naturally understand this point. We don't need to have a decisive battle with the Northwest Army this time. Rushing to a decisive battle is good for the Northwest Army, but not for us... Your Excellency Governor will definitely know this One point, as long as we are in a stalemate with the Northwest Army, the more soldiers and horses the Northwest Army sends out, the less we can sustain it...!"

General Wei nodded slightly, and said: "Your Excellency, you mean that if we reinforce Tongzhou, as long as we put pressure on the Northwest Army, they will retreat without fighting?"

"It is also to boost the morale of Tongzhou City." Wei Tianqing sighed: "It is an isolated city. If there is no reinforcements, Tongzhou City will be destroyed. As long as we can arrive in time, the morale of the soldiers and people in the city will definitely be boosted, and we will stick to it to the end. Our The strength of the army, even if it does not surpass the Northwest Army, should be equal to their strength, no one can swallow the other side...!"

General Wei hesitated for a moment, his lips moved slightly, he hesitated to speak.

Wei Tianqing could see it clearly, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"My lord... Your lord, Chu Huan also worked as an official in our Yunshan back then, and your lord has treated him with kindness and kindness...!" General Wei sighed softly, "Unexpectedly, today I would... ...!"

Wei Tianqing raised his hand to stop, and said indifferently: "We don't talk about kindness, we only talk about military strategy. The matter has come to this point, it is useless to talk...!"

General Wei nodded, at this moment, he saw Wei Tianqing's eyebrows tightened, General Wei asked, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"Listen?" Wei Tianqing closed his eyes and listened. General Wei was stunned for a while, but he didn't understand what was going on, but he saw Wei Tianqing suddenly stood up and looked towards the west.

"grown ups.....!"

"No...!" In the night, Wei Tianqing clenched his fists, "The voice is wrong, such a weird voice...!"

At this time, the whole army was crossing the river quickly, and nearly half of the soldiers and horses had already passed.

At this moment, I heard an exclamation from Xitou: "It's not good, it's not good...!"

Wei Tianqing's expression changed suddenly, he ran to the side of the war horse, flew onto the horse, shook the horse's reins, and rushed to the west, but there were soldiers and horses waiting to cross the river everywhere on the bank, although the war horse was handsome, it was difficult to move forward OK.

"Water...water...flooded...!" The sound of panic came from the west, and it quickly spread. Many soldiers crossing the river were unaware of the situation. Hearing the cry, they all looked to the west.

On the Liuzi River, there are densely packed Xishan soldiers everywhere. At this time, they have sensitive ears to hear a very strange sound coming from the west, rumbling like ten thousand horses galloping.

"Go ashore, go ashore...!" Wei Tianqing's expression changed drastically, he pulled out his saber, and shouted sharply: "Hurry up and go ashore, someone broke the embankment...!"

On the tens of feet wide river, the sound of wading could be heard continuously. Although Wei Tianqing's voice was loud, it was only heard by the soldiers nearby. Most of the soldiers didn't even notice the sound coming from the west, and they were still wading across the river.

It's just that the thunderous sound soon became clear, and the soldiers on both sides of the river had already noticed it, and all looked westward.

To the west of the calm Liuzi River, the torrential flood came rushing like ten thousand horses. Amidst the exclamation of the soldiers wading across the river in the west, the torrential flood came over in an instant, and in an instant, a large number of soldiers were swept away. into it.

"The upper reaches broke the embankment...!" Someone on the bank finally exclaimed loudly: "Go ashore...!"

The soldiers in the river were almost stunned. No one expected that the originally peaceful Ninghe River would be rolled up in such a turbulent and monstrous wave in a short while.

The flood is ruthless and comes obliquely. Under the power of nature, all creatures appear extremely small. The torrent opens its mouth and swallows madly in a moment. The soldiers hurriedly turned back, but behind them were their companions who were about to cross the river, and they crowded into a group for a while. When the soldiers who were about to reach the other side heard the sound of the rushing flood, they were frightened and pushed forward desperately. For a while, you pushed and squeezed In a mess, many people were squeezed into the water and trampled to death.

Wei Tianqing naturally knew that the slanting torrent was of course caused by the breach of the upstream embankment, but at this moment he couldn't care less about why the upstream embankment would break, and screamed desperately to make the soldiers go ashore quickly.

The sound of rumbling torrents, roars, screams, screams, and even the neighing of war horses frightened by the arrival of the flood all joined together, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

The flood rushed over quickly, and a large number of soldiers were swept down by the water waves. The soldiers were all holding spears and swords. At this time, they were rolled together, causing countless accidental injuries with spears and swords.


In the night, amidst the chaotic shouts, suddenly there was a deep horn sound, the sound of the horn was like the choking sound of ghosts from hell, Wei Tianqing held the knife, startled, and turned around, But he has already noticed that the sound of the horn seems to be coming from the other side, and it seems to be coming from behind.

In an instant, Wei Tianqing's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Even if the upper reaches burst the embankment, it would never be such a coincidence that they suddenly attacked when the Xishan army was crossing the river. This was obviously planned by someone.

"Caught in an ambush!" Wei Tianqing already understood in his heart.

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