National color raw owl

Chapter 1784 Taking the City

Wei Tianqing woke up and just opened his eyes, but found a glare. The dazzling sunlight shone on his eyes. He hurriedly raised his hand to block them. At this moment, he heard a voice from the side: "My lord is awake!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wei Tianqing reluctantly sat up, but found that he was in a forest, the scorching sun was high in the sky, shining down through the treetops, looked around, but found that he was lying on the edge of a stone, Several subordinates on the side have already approached.

"grown ups......!"

Wei Tianqing clenched his fists, recovered his strength, and his head was quite clear, so he asked, "Where is this?"

"My lord, you drank too much last night." A person beside him said, "We can only rest here for a while."

Wei Tianqing got up immediately, but felt a sense of relief on his body. When he looked down, he only saw himself in single clothes. He thought that his subordinates saw him drunk, so they helped him take off his armor, walked out of the grove quickly, and looked around. He took a look, but he vaguely remembered that he was drinking on the grass not far away last night, but there was no trace of Pei Ji and others.

"Where are the Northwesterners?" Wei Tianqing asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, they left after you got drunk." The general said, "We saw that they didn't hurt your lord, so we didn't chase them...My lord, how do you feel now?"

Wei Tianqing clenched his fists and said, "I was fooled, and you were fooled too. Last night...I wasn't drunk last night...!"

Everyone looked at each other, but they all showed suspicion, and one of them boldly said: "My lord, were indeed drunk last night. At first we thought they hurt you, but later we saw You are fine, it's just...just drunk, that's why I carried you here to rest...My lord, how do you feel now?"

Wei Tianqing smiled wryly and said: "They poisoned the wine...!" Seeing that everyone under his command showed doubts, he knew that they didn't quite believe it, so he sighed: "Forget it, take my armor , let’s hurry back to Liangzhou.”

"Yijia?" Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Seeing this, Wei Tianqing knew that something was wrong, and said in a deep voice, "What happened? Where is the general's armor?"

One of them boldly said: "Your Excellency drank with Pei Ji last night, we...we didn't dare to approach the past, but when we passed, Your Excellency was already drunk, and...and Your Excellency was drunk at the time. There is no armor on her body...!"

"What?" Wei Tianqing suddenly changed color.

One of the generals seemed to understand something, stomped his foot, and lost his voice: "Not good...we have been negligent all the time, and didn't care about this lord, your armor, I'm afraid... ..I'm afraid it has been taken away by the Northwesterners...!"

A person next to him wondered: "Take away your lord's armor? What's the use of that?"

However, Wei Tianqing's complexion was already blue, and he galloped over, pulled off the horse's reins from the tree, got on the horse, and galloped towards Liangzhou, followed by all his men on horseback.



It was midnight and everything was quiet, but Liangzhou City was heavily guarded.

Before Wei Tianqing left, he handed over Liangzhou City to General Xue Ju, and asked Xue Ju to stick to Liangzhou. After Wei Tianqing led the troops out of the city, Xue Ju began to quickly deploy city defenses.

After a few days, stones and bows and arrows were piled up on Liangzhou city, and the city was completely under martial law. After dark, there were few people in the streets and alleys in the city. Only city patrol soldiers patrolled the city. In the city, regardless of their identity, they were immediately arrested and sent to prison.

The entire city was dead silent, but the defenders at the top of the city remained vigilant.

Just after midnight, the defenders at the top of the city suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the north. Someone had already informed Xue Ju quickly. A group of people.

The formation of people and horses is not neat, and they look very embarrassed.

"Quickly open the city gate." Someone shouted under the city: "The Northwest Army is coming...!"

The soldiers at the top of the city were all shocked, Xue Ju frowned and glanced, only to see that most of the cavalry appeared below the city, there were about five or six hundred cavalry, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Where is Master Zhi?"

The soldiers at the top of the city could see clearly at this time that the group of soldiers below the city was the cavalry who followed Wei Tianqing to reinforce Tongzhou. lost a battle.

Many people felt strange and thought to themselves that according to the time calculation, Wei Tianqing's reinforcements should have just arrived in Tongzhou. Even if they were defeated in a battle with the Northwest Army, they would not be able to return so soon.

Of course Xue Ju also understood this, holding a knife in one hand, and scanning the cavalry below the city, "How did you become like this? Why did you return so soon?"

A person in the city shouted: "The northwesterners attacked Tongzhou with a bluff, and the purpose was to lure us to reinforce them. They ambushed heavy troops in the Liuzi River, and...and broke the embankment to prevent flooding. We were caught off guard and were... I was caught off guard. The team has already been dispersed, and the Northwest Army must be coming to Liangzhou City next...!"

Xue Ju's face changed drastically when he heard this, and at this moment, he saw a group of people rushing from behind, under the light of the fire, he saw the first rider in gray armor, with a burly figure, Xue Ju took a look and recognized the horse It was Wei Tianqing. Seeing Wei Tianqing rein in his horse, he raised his hand and made a gesture. Seeing that Wei Tianqing had already retreated, Xue Ju knew what he said was true, so he immediately ordered the city gate to be opened and Wei Tianqing to enter the city.

The gate of the city opened creakingly, Wei Tianqing led the horse and entered the city first, followed by five or six hundred horses behind him like the tide.

At this moment, he heard the sound of horns, Xue Ju was startled, but before he could react, he heard the sound of fighting coming from the city, he was stunned for a moment, understood something instantly, and lost his voice: "Not good... ..!" Gripping the saber tightly, he turned around and rushed down the city, sternly saying, "Hold the gate, they are Northwesterners in disguise...!"

When the soldiers heard the words, they immediately understood, and their colors suddenly changed.

The horns below the city continued to sound, but the soldiers at the top of the city had already seen countless figures suddenly appearing from the north in the dark night, like ghosts and ghosts, rushing towards the city gate densely.

Xue Ju rushed to the bottom of the city, but saw a group of cavalry rushing into the city. Wei Tianqing reinforced Tongzhou, and the main force of Liangzhou was almost taken away. On the other side, the total force is no more than a thousand people, most of them are still guarding the top of the city, and less than a hundred people are guarding the city gate. They were rushed in by the opponent's cavalry and were caught off guard. In the hands of the enemy.

Xue Ju was about to vomit blood, and at a glance he saw "Wei Tianqing" slashing and killing a guard with a knife, knowing that this person must be a fake, he yelled, and rushed over with his knife, slashing at the man past.

When "Wei Tianqing" heard the movement, he had already greeted him with a backhanded sword, and there was a sound of "choking" when the two swords met, and sparks flew everywhere.

Xue Ju saw that the armor on this man was the same as Wei Tianqing's. He was a general next to Wei Tianqing, so he was very familiar with Wei Tianqing's figure and outline. It was the armor on Wei Tianqing's body. It is also very familiar, but at this moment it is clear that this armor is indeed Wei Tianqing's battle armor. Although this person's figure is very similar to Wei Tianqing's, his face is completely different.

When the two knives met, the man grinned and said, "You are Xue Ju? Wei Tianqing is already dead, and you still want to resist?"

When Xue Ju saw that Wei Tianqing's armor was taken by this person, he already knew that something was wrong. Hearing the other party's words, his heart sank, and he said sharply: "Look at the knife...!" Slippery, slashed at the man's wrist.

The man's saber skills were obviously not inferior to Xue Ju's. With a twist of his wrist, the blade had already passed Xue Ju's chest. Hearing another stern roar from the man, Xue Ju raised his saber to block again, the man slashed at Xue Ju's saber, Xue Ju felt his whole arm trembling and numb for a while.

He gritted his teeth and held on. At this moment, a horse galloped past him. The two armies were fighting. Naturally, they would not pay attention to fighting alone. The cavalryman swung his knife and chopped off Xue Ju's shoulder. Xue Ju had no way to avoid it at this time. Unavoidable, blood splattered, an arm flew up, Xue Ju screamed, and the man pretending to be "Wei Tianqing" yelled again, the knife flashed across, and cut Xue Ju's throat, and said sharply: " Hou Jingang is here, anyone who stands in his way will be killed!"



In Tongzhou city, Zhizhou Xu Qing and Qianhu Hu Miao are like birds in a cage, they have not smiled for days.

At this moment, they naturally had fully understood the Northwest Army's intentions. Xu Qing immediately sent someone to ask for help, which was exactly what the Northwest Army wanted to see the most, and if they helped Chu Huan.

It was Chu Huan's goal to encircle the spot to fight for reinforcements. Xu Qing wanted to send people out of the city to inform the reinforcements and remind them of Chu Huan's purpose. Unfortunately, the road to send out the news had been blocked by the Northwest Rangers, so there was no way to send them out. One soldier and one soldier.

It was already the morning of the fourth day when the Northwest Army soldiers approached the city, and the Northwest Army did not really launch an attack on Tongzhou City. Xu Qing knew that what he was thinking was absolutely correct. In the past two days, he had been hoping that the reinforcements would pay more attention to himself, so as not to fall into the trap. The trap of the Northwest Army.

But regardless of Liangzhou or Yunshan, the two reinforcements never showed up. Xu Qing felt uneasy, like a mountain pressing on his head. In just two days, he seemed to be ten years older.

Just when he was in despair, Hu Miao came like the wind, "My lord, good news...good news...!"

Xu Qing was shocked, but Hu Miao said excitedly: "In the north...outside the North City...our reinforcements have appeared outside the North City, it is the Governor, the Governor My lord led the reinforcements to...!"

Xu Qing raised his eyebrows, and hurried to the head of Beicheng. Looking over the past, there was a small hill outside Beicheng, not too far away, but Xu Qing saw that soldiers and horses appeared near the hill, with flags waving, under the sun , The armor is bright, it is the reinforcements from Yunshan Mansion who have arrived.


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