National color raw owl

Chapter 1801 Old Tree Ghost

Mao County is located in Hanzhou in the east of Xishan Road, not too far from Yunshan Road, and Zhongyi Village is a wild place in Mao County.

As the sun went down, under the dim Zhongyi Village, it was even more haunted and devoid of people.

The whole Zhongyi Village looks like a mortuary righteous village. It is lifeless. Rats and ants are rampant among the broken bricks and tiles. Weeds are overgrown inside and outside the walls, and a thick layer of moss has grown on the walls. .

A fine horse walked along a path that was almost completely covered by weeds, and slowly came to the main gate of Zhongyi Village. The gate was also covered by weeds and moss, revealing the inner gate faintly.

The rider on the horse was wearing a long gray cloth gown and a cloth cap. He looked like a man, but with delicate features and delicate skin, he was actually a girl disguised as a man.

This girl was exactly Mo Lingshuang from Jiazhou who left without saying goodbye.

Ling Shuang got off the horse, and the world was vast and dark. A weak woman in a long gown stood in front of the gloomy Zhongyi Village, looking lonely and fragile.

After taking a package from the horse, Ling Shuang stepped forward, reached out and pushed the door, but the door was locked from the inside, Ling Shuang frowned slightly, took a few steps back, and walked around the courtyard wall for half a circle, and saw One place has collapsed, so they turned into the courtyard from the collapsed place.

In the yard, there was a dead silence, a few mice whized by, Ling Shuang bit her red lips lightly with her white teeth, glanced around, then took out a dagger from the package, and walked carefully between the corridors and alleys in the manor.

Zhongyi Manor is not small in size, but there is no life in it. The manor even exudes a sinister atmosphere. It has not been seen for many years, vines are entwined between the houses, and thick spiders are formed on the corners and eaves. From time to time, a mouse would suddenly pass by, and Ling Shuang's pretty face was quite pale.

In such a gloomy place, after dark, even a grown man would panic and feel fear, but Ling Shuang was also quite frightened.

After walking around the village for half a day, the sky was already completely dark, and the moon had already risen. By the light of the moon, Ling Shuang came to a house, and saw that the house was quite spacious, but the door was half open. , It was pitch black inside, holding the dagger tightly, walked in lightly, the cold moonlight projected in from outside the door, but I couldn't see the whole room clearly for a while, but I saw a small table next to it, and there was a table on it. There is an oil lamp, and beside the oil lamp, there are flint and steel.

Ling Shuang approached, but found that the kerosene in the oil lamp had dried up, frowned, and scanned around, but found a jar not far away, walked over, opened the jar, a smell came to her nose, Ling Shuang covered it Holding his nose, he already knew that the jar was indeed filled with oil, so he filled the oil lamp with oil, lit the lamp, and the flames lit up, Ling Shuang held the oil lamp in one hand and the dagger in the other, raised it up, and turned to look After looking at it, his complexion suddenly changed, and he let out a soft cry.

Under the lights, I saw several rows of spiritual tablets appearing in front of me. In this eerie village, people were already horrified, but seeing these hundreds of spiritual cards suddenly, everyone was shocked. , Ling Shuang couldn't help taking two steps back, looking at the silent spiritual position, it was as if hundreds of undead suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

After a while of dead silence, Ling Shuang saw that these spirit cards were different in size, and the ones in the middle were obviously bigger than the others. She stepped forward lightly and took a closer look, but saw that on the largest token in the middle, suddenly wrote "The position of Emperor Dahua Xiaoren Ling", Ling Shuang's whole body trembled, and looked at the several spiritual seats beside him, but they were all royal spiritual seats of the Hua Dynasty.

Ling Shuang naturally knew that Emperor Xiaorenling was the last emperor of the Hua Dynasty, the king of the subjugated country, and also his grandfather.

She put away the dagger, took a few steps back, and knelt down on the ground, with tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes, she choked up and said: "The unworthy descendants have never known their own background, and have never worshiped their ancestors, and only hope that the ancestors and ancestors will forgive the descendants. "Put the oil lamp aside and respectfully worship.

There was a dead silence in the room, and hundreds of spiritual seats were silent, as if they were all quietly staring at the only remaining royal heir of the Dahua Dynasty.

Ling Shuang bowed nine times in a row, then got up, and seeing spiders all over the spiritual tablet, and the handwriting on many tablets were covered, she shook her head with a wry smile.

Seeing that there is the spiritual seat of the Hua Dynasty royal family here, most of the previous sense of fear dissipated, and then went out, found a wooden bucket, filled a bucket of water, and found a rag, and then returned to the house. In the mourning hall, he went forward and took down the spirit cards in the middle, placed them on the table next to him, and whispered to himself: "There is too much dust here, which has desecrated the ancestors. The rest of the descendants will clean up the dust, ancestors, don't blame them." Immediately wipe the table and chairs clean, and then sit at the table and carefully wipe the dusty spirit cards one by one.

She moved gently and carefully, not as if she was wiping the spirit card, but as if she was wiping the body of an elder.

The flames danced, but there were tears in Ling Shuang's eyes.

The quiet night was quiet, but Ling Shuang's mood calmed down quite a bit. She wiped the spirit cards clean, placed them on them carefully, and then changed another batch. These hundred spirit cards, it would not take a while to wipe them clean, but in the middle Changed several buckets of water.

Ling Shuang knew that each of the spirit tablets enshrined on it had a deep connection with the Dahua Dynasty. The Great Qin established the country, and naturally tried its best to erase the traces of the previous dynasty. The place where the deepest traces of the Dahua Dynasty are preserved.

After wiping all the spirit cards, it was already a long time, but Ling Shuang felt quite tired.

She left from Jiazhou, had a hard journey, found out the location of Zhongyi Village, and then came here, rested a little on the way, wiped the spirit tablet at night and worked hard for most of the night, felt very tired, went to close the gate of the mourning hall, and then returned Going to the table, leaning on the table case, but after a while, fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but when I woke up, I found that the surroundings were quite bright. When I turned my head to look, I found that the sun was already shining outside.

Ling Shuang took out the dry food from her bag, and after eating the dry food, she opened the door. The weather was fine, and although the village was still dead silent, under the sun, it was not as gloomy as last night.

Ling Shuang turned her head and saw that the Bailing cards were neatly arranged. After wiping last night, they were already clean, looking solemn and deserted.

Although the spirit cards have been wiped clean, the rest of the mourning hall is covered with dust. Ling Shuang stepped forward, knelt down in front of the spirit throne, and said softly: "The descendant is just a useless little girl. Whatever disturbances are caused, the past is over, and the remaining descendants can only worship their ancestors here for the rest of their lives." After speaking, he kowtowed a few times before getting up and going out the door.

She walked around the village, Zhongyi Village is not too small, but it is not too huge, there are seven or eight courtyards, and sixty to seventy houses.

She knew that her biological parents lived here back then, and she just wanted to find traces of their presence here.

It's just that Yuan Yu's life back then was obviously extremely simple. Ling Shuang searched for a long time in the village. Although she finally found the courtyard room where Yuan Yu lived, there were too few traces left behind, only some clothes.

Ling Shuang didn't know if someone searched here later, and took away some important things with traces.

The queen had told her that Yuan Yu had passed away, but she didn't tell her about the process of passing away. Naturally, Yuan Yu's spiritual tablet did not exist on the memorial tablet in the mourning hall.

At this time, she wanted to know, since Yuan Yu was dead, where is his graveyard?

She searched around the outside of the village, but she couldn't find the cemetery, and she was very disappointed.

Since she was ready to stay here, she cleaned the mourning hall first, and tidied up a room in the courtyard next to the mourning hall, and settled here temporarily.

For the next two days, Ling Shuang was cleaning the courtyard in the village.

Instead, she found a storage room in the village, which stored a lot of food and vegetables, but it was too long to eat, but other living utensils were all available.

The dry food had already been eaten, Ling Shuang was still dressed as a woman and went to collect some food nearby.

After a few days, her fear of Zhuangzi was gone, even in the dark night, she was no longer afraid.

She found a piece of wood in the manor, made two spirit tablets, first carved words on the spirit tablets with a dagger, then found a pen and ink, evenly painted the ink, and then placed the two spirit tablets in the mourning hall.

This is naturally the spiritual card of her biological parents.

After a few days, the courtyards near the mourning hall in the village were all spotless. After a day of hard work, Ling Shuang was quite tired. After tidying up, she went back to her house, took the dry food she had collected, and went to the house. Serve indoors.

The window was open, and the moonlight was faint. Ling Shuang was eating dry food, and at the same time, by the light, she took a scroll of scriptures and read them carefully.

The night was deep, and Ling Shuang suddenly heard a low sigh coming from outside the window. The village was very quiet at night, and Ling Shuang's sense was very sensitive. When the sigh came, Ling Shuang immediately noticed it and took a bite. Shocked, she turned her head and looked out the window. In the courtyard outside the window, an old tree was densely shaded. She frowned, walked to the bed, leaned on the window lattice, and scanned the courtyard. She didn't notice any human presence, and shook her head with a wry smile. , I thought to myself that maybe I live here alone, my mood has not completely calmed down, and it is very possible that I am an errand.

She was about to turn around and go back to her seat, when she heard a sigh from the courtyard again, this time she heard it clearly, it seemed to be very close at hand, Ling Shuang immediately turned around, "Who?"

After that sigh, the courtyard was still silent.

Ling Shuang hurried over to pick up the lamp, walked to the bed, put the lamp out of the window, and inspected the courtyard carefully. Suddenly, she saw a figure slowly moving out from behind the big tree. In the dark night, quietly Silent, like a ghost.


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