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Chapter 1804 Purple Stone

The black robe saw the fishy excitement in Wang Qi's eyebrows, and he smiled strangely: "Has the prince already decided on the way forward?"

King Qi hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Should you tell me who you are and why you are here? Zhongyizhuang is a deserted manor that has not been visited for many years."

"Your lord, can't you guess who I am?" Heipao sighed, "You're right, this place is very secret, ever since Prince Yu passed away, this place has been deserted...! "

"You...what did you say?" King Qi was startled, " said Prince Yu, could it you know uncle?"

"If I don't know Prince Yu, how can I be so clear about Wang Ye's life experience?" Heipao said: "In today's world, there are probably not many people who know the secret."

King Qi suddenly understood, and lost his voice: "It turns out... so you are also from the Hua Dynasty!"

The black robe said with a smile: "The Hua Dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years, and it has blessed all the people. How can it be said that there is no one? Your lord, Prince Yu is under house arrest here, and it is difficult to communicate with the outside world, but Prince Yu has a heavy burden, how can he just disappear like this?" it's here."

"You mean, even though uncle is in the village, he doesn't know anything about the outside world?"

The black robe nodded and said: "That's right. The prince must also know that Prince Yu had been in contact with the queen..., no, it should have been in contact with Her Royal Highness the princess. Shenyiwei knew all about these things. They only thought that It was the empress who sent people to visit Prince Yu's safety, but they didn't know that every time the people around the empress came, they were actually just as a cover."

"Cover?" King Qi was startled.

The black robe sighed: "Shenyiwei closely monitors Zhongyi Village, and ghosts and ghosts come and go. It was not easy for me to see Prince Yu at the beginning. Fortunately, people around the Queen often come here, so every time they come in, I will enter the village with them." ..., I disguised myself as a follower, just a small person, they didn't care."

When King Qi heard this, he immediately trusted the person in front of him even more. He knew from the queen that there was actually a group of remnants of the Hua Dynasty who followed the queen to protect the queen, and they also secretly contacted Zhongyizhuang. It is rare, and since Heipao knows about it, it obviously has a great relationship with Yuan Yu and others.

"Actually, at that time, Prince Yu had already planned a grand plan for the restoration of the country. He was here to attract attention, and I was ordered by Prince Yu to secretly summon the old department of the Hua Dynasty outside to prepare for a comeback." The black robe said slowly: "It's just that the people around the princess disappeared suddenly. If nothing unexpected happened, they were naturally killed by Shen Yiwei. Since then, I have not been in touch with Prince Yu for a long time."

King Qi frowned and said, "Then who are you? What is your relationship with uncle?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have been preparing to complete the will of Prince Yu and revive the Hua Dynasty." The black robe sighed: "Prince Yu has no heirs, so I can inherit the will of Prince Yu and revive the Hua Dynasty." The only candidate for the Hua Dynasty is you, the prince. I wanted to find you, but I was worried that you are the prince of Qin, and I can't abandon Qin...!" A long sigh, full of embarrassment.

"So that's how it is." Only then did King Qi understand, and then he frowned and said, "'s such a big deal, why didn't uncle tell me before he passed away?"

"My lord, what kind of important matter is this, how can it be leaked so easily?" The black robe said in a deep voice, "Although someone from the palace came to cover my entry into the manor, even the princess did not know about such a confidential matter. Prince Yu blesses you." We strictly guard the secrets, and we must not leak the slightest thing. Prince Yu didn't tell you, that's a matter of course, he probably knows that one day, when the time is right, I will find you."

King Qi said: "So, you are here just to wait for me? You... how do you know that I will come?"

The black robe said with a smile: "Actually, I have always been in the northwest, near the prince. I am very aware of the prince's experience. This time the prince left the northwest, and I followed nearby, and soon knew that the prince's purpose this time is to We have arrived at Zhongyi Village, so we will wait here."

"Since you have been by my side all the time, why didn't you see me earlier?" King Qi frowned and said, "Why didn't you show up until today?"

The black robe sighed: "The great cause of restoring the country is so difficult, and it is still anti-Qin Fuhua. How can I easily find the prince before the time comes?"

King Qi nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and finally said: "You said that the old department of the Hua Dynasty was summoned, so how many people are there now? Where are they now?"

"Their whereabouts are pretty secretive now." The black robe said with a chuckle: "But as long as the prince gives an order, tens of thousands of horses are at your fingertips."

King Qi raised his eyebrows. Hearing that there were tens of thousands of horses, he was excited, "Then... when can we set off to meet them?"

"My lord, don't worry." The black robe said: "These people are the last hope to revive the Hua Dynasty. If it is not a last resort, not only can they not let them leak easily, but also they must not act rashly. Only when the time is right, the lord raises his arms, and I will wait for you." They all swear allegiance to the death, and assist the prince to calm down the world and revive Dahua!"

"Okay!" King Qi clapped his hands, suddenly felt that the road ahead was brighter, and he was not afraid of the black robe at this time, stepped forward two steps, and asked: "If you really achieve great things, you will be the hero who founded the country, and this king will definitely do well. Reward you."

The black robe said: "My family has received the favor of Dahua in this life. I don't want anything in this life. I just want to see the day when Dahua will be revived. I will go through fire and water for this." Then he sighed, his tone seemed quite heavy.

King Qi was startled, frowned and asked, "Why are you sighing?"

The black robe sighed: "Although we are not afraid of difficulties and are willing to shed our blood for the revival of Dahua, but... now we are indeed facing a problem. If we can't solve it, it will be quite difficult to raise troops."

"What's the problem?"

Heipao raised his head and looked at King Qi. King Qi couldn't help but feel chills when he saw that terrifying flat face through the moonlight, but after a closer look, he found that the black robe didn't really have no mouth and nose. It seems that there is a layer of human skin mask on the face, covering the mouth and nose, only a pair of eyes are exposed, the skin covering the face is exactly the same as real skin, if you don't look closely, it is very strange Hard to find.

It's just that this person's eyes are sharp, deep and dark, and he is not an ordinary person at a glance.

"My lord, although our troops are hidden everywhere and can be summoned at any time, the lack of money and food has become a huge problem." The black robe said: "Many clans loyal to the Hua Dynasty have donated For all the family property, we also secretly assign people to do business in various places to save money and food, but up to now, although there are some savings, it is far from enough to use it as an army. It’s also difficult.”

King Qi was stunned, frowned and said: "When you planned this matter with uncle, didn't you think of this problem?"

The black robe shook his head and said: "Prince Yu acted cautiously and planned carefully, so it is impossible not to miss this point. In fact, we didn't have to worry about money and food at the beginning, because we did have an extremely rich treasure, which stored a lot of gold and silver treasures. ...!"

"Ah?" King Qi asked anxiously, "Since there is such a treasure, why worry about money and food?"

The black robe sighed: "The treasure does exist, but...!" Shaking his head, King Qi became even more anxious and asked, "But what? Could it be that the treasure was stolen?"

"The treasure is extremely secretive, and few people in the world know about it." The black robe shook his head and said, "But because of this, until now, we still don't know where the treasure is hidden. In the past few years, although I have painstakingly searched for it, But there is still no whereabouts at all. I was going to meet the prince immediately after I found the treasure. I have never met the prince."

King Qi wondered: "Can't find the treasure? Then...then how do you know that the treasure exists?"

The black robe said: "Your Majesty doesn't know that the eight eunuchs were in chaos back then. Before that, the eight eunuchs were already ready to move. Emperor Dahualing had already seen a clue, so he transferred the royal treasure house and prepared to move from the capital to the capital as a last resort. Evacuate." Sighed: "It's a pity that I didn't get what I wanted, the capital was captured by thieves, but Prince Yu survived, and Emperor Ling also told Prince Yu about the transfer of the treasury, so Prince Yu was one of the few who knew about it." One of the people where the treasure is."

"It turns out that uncle knows where the treasure is." King Qi nodded slightly, "That's the case, why didn't uncle find the treasure?"

"Prince Yu has always known where the treasure is. He waited until the time was right to open up the treasure and set up troops. It's just that Prince Yu died here, and no one knew the whereabouts of the treasure from then on." The black robe lightly Sighed: "At the beginning when we planned to raise troops to restore the country, those treasures were the most important thing. Without those treasures, even if we summoned the old troops, it would be difficult to raise troops to restore the country...!"

King Qi's originally excited mood felt as if a plate of cold water had been poured on him at this moment, and he immediately cooled down. Hearing what the black robe said, it seemed that only Yuan Yu knew that the treasure was there, but Yuan Yu had already passed away. Annihilation?

Naturally, he also knew that without money and food, it was impossible to raise an army with only a passion.

"Could it there no other way?" King Qi frowned sadly and said, "Uncle didn't leave any clues about the treasure back then?"

"That's not true." Heipao said: "When Prince Yu mentioned the treasure at the beginning, he gave me something. He told me that if there were any accidents, we could find clues with that thing. The prince was Maybe it was because he was worried that Qin Guo would attack him at any time, so he left such clues, but the treasure is very important, and he didn't fully explain it, so... that's why I can't Find out where the treasure is."

"Something?" Qi Wangqi asked, "What is it?"

But the black robe has already stretched out his hand. He wears black cloth gloves on his hand, which completely conceals his skin. When he opens his palm, King Qi sees a gemstone in the palm of the black robe. Under the moonlight, the The gemstone glowed with a purple light, and the halo was soft.

The gem exudes a soft purple light, but in the light, there are criss-crossing black lines. King Qi took a closer look, his expression changed suddenly, and he exclaimed: " do you have such a stone? ?”


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