Although Qiao Mingtang concealed it very well, but for Xu Congyang, Qiao Mingtang was still very immature in front of him, even if he was a governor. He didn't look at Qiao Mingtang, but just took a sip of tea from his cup and said calmly: " Is Mrs. Qiao feeling a little unhappy?"

How dare Qiao Mingtang admit it, but Xu Congyang, as the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, is responsible for supervising officials all over the world, and the gang of censors under him are all eloquent, and they are the main force for talking about officials in the court. Although it was only 20 years since the founding of the Great Qin State, there were hundreds of officials impeached by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Officials fell under the hands of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The fact that Xu Congyang has such authority is naturally because His Majesty the Emperor trusts him very much. Not only is he in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but he is also a scholar in front of the palace. He can enter the palace anytime and anywhere, and is one of the few important ministers who can participate in state affairs. Qiao Mingtang naturally didn't dare to offend such a person in the slightest.

"I don't dare." Qiao Mingtang said hastily: "The university scholar must have a reason for saying this. I should listen to the instruction."

Xu Congyang raised his hand to signal Qiao Mingtang to sit down again, and said with a solemn expression: "You must also know that the situation in Hebei Road and Jianghuai Road is very bad now. A Qingtian King popped up in Hebei Road two years ago, and he hasn't been found yet. Where did the people come from? Suddenly they sprang out and Xiao gathered tens of thousands of people to create chaos. Although Han Santong was besieged and suppressed on the ground of Hebei Road, Qing Tianwang's gang was also suppressed for a while. On the surface, it seemed to be calmed down. But it didn’t get any better, Qingtianwang’s troops seem to be getting more and more, and they are broken up into pieces, clusters in the east and clusters in the west, and Han Santong is forced to stay in Hebei Road...!"

Qiao Mingtang frowned and said, "A group of chaotic parties and mobs, Han Santong will eventually be put down."

Xu Congyang sighed, and said: "In fairness, Hebei Province has suffered from disasters year after year, and natural disasters have continued. Those people with ulterior motives have deliberately instigated natural disasters and man-made disasters. All the rebels in Hebei Province have used the banner of King Qingtian as their name. , Killed a batch and gave birth to another batch, more and more...!" With a dignified look, he said: "Han Santong is a general who can fight, but he is not a general who can appease. He is too hot-tempered, and he blindly kills It can only be counterproductive, and the old man has repeatedly advised the Holy One, but the Holy One regards Han Santong very seriously, and thinks that the rebellious party should be wiped out...!"

Qiao Mingtang was just listening, but it was difficult to express his views at this time.

Xu Congyang glanced at him, and said again: "Although Hebei Road is in chaos, at least Han Santong can still hold it. Jianghuai Road is now in danger. Jianghuai Road is not as turbulent as Hebei Road, and it is not unified like King Qingtian." Such a banner, but bandits are rampant, and people with ulterior motives have used the demon way to disrupt the country, and have formed more than a dozen bandits, but their strength is not weak...!"

Qiao Mingtang lowered his voice and said, "What the Grand Scholar said is the Way of Heaven?"

Xu Congyang looked at Qiao Mingtang and said, "You also know the Way of Heaven?"

"Yes!" Qiao Mingtang nodded and said, "Jianghuai is in turmoil, but the lower officials have also received some news. It is said that a demonic way has suddenly arisen among the people, bewitching the public and bewitching the hearts of the people...!" Having said that, he glanced at Xu Congyang cautiously .

Xu Congyang nodded and said, "Just say it!"

Only then did Qiao Mingtang say: "This emerging demon way is called the Heavenly Gate Way. It is a bunch of nonsense to say that the Heavenly Gate was just opened, the old master came into the world, and all my Taoist people will enjoy eternal life..."

Xu Congyang said solemnly: "Other than that, what else do you know?"

Qiao Mingtang shook his head and said, "Your official doesn't know much, it's very superficial."

Xu Congyang pondered for a moment before he said: "I have also sent someone to secretly inquire about the situation of Jianghuai Road. Tianmen Dao has not only intensified in Jianghuai Road, but has also penetrated into other roads. Donghai Road, Chuanshu Road, and Jinling Road also have Tianmen Dao. The traces of it spreading over, although it is not as serious as Jianghuai Dao, but if the Tianmen Dao is allowed to spread, the consequences will be disastrous."

Qiao Mingtang nodded.

"The old man has thought about it carefully, and thinks that the Tao of Heaven is somewhat similar to the Tao of Taiping in the late Han Dynasty." Xu Congyang said solemnly: "Zhang Jiao founded the Tao of Taiping, claiming that the sky is dead, and Huang Tian should stand... gather the crowd One hundred thousand is a disaster for the world. Now that the Tianmen Dao is playing the banner of the first opening of the Tianmen, it is also a disaster for the world...!" At this point, he suddenly slapped the table and sneered: "I am not a big man. It is wishful thinking for Tianmen Dao to become Taiping Dao and bring trouble to my Daqin!"

Qiao Mingtang's expression also turned serious.

Xu Congyang said: "The matter in Tongzhou is very strange. Among the six states in Xishan Road, Tongzhou has always been unstable. I am worried that your Xishan Road has already been infiltrated by Taoists from Tianmen. The bandits in Heishuishan have hidden a large number of weapons. I am worried. This has already involved the Taoists of Tianmen, if this is the case, the consequences will be disastrous."

Qiao Mingtang changed his expression and said, "Great scholar, you mean, Taoist disciples of Tianmen...has spread to Xishan Dao?"

"The old man is not sure." Xu Congyang said seriously: "It is precisely because the old man is not sure that I came here in person to check things in Tongzhou."

Qiao Mingtang's heart was really cold at this moment. If the Tianmen Daoists began to spread to Xishan Road, things would be very bad, especially now that the situation in Kansai is tense, and Yu Buyi manages Kansai, and the court has to dispatch a large number of people Support, if the Taoists from Tianmen suddenly rioted on Xishan Road and blocked the transportation road, Qiao Mingtang would be the first to suffer.

Seeing that Qiao Mingtang's face was a bit ugly, Xu Congyang said slowly: "You don't have to worry, since the old man is here, he will definitely not leave until he finds out the truth." After a pause, he got up and walked to the table. It's already cold, Qiao Mingtang hurriedly said: "Grand scholar, the dishes are already cold, I will order someone to cook again!"

Xu Congyang waved his hand, and said: "These two dishes are still hot, and there is no need to heat them up. You can have a drink or two with the old man." Qiao Mingtang hastily agreed, lifted the jug, filled Xu Congyang's wine glass, and then He filled his own cup with wine, toasted Xu Congyang, poured it again, and sat down at the table under Xu Congyang's gesture.

Xu Congyang pondered for a moment, then said softly: "Master Qiao, I wrote you a private letter, I wonder if you still remember it?"

Qiao Mingtang hastily said: "I don't dare to forget. After I received the letter from the Grand Scholar, I immediately arranged for people to look for the whereabouts of that gentleman in Yunshan Mansion...!"

Xu Congyang's eyes were slightly excited, and he asked, "Is there any news?"

Qiao Mingtang shook his head, and said: "Back then, Xishan Road belonged to the Wuling Kingdom, and the Holy Majesty led troops to wipe out the Wuling Kingdom. This place was also subjected to wars. Although Wuling Kingdom quickly surrendered to the Holy Majesty's divine power, most of the cities were not However, the place mentioned by the Grand Scholar has survived the war, and the people there have all fled back then. Although it was rebuilt after the war, many local people returned to their old places, but the gentleman mentioned by the Grand Scholar, Didn't go back."

A look of sadness suddenly appeared on Xu Congyang's face, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"But you don't have to worry about the Grand Scholar. As long as that gentleman is still alive and he hasn't left the West Mountain Road, the officials will definitely find him." Qiao Mingtang continued: "The officials are still sending people to search for him. As soon as there is news, they will definitely find him." Report to the Grand Master."

Xu Congyang nodded slightly, with a look of disappointment on his face, and sighed softly, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or Qiao Mingtang, he just said softly: "I only hope that he can still well..., the old man owes him, If you can't repay it in this life, you will inevitably have regrets in this life...!"

Qiao Mingtang hesitated to speak, but in the end he still asked cautiously: "Brand scholar, I would like to ask you a question. The bachelor wants to find that gentleman. Could it be that... that gentleman is very important to the bachelor?"

Xu Congyang thought for a while, then nodded slightly, and said very seriously: "It's very important!"

Qiao Mingtang said solemnly: "Don't worry, Grand Scholar, even if you dig three feet into the ground, I will definitely help you find that gentleman."



Qiao Mingtang left Xingyuan, and when he arrived at the gate of Xingyuan, it was already dark, and Wei Tianqing was waiting outside Xingyuan. Although he was the commander of the imperial guards, even he could not enter this Xingyuan.

Soldiers from the Twelve Guards guarded the Xingyuan. The soldiers were well-trained. Every moment, there would be soldiers with armored armor patrolling past, but Wei Tianqing could only wait outside the Xingyuan.

Seeing Qiao Mingtang coming out, Wei Tianqing rushed to meet him, Qiao Mingtang said with a serious expression, "Have people guarded the surrounding roads?"

Wei Tianqing said: "My lord, don't worry, I have already arranged people at all intersections, and no one can come in to disturb Xingyuan. There is not enough manpower, and I have transferred another group of people."

Qiao Mingtang nodded, and said: "Master Xu has a distinguished status, there must be no mistakes, and nothing will go wrong!" Even though Wei Tianqing is his confidant, until now, he still has not sent King Qi to the cloud. The news of Shanfu came out.

Wei Tianqing clapped his hands and said yes, and said again: "My lord, it's getting late, I will escort you back home first!"

Qiao Mingtang thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "Which people do you arrange to guard the road?"

Wei Tianqing said: "Four generals, each responsible for a direction...!"

"Tell Chu Huan and the others to go back at night." Qiao Mingtang said softly, "They can come and guard during the day, but at have to work harder, and you will be responsible for the safety of the surrounding roads!"

Wei Tianqing was startled, but quickly understood Qiao Mingtang's meaning. The traitor in the Tongzhou matter had not been investigated yet, and Qiao Mingtang was still skeptical of those people. Also just in case.

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