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Chapter 1877 Bad News

King Qi leaned back on the chair and said dejectedly: "Empress Mother has seen him?"

The queen took out a silk handkerchief, wiped the corners of the phoenix's eyes, and then turned her face, and said, "Why are you so confused, why do you want to kill Chu Huan just based on other people's few words?"

King Qi was also quite annoyed, but he still insisted: "My mother has been hiding many secrets, if... If you tell me everything, I will not be deceived."

The queen said angrily: "So, it's still my fault?"

"My son doesn't mean that." Qi Wang sighed, leaned forward, approached the queen, and said in a low voice: "The queen mother can find out from Chu Huan, what will he... how will he deal with me?"

"What do you think he will do to you?"

King Qi frowned, then leaned back, and said: "He has already regarded me as a thorn in his side, and he didn't do anything before, but it was just hypocrisy. Now that he has found this reason, he will naturally not let me go."

"If you are cautious, how can he find a reason?" The Queen said: "I told you a long time ago, don't get involved in world affairs, stay away from these disputes with me, but you...but you just can't listen .”

King Qi said: "Since Chu Huan wants to kill me, even if he hides in the ends of the earth, he will not be able to escape his clutches."

Listening to his tone, the queen seemed to have no intention of regretting it now, and her heart was even more miserable, and said: "I have already talked to him, but it seems to be of no avail, you... since you I haven't repented yet, so I don't need to worry about it." When he got up, he was about to leave, King Qi hurriedly got up, grabbed the Queen's wrist, and said anxiously: "Queen, Chu Huan...Chu Huan even yours Don't give me any face?"

The queen gave him a sideways look, and said with a sneer, "It seems that you feel at ease here, because you know that I will come to intercede for you, and you think Chu Huan will definitely let you go for my sake?"

King Qi was a little panicked at this time, "Mother, he... he really wants to kill?"

"It's not that he wants to kill you, it's that you poisoned him, and it's already spread." The queen sighed, "Even if he wants to spare you, wouldn't those arrogant soldiers under him just let it go?" See King Qi Fear finally appeared in his eyes, and he shook his head.

King Qi's pupils contracted, he suddenly grabbed the Queen's hand, and said anxiously: "Mother, did he... he said that he wanted to kill me?"

"He just said that he wants to discuss with the generals under his command." The queen sighed: "It seems that there is more danger than good luck."

"He must kill me...!" King Qi felt powerless, took two steps back, and sat down on the chair, "Queen, if he doesn't want to kill me, he just needs to say a word, but... ...But since he wants to discuss with the generals under him, he is pretending, and he already intends to take my life."

The queen looked at King Qi expressionlessly, and said, "Do you know how to be afraid now?"

"Mother, you... you have to help me...!" King Qi thought that Chu Huan was about to attack him, and even the queen seemed helpless, his whole body was weak, "I... I don't want to help me, don't let him...can't let him kill me...!"

"If I knew today, why bother?" The Queen sighed, "Xunren, the life and death of you and my mother are in the hands of Chu Huan. If he really wants to kill, I can't protect you."

King Qi felt more and more hopeless, so he took two steps forward, fell to his knees on the ground, and hugged the queen's legs, "Queen, must have something to do, you...if you don't save me... I, no one can save me. Chu Huan must want to kill me, he...he will never let me go, I have no soldiers and no power, and he played the banner of anti Qin I will definitely be stabbed...!" The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and my pupils were full of fear.

Seeing King Qi like this, the queen was even more annoyed, and said sharply, "Get up!"

"Mother, you promise me that you will save me, otherwise... otherwise my son will not get up...!" King Qi only felt that if he still had the last hope of surviving, he could only rely on the queen to persuade him. Chu Huan, there is no other way, he is like a person who is about to drown in the sea, and the queen is the last sampan.

"Look at what you look like now?" The queen looked sad, "Didn't you keep saying that you have the most noble blood in your body? But...but what is the difference between you and those ordinary people who are greedy for life and afraid of death?" ? As a man, don't you even have the courage to take on the responsibility? Even if you really want to kill you, what are you afraid of?"

King Qi said in a trembling voice: "I...I am still so young, and... still have a bright future, I can't die in the hands of Chu Huan, mother...!"

"A great future?" The queen sighed, "What kind of bright future do you have?" Looking at King Qi's timid look, she was both helpless and sad.

King Qi got up, held the queen's wrist, and said: "Queen, I...I am willing to go back to the mountains and forests with you, and never ask about world affairs again. Queen, you let Chu Huan not Kill me, I... From now on, I will listen to you in everything, whatever you ask me to do, I will do...!"

The Queen broke away from King Qi's hand, turned around and left. King Qi said in despair: "Queen Mother, do you really want to leave me alone? I...I am your biological son, just watch Watching me get killed?"

The queen stopped, but didn't look back. She closed her eyes, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes again.

Chu Huan and Lin Lang spent the night warmly, which was naturally tender and affectionate. They planned to call the generals to discuss various matters the next morning. Lin Lang was waiting for him to wash up, and he heard a voice from outside: "Your Majesty, it is urgent to report!"

Chu Huan tidied up and went out, but it was Qi Hong.

When Qi Hong escorted the queen to Tongzhou this time, he stayed in Zhizhou Mansion.

"You came just in time." Chu Huan said with a smile: "This king is going to hold a meeting, you go and call everyone, and it will be in the main hall of Zhizhou Mansion...!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this meeting will not be able to be held." Qi Hong stepped forward with a serious expression, "General Pei has already left the city and is heading to the army's camp. The General ordered me to report to the King that something serious has happened in the army."

"What?" Chu Huan frowned, and ordered: "Prepare your horse and rush to the camp immediately!"

Lin Lang had already come out at this time and said, "It's ready earlier, don't you want to eat some?"

Chu Huan turned around and said, "Something happened in the army, I'm going to take a look...!" Without saying much, he hurried out the door.

When they arrived at the camp, soldiers had already entered the camp to report, and Pei Ji led Gu Liangchen, Lang Wazi and others out. Chu Huan looked very solemn when he saw a few people, knowing that something important would happen at the appointed time, he got off his horse and stepped forward. Go, after a few people saluted, Chu Huan asked, "What happened?"

"The king follows the end of the day." Gu Liangchen's face was solemn, holding the handle of the knife with one hand and clenching a fist with the other, he led Chu Huan to the depths of the camp, only to see a group of people surrounded by an open space in the middle, Gu Liangchen Shen Sheng said: "What are you doing here? Spread out."

Everyone dispersed, and when they saw Chu Huan, they all saluted.

Chu Huan walked over to take a look, but saw a row of white cloths on the ground. With just one glance, he knew that there were more than 20 corpses covered under the white cloths.

Chu Huan's face darkened, he went forward, squatted down, lifted a corner of a piece of white cloth with his hand, glanced at it, his face changed suddenly, and he raised his head and asked, "Where's the leader?"

Pei Ji said from the side: "A total of 23 corpses, all sent out by rangers, all the corpses were recovered, but only three heads were recovered...!"

"What happened?" Chu Huan said coldly.

Gu Liangchen stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Report to Your Majesty, the barbarian cavalry burned, killed, and looted along the border. In order to prevent them from continuing to kill the people, we sent hundreds of rangers and divided them into several groups to guard against the barbarian cavalry looting." The 23 people are one of the teams. They encountered barbarian cavalry, and the opponent had more than 200 people. After the encounter, the barbarian cavalry chased and killed our brothers. In desperation, the two sides met each other... .!"

Chu Huan's face became even more stern, Gu Liangchen continued: "They released a loud arrow signal, but when the reinforcements near us arrived, they were all dead in battle, and the barbarians cut off their heads. Gather together and chase after the barbarians, their brigade has already withdrawn, only a dozen or so riders are still cruising, and they are overtaken by our troops...!"

Chu Huan glanced around, only to see that all the soldiers were full of anger, gnashing their teeth, and one of them shouted loudly: "King Chu, the Yiman gang of beasts, let's kill them and kill them all."

As soon as this person said it, everyone asked for a fight.

Pei Ji frowned and said, "Stop arguing and go back to your team."

The soldiers were all in awe of Pei Ji, so naturally they didn't dare to disobey, and each retreated with anger.

Chu Huan stared at the more than 20 corpses covered by the white cloth, clenched his fists, and finally asked, "Can you catch them alive?"

"Caught two tongues." Gu Liangchen said, "Waiting for the king to come and interrogate."

"Okay." Chu Huan went to the big tent in the army and ordered: "Bury the corpses of the brothers properly, show compassion to the family, and bring up those two barbarian tongues." He asked: "Yes, the army Is there anyone here who understands barbarian language?"

Pei Ji already said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I can speak barbarously."

Chu Huan nodded and entered the big tent. Soon Gu Liangchen ordered two barbarian captives to be brought into the big tent. The two barbarian captives were dressed in leather armor and had bare heads. It only has braids soaring to the sky, and there is a strange necklace around its neck, which is made of animal bones. The workmanship is quite rough, and it doesn't look worth much at first glance.

Entering the big tent, the two barbarians were chattering, and Chu Huan couldn't hear what they were saying, but seeing the ferocious expressions on the faces of the two barbarians, it was not a good thing to think about.

Chu Huan looked at Pei Ji, and Pei Ji smiled lightly: "They told us to let them go, and they said they have tens of thousands of troops, all of them are good at fighting. If we know each other, we should surrender immediately. If we want to live, we should Respectfully send them out of the camp."

Chu Huan laughed back angrily: "It seems that Yiman not only has well-developed limbs, but also has a lot of bragging skills."

He laughed resonantly, full of energy, and immediately suppressed the chattering voices of the two barbarians. The two barbarians were startled, and looked at Chu Huan. Seeing that Chu Huan was only a young man in his 20s, With regular facial features, slightly dark skin, and not very heroic, the two glanced at each other, and one of them babbled at Chu Huan.


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