National color raw owl

Chapter 1956 Trouble

All the ministers were startled when they saw the Tianzi sword unsheathed. Dingwu long sword pointed forward and pointed at Ma Hong. Considering the safety of the Holy One...!"

"I know what you're thinking." Dingwu's long sword was ringing half a circle, and said with a sneer: "You see that there are so many barbarians, and you only think that Wuping Prefecture will be breached sooner or later. There is no burial place for the dying, so as long as you can call for rescuers, no matter who it is, you don’t care, do you?”

All the ministers have already knelt down on the ground and said in unison: "I dare not wait!"

"It's a pity that you don't understand me, let alone Chu Huan." Dingwu said with his long sword on the ground, "Up to now, you still think that Chu Huan just wants to be a vassal king? Since he has come out Guan, even playing the banner of anti-Qin, that is to compete with me desperately. What he wants is not a corner of peace, but my entire Daqin country. You have not even understood this point. I really don’t know how you did it Official until today?"

Everyone bowed their heads in silence.

"Chu Huan wants the world, so no matter what kind of conditions, he will not agree." Ding Wu sneered: "Although I have no outside news for the time being, I have already predicted that the Northwest Army under him will definitely He has already come to Hexi, but he will not send troops to rescue Wuping Fucheng. At this time, even if he has countless soldiers in his hands, he will just sit still and watch the tigers fight, and will rush out when the time is right.. ..., you can see the barbarians fighting with us and destroying each other, do you think Chu Huan will be involved?"

Ma Hong's forehead was pressed against the ground, and he didn't dare to take a breath.

"As far as I am, Ma Hong, you are wrong." Ding Wu sneered and said, "I am the emperor of Great Qin. Do you think that I will use the dignity of the emperor to ask for help from a rebel? I represent the dignity of the Great Qin." , the moment I really asked him for help, the dignity of Daqin would no longer exist, and without dignity, Daqin would not exist. Since I inherited the Datong, I would be Daqin, and Daqin would be me. As long as I live, He will not allow anyone to humiliate Daqin's dignity, do you understand?"

All the ministers said in unison: "The ministers swear to be loyal to Great Qin!"

Ding Wu sat down slowly, and said: "I know that the situation is very difficult now, and I also know that you are uneasy, but you should know that this is the last strong city of my Great Qin, and there is no place behind us to retreat, even if Wuping Fucheng is the last If it is really breached, it will be after I die, as long as I am still alive, this city will not fall."

With a resolute expression and stern eyes, he muttered to himself: "I said, never give up!"



Outside the city of Wuping Mansion, barbarian soldiers, horses, leaping and screaming, were in a mess.

They couldn't stop attacking Wuping Mansion City. Apart from besieging Wuping Mansion City, more people had to take turns to loot and plunder. The entire Hexi Road was already in dire straits.

Although Tushi Khan was temporarily recognized by the barbarian allied forces through various means, and commanded the southward invasion as the commander-in-chief of the whole army, he was not very complacent. He was very happy at being able to command so many troops. But now he finally discovered that sometimes there are too many people is not necessarily a good thing, too many people will make the hand messy, every time the siege fails, the generals of various tribes will find them and shout loudly. He didn't dare to offend directly, but the meaning in those words was obviously to place the responsibility for the unfavorable siege on Tushi Khan.

For Tushi Khan, it was not important for the generals to complain. Tushi Khan had the most troops in the alliance, and he himself was a famous warrior in the Mobei Prairie. Although the tribes complained about the loss of troops, they dared not How about Tushi Khan.

As a commander, although the authority is not small, but the responsibility is also not small.

Tushi Khan actively led the elite of the headquarters to go south this time. Although a large part of the reason is that he covets the gold and silver beauties of the Central Plains, but the more important reason is that he hopes to take this opportunity to improve his reputation among the barbarians. Even if he can only win a Khan King in name, from now on, he can use this name to mix various things in the Mobei Grassland, and set up a legitimate banner for the expansion of Caoyu.

More than half of the Yiman tribes surrendered under the iron hooves of the Hexi army. Although the Chiyan tribe did not surrender, they were beaten by the Hexi army and moved around the Mobei grassland. Once migrated to the extreme north, and after Tushi Khan inherited the position of patriarch, he led his tribe to slowly advance to the south. Over the years, the advancement has been extremely fast, and many small tribes have been annexed.At the beginning, the Feng family focused their energy on Mobei, but these years they started to have other plans. They paid less attention to the barbarians, and they didn't take the Chiyan tribe who was like a bereaved dog back then seriously, so they rushed to Khan slowly grew up in Mobei.

Before that, the barbarians sent troops as mercenaries to assist the Qin army to quell the chaos. Naturally, Tushi Khan would not participate in it. When he learned that Hexi was empty and the barbarian soldiers rebelled, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Tushi Khan would not miss it, and immediately led The elite of the clan fought day and night and reached Hexi with the fastest speed.

After many years of accumulation, the Chiyan tribe has strong soldiers and horses. This time, there are [-] to [-] tribe alliances, with [-] to [-] people, and the Chiyan tribe has [-] cavalry, which is the tribe with the most troops. His prestige on the grassland has not gone through too much controversy, so he became the commander in chief of this attack on Hexi. For other tribes, this commander is only temporary, nothing more than a leader who gathers the strength of all tribes. After defeating Wuping Fucheng, a golden mountain in their eyes, after this battle, they will go back to their respective homes and go their own way.

Of course, Tushi Khan's purpose is not just to command this war, but he wants to take this opportunity to show off his glory and make himself the real leader of the grassland.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to take down Wuping Fucheng at all costs. Once he wins, his reputation will spread far and wide. It is comparable, but once the soldiers are lost and the generals return home, not only will they not be able to shock the grasslands, but I am afraid that they will become the target of ridicule by various tribes in the future.

So Tushi Khan had already made up his mind that if he could not take down Wuping Fucheng, he would never retreat. No matter what the price was, he would take down the fortified city in front of him.

The barbarian soldiers are good at horse fighting, and they don't take long to attack the city. Both the Qin people and Tushi Khan himself know this clearly. The simple siege tools such as iron hooks and ropes are really invaluable to the Wuping prefecture in front of them. It was no different from suicide, with more casualties, and the soldiers of all tribes lost a lot of motivation. After all, they came to ask for money, not to die.

In the past, all the tribes rushed to Wuping Mansion, even passing through the cities along the way, they passed by like a whirlwind. For them, those villages, towns and small towns were not very attractive. The real golden beauties should all be within the city of Wuping Mansion , but the city was attacked countless times, with many casualties, but Wuping Mansion City was hard to shake. This made many tribes start to look back and think about whether to plunder elsewhere.

That was what troubled Tushi Khan.

Just as Ma Hong expected, the barbarian tens of thousands of soldiers and horses consume a lot of food every day, and they are indeed used to collecting materials locally and sending troops to plunder food, but the villages and towns near Wuping Fucheng have been destroyed before. They raided many times, and when the barbarian army invaded in large numbers, the surrounding villages and towns were either looted or the people fled in large numbers, with few traces of people. Now if you want to replenish the supplies of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses through looting, you can only Go further afield.

At this time, the tribes began to understand that everyone came here to ask for money, not to die. Since attacking Wuping Mansion would only increase casualties, it would be better to go out to plunder in the name of replenishing logistics. All tribes are unwilling to watch others When they went to rob, they were all clamoring to rob. In just ten days, people's hearts began to disperse. If this is the case, even if they fight for another three to five years, it may not have any effect.

Tushi Khan knew that morale must not be let down like this, and he must find a way to continue the battle, not only to find a suitable method of attacking the city, but also to make proper arrangements for logistics.

As for the generals of various ethnic groups scrambling to plunder and replenish logistics, Tushi Khan could only use the oldest method on the grassland to solve the problem, that is, drawing lots, inserting bamboo sticks of different lengths into the ground, and then the generals of each ethnic group will be able to separate their Pull out the bamboo sticks from the ground, and the elders with the bamboo sticks will lead the troops to plunder the surrounding area, while those with the shorter bamboo sticks can only stay and continue to attack the city.

Five or six tribes were overjoyed when they got the long lottery. They each led their own soldiers and horses, left their camps, and looted everywhere. Tens of thousands of people left the brigade.

Even so, the barbarian army besieging the city was strong enough to trap Wuping Prefecture.

Although Tushi Khan came from barbarians and did not read many books, he was extremely cunning. There were many captives in the army. Tushi Khan gathered these people from the Central Plains and offered rewards in public. If you find a way to break through the city, you can not only return yourself, but also a big reward.

He is very clear that the people who really understand the Central Plains are the people from the Central Plains, and those who can think of a way to break through Wuping Fucheng are probably the only ones from the Central Plains.

There was really no way for Tu Shi Khan to ask the prisoners of the Central Plains for advice, but his clever method played a great role. Soon some prisoners stood up and told the Central Plains people that if the war broke out, once they attacked Every city will have a large number of siege weapons to rely on. Tushi Khan, who has almost never engaged in siege warfare, is really very unfamiliar with siege weapons. Hearing about this strategy, he was a little puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, he encountered another difficulty. The siege weapon was easy to say, but it was not easy to manufacture it. It could only be completed by skilled craftsmen and carpenters according to the drawings. Most of the captives were women, and a few Men have not yet craftsmen among them.

Moreover, to capture such a strong city as Wuping Mansion, the number of siege weapons must not be small. To manufacture a large number of siege weapons in a short period of time, how many craftsmen are needed?

Tushi Khan's first thought was to send troops to look for craftsmen in Hexi, but when the barbarian army arrived, the people in Hexi fled one after another. With the maneuverability of the barbarian cavalry, it was of course easy to chase down the fleeing people. But to find a craftsman and carpenter among countless refugees, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The common people didn't write their occupations on their foreheads, so naturally they couldn't identify who was a craftsman, and the number of craftsmen was not many, so finding one out of a hundred people was already a very big deal. It is almost impossible to find a large number of craftsmen and carpenters to make siege weapons within a short period of time.

Although Tushi Khan was in trouble for the craftsmen, he was also a man who kept his word. The captive who proposed the siege weapon method was not only released as promised, but also rewarded with an ingot of gold and a bag of grain.

Although most of the captives hated the barbarians in their hearts and never said a word, seeing that the barbarians kept their promise and actually let them go, some people felt hopeful.

Tushi Khan was still thinking about how to find craftsmen, but one person took the initiative to tell that almost all the skilled craftsmen in Hexi were in the Tiangong. In order to build the Tiangong, Feng Yuanpo forcibly recruited peasants from all over Hexi. Tens of thousands of people were recruited, and almost all the craftsmen in Hexi were recruited to Tiangong.

Although many strong men were dismissed and returned to their hometowns, there are still tens of thousands of people in Tiangong, and there are countless craftsmen among them.

Tu Shi Khan was still troubled at first, but he was really overjoyed when he heard this. After the arrival of the barbarian army, they always locked their target in Wuping Prefecture City. A large number of craftsmen hid in it, only feeling that God was helping them. They knew that to take down Wuping Prefecture, they must have siege weapons, and to make siege weapons, they must have a large number of craftsmen. It is necessary to lay down the Tiangong first.

After Tushi Khan rewarded the man heavily, he immediately summoned the generals of all tribes and told them how he got it.

The city was still unable to be attacked, and the morale of the people was sinking. Some people even thought that it would be better to withdraw the troops than to lose their troops. Hearing what Tushi Khan said, everyone became excited and learned that they could get a lot of money by conquering the Heavenly Palace. Craftsmen, thus forcing them to make siege weapons, all the generals immediately geared up one by one, roaring to launch an attack on Tiangong immediately.

The barbarians have always done things quickly and neatly. Since Tushi Khan thought of a way, he didn't hesitate at all. He is not a reckless man. He heard that the barbarian cavalry had already attacked the Tiangong earlier, and the loss of troops would not be able to attack. He knew that he would attack the city by force. It is nothing more than continuing to increase casualties, so send people to the surroundings of Tiangong to survey the terrain, and then come up with an attack method.

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