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Chapter 1961 Captive

Tushi Khan's plan went quite smoothly. After the Tiangong fell, the captives were driven out of the Tiangong, and then began to identify the craftsmen in it.

It is not easy to find a carpenter among tens of thousands of captives.

It is true that among the captives in Tiangong, there are skilled craftsmen recruited by Feng Yuanpo from various places in Hexi, but they are still a small number. Finding more than a thousand carpenters would not be easy if these carpenters hadn't taken the initiative to stand up.

Tushi Khan was quite cunning, ordered the slaughter of more than a dozen cattle and sheep, and then put them on a pot in the wilderness to cook them.

The barbarian army came from Mobei, so naturally they would not bring livestock. These livestock were all obtained by the barbarian soldiers in Hexi.

The beef and mutton were rolled in the boiling water. Although the barbarians ate simply and did not add any condiments, the smell of meat floated in the air and diffused, even the barbarian soldiers' throats were also wriggling.

Most of the captives captured from Tiangong were young and strong. These days, they hid in Tiangong. At the beginning, Feng Yuanpo did let people store a lot of food in the warehouse in Tiangong. Here, the civil and military ministers, eunuchs and maids, including thousands of guards, eat and drink a lot every day.

After Yao Chong led his people into the Tiangong, he quickly exhausted the food stored in the Tiangong. In order to last as long as possible, the daily rations of tens of thousands of young and strong people were very small, and they could barely survive. Even so, Just two days ago, the food in the Tiangong was completely exhausted. Tens of thousands of people had not eaten a drop of rice for two days. In addition, they fought desperately for the past few days, and their physical strength was even more exhausted.

After the people were captured, they were angry and panicked at first, but they forgot about their hunger. However, the smell of meat emanating from dozens of cauldrons made the hungry people feel even more uncomfortable, and many people died. Staring at the big iron pot, if it weren't for the barbarian soldiers pointing their swords and guns, they would have rushed up to devour it immediately.

Tushi Khan sent an order, but any carpenter who took the initiative to stand up and get confirmation would get a bowl of meat.

As soon as this order came out, many people immediately stood up and claimed that they were carpenters.

Tushi Khan was very cunning. He was afraid that some ordinary people would pretend to be carpenters and come out to eat meat, so he first selected some of these people, brought tools, and asked them to make a few simple wooden utensils in public. The identity of more than a dozen carpenters, the meat in the iron boiler has also been boiled, and it is time to eat.

Only then did Tushi Khan share a bowl of meat with each of these dozen carpenters, and then use these dozen of people as referees. Whenever someone stood up and said that he was a carpenter, these referees would ask them some simple carpentry questions. Skills, if you can't answer them, it's a fake, and you will immediately drag them aside and kill them.

In the beginning, quite a few people pretended to be craftsmen in order to eat a bowl of meat, but they were spotted on the spot, and they were immediately dragged aside and beheaded.

There was also a carpenter who acted as a referee with kindness in his heart. A young man pretended to be a carpenter and stood up. The referee wanted to let it go, but he was unlucky. He looked flustered, and found something wrong with it, dragged it out and checked again and again, but was finally seen through. Together with the carpenter who was the referee, they were split in half.

When 300 to [-] carpenters were selected from the vast crowd, more than [-] fake strong men were killed aside, and the corpses were piled up together, making people creepy.

There were even some hot-blooded men who were filled with righteous indignation when they saw the barbarians killing like dogs, and wanted to fight to the death. However, they had just rushed out, and before they had contact with the barbarian soldiers, they were immediately shot by the barbarian archers who had been prepared. Killing, it shows that the barbarians are ruthless, but more people can only bow their heads and wait for the judgment of fate.

When they were in the Heavenly Palace, they knew that falling into the hands of the barbarians would be a disaster, but under the leadership and command of Yao Chong, they were united and resisted desperately. At that time, they were full of strong fighting spirit.

It's just that the moment Tiangong was breached, people's confidence collapsed instantly. Facing the barbarians' spears and scimitars, almost everyone's fighting spirit quickly disappeared. Among the countless corpses, fear quickly disappeared. It erodes into everyone's whole body, even into every pore.

Even a battle-hardened veteran, captured by a ferocious enemy, would never be able to maintain his composure in the face of a scimitar that could be chopped down by the enemy at any time. What's more, there are only a handful of real soldiers captured today. Almost all of them are ordinary people, even if they were trained by Yao Chong for a short period of time, they are not soldiers at all.

The ruthless killing is right under their noses. People know that there is no hope, and wait for the arrival of death in despair.

After all, Tushi Khan selected thousands of craftsmen from among the captives, without delay, and immediately offered a reward to the craftsmen, as long as someone knows how to make siege weapons, he can eat meat every day and even get wine. In this cold and moving day, he can get some spirits every day, but he can resist the bitter cold.

It's just that most of the craftsmen present were ordinary craftsmen. Fortunately, more than a dozen of them had served the army and had experience in making siege weapons.

Although they knew that the purpose of the barbarians to create siege weapons was to attack Wuping Prefecture not far ahead, but what could they do if they were under the knife?

They may be the people of the empire, but when they suffer, their so-called empire cannot give them any protection. Even if the emperor of the empire is close at hand, he can only look at it from the tall tower.

Tushi Khan immediately named the dozen or so carpenters as team leaders. Thousands of carpenters were divided into more than a dozen teams. According to Tushi Khan's order, within five days at most, each team would make ten siege pieces. arms.

Siege weapons are of course various, but the most important two are naturally catapults and siege vehicles. Catapults can be used to destroy city walls, and siege vehicles can be used to hit city gates.

Tu Shi Khan was full of spirits, thinking that the day the siege weapons were made would be the time when the city was broken, and he was overjoyed to agree that as long as the city was broken, all the craftsmen involved in making weapons would be freed.

A thousand craftsmen were only a very small part of the nearly [-] captives. After the carpenters were arranged, Ibrahimovic immediately went to Tushi Khan, but he ordered Tushi Khan to execute the rest of the captives.

"Tush Khan, we attacked the Heavenly Palace, and we killed and injured thousands of people, all of whom were damned Qin people. Now the people you need have been selected, and the remaining Qin people must all be killed, for the sake of the dead. The tribe takes revenge." Ibrahimovic clenched his fists with a fierce expression.

Tu Shi Khan hesitated for a moment, then said: "To make siege weapons, you need to cut wood, and you have to transport the wood. Of course, this requires manpower. Are you going to let the warriors with swords in their hands chop trees?"

Immediately, Ibrahimovic said, "Even so, we don't need so many people. Two to three thousand people are enough." His voice was low, "The food in our hands is only enough for four or five days even if we eat it ourselves. , if these people are still left behind, are we going to use our grain to feed them?"

Tushi Khan thought for a moment before asking, "Where are you going to kill them?"

Ibrahimovic sneered and said, "Why don't you drive them to the city and let that damned emperor of Qin take a look. The people of Qin have oppressed us for many years, now we should let that emperor take a look, as long as our warriors raise their scimitars, we can Defeat all the enemies who are against us, we will kill his people in front of him, and give him the deepest shame."

"Drove them to the city and killed them all?" Tushi Khan said with a strange smile, "Ibrahimovic, Ben Khan now wonders, do you want more grassland warriors to die here because you took advantage of the people of Qin?"

Ibrahimovic was stunned, unable to understand Tushi Khan's words for a moment.

Tushi Khan pointed at the towering fortified city, and said in a cold voice, "You know better than Ben Khan how many people there are in that city. When we attacked Tiangong, a group of unarmed guys, we were all killed and injured." Thousands of people, there are hundreds of thousands of people in that city, and they all have weapons in their hands, if they resist desperately, how many people do you think we will die?"

"Tush Khan, what do you mean...?"

"We have been besieging the city for many days, and we have already broken through the Heavenly Palace. Do you know what they are thinking now?" Tushi Khan was extremely tall, standing in front of Ibrahimovic with awe-inspiring aura, "Ben Khan tells you, they must be very scared now , They are afraid of death, he is afraid that our warriors' sabers will cut their necks, Ben Khan also knows that they will temporarily forget their anger because of fear, if a person is afraid, he is the most terrifying, but also the most cowardly, you Do you understand?"

Ibrahimovic obviously hasn't understood what Tushi Khan meant, and Tushi Khan's eyes were not without contempt, "If a person is afraid because of fear, then he will soon lose the will to fight and become the most cowardly person. But if a person is angry because of fear, he can become a terrifying warrior. You asked Ben Khan to allow you to drive these captives to the city and execute them in front of them. Do you know the consequences? Ben Khan told you , They will be extremely scared, but they will also be extremely angry. They will understand that if they lose the battle, they will only die. If this is the case, they will definitely fight to the death.

Only then did Ibrahimovic understand, Tushi Khan looked at the city in the distance, and smoothed his beard with his fingers, "Don't rush to kill them, let them cut down trees and help us make weapons, our food, naturally There is no need to give them...!" With a sinister smile: "It is their luck that they survived when the city was destroyed, and Ben Khan might spare their lives, but if they starve to death or If you die from exhaustion, then it has nothing to do with us." Then he asked: "Is there anyone in the army who can speak well?"

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