National color raw owl

Chapter 1974 Gathering Forces

Shen Yiwei walked lightly into the hall, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "Reporting to the Holy Majesty, several wells in the city have suddenly dried up."

"The well is dry?" Ding Wu frowned, "What does it matter?"

Shen Yiwei lowered his head, "These dry wells are all close to the city wall, and the people were still using the clear water in the wells yesterday, but since this morning, the water in the wells has dropped rapidly. Not long ago, several wells The wells have all dried up."

"The well water will dry up in one day?" Ding Wu was stunned for a moment, but also felt that this matter was extremely strange, and his brows were furrowed.

This is of course a vision, and the omen is already very bad.

Xuanyuan Shao was also a little surprised, and asked Shen Yiwei: "But someone deliberately destroyed the city?"

He naturally remembered that Mrs. Liuli's disciples of Ganxinzong might still be in the city now. This group of people is incompatible with the state of Qin. The chaotic Wuping Prefecture became even more chaotic.

Shen Yiwei raised his head slightly and said: "We have sent people to search around the city, but we haven't found the whereabouts of those people yet. If they want to destroy the well water, they may be able to poison the well water, but it is absolutely impossible to pump the well water. Let’s go. According to our investigation, the water in the well began to drop early this morning. No one noticed at first, but the water level dropped extremely fast. In one well, someone even saw the water sinking to the bottom of the well with their own eyes. ...!"

Xuanyuan Shao's lips moved, and his brows were furrowed even tighter. At this moment, he heard a burst of laughter, and when he turned his head, he saw that it was Ding Wu who was laughing loudly.

"My lord...!"

"Xuanyuan, why do you think the well is dry?" Ding Wu asked Xuanyuan Shao with a smile.

Seeing Dingwu's eyebrows stretched out, Xuanyuanshao didn't understand it for a while, he couldn't say that this was a warning from the sky, but an ominous omen, foretelling that the city of Wuping was more or less auspicious.

"Tushi will attack the city soon, and they will swarm here if they don't come out today or tomorrow." Dingwu quickly suppressed his smile and said coldly: "I just said that I won't let the people wait." Too long, maybe...!" He didn't continue, but stood up, walked slowly to the door of the hall, put his hands behind his back, and looked up at the sky. Time, but winter in the north has fewer days and longer nights, and the sky is already a little dark before dusk. Xuanyuan Shao followed Ding Wu, and at this time he heard Ding Wu continue: "Maybe this is their last attack. .”

"Your Majesty is saying that they... this is the last attack?" Xuanyuan Shao asked.

A sneer appeared on Dingwu's lips, and he asked without answering, "Xuanyuan, haven't you figured out why the wells in the city have dried up?"

"Also... Please ask the Holy One to clarify!"

"That's not a natural disaster, it's a rape." Ding Wu said slowly: "It's just that someone in the city didn't destroy it. If I guessed correctly, it was the means of barbarians."


Ding Wu glanced at Xuanyuan Shao: "Since the last time the barbarians failed to attack the city, they have never launched an attack, and they are manufacturing siege weapons with great fanfare outside the city. I thought they were waiting for the siege weapons After they are manufactured, they will concentrate their forces to launch an offensive. Now it seems that these barbarians are very cunning, they deliberately use the manufacture of siege weapons to attract our attention, but there is a huge conspiracy hidden behind it."

Xuanyuan Shao kept frowning and thinking, but at this moment his body shook suddenly, as if he had just woken up, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, could it be...they are going to dig a tunnel?"

"That's right." Ding Wu said: "Mingli is making siege weapons, but in fact, he secretly sent people to dig tunnels, trying to steal into the city from the ground. When the time comes, they will enter the city through the tunnels while we are defending the city. In this way, The inside should cooperate with the outside, we are naturally hard to resist."

After all, Xuanyuan Shao is also a very shrewd person, and he has already understood the strangeness: "They have already dug through the city wall, but they dug through the underground water source, which caused the well water to decline or even dry up...!"

Ding Wu sneered and said, "Thanks to the exhaustion of the well water that reminded us, otherwise I really would have never thought that they would use this move. Tu Shi has already thought of this move, and this time the attack must go all out. The barbarian and barbarian coalition is a tribal coalition. I guess that the previous siege failed, and there must be conflicts between the barbarian tribes. They lost troops and lost their generals, and they were short of logistics. If the fight continues, the other tribes will not continue to follow him, so as long as we can defend this time, Wuping Prefecture can temporarily save the day."

Xuanyuan Shao nodded slightly, but he did not have the slightest joy.

He knew very well that if this was really the last attack of the barbarians, then this attack would be the opponent's last fight. The offensive will also be unprecedentedly ferocious.

"My lord, the barbarians are digging tunnels, I will lead people to find out where the tunnels are right now...!"

However, Ding Wu shook his head and said: "Don't worry, if you start to scare the snake now, it may make Tu Shi change his plan. Since they want to fight for the last time, I will play with them for the last time." He said in a deep voice, "Zhao Zishu!"

That Shenyiwei was indeed Zhao Zishu from a hundred households, and immediately said: "The minister is here!"

"Now you lead people to collect water tanks in the city, and then bury half of them under the base of the city wall with the steel mouth facing upwards. In this way, you can find out the location of the tunnel from the water tanks." Ding Wu said slowly: " Once you have identified the location of the tunnel, you should trace where the tunnel leads. If the barbarians attack the city tonight, they will definitely sneak into the city from the tunnel, and you arrange manpower so that these barbarians will never come back."

Zhao Zishu cupped his hands and said, "I understand!" For this kind of thing, Shenyiwei is naturally handy, and Dingwu needless to say how to deal with it, Zhao Zishu already has a plan in mind.

Xuanyuan Shao was a little surprised: "Your Majesty knows such a method."

Ding Wu smiled and said: "Don't forget, I fought with General Lei back then, I learned a lot from him...!" Thinking that Lei Guheng had already died in battle, his eyes There was a trace of sadness.

Dingwu saw through the tricks of the barbarians, so Tu Shi naturally knew nothing about it. In his opinion, this trick was the trump card for this time's siege.

If the siege weapons had given him hope of breaking the city, now he has pinned his greatest hope of breaking the city on a few tunnels.

Tu Shi is a man who is good at playing tricks. Although it is stipulated that the tunnel must be dug into the city within ten days, he has never tried such a method of attacking the city. He didn't have any confidence, and for him, if it took another day, not only would his morale be weakened, but his food would also be lost. The sooner the tunnel was dug, the sooner he could break through the city.

Because of this, he issued an order to assign many captives to dig into more than a dozen teams, and at the same time dig tunnels for more than ten days in the direction of the city, day and night, in order to stimulate these captives to go all out, but Tushi Khan Tell these people, whoever can dig the tunnel into the city first, not only will all the captives who dig this tunnel be free, but they will also be rewarded with gold and silver. All executed.

Those who are fast will be free and rewarded, while those who are slow will be executed. The captives have no choice but to dig forward continuously day and night.

Excavating a tunnel is of course an extremely difficult job. In addition to someone exploring and digging in front, the excavated soil needs to be transported out of the tunnel at the back. The tunnel must not only be deep, but also as wide as possible. Talents, apart from craftsmen and carpenters, there are really some masters who know how to dig tunnels. Under the sudden reward, these people also enter the tunnel command for their own survival.

Among the captives, more and more people starved to death. Fortunately, Sushi needed some manpower to make siege weapons, cut down and transport wood, and also needed a large number of people to rotate and dig underground passages, so there was not much food in the first place. Some of them were set aside to let some captives barely survive.

However, besides the strong men, there were also many eunuchs and maids among the captives. The barbarians selected strong men to stay and continue to work hard, but almost all the eunuchs and maids starved to death, and many of them were tortured to death by the barbarians.

However, the progress of the tunnel was beyond the expectations of Tu Shi. He originally thought that it would take ten days or even longer to dig under the city, but before ten days had passed, he had already received news that there were two Tunnels have been dug into the city.

The foundation of the city wall of Wuping Prefecture is very deep. When the tunnel was dug under the city, it touched the foundation of the city wall. It was solid and firm, so it was impossible to pass through. We could only continue to dig down to dig a U-shaped tunnel to avoid the city wall. The foundation, but it was also because they touched the foundation of the city wall that they knew the progress of their excavation.

When Tushi Khan learned that the tunnel had been dug, he was naturally overjoyed.

This time he was not impatient. Last time he made a part of the siege weapon, he was impatient, so he suffered a big loss.

Having learned from the past, Tu Shi was much calmer this time.

This is also because he knows the fact that regardless of success or failure, this is his last chance. Once he breaks the city, he will naturally become famous all over the world. But once he fails, the barbarian tribes will never give him a second chance. second chance.

The last siege failed, and the tribes started arguing. Many tribes wanted to withdraw their troops and return to the grassland. Tushi managed to suppress it, but he could only promise to launch the last attack. If the attack failed to break the city, he could only withdraw his troops. .

Because of this, Tu Shi naturally cherished the last chance very much, and never dared to launch an offensive lightly until the best time.

These days, a lot of siege weapons have been produced. Although almost all the ladders made before were burned, Tu Shi stubbornly believed that the fuel in the city might have been used up in the last siege battle. Even if there is still fuel oil in the city, the number will not be too much. The number of ladders made this time is more than double that of the last time. Hundreds of ladders are already piled up like a mountain. The stone catapult, which greatly restored the confidence that Tu Shi had been severely hit last time.

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