National color raw owl

Chapter 1977 Defeat like a mountain

In the night, the sound of rumbling horseshoes came from the west.

Seeing that the city was about to break down, the morale of the barbarian army was even more boosted. Under the continuous impact of the barbarian army, the north gate of the city was completely destroyed, and the gate was opened, but inside the gate was blocked by several layers of guards. With the spear in hand, the barbarians fought with sabers for the convenience of climbing the city. The battle at the city gate was really inch-long and inch-strong. Although the city gate had been breached, the spears were like a forest, piercing forward layer by layer. Many of the barbarians rushing to the front were pierced to death by spears.

The barbarians swung their knives and slashed forward, and there were archers behind them who shot arrows continuously. Inside the city gate, there were already piles of corpses. The beast-like roar forced the soldiers inside the city gate back step by step.

The battle between the two armies was in full swing, and not many people noticed the movement in the west for a while.

Moreover, on the battlefield, people shouted and horses neighed, knives flashed and fire shadowed, and there was a mess. The sudden sound of horseshoes only made most soldiers on both sides mistakenly think that they were barbarians wandering around.

But Tu Shi had already heard it clearly.

Although he personally participated in the siege of the city, he was the commander of the barbarian army after all. Naturally, it was impossible for him to go to the city to fight, but there was still some distance from the city wall.

His senses were very keen, the ground vibrated faintly, and he didn't pay attention to it at first, but soon he felt something was wrong, and vaguely heard the long hiss of war horses coming from the west.

Tu Shi lived on the grassland since he was a child, and has developed a special ability, that is, he can roughly judge the number of war horses as long as he hears the sound.

The main force of the barbarian army was attacking the city, and the faint sound of horseshoes coming from the west, at least six to seven thousand people, suddenly realized that the sound of horseshoes could not be a barbarian.

Not long ago, bad news came back from the defeated barbarians at Panlong Mountain. In fact, Tu Shi was also worried that after the victory of the Northwest Army, would they take advantage of the victory to pursue and directly attack Wuping Mansion?

It's just that he didn't expect that the Northwest Army would arrive as soon as it was said, and would suddenly kill them at such a fatal time.

Although he hadn't seen the flag yet, he had already decided in his heart that the Northwest Army must have killed him. At this moment, he was frightened and annoyed.

The barbarian army's attention was all on Wuping Fucheng, and there was no protection on the flanks.

Tu Shi received bad news before, and actually thought about whether to guard against the sudden attack of the Northwest Army, but at that time the barbarian army had already launched a full-scale attack on Wuping Fucheng. , It will definitely throw the barbarian army with high morale into chaos, causing extremely serious consequences.

Moreover, everything was ready to attack the attached city of Wuping, and only one blow was needed. Of course, Tu Shi would not order his troops to return halfway when the city was about to fall.

He was lucky in his heart, thinking that the Northwest Army had a large number of soldiers and horses, and even if they marched into Wuping Mansion, their marching speed would definitely be slow. As long as they survived the night and took Wuping Mansion, the situation would be extremely beneficial to the barbarian army.

It's just that this night still couldn't survive, and the Northwest Army showed up when it shouldn't be there.

Of course he knew what it meant for the Northwest Army to appear at this time. The barbarians without flank protection were all focused on Wuping Prefecture. At this time, the Northwest Army could easily cut into the barbarian army from the flanks. However, once this happens, the unprepared barbarian army will inevitably fall into a state of chaos, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Tu Shi's heart turned cold, if he said that he only thought the name "Chu Huan" was very hateful before, but now it has become "scary"!

Of course he already understood that the appearance of the Northwest Army at such a time was of course not accidental, it must have been carefully designed by the Northwest Army.

From the beginning to the end, the Northwest Army has been harassing the outside, but did not send out the main force to attack the barbarian army, and it is full of tricks, consuming the strength of the barbarian army. I hope to take Wuping Fucheng before the Northwest Army takes action.

The Qin army and the barbarian army faced each other tit for tat, the offense and defense were fierce, and both suffered heavy casualties.

Tu Shi once believed that the reason why the Northwest Army hadn't made a move for a long time was because they were afraid of the strong front of the barbarian army and did not dare to act rashly.

But now he understands that the Northwest Army's inaction may not be because they are really afraid of the barbarians, but they have been waiting, waiting for the best time to take action and harvest rich fruits.

The timing of their shots was just right, not only when the Qin army was at the end of its rope, but also when the barbarian army was at its weakest.

"Array...!" Tu Shi shouted sharply, "Array to the west, ready to meet the enemy...!" He shouted at the nearby cavalry, his voice was exhausted.

The barbarians stormed the city, but there were still countless cavalry who couldn't get in, but they were all riding on horseback, waiting in full force, until the city gate was broken, and rushed into the city immediately.

They had already seen that the city gate was breached, and soldiers from both sides were fighting fiercely under the city gate. The cavalry knew that the time to rush into the city and plunder was coming.

But there is one thing that Tu Shi may not have thought in advance. When the victory was in sight and the bloody massacre was about to start, the tribes of the barbarian army had naturally separated, and the cavalry of each tribe had gathered together. It is composed of three tribes, and when the time comes to plunder the city, whoever grabs it will belong to whoever grabs it. They killed and injured many tribesmen, and it is precisely for this moment. If the tribes can work together before the city is broken, they are all from the grassland. brothers, then after the city is broken, the tribes will become rivals.

The gold, silver, treasures and moldy women in the city are like a piece of cake. If someone else robs a piece, they will lose one piece, so everyone is working hard and preparing to do a big job after entering the city.

The cavalry formed their own teams, and in order to get ahead of other tribes, they rushed towards the city gate, yelling loudly, but except for a few cavalry from his own tribe nearby, the cavalry from other tribes all gathered together. Ignore it, before the city was broken, you were the commander in chief, leading us to break through the city, but now that the city is about to be broken, it means that each has its own interests, and the generals of each tribe are too lazy to bother, and some people even suspect that Tushi shouted for cavalry to gather He came here to let the cavalry of his own tribe rush forward after the cavalry of each tribe retreated.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, but in the midst of the raging flames of war, there were very few people who found it.

Although it was because the sound of fighting was too loud, it was also because of the excitement that many barbarians and generals ignored everything.

The last period close to victory is often the most dangerous moment, and the barbarians obviously don't understand this truth.

Tu Shi's voice was hoarse and he had little effect. He could only lead the cavalry of thousands of tribes to move west quickly, hoping that the soldiers of other tribes would find out about the change.

The sound of hooves was getting closer, and Tushi Khan led his men and horses to rush to the west. Soon, he saw a group of black armored ghosts coming towards him.

The black armored cavalry came very fast, as fast as the wind, and as ethereal as the clouds.

Chu Huan was on the horse, feeling the gust of wind cutting his face.

With a swagger in his hand, the Northwest Iron Cavalry already has bows and arrows in their hands. The arrows are like locusts, shooting from a distance and slashing at a distance. Although the reason is very simple, it is the most effective way to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Long arrows are like rain.

Chu Huan put away his knife and took the bow, with two arrows in his hands. After the arrows were released, he galloped through the wind. Before the oncoming barbarians could react, one of them fell to the ground.

The Northwest Army came prepared, but the barbarian cavalry were caught off guard. If both sides were prepared for a head-on confrontation, it might be a match, but the barbarian soldiers at this moment obviously couldn't resist the northwest cavalry that suddenly rushed out.

After a round of arrow rain from the Northwest Cavalry, they had already drawn their swords in their hands, like a black flood, pouring down, and the hundreds of wild cavalry rushing towards them were instantly swallowed by the black torrent.

The teams of the two sides collided fiercely, but one side was dull, while the other side was like an iron plate covered with awls. The horses neighed and screamed again and again. The northwest cavalry slapped on the opponent like a stormy sea, and figures flew in the air. , The horses on the ground neighed sadly, and in just an instant, nearly half of the hundreds of cavalry who rushed up fell down.

The individual soldiers of the Northwest Cavalry may not be the best cavalry in the world, but this cavalry has strict discipline, unified orders, and ten people who work together are far better than 50 people in a plate of scattered sand. A chaotic wild ride.

The main component of the Northwest Iron Cavalry was originally the Tianshan Moral Black Wind Cavalry. It was the cavalry that Zhu Lingyue exhausted his efforts to train. The cavalry was also trained by Hou Jingang and other cavalry generals. It has long been a well-disciplined team.

Under Chu Huan's command, they just need to obey.

With the sound of the horn, the northwest iron cavalry suddenly separated and instantly divided into four teams. Like four sharp black arrows, they shot fiercely into the barbarian army formation.

Of course, the Northwest Cavalry knew what the barbarian army was doing in Hexi. In any case, the barbarian army burned, killed and looted in Hexi, which had already made the Northwest Army resentful.

Although they were fast, the entire cavalry formation was not chaotic at all. Four troops rushed into the barbarian army formation, and the barbarian army turned their backs on their backs for a while, screaming again and again.

Chu Huan came to the battlefield in person, like a dragon, leading a team of troops directly into the belly of the enemy. Gu Liangchen, Lang Wazi, Qin Lei and other generals were also like tigers in a herd of sheep, under the impact of the northwest cavalry Peiran However, the barbarian army was already torn apart. Many barbarians dismounted to attack the city, but before they could find their own horses, their heads were taken away by the northwestern cavalry as if they were harvesting wheat.

Although many barbarians have discovered that there are suddenly countless cavalry on the battlefield, there are still many barbarians who don't know why and are still struggling to attack the city.

At this time, barbarian troops were all over the city, and they had already occupied an overwhelming advantage on the city tower, while the defenders were still fighting desperately.

The barbarian army claimed to be the division of tigers and wolves, but without preparation, they were like a flock of panicked sheep in the eyes of the Northwest Cavalry, but the real division of tigers and wolves was the Northwest Cavalry.

Where the torrent of the black armor passed, corpses littered the field.

Tu Shi fought hard, but was also swept by the barbarian army. Fortunately, there were many personal guards around him, and in the dark night, it was difficult for the Northwest Army to identify who was the commander of the barbarian army. They just After rushing back and forth in the vast city, Tu Shi Khan was lucky enough to escape. Looking back, the Northwest Army was well-organized, but the barbarian army was already scattered from east to west. It was chaotic, although many barbarians were very brave and rushed forward to fight with the northwest cavalry, but how could the barbarians fighting on their own resist the northwest army formation that was like a fist.

Above the city tower, some Qin soldiers finally discovered that something had happened outside the city. They saw several cavalrymen rushing back and forth in the formation of the barbarians, and they could clearly see that these cavalrymen were all wearing armor, which was quite different from the fur suits of the barbarians. Immediately, someone cheered loudly: "Reinforcements are coming, reinforcements are coming...!"

The defenders were already determined to fight the barbarian army with the determination to die. At this moment, they all thought that they were at the end of their rope, so they tried their best to resist. After all, there was a huge disparity in strength, and it was impossible to prevent the barbarian army from breaking through the city.

Suddenly someone shouted, and many people on the tower looked down, and they saw that the densely packed barbarians were already in a mess, and saw those black armored cavalry wielding big knives, slashing at the barbarians. Killing, he also shouted for a while: "Reinforcements have arrived, brothers, kill...!" For a while, the morale of the already desperate defenders on the top of the city was greatly boosted.

On the contrary, those barbarians heard the continuous screams from the city, and saw the soldiers and horses of various tribes scattered away, and even many cavalry had retreated to the north, and they were shocked. They already had the absolute upper hand. Since his morale was like a rainbow and he was about to kill the tower and rush into the city, seeing this scene suddenly, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that something had happened.

Naturally, among the barbarians, there was no lack of clever minds, and they had already seen the clues of the matter, and shouted anxiously: "The reinforcements from the southern barbarians are here, let's go...!"

In fact, there are still tens of thousands of barbarian troops, and they are all brave and good at fighting. If they hold their ground in this chaotic situation, they may not be unable to block the Northwest Army's offensive.

The city tower is almost under the control of the barbarian army, and there are many barbarian cavalry under the city. If they can be dispatched in a unified manner and the troops are divided into two places, not only Wuping Fucheng will be taken down, but the barbarian army may not be unable to regain control of the battle situation.

However, the barbarian army was originally a tribal alliance, and they always fought on their own. Although they united together to attack Wuping Fucheng continuously, they still couldn't form a unity at all.

It is naturally possible for them to jointly attack, but it is extremely difficult to unite and fight back in the face of adversity. The soldiers of each tribe only know how to find their own tribe's companions and generals, while the tribesmen However, the general was also desperately looking for his subordinates, and the disaster was imminent. What the tribes wanted was not to organize a counterattack immediately, but to worry that the tribe would suffer heavy casualties under the attack of the Northwest Army.

The few small tribes that had not yet reached the city and remained outside, seeing the situation was not good, ignored the soldiers of other tribes at all, turned their horses around, and immediately ran north regardless of everything. Because of this, the barbarian army Morale collapsed almost in an instant, people called horses neighing, and more barbarians had no intention of fighting, and rushed northward like waves, all thinking of leaving the battlefield quickly and keeping their clansmen.

The barbarians on the tower saw their companions abandoning them and leaving, they were terrified. At this moment, they had no intention to continue attacking the city. They ran to the battlements one after another, and then walked back on the ladder. The defenders who had already been forced to retreat from the tower saw In this situation, naturally they would not let go of such an opportunity to counterattack by taking advantage of the situation. For a while, the barbarians suffered many casualties, and even many people jumped from the high walls under the counterattack of the defenders, falling to pieces.

Although Tu Shi was ambitious, he was not a person ignorant of current affairs. Although he also wanted to organize a counterattack, in this chaotic situation, the barbarians either fought on their own or fled desperately. They wanted to gather troops and horses to fight back. It was a fantasy at all. He always thought that the barbarians were the fiercest soldiers and horses in the world, but the northwest cavalry he saw at this time was like an army of devils from hell. One's own blood, but more of the enemy's blood, even so, was fearless, and the horseshoes trampled across it, sweeping everything in its path.

As long as the northwest cavalry goes, it will be like the mouth of a monster, devouring everything.

"Sweat...!" Several riders rushed forward, "Go, we can't stay any longer...!" Someone even grabbed the reins of Tushi's horse and walked northward .

At this time, Tu Shi was heartbroken with grief.

He knew very well in his heart that the barbarians were not united and had never been an opponent of the Central Plains. He had always had the ambition to unify the grasslands. After losing one battle, the confidence and glory of the barbarians will be completely smashed to the bottom. For at least a few decades, the barbarians will no longer dare to take a step into the Central Plains.

Moreover, most of the elites of the prairie were assembled this time, whether it was soldiers or war horses, they were all the best on the prairie. However, after the defeat, the soldiers and horses suffered countless losses, and it would not take three to five years to recover their vitality.

More and more barbarians followed the team and fled to the north. The so-called defeat was like a mountain. The soldiers and horses of Tu Shi's tribe also fled in large numbers to the north. Tu Shi stared fiercely at the collapsed city , looked up to the sky and sighed, "God will not bless me!" In the end, he turned the horse's head, shook the horse's rein, and let the horse go. .

The four squadrons of northwest cavalry were performing their own duties. Two squadrons of soldiers were still intercepting and killing under the city, while the other two squadrons of cavalry followed closely behind the fleeing barbarians.

The barbarians fled in a hurry, and there were countless people trampling on each other. Inside and outside the city walls, above and below the city, there were fragmented corpses everywhere, swords and arrows were scattered all over the place, and quite a few war horses also fell to the ground.

Under the light of the fire, it was a terrifying scene of Shura Hell.

Lang Wazi and Gu Liangchen chased and killed the enemy, while Qin Lei led a group of soldiers to kill the barbarians who had retreated from the city. The soldiers retreated like a tide, and many people were excited, but they had already chased out from the city, followed behind the barbarians and slaughtered the dogs in the water.

The continuous attacks by the barbarians on the city of Wuping Fu these days resulted in the death of many strong men defending the city. These strong men were all from the same city, and many of them were brothers and friends. After a blood feud, there was an opportunity to take revenge at this time, so naturally they would not miss it. Countless strong men rushed out from the already breached city gates, screaming and waving swords and spears to kill the embarrassed barbarians.

There are people everywhere under the city, barbarians, northwest cavalry, and city defenders are mixed together. In the dark, it is not possible to see the face of that person. Fortunately, the northwest cavalry are all wearing armor, which is easy to identify. The man in the fur jacket immediately looked over and saw the northwest cavalry, but he couldn't figure out where the reinforcements came from for a while, but it must be his own troops, and he shouted twice for joy.

Chu Huan naturally saw a large number of strong men rushing out of the city, so he ignored it, but led his team of cavalry and rushed straight to the city gate.

With the sound of horseshoes, the soldiers crowded at the city gate saw the armored cavalry rushing towards them, and they did not seem to slow down their horses in the slightest. However, the cavalry behind rushed into the city like a long dragon.

Chu Huan galloped into the city, glanced around, but found that there were not many guards crowded around the city gate, and Chu Huan was clearly aware of the uniforms of the guards. The guards obviously also noticed that Chu Huan's soldiers and horses were not as friendly as they imagined, but they all held their swords tightly. However, at this time, the northwest cavalry poured into the city like a tide, and these guards did not dare to act rashly.

When Chu Huan entered the city, he raised his saber and made a few movements. Immediately, cavalrymen rushed towards both sides separately, holding the ladder to the city. The soldiers of the Guards were extremely vigilant, with a horizontal knife in front of them, and two soldiers of the Guards also approached, looking at Chu Huan warily.

Chu Huan rode on the horse and looked down at the soldiers of the Guards, and finally asked calmly, "Where is Dingwu?"

"Bold!" A guard soldier immediately shouted: "How dare you call the Holy One by his name, are you trying to rebel?"

"This king has rebelled for a long time, don't you know?" Chu Huan had a sneer on his face, "Do you know who this king is?"

Several soldiers of the guards changed their colors when they heard that Chu Huan called himself "my king". Apart from a few princes, there were no other princes in the Qin Kingdom. There is no doubt that this person in front of him must be a traitor.

"Who are you?" The blood-stained guard soldier asked in a deep voice.

Chu Huan chuckled and said, "Dingwu is all over the world wanting to take the head of this king, so you don't know who this king is?"

"He...he is Chu Huan!" A guard suddenly figured it out, and said, "He is...he is Chu Huan from the northwest."

"That's right, this king is Chu Huan." Chu Huan said calmly: "Dingwu has always wanted to see this king, and this king has arrived, where are the others?"

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