National color raw owl

Chapter 1983 Illusion

Chu Huan frowned slightly, finally nodded and said, "That's right, you don't have to doubt that."

"Where was the Dragon King at that time?" Liuli asked Chu Huan, her blue eyes were hazy, like a dream.

"Of course he was in Xiliang." Chu Huan said, "If you want to know more details, I can tell you that he was in a temple at that time."

"Temple?" Liuli asked softly, "What kind of temple?"

"It's a very ordinary temple." Chu Huan replied, "It's built on the grassland."

"Then do you remember what is special about that temple?" Liuli continued to ask, "Since you said it was a temple, whose Dharma image is enshrined?"

Chu Huan didn't know why Liuli asked all of this suddenly. He still had a fresh memory of Master Ghost, but he didn't know the appearance of the temple after a long time.

"In the temple, is there a Peacock Mingwang Bodhisattva?" Liuli said softly, "If it's not Mingwang Bodhisattva, then which Bodhisattva is it?"

Chu Huan immediately recalled that he really didn't know which god was enshrined in the temple, but he remembered that the ghost master once brought him into a room with a mural of six reincarnations on the wall of the room. A fresco of a golden god of war.

In a trance, it seemed that he had returned to the house full of murals.

The murals of the Six Paths of Reincarnation were still quite vague at first, but for some reason, in retrospect, those six murals became more and more clear, and even the tiny details of each mural were clearly remembered.

Suddenly, I felt as if I walked in front of one of the murals. This large mural was composed of more than a dozen small murals, and the combination of more than ten small murals formed an extremely cruel and bloody picture.

The characters in the painting are divided into two types, one with a ferocious face, like a ghost, and the other is a naked creature who is being punished by a ghost.Some have been completely destroyed and are being burned by the fire, some have been dismembered, some have been boiled in a furnace, and some are even in the flames, stretching their hands in the air, as if they were wailing. .

In a trance, the mural in front of him became vivid, the originally static flame suddenly flickered and burned, and the ghosts in the painting roared horribly, and the punished creatures wailed terribly. Voice.

"The eight great heats, the eight great colds, the nearness, loneliness, deathlessness, and all kinds of suffering are the realms of hell!" Faintly, Chu Huan heard the voice of the ghost master.

He was taken aback, turned his head to look, and found that Master Ghost had appeared beside him.

"Master, is it... you?" Chu Huan was overjoyed when he saw Master Ghost standing beside him, "You are still alive, so... that's great... .!"

"All sentient beings are originally pure. Due to ignorance and reckless actions in the past, they have the consciousness to enter the womb!" The ghost master turned around, covered with a black scarf, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and stared at Chu. Huan said slowly: "With the consciousness of entering the womb, there will be the conception of the body. After conception, the six organs of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind will be formed. After birth, there will be various causes and conditions, and good and evil karma will appear. Power, the birth of heaven, people, and asuras for good karma, and the six reincarnations of animals, evil spirits, and hells for evil karma are the twelve karmas. Inevitably, the six paths of reincarnation will go on and on forever!"

"Master, I don't understand what you said." Chu Huan said with a wry smile, "It would be great if you came. I just want to return the name of Naga to you...!" Before he finished speaking, he saw the ghost master in front of him suddenly disappear out of thin air, he was surprised, and said anxiously: "Master, you... Where are you?" He looked around, only to find that he was still in a room full of murals, but the murals on the walls all came to life, and the sound of fighting and howling could be heard in his ears for a moment, the sound was full of mournful And despair, even Chu Huan was so bold, but at this moment he also felt hairy.

At this moment, I felt my shoulders tighten. I turned around and saw a blue-faced, fang-toothed ghost suddenly standing beside me, with a hairy hand resting on my shoulder, protruding from the mouth of the fangs. It actually stuck out a long tongue, green mucus flowed from the tongue, it was horrifying, Chu Huan was horrified, he raised his foot, and kicked the ghost, the ghost wailed, flew out and hit the On a mural, but instantly submerged in it.

"What... what's going on here?" Chu Huan's mind was in chaos for a moment, and at this moment, he saw more than a dozen ghosts on the mural walking out of the mural, one by one. Opening his teeth and claws, he approached Chu Huan.

"Master, where are you?" Chu Huan was terrified and backed away again and again, but suddenly felt as if he had bumped into an iron wall. When he looked back, he found a giant in full armor standing behind him. The giant was unkempt and ugly. , but he was holding an extremely huge battle ax in his hand. He moved his head forward suddenly, and let out a roar that shook the world. , Chu Huan backed away in shock, only to find that there were more than one or two such giants. More than a dozen armored giants carried battle axes or large knives, and one giant even carried a bone gun made of human bones in his hand. Eyes like copper bells stared at him.

On one side was an armored giant, and on the other was a fierce ghost with a clean face and fangs. Soon, Chu Huan was surrounded and had no way to escape.

Chu Huan subconsciously pulled out his saber from his waist, but when he stretched out his hand, he found nothing. He looked down and saw that he was only wearing a short shirt, neither armor nor weapon.

Chu Huan was already breaking out in cold sweat at this time, suddenly, the voice of the ghost master came from his head: "All living beings have the appearance of the Dharma, and to transcend the suffering of the six realms, you need the magic method... Where did it come from, go to Where to go, enter the Great Nirvana, transcend the six reincarnations...!"

In Chu Huan's spiritual consciousness, he suddenly swayed slightly, and suddenly thought: "Why am I here?"

He was in the house just now, and he took it for granted, and he didn't doubt why he appeared in the house. At this time, a flash of inspiration flashed, and he suddenly realized something, but just as soon as this thought came to his mind, he felt a headache. crack.

He held his head in his hands, and the voices of ghosts and giants kept ringing in his ears, but there seemed to be a bright light in Chu Huan's heart, telling him that only by remembering where he came from can he avoid the current disaster.

It's just that his mind was in chaos, and when he thought about it for a while, his whole head was like a sea of ​​​​turbulence. He couldn't remember why he appeared in this room, let alone what he should do next.

"Six realms of reincarnation, six realms of reincarnation, the realm of hell, the realm of Asura...well, there is also the realm of heaven...!" Chu Huan was thinking desperately, but at this moment, he heard a misty music, and he Suddenly he looked up, only to find that in the mid-air, there were cranes and white clouds floating, and among them was a mysterious girl in white dancing.

The beautiful scenery in mid-air is alluring, but there are evil ghosts everywhere beside me, it is completely two worlds.

Seeing a beautiful woman in white in the air, with a graceful figure, dancing with the drifting clouds, Chu Huan took a deep breath, stared at the dancing beauty, suddenly thought of something, and vaguely thought of something. Impressions, but I couldn’t think of them for a while, and at this moment, a giant in armor was already swinging a huge axe, and he was about to strike down, with great force, but at a slow speed. Chu Huan hurriedly backed away, and glanced at the sky again out of the corner With one glance at the beauty, an image of a person flashed in his mind: "Liuli...!"

The name blurted out, and the impression of Liuli became clearer in his mind. Looking at the dancing Xuannv again, the figure and appearance of that Xuannv had already transformed into Liuli.

"Liuli...!" Chu Huan repeated, but the evil spirits around him were getting closer, but Chu Huan suddenly sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands together, and whispered to himself: "It's Liuli, yes! ...This...this is all fantasy...!" Thinking of Liuli, my mind gradually became clearer, and I actually recalled that I seemed to be talking to Liuli, but I didn't know it. came here.

He closed his eyes tightly, but the sound of howling ghosts in his ears was still incessant, the wind was blowing, his whole body was chilling, and his heart could not calm down at all, not to mention that he could think of more in this situation. Although he recalled that he was talking to Liuli, but amidst the strange screams, he couldn't calm down and continue thinking.

"What should I do?" Chu Huan already knew that the scenes around him might be illusions, but why these illusions appeared, he couldn't get rid of them, his headache was splitting, and there were countless bugs crawling in his mind. All of a sudden, he whispered softly, but he thought of the "Heart Purification Mantra" taught by Master Ghost.

In addition to teaching Chu Huan [Mantra of Suppressing Demons], Master Ghost also taught two Buddhist scriptures and one Dharma scripture.

[Pure Heart Mantra] and [Bodhisattva Sutra] are the two Buddhist scriptures of the Heart School, while [24 Phase Naga Zen] is the Dharma scripture.

Chu Huan had already memorized these three scriptures by heart. He knew that the "Pure Heart Mantra" could make people feel peaceful and quiet. At this time, amidst the voices of those ghosts, he couldn't calm down and think, so he immediately recited " Purify the Heart Mantra], I only hope that in this critical moment, I can use this Buddhist scripture to calm down my restless and complicated mood.

Strange to say, the effect of lightly reciting Buddhist scriptures was immediate. As expected, Chu Huan felt his headache disappear in an instant, and his whole body became peaceful.

When the mood calmed down, the mind became much clearer.

When he thought about it again at this moment, it sounded, he was indeed in the middle of talking with Liuli, and he entered the current room unconsciously.

"It turns out it's his mind!" In an instant, Chu Huan suddenly realized, with the help of the [Clear Heart Curse], he suddenly understood that he had fallen into this illusion, and naturally he had already been enchanted by Liuli. While he was talking, he asked three or two questions, which led him into the temple where Master Ghost of Xiliang used to live.

The ghost master has passed away, and the temple has already been burned down, so the place he is in is of course an illusion.

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