National color raw owl

Chapter 2002 Hujin

Pei Ji said sternly: "That's right, this is the Jade Seal of Chuanguo. At first no one thought that the deceased would be Dingwu, but because the Jade Seal was found, so...!"

"Who killed him?" Chu Huan asked anxiously.

Pei Ji said: "What exactly happened, there is no way to explain clearly, but after investigation, it is very likely that Dingwu was killed by King Qi, and the queen was also there at the time, but she didn't say anything."

"Queen?" Chu Huan frowned, "Could it be that Dingwu went to Tongzhou to find the queen?"

"We have always underestimated Dingwu. Tongzhou Zhizhou's mansion is heavily guarded, but he seems to be in no one's land. The two guards guarding King Qi were also killed by Dingwu." Pei Ji said: "After he withdrew from Wuping Prefecture, he did not Instead of going to Hujin with the team, I went to Tongzhou City alone."

"The queen didn't say anything, but did King Qi explain it?" Chu Huan asked: "Since King Qi was at the scene of the incident, and Dingwu might have been killed by him, he naturally knew the situation at that time."

Pei Ji shook his head and said, "King Qi is already crazy!"

Chu Huan's body shook, and he lost his voice: "Crazy?"

"It has been confirmed that he is insane." Pei Ji sighed: "When the incident happened, he rushed out of the yard and was stopped by the guards. He was already insane at that time...!"

Chu Huan's face darkened, and he remained silent for a while.

"Maybe Ding Wu wanted to rescue the Queen, but he had a conflict with King Qi." After a while, Pei Ji said softly, "It's just that King Qi wants to kill him with Ding Wu's skills...!" Shaking his head, "If the queen doesn't speak, I'm afraid no one will ever know what happened."

Chu Huan smiled wryly and said, "How is the queen now? Dingwu is dead, and King Qi is insane. She...she must be in pain."

"I've already asked people to send more people to protect the queen." Pei Ji said, "Prince Qi must have been greatly stimulated to be like this... Seeing her son go crazy, it is inevitable for the queen to be sad " Sighed: "I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid, otherwise...!"

" you think she will do something stupid?" Chu Huan's body trembled.

Pei Ji said: "Qin is destroyed, Dingwu is dead, and King Qi is insane. For the empress of a country, these repeated blows are hard to bear."

Chu Huan was very worried about the queen, and even had the urge to visit Tongzhou immediately, but now the front line is the most important thing, so naturally he can't leave without authorization because the queen left tens of thousands of soldiers behind.

Every time the Northwest Army went to war, Chu Huan would appear in front of the soldiers, letting the soldiers know that their lord would live and die with them at all times. , but once the Liaodong Army really came here desperately, if the whole army found out that Chu Huan was gone, it would definitely have a great impact on morale.

Chu Huan thought about it for a while, and finally asked someone to call Qi Hong over. After Qi Hong came, Chu Huan had already written a letter, handed it to Qi Hong, and ordered: "You set off immediately, and send the letter to you with your own hands. Hand this letter to the queen. After you hand the letter to her, you don’t have to rush back, just stay by the queen’s side to protect you. Remember, you must protect the queen well, and you must not let the queen make any mistakes. If King Qi, please doctor Make a good diagnosis and treatment...!" Sighing, he said: "The road is hard, so take care of yourself."

Qi Hong put away the letter without saying much, and immediately withdrew.

"Second brother, Dingwu is dead, and there is no leader in Hujin." Pei Ji said: "Although Xuanyuanshao has a great reputation and is the commander of the guards, if there is no Dingwu, his prestige is not enough to deter Hujin. Jin's Meilong."

"Brother, you mean we can play tricks in Hujin?" Chu Huan asked.

Pei Ji said: "Mei Long was promoted by Qi Yuan, and he is quite loyal to Qin." Pei Ji said: "If Ding Wu is still alive, he might really be able to follow Ding Wu to the end, after all, he has the flag of Ding Wu , Qin is not completely destroyed. But after Dingwu dies, who will Mei Long pledge allegiance to? Xuanyuan Shao? That is absolutely impossible. It is impossible to be willing to obey Xuanyuan Shao's orders."

"I think the same as elder brother on this point." Chu Huan nodded and said: "Wuping Fucheng is trapped, Meilong can't get some news, but his Hujin army didn't come to Hexi to rescue. It can be said that it was because he wanted to be wary of Qingtian King in Hebei, but this incident also shows that he should be more important to his own territory than Qin State."

Pei Ji caressed his beard and said: "Nowadays the world is divided among all the heroes, and the most difficult thing is this Governor Mei. He is now surrounded by enemies, the west is our sphere of influence, the south is King Qingtian, and the north is now occupied by us again. Hexi, that is, the northeast direction, and the Liaodong Army, no matter which force, Meilong is hard to resist, but now that the world is fighting for supremacy, his one-acre three-point land in Hujin will never be safe and sound, let alone What's more, now that Xuanyuan Shao and even Wenpu's Qin army have gathered in Hujin, under such circumstances, second brother, what do you think he should do?"

"If he wants to perish with Qin, there is nothing to say." Chu Huan said: "But as long as he wants to survive, he can't do it on his own. He will definitely find a way to survive in the cracks."

"That's right." Pei Ji said with a smile: "Based on what I know about Mei Long, this person should not be a disabled person. Since he didn't send troops to save Hexi, he is not a reckless man. He still has some brains. I understand that with his strength, if he wants to fight for world hegemony, he doesn't have the capital, the best way is to find a backer...!"

Chu Huan's eyes brightened slightly, "Brother, who do you think he will turn to in the end?"

"If you want to choose a backer, you must first know that Ding Wu is dead." Pei Ji said: "Only knowing that Ding Wu is dead, Mei Long will know that the general situation is really over. If he really makes up his mind to change his banner, I'm afraid he won't He will care about who he takes refuge in, first to see who is the strongest, and then to see who will benefit him more."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "So, we should send someone to Hujin?"

"If you want to get in touch with Mei Long, you must avoid Xuanyuanshao and those people." Pei Ji said softly: "We can't make a big announcement about Dingwu's death now, and keep our tongues tight, precisely because we are the first to know about Dingwu's death. He has taken the lead in dealing with Mei Long." After thinking about it for a while, he asked: "Second Brother, who do you think is the most suitable person to send?"

"We can only send someone to find out what's going on first." Chu Huan thought for a while before saying, "After all, we can't know for sure what Mei Long is thinking." After a pause, he said softly: "Brother, to deal with Mei Long, It's not appropriate for us to get straight to the point now, and... it is not appropriate for our people to come forward in person."

Pei Ji is so smart, he immediately understood, "Second brother, is he going to make insinuations?"

"They know the situation in Hujin very well. We won't know what Meilong thinks for a while, but we can still guess what the officials in Hujin think." Chu Huan smiled lightly: "Let them be alone." Open your mouth, the weight should be much heavier than ours."

Pei Ji laughed and said, "If it's true, we'll have to spend a lot of money this time."

"If we can really persuade Meilong to surrender, we don't need to send troops to conquer, then we can avoid the casualties of the soldiers, and save the people from suffering less, and spend more money, which is worth the money." Chu Huan said softly, "Brother, you can make arrangements for this matter."

Pei Ji nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on the Jade Seal of Chuanguo on the case, and said: "In today's world, there are probably countless people who want this jade seal, but this jade seal is a coincidence and effortless It is in the hands of the second brother, it seems that there are days in the dark, and this God will finally send the jade seal to the hands of the second brother...!" Staring into Chu Huan's eyes, "Second brother, Qin The country is dead, this world is still yours after all!"

Chu Huan frowned slightly, and his lips moved slightly, but he didn't say a word after all.

Chu Huan's guess was not wrong. If it is said that in this troubled world, many people are terrified and unable to sleep or eat, then Mei Long's difficulty has nowhere to complain.

Although Mei Long is a governor, Hujin Road is thin and sparsely populated. As a governor, he is far from being compared with other officials in the frontier.

Meilong is a low-key person, and he is not a competent official. Hujin Road has always been a poor area of ​​the empire. Fortunately, all orders of the imperial court can be thoroughly implemented in Hujin Road. In the eyes of the court, Meilong Long is a very obedient person, and in the seriousness of the people in Hujin, Mei Long may not be a capable person, but he can be regarded as a clean and honest person.

Meilong was born as a poor people. It is not easy to get to today step by step. What is even more difficult is that Meilong has not forgotten his origin. Compared with other roads, Hujin Road has stricter officials. The intensity of punishing corrupt officials is also great, and Hujin's exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes are relatively much less, so Meilong's prestige in Hujin is indeed not low.

But Meilong's reputation, which was originally excellent, is now going from bad to worse.

In order to beware of the Qingtian King who would kill him from the south at any time, Mei Long could only recruit soldiers in Hujin, and managed to have an army of tens of thousands of soldiers, but the court not only couldn't allocate a tael of silver or grain to raise soldiers, On the contrary, they have repeatedly asked Hujin Road for food and grass. For Hujin Road, which has always relied on food and grass support from other places, this is undoubtedly a heavy burden.

Mei Long insisted on delaying Hexi's order to demand food and grass, but the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command were all fed and paid, so they couldn't be careless.

Soldiers go straight, they have food and pay, they can talk about anything, but once they are in arrears, mutiny will happen at any time, this is the last result that Mei Long wants to see, so everything can only be done with soldiers and horses.

In addition, in order to make defense preparations in advance, Meilong built fortifications in various dangerous places and main roads in the southern part of Hujin, which not only required a large amount of silver and materials, but also recruited a large number of migrant workers and coolies.

It is necessary to raise soldiers and build fortifications. The burden of taxes and corvees on the people of Hujin is increasing day by day, and they are already dissatisfied with Meilong.

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