After several days of discussion, Chu Huan and his subordinates finally decided on the strategy of going south, and Mei Long, the governor of Hujin Road, also came to Daoma City at this time to pay a visit to Chu Huan.

The timing of Meilong's arrival was just right, right after the Northwest Army defeated the Liaodong Army.

Chu Huan knew very well in his heart that Mei Long came to see him for a long time, and he was afraid that before that, he might not have sincerely wanted to submit to him. It is foolish to ask this person to surrender easily. Fortunately, Hujin controlled by this person is really thin and sparsely populated. There is Chu Huan in the north and King Qingtian in the south. It is really powerless to confront these two powerful enemies.

The Northwest Army defeated the main force of the Liaodong Cavalry in one battle. The news naturally spread all over the world. Facing such a powerful Northwest Army, Mei Long naturally did not dare to delay any longer.

Using both kindness and power, Chu Huan scolded Mei Long at the beginning, reprimanding him for being late and whether he had other intentions. After Mei Long pleaded guilty again and again, Chu Huan calmed down his anger, set up a banquet, and appeased Mei Long. Meilong.

Going south to attack the Qingtian King in Hebei will definitely require the full cooperation of Hujin. Chu Huan naturally asked Meilong to prepare, and the Northwest Army will temporarily rest and wait until the logistics are sufficient. Say no.

It was not easy to formulate a strategy, but it was even more difficult to implement it in detail. Chu Huan spent several days working with Pei Ji and other subordinates to make overall arrangements for all aspects of things considered.

Chu Huan is not a person looking for urgency. He never thought that he would be able to conquer Hebei in three or two months. However, it is better to enter Hujin sooner rather than later. There is no need to be too impatient about when Hebei will launch an offensive, but quickly enter Hujin Controlling Hujin's soldiers and horses pass, the sooner the better, the meat is always better in the mouth than in the bowl.

The end of the year is approaching, but the weather in the north is getting warmer every day.

The years are long, and another year is about to pass.

After Chu Huan took control of the eastern part of Hexi, he asked people to post notices everywhere to let the displaced people return to their hometowns, but many people who were displaced outside began to return one after another.

If it were another force, it might not be like this. However, where Chu Huan had been before, he did not plunder the people. Instead, he set up strict military regulations and gained a good reputation. When he learned that his hometown was controlled by the Northwest Army, many people I feel that it is much safer, even in Daoma City, but in half a month, 2 to [-] people returned to the city.

Although Chu Huan knew that the Liaodong Army was unable to advance westward, but Daoma City, as the front line in the east of Hexi, was on the verge of Yanshan Mountain. Just in case, Chu Huan sent people to strengthen the city defense of Daoma City, and sent thousands of troops to serve as Daoma City. The defenders of Macheng, stationed in Daomacheng.

Standing at the head of Daoma City, seeing people strengthening Daoma City, Chu Huan only hoped that Daoma City would no longer suffer from the disaster of swordsmen.

"Your Majesty, urgent letter for [-] miles!" Chu Huan was looking at Yanshan Mountain in the distance from the top of the city, when he suddenly heard the sound of running behind him, and an urgent voice sounded from behind, Chu Huan and the many generals accompanying him turned their heads Looking over, I saw only a messenger galloping towards him.

Someone rushed to the side, and finally the letter was presented to Chu Huan. Chu Huan glanced at the urgent letter, but saw that it was signed by Du Fugong, and he was surprised. You need to know that Du Fugong is in the northwest now, dealing with the money and food in the northwest. Weapons and equipment are the real logistics chief of the Northwest Army. Chu Huan felt a little uneasy when such an urgent letter suddenly appeared.

He opened the letter, and there were actually two letters inside. He scanned each of them one after another, and his expression changed drastically. The generals around him were a little surprised when they saw Chu Huan's face. With a horrified expression, everyone wanted to know what was written in the letter.

Those who are close are even more different. Some people can vaguely see that there are not many words on the two letters. They can be written in one letter, but they don't know why they have to be divided into two letters.

"Who sent it?" Chu Huan snapped, "Who sent it from the northwest?"

The courier looked dusty and haggard, as if he hadn't rested for a long time. He came forward and knelt down in front of Chu Huan: "Your Majesty, the younger one was ordered by Director Du to continue traveling day and night, and died on the way." The two horses were brought here. Mr. Du said that it is urgent and there should be no delay...!"

"My lord, did something happen in the northwest?" Gu Liangchen followed Chu Huan, seeing Chu Huan's reaction, he knew that something was wrong, and his first thought was that there was a rebellion in the northwest.

Chu Huan hesitated for a moment, and instead of handing the letter to Gu Liangchen for review, he put it in his arms and said in a deep voice, "It's nothing serious, General Gu, this king is going to see the general, and you restrain the various ministries individually." After explaining more, he hurried down to the top of the city, and not long after, he found Pei Ji in the city.

Pei Ji was in front of the map at this time, ticking Hebei Road with a pen. Seeing Chu Huan rushing over, and even closing the door, knowing that there must be something urgent, he put down the pen in his hand and asked, "Second brother, you... ...!" Before he finished speaking, Chu Huan had already handed over a letter with a solemn expression, Pei Ji was a little curious, glanced at the envelope, and frowned when he saw Du Fu's signature, and took out two letters, even more surprised , glanced a few times, and his expression changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "This... is this true?"

"I know Mr. Du's handwriting. There is no mistake." Chu Huan's pupils turned cold, and he clenched his fists. "Since he wrote the letter himself, there should be no false content in the other letter."

Pei Ji's expression was stern: "Who would be so despicable to use An Rong as a means of blackmail...!"

"No matter who it is, as long as An Rong suffers the slightest injury, I will definitely cut him to pieces." Chu Huan said coldly.

"Lingmei is safe, and accompany me to the west. Red dragon relics, exchange things for people." Pei Ji read it softly, "There is no inscription on it, but according to what he means, he wants you to bring things in exchange for An Rong."

Chu Huan was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Brother, An Rong was kidnapped. I am his father, even if his body is smashed to pieces, I have to keep him safe and sound. I can only leave it to you for the army."

Pei Ji was startled, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Second brother, do you think about it again? I'm not against you saving An Rong, it's just...!" He also seemed very embarrassed.

Chu Huan never expected that his beloved daughter Chu Anrong in the northwest would be kidnapped by someone. Of course, he understood the meaning of these four simple words. The other party obviously knew that the red dragon relic was in his In his hands, so let Chu exchange the red dragon relic for Chu Anrong's life, such a method can be said to be extremely despicable.

After receiving the letter, Chu Huan's mind was spinning, guessing who was holding An Rong hostage, but he couldn't be sure who it was.

Since the other party was able to do such a despicable thing, he would not care about An Rong's life. Chu Huan was calm, but now that his own daughter was involved, he was extremely anxious.

Regarding An Rong, he couldn't help blaming himself from time to time. Ever since An Rong was born, Chu Huan had been involved in numerous military and political affairs, but he didn't take care of his daughter properly. Time has already decided to save An Rong at all costs.

He doesn't care whether it's the red dragon relic or his own life.

Pei Ji hesitated to speak, Chu Huan naturally knew what Pei Ji was thinking, stared at Pei Ji, and asked, "Do you think that now is the time to fight for hegemony, and I have countless wealth and lives, so I shouldn't easily abandon soldiers at this time?" Do you care about it?"

Pei Ji sat down on the chair beside Chu Huan, and said softly, "You are An Rong's father, if it were me, I would do anything to save her."

"Brother, to conquer the world, for me, I was forced to take this path at first. You know it very well in my heart. From the beginning, I didn't have this intention, but people are not as good as the sky, and sometimes the sky is wrong. Misunderstandings lead you to this path, and at the end, when you look back, you realize that you can’t turn back.” Chu Huan said slowly: “Another reason is that I hope that the chaos in the world can end as soon as possible. Let An Rong's generation live and work in peace and contentment."

Pei Ji nodded slightly: "The purpose of our Taiping Zhengyuan is precisely for this purpose, to give the people of the world a peaceful and peaceful world."

"But if I can't even protect my own daughter, how can I give the world a peaceful world?" Chu Huan said: "An Rong will be in danger at any time if she falls into the hands of the other party. Her only hope is me." , I am her father, there is no reason to let her down."

Pei Ji thought for a while before saying, "Second brother, if you trust me, leave this matter to me. I will take the red dragon relic and find it...!"

"Brother, this matter is related to the Great Heart Sect, only I can save An Rong." Chu Huan said with a smile: "Brother, you and I met in the capital, I remember when you were setting up flags on the street, and I It’s just a small soldier in Wujingwei, you don’t know that I will be in the northwest, and I don’t know that you are from Taiping Zhengyuan, but at that time we met each other and became brothers.”

Pei Ji sighed: "Naturally I remember, how can I forget what happened at that time? Everyone in the world looks down on a cripple, but my second brother regards me as a brother. It is no regret to have a brother like my second brother in this life. "

"That's the case, brother, don't worry about it." Chu Huan said with a smile: "Brother, are you worried that I will hand over the Northwest Army Encyclopedia to your hands, and you will not be at ease? If you really think so, then you are wrong , if you say that big brother is not trustworthy, I would not have become brothers with you back then."

"I believe that my second brother has a lot of trust in me." Pei Ji sighed: "But this is not... After all, it is not a trivial matter. With such a heavy burden, I am afraid that I will lose my second brother!"

"With my eldest brother's ability, looking at the world, there is no opponent." Chu Huan said: "Actually, I want to thank my elder brother. Without you, if I leave for An Rong, the Northwest Army may fall apart in the blink of an eye, but With you, big brother, such a situation would not have happened. Back in the Yuan Dynasty when he was fighting for hegemony, whether it was in the Northwest or Liaodong, he delegated power to Feng Hanxiao and Chi Liandian to attack. The two have become famous generals in the world. I am not Yuan, my elder brother is not Chi Liandian, let alone Feng Hanxiao, but my trust in elder brother is far greater than Yuan's trust in these two people back then."

Pei Ji knew that Chu Huan had no reservations about what he said, so after thinking about it for a while, he got up, walked over and pulled out a knife, took an empty teacup, and cut open his palm, Chu Huan was surprised , but saw Pei Ji pointing his palm to the teacup, letting the blood drip into it.

Chu Huan seemed to understand something, stepped forward, took the knife from Pei Ji's hand, cut open his palm, and put the palm on top of the teacup, the blood of both of them immediately dripped into the cup, and when the cup was half full , Pei Ji picked up the teacup, drank half of it, and stared at Chu Huan: "You just go, as long as I live, the Northwest Army will definitely not mess up, big brother is waiting for you to come back!"

Chu Huan didn't say much, drank the remaining blood in the cup, wiped off the blood stains on his mouth, reached out and took Pei Ji's hand, "I will definitely come back!"



In the city of Wuping Mansion, Chu Huan looked at Luo Duo and Liu Li in front of him with his hands behind his back.

Naturally, there was no room for delay in rescuing his own daughter. Chu Huan handed over the Northwest Army to Pei Ji, made some arrangements, and secretly rushed to Wuping Prefecture.

After Chu Huan dispatched troops, Liuli remained in Wuping Mansion, while Luo Duo was originally in Gucheng. On the way, he followed Chu Huan back to Wuping Mansion. Before seeing Liuli, Chu Huan did not disclose any news. When the three met, Only then did Chu Huan take out the letter. At this moment, Liuli and Luo Duo were holding a letter in their hands, and they exchanged glances at each other. Whether it was Luo Duo's thick eyebrows or Liuli's delicate eyebrows like willow leaves, at this time All already squeezed together.

"There is no signature, but I hope you all know who this letter is from." Chu Huan stared at Liuli, "Liuli, is this done by your subordinates?"

Liuli didn't answer immediately, and her eyebrows, which were as thin as willow leaves, didn't stretch out. She thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "It was definitely not done by my subordinates. Those who know the secret of the six dragon relics, the eight members of the Heart Sect and the sixteen Arhat and even 36 King Kong know it well, but the red dragon relic is in your hands, but you know very little about it. King Shura and King Garuda have followed me all the time, and they don't know the whereabouts of the red dragon relic, but even They know that the red dragon relic is in your hands, and they would never dare to act rashly without my order. What's more, King Shura is likely to have been killed in Liaodong, and King Garuda is still injured and is now in Wuping Prefecture, let alone go there northwest."

"Is it possible that other people in Tianmen Dao did it?" Chu Huan looked cold and stern.

Liuli shook her head and said: "It's even more impossible, the Heavenly Gate has six ways and five schools, let alone what Long Relic is. It is the Prince of Lu Kingdom. He actually doesn't know anything about Long Relic's secret."

Chu Huan frowned, and he naturally knew that Liuli had no reason to deceive himself at all. Since she was definitely not the work of Tianmen Dao or even her Xinzong tribe, the one who kidnapped Anrong could only be someone else. others.

Luo Duo didn't speak for a while, he seemed to be in deep thought. After a while, he suddenly said: "The letter said that this person has kidnapped An Rong and traveled westward. If I guessed correctly, this person should have taken An Rong across the Tianshan Mountains and through the Great Desert. , to Lotus City."

Chu Huan's body shook slightly.

An Rong is less than two years old now, whether it is crossing the Tianshan Mountains or the Great Desert, even a strong man may not be able to bear it, how can a little baby bear it?

"You mean, that person is heading towards the Buddhist cave?" Liu Li's beautiful eyes were icy.

Luo Duo sneered and said: "The appearance of the Holy Light has not exceeded five or six months at the latest. What could be the reason for going to Lotus City at this time? Don't be ashamed to use children as threats to force the Dragon King to take the red dragon relic and go west , Then what is it for? In the letter, there is no signature, let alone the specific location of the exchange of things, that is to say, the other party expects that the Dragon King knows his whereabouts."

Liu Li frowned and said, "So, this person must know the Dragon King very well."

"At least he already knows that the Dragon King is very clear about the secrets of the Heart Sect." Luo Duo said in a deep voice, "After thinking about it, there are only three people who kidnapped An Rong."

Chu Huan had already said in a deep voice, "Who is it?" A cold light flashed in his eyes, full of murderous intent.

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