National color raw owl

Chapter 2043 Misfortunes Never Come Alone

Chu Huan's face darkened, and he asked, "What did you say?"

Meiniang glanced at Du Fugong, but did not speak, but Du Fugong looked at the white blind man, and finally said: "Your Majesty, just the night before yesterday... Miss Rulian also... Missing too!"

It was only then that Chu Huan suddenly realized why Bai Xiazi said that he had repeatedly neglected his duties just now, but it turned out that not only An Rong was held hostage, but Ru Lian's whereabouts were also unknown.

"Director Du, what's going on here? Who else is missing?" Chu Huan's face was cold.

Du Fu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please calm down. Except for An Rong and Miss Ru Lian, everyone...the others are safe and sound. Yes, there are... two guards were... Injured...!"

Du Fu's face was a bit ashamed, and Bai Xiazi lowered his head even more, as if he didn't dare to look at Chu Huan again.

Chu Huan went out on an expedition, and deliberately handed over his family to Bai Xiazi, which can be said to be the greatest trust and respect for Bai Xiazi. Now not only Anrong was robbed, but Rulian disappeared, Bai Xiazi was really ashamed.

"Ru Lian...!" Chu Huan frowned and said, "They took An Rong to intimidate me, and why did they take Ru Lian?" His brows slightly furrowed, "Since the guard was injured, Then it is natural to see the murderer, whether there are any clues about him."

Only then did the blind man raise his head slightly, and said: "After the young lady was robbed, it is not easy to tell the public. The less people know about this matter, the better for the safety of the young lady. I just sent people to search in the city and found nothing. Because the young lady As for the matter, I even strengthened the guards of the palace, patrolling day and night. Even the night before yesterday, I personally led people to patrol. When I patrolled outside Miss Rulian's yard, I found two people lying on the ground. They were my brothers. The humble officer immediately knew what was going on, so he told Miss Rulian not to answer, but in desperation, he had no choice but to go into the yard to check." After a pause, he said: "The yard is very quiet, and the house is still lit, we shouted again and again, but we didn't see Miss Rulian Come out, Da Furen and...!" Looking up at Meiniang, "Da Furen and Madam Meiniang were also alarmed, they entered the room to check, and only then did they know that Miss Rulian was missing... .!"

Chu Huan looked at Meiniang, and Meiniang said: "The two injured guards should have found the trace of the person who came. The person was afraid of disturbing others and hurt them. He was able to injure the two of them in an instant. Don't let the two of them yell, this person's martial arts are also extremely good."

"Meiniang, in your opinion, it is the same person who robbed An Rong and Ru Lian?"

Mei Niang immediately shook her head and said: "Although the martial arts of the two people before and after are mysterious, but in comparison, the martial arts of the murderer who robbed Anrong should be more sophisticated. That person sneaked into the palace from... Dai'er Dai'er didn't even notice that An Rong was robbed from her side, and with Dai'er's martial arts, if that person's martial arts weren't elusive, Dai'er would never have noticed." After a pause, she moved closer to Chu Huan , Cai said: "The later man, although his martial arts are not low, but since he wants to hurt someone, he should not be able to be invisible. His martial arts should be slightly inferior to that of the previous man."

Chu Huan felt that Mei Niang's analysis was very reasonable, and after thinking about it, he asked: "The person who robbed An Rong left a letter, what is the purpose of robbing Rulian? what?"

"We searched carefully, but there are very faint footprints on the soil in the Rulian Courtyard. The footprints sometimes disappear, all the way to the outer wall of the palace, but the road on the outer wall is made of stone slabs, so no footprints can be seen." Mei Niang He said: "We can tell where he left the palace from, but there is no trace of where he went after he left the palace." Next, it should be holding Rulian hostage, his body became heavier, and then he stepped on the footprints, and there is no trace of his footprints when he came in."

Chu Huan was furious, and thought to herself that the palace was really a public place, and she could come and go as she wanted, but she also understood that these two were naturally top experts who could sneak in quietly, and even kidnap people to leave.

"Apart from the footprints, are there other things left?" Chu Huan asked: "Is there nothing left, tell us what is the purpose of hijacking Rulian?"

Chu Huan was indeed very puzzled at this time.

He can understand the robbing of An Rong, but the sudden robbing of Ru Lian is really confusing.

Rulian is just a little nun that I adopted back then. She treats her like a sister and takes good care of her all the time. Rulian is an introverted and low-key person, not to mention the outsiders, even the family members in the palace.

Why was such a person who had nothing to do with others kidnapped?

Mei Niang shook her head and said: "Apart from the footprints, there are no other clues, but it can be seen from the footprints that the man should be a very tall man."

Chu Huan nodded slightly and fell into deep thought. After a while, he got up and said, "You guys have worked hard these days, so take a good rest...!" Seeing the exhausted appearance of the blind man, he knew in his heart After An Rong and Ru Lian were taken away, he must have felt extremely guilty, got up and walked over, patted Bai Xiazi's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Brother Bai, don't worry about it, these people came prepared this time, Their martial arts are so strong, even if I am in the palace, I may not be able to stop them. I know that if you have the chance, you will protect them even if you don't want your own life...!"

The blind man raised his head and said gratefully, "Your Majesty, I'm humble...!"

"Look at you, you must have never rested for several days." Chu Huan said with a smile: "This palace cannot be separated from you. If you are exhausted, who will be responsible for the safety of this palace?"

The white blind man knelt down on the ground, and said firmly: "Your Majesty, I have sworn to protect the palace to the death in a lowly position. If you neglect your duty this time, please punish me."

"You really want me to punish you?" Chu Huan said in a deep voice.

The blind man immediately said: "No matter what kind of punishment, the humble official will accept it willingly."

"Well, I will punish you to go down and rest now, at least six hours of sleep." Chu Huan said solemnly, "If you miss a moment of sleep, I will punish you severely."

Blind Bai was startled, and looked up at Chu Huan, with tears in his one-eyed eyes.

"Mr. Du, you should go and rest first, and I still have something to tell you." Chu Huan said, "I'm going to see Dai'er now."

Duke Du Fu stood up and clasped his hands together, and then retreated with the blind man. Chu Huan sighed softly and turned to look at Meiniang. Seeing that Meiniang's face was also quite ugly, she was not as bright and bloody as before, her face was rather pale, and there was a tinge between her brows. Unable to hide the look of fatigue, she knew that Mei Niang must not have had a good rest in the past few days.

When he returned to the palace and saw Meiniang in the palace, he didn't need to ask any more questions, he knew what Mei Niang's intention was. It was obviously to stay in the palace to guard the family members. Although Dai'er also knew martial arts, but in comparison, Meiniang His martial arts are naturally second to none, and Bai Xiazi is also far behind.

He walked over lightly, held Meiniang in his arms, and said softly: "It's been hard for you these days."

An Rong disappeared, and the palace was in chaos, but Mei Niang remained calm. Chu Huan was not around, so she naturally shouldered the pressure in the palace. At this time, Chu Huan hugged her and supported her all the time. Immediately, he collapsed, not without self-reproach: "Huange, I wanted to protect them, but...!"

"I understand, I understand!" Chu Huan gently stroked Meiniang's hair, "No matter what happens, I have everything. I will save An Rong and Rulian, Meiniang, you should go and rest first , look at you, you have dark circles under your eyes, so hard, I feel distressed when I look at it."

Mei Niang sighed quietly: "I don't mind, but Dai'er must be heartbroken now, she has been holding on, just waiting for you to come back, you go and see her."

Chu Huan let go of Meiniang without any delay, and kissed her on the forehead before going into Dai'er's room.

As soon as I entered Dai'er's yard, I saw sisters Brancy squatting under the tree in the yard, bored and lazy. Seeing Chu Huan come in, Brancy stood up immediately, showing joy, and shouted: "Chu, you...Janice, it's Chu!"

Janice immediately raised her head and was very happy to see Chu Huan. The two came forward to meet her. Brancy had already grabbed Chu Huan's arm and said anxiously: "Chu, you are back, we are so anxious to death, go quickly!" Look at Sister Dai'er, she... hey, she's so sad. She doesn't speak now, she's just in a daze, it's like she didn't see us beside her..., by the way, She has been refusing to eat, if this continues, she will starve to death...!"

She was bright and bright, and told Dai'er's state in a few words. Janice waited for her to finish, and then said softly: "Chu, go and persuade her, she is very sad, and no one cares. Now only you can get her to eat."

Chu Huan knew that sisters Brancy and Dai'er had a very good relationship. Since Dai'er gave birth to An Rong, the twins were regular visitors to Dai'er's place. Seeing their anxious looks, they were all worried about Dai'er, and smiled. Nodding her head, she said softly, "Thank you so much these days, you go to rest first, and I'll persuade her to eat."

What did Brassie want to say, but Janice had already grabbed her arm, signaling to leave quickly. Brassie was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that she followed Janice and turned her head while walking, obviously still very worried.

Chu Huan just entered the room, and there was no one in the hall. After entering the wing room, he saw Dai'er sitting on a stool without makeup, staring blankly at the bed. When Chu Huan saw the child's clothes, he knew that they should be spring clothes for An Rong. After the cold winter, the early spring was coming. Dai'er naturally prepared the children's clothes early.

When Chu Huan entered the room, Dai'er was still motionless, still staring blankly at the clothes on the bed. Chu Huan walked up to Dai'er, and saw that her face was pale, thinner than when we parted last time However, the circles of her eyes were red. Knowing that it must be caused by Anrong's being robbed, she was worried and sad day and night. She squatted down in front of Dai'er lightly, and reached out to hold Dai'er's hands. Unusually cold, heart aching, even more self-blaming, staring at Dai'er, softly said: "Little Peacock, I'm back!"

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