National color raw owl

Chapter 209 Good luck, bad luck, bad luck, good luck!

The day that everyone was looking forward to finally came as promised. The last day of the imperial wine selection will also be the busiest day in the entire Yunshan Mansion. As soon as the sky is dawn, people in the wine lane have gathered in groups to the wine evaluation venue in the west city, just like A series of streams finally flowed into the sea, and at dawn, the three floors inside and outside the three floors of the wine judging venue were packed to the brim.

Although the owners of the top ten wineries and the host officials have not yet arrived, people are still very excited about today's peak matchup in the wine world of Xishandao.

The imperial wine selection has become a hot topic in Yunshan Mansion since a long time ago, and there will be people discussing who will be the winner in the end.

Although in recent days, Xinzhou Fang's Qianyehong's voice for winning the championship has far exceeded that of his arch-rival and Shengquan's Bamboo Sake, but until the last moment, no one dared to say that Qianyehong really succeeded in defending the title.

Although He Shengquan encountered difficulties, everyone in the wine shop knew that the Su family's fine wine was indeed extraordinary, and when it came to the final confrontation, who could be sure that the Su family could not make a big comeback.

Outside the wooden fence, people were talking about it, and they were surrounded by groups. Some people even moved tables and chairs, and the people behind stood on the tables and chairs to watch. There were thousands of onlookers.

In order to guard against accidents, the Governor's Mansion specially dispatched a team of Imperial Guards to stand ready here to prevent accidents from happening.

According to the rules, the top four wineries will be selected from the top ten wineries in the morning, and the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple will be present in the afternoon to select the two wineries. In the evening, the final winner will be announced.

In the selection in the morning, the top four were still jointly selected by ten famous wine experts. In people's minds, at least two of the top four were already confirmed. Entering the top four, in fact, everyone has even concluded that the real competition in the end is actually these two companies, which is also called popular expectations.

Fang’s Qianyehong won the title of Royal Wine in the last session, and it is also a top winery in Xishan Road, and He Shengquan’s bamboo sake is the uncrowned king. Shengquan was able to win the championship this time, especially the local drinkers in Yunshan Mansion, who still prefer He Shengquan in their hearts. After all, it is the capital of the same family. If He Shengquan can win, it will be a big fight for Yunshan Mansion face.

Today is the last day of the Wine Appreciation Conference, and it is also the longest day. People also know that it must be the most exciting day. There are huge crowds of people, but some shrewd merchants are keen to seize this business opportunity and sell them outside the venue. All kinds of food and water, and all kinds of cries soon sounded around the venue.

The selection in the morning was not too long. Before noon, the top four wineries were selected according to the evaluation of ten winemakers, namely Xinzhou Miaocaotang, Yunshan Heshengquan, Yunshan Qi Maofang, Hanzhou Yipintang.

Qi Maofang is just like Heshengquan, and it is also a well-known name in Yunshan Mansion. The wine is not weak, but it is still far behind Heshengquan. In the last selection of imperial wine, Qi Maofang's winery just barely entered the top ten, this time it can enter The top four have also made considerable progress.

The four famous squares on Xishan Road were selected, and some of the onlookers were excited, some were frustrated and disappointed, and some even beat their chests and feet.

As a result, those who gambled naturally knew in their hearts whether they were losing or winning, and the emotions they expressed were naturally very different.

It wasn't until after noon that people heard the sound of the gong, and a sedan chair surrounded by a group of people came down to the wine appraisal venue. People with a little shrewdness could guess that what appeared this time was the last wine selection of the Royal Wine Selection. The host was Shen Jing, the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple who came from the middle of Beijing, and the selection of the imperial wine was decided by this person.

When they saw Shen Jing getting down from the sedan chair, those who still had the slightest hope for He Shengquan lost even the last bit of hope. Many people only felt that the next selection might just be a formality.

Shen Jing was in a very happy mood at this time. Today's weather was a bit gloomy, but he was in a good mood.

When Xu Congyang came back on the eve of the final confirmation of Yujiu, he was still worried about accidents. In order to show his selflessness, he even visited Xu Congyang in person and pretended to invite Xu Congyang to watch this grand event.

But Xu Congyang refused because he was busy with business, and just asked Shen Jing to do things with all his heart.

Such a result is naturally what Shen Jing wants most. What he worries most about this trip is Xu Congyang's meddling in this matter. Now that Xu Congyang, a bachelor, doesn't ask about this matter at all, it means that he can make a final decision at the wine appraisal meeting up.

He had a secret private meeting with Fang Zhenghao last night, and learned from Fang Zhenghao that the pair of sisters had been sent to the capital, and that Fang Zhenghao was even more generous and gave him a satisfactory reward. Jing was naturally very happy in his heart.

In addition to Shen Jing, officials from the Department of Rituals and the Department of Household Affairs of Yunshan Mansion also came together. Although Shen Jing's official position is nothing in Beijing, he is still a high-ranking official in the local area. People from the Department of Rites and the Department of Household Affairs They all came on horseback and accompanied them.

The surrounding area of ​​the venue was still very lively. Before the game started in the afternoon, the other two protagonists of the imperial wine selection finally appeared.

Fang Zhenghao, the eldest son of Xinzhou Miaocaotang, was the first to come. He was wearing a blue brocade suit, a blue belt around his waist, and a square hat on his head. The servant beside him was actually holding an extremely exquisite wine jar in his hand. Just looking at the incomparably exquisite wine jar, people felt that the wine contained in it must be first-class fine wine.

In the venue, there were only four seats left for the owners of the distillery. Qi Maofang’s Chen Dong’s and Yipintang’s Xiao Dong’s had arrived early. In the selection of the top four, except Miaocaotang and He Shengquan who were sure, these two In fact, there is no certainty that they will be able to enter the top four. In fact, entering the top four has allowed them to reach their highest goal.

As soon as Fang Zhenghao came, Chen Dongjia and Xiao Dongjia had already got up from their seats, and they all bowed their hands to Fang Zhenghao. It was nothing more than a congratulatory word for entering the top four. Home.

Instead, he paid attention to the position of He Shengquan, but there was an old man sitting there, and he recognized him as the old housekeeper of the Su Mansion. Lie, what a joy to congratulate!"

He surrendered his hand very casually, it can only be regarded as a gift of peers, and he has no respect for his predecessors. Su Bo is sitting here at this time, which also represents the Su family. scorn.

Su Bo got up, but returned a salute, and said with a smile: "We and Shengquan have entered the list of the four famous wines. We deserve it, and it's not a great joy." Four, it made us a little unexpected."

The Fang family and the Su family had a long-standing rift, and Su's old boss died of depression. The reason is that the Fang family couldn't get rid of the relationship, and the feud arose early. , invaded the Yunshan wine market on a large scale, and even used despicable means to destroy the wine king of Heshengquan.

Su Bo was a calm man, although he would not lose his face, but it was reasonable to say a few words of sarcasm.

Fang Zhenghao wasn't angry either, he just said with a smile: "Old man, a sharp mouth is worse than a sharp hand." He approached and lowered his voice, "When I saw the old man, I thought of you and Shengquan. Today's He Shengquan is just like you Same, old man, time is running out... Hey, is Su Linlang afraid to show her face because she's afraid of losing her father's face?"

Su Bo looked at Fang Zhenghao very calmly, and said softly, "Master Fang, I have two things I want to say to you, but I don't know if you can listen to them?"

Fang Zhenghao is in a good mood now, and said with a leisurely smile, "I like listening to old people talk the most. Even if what they say is nonsense, there will be some truth in it. If you have anything to say, just say it, and I will listen!"

Su Bo said slowly: "I have a saying, misfortune comes with blessings, and good fortune comes with misfortunes. There is no certain number for everything." He pointed to the gloomy sky and asked softly: "Master Fang, In your opinion, is it going to rain today or not?"

Fang Zhenghao looked up at the sky.

It was mid-afternoon, but the sky was very gloomy, with dark clouds rolling over from time to time, and a cool breeze gusting. It looked like it was really going to rain, but occasionally the dark clouds passed by, revealing a glimmer of light.

Fang Zhenghao frowned.

Subo smiled and said: "Young Master, can't you tell?" He sighed softly: "Yes, in fact, everything in life is the same as the current weather, you can't tell whether it's going to rain, just like you can't tell what your future is like. Although Shengquan and I have had frequent disasters recently, who can say that there is no great blessing? The Miaocaotang of the eldest son has recently been in a turmoil in Yunshan Mansion. Catastrophe?"

Fang Zhenghao frowned even tighter. Su Bo said that under the great blessing of the Miaocaotang, Fang Zhenghao was very unhappy. He said with a sneer, "You're talking nonsense, I don't know what you're talking about."

Subo calmly said: "Leave a line in the world, push people too much, sometimes you will drive yourself to a corner!" After saying this, Subo didn't say anything, and sat down slowly.

Fang Zhenghao approached, lowered his voice and said with a sneer, "Today, my Miaocaotang will not leave a line, and you and Sheng Quan are going to compete with my Miaocaotang? It's very good, let everyone be witnesses today, and watch you and Shengquan be killed by me again. The Miaocaotang is under your feet." With a sullen expression, he said coldly: "If you lost last time, you can come back again, but I can guarantee that if you lose this time, you and Sheng Quan will withdraw from the wine world, the Daqin wine world, and come back again. Without the name of He Shengquan!"

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