The team continued to march forward for five or six miles. Wang Han and others who were the outposts in front finally saw two people approaching on the road. They were very shabby and seemed to be local people.

Seeing the men and horses approaching, the two civilians hurriedly hid on the side of the road, lowered their heads, not daring to look at the team.

Wang Hanchi immediately stepped forward and asked, "Are the two fellow villagers from here?"

An older old man raised his head and said, "Yes... what is your order?"

"Dare to ask, we are going to Zhongyi Village, but we don't know which way to go, so please advise?" After Wang Han finished speaking, he cupped his hands at the two commoners.

Unexpectedly, when the two commoners heard the word "Zhongyizhuang", their expressions changed in horror, and the younger person next to him lost his voice: "You... are you going to Zhongyizhuang?"

"That's right." Wang Han said with a smile, "I would like to ask the two of you to point out the way."

The old man waved his hand and said, "We...we don't know...!" Pulling the young man, he turned around and was about to leave.

The outposts were a few Imperial Guard soldiers, and Fat Liu was among them. Seeing that the old man was about to leave, he patted his horse to block the way, and said angrily, "You old man, why are you so rude? We are just asking for a way, why do you answer?" No answer?" Pointing to the young man, he said, "He obviously knows where Zhongyizhuang is, why don't you let him tell?"

The young man hastily waved his hands and said, "Small... I don't know."

With a "choke", Fat Liu pulled out his saber and shouted angrily, "Nonsense, you know it clearly, but you still dare to lie? To deceive the government, do you know what crime you have committed?"

Yingren and his party also approached from behind, Chu Huan saw Fat Liu draw out his sword, patted his horse, and said in a deep voice, "Fat Liu, what are you doing? You haven't taken the sword yet."

Fat Liu didn't dare to disobey, put away the knife, Chu Huan had already smiled at the old man and asked: "Old man, we are just asking for directions, don't be afraid. We are going to Zhongyi Village, we are not familiar with the place here, so we need two Someone to help guide the way."

The old man looked at Chu Huan and finally said, "Are you really going to Zhongyi Village?"


The old man sighed: "Forgive me for talking too much, but it is better not to go to Zhongyi Village. To tell you the truth, as far as I know, very few guests who stay in Zhongyi Village can leave alive. There is a cemetery there. Ghost haunts...!"

Chu Huan frowned. He knew that these ordinary people believed in ghosts and gods the most. He was afraid that the old man would say even more absurd things that would affect morale. But if there is something urgent, please ask the old man to point out the way."

The old man thought for a while, and finally said: "Go forward for a few miles, and you will see an old locust tree. The old locust tree has been around for many years, and you can recognize it at a glance. There is a dirt road beside the old locust tree. It's very narrow, turn in along that dirt road, go straight down, and you'll see Zhongyi Village...!" Shaking his head and sighing, "I advise you not to go...!" Without further words, take and the young man left.

Ying Ren and the others had already followed, and the old man heard what he said, and frowned, but he didn't say anything, he just ordered: "Go to Zhongyi Village."

In fact, everyone was very surprised that Yingren came to Mao County, instead of going to the county seat, he went to Zhongyizhuang, and he didn't know what Yingren was going to do.

The old country man was obviously very jealous of Zhongyizhuang, and even persuaded everyone not to go to Zhongyizhuang. Although they didn't show their traces, they still had a gloomy feeling in their hearts, and they felt that they were panicking.

They are not afraid of powerful and vicious enemies, but they still have some respect for gods and ghosts.

Everyone continued to move forward, but Ying Ren called Wang Han and asked, "Have you heard of Zhongyi Village before?"

Knowing Yingren's status is noble, Wang Han said respectfully, "Yes, I heard someone say it a few years ago."

"What are you talking about?"

Wang Han hesitated for a moment, and then said softly: "It's also because they were chatting in private. It is said that once a dozen foreigners passed by Zhongyi Village. It was very late, so they stayed in Zhongyi Village, but the next day They all died inexplicably. The government came to investigate and found that there were no injuries on their bodies, and there were no signs of poisoning in their internal organs, and everyone's expression after death... looked terrified, as if they saw a very terrifying scene before dying... The cause of death could not be found out afterward, so that incident was left alone..."

Yingren only felt a little cold, but he tightened his clothes, and even reined in the horse, and stopped moving forward. When the guards saw Yingren stopped the horse, they also stopped.

At this time, the sun had already set, and the sky and the earth were dark, and the villages could not be seen in the Fangyuan book, and the wind in the wilderness was blowing, and it was indeed bleak and cold.

Yingren was silent for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Go, keep going."

Wang Han cupped his hands, turned his horse's head, and led the way forward.

Yingren turned to look at Chu Huan, and asked softly, "Chu Huan, do you think the rumors are true or not?"

"There may be dead people, but they are definitely not caused by evil spirits." Chu Huan said with certainty.

Yingren forced a smile and didn't say much.

Going forward for a few miles, I saw a tall old locust tree. Just as the old man said earlier, this old locust tree really has many years. It is tall and big, with an extremely thick trunk and scattered branches. There are also a lot of new shoots on the trunk, and beside the old locust tree, there are some withered vines thicker than an arm. The withered vines are entwined around the trunk of the old locust tree, and at the top of the locust tree, there is a row of old crows perched on it. It makes a "quack" sound, which is quite ominous.

Next to the old locust tree, there was indeed a very narrow dirt road, which could accommodate a horse at a time, but both sides were covered with thorns and dead vines, making it difficult for passers-by.

Wang Han was the first to go up that path, followed by one after another. Feng Wuma was in front of Yingren, Li Maotu was behind, and Chu Huan was behind Li Maotu.

More than 20 people formed a line and meandered forward on the dirt road. Under the dim sky, from a distance, it really looked like a group of wandering spirits walking on the road to the underworld, weird and bleak.

The dirt road was actually very long, and the sky was getting darker. Fat Liu followed behind Wang Han, and couldn't help muttering: "Old Wang, didn't those two guys lie to us? They deliberately led us to this shitty bird A place that doesn't lay eggs?"

Wang Han shook his head and pointed to the side of the road: "Look there, there is a bubble of shit, but I don't know if it was pulled down by wild dogs."

Fat Liu said awkwardly: "I'm telling you the truth."

"I'm also serious." Wang Han said indifferently, pointing to the front: "Maybe that's where Zhongyi Village is."

Fat Liu looked up, and saw a shadow in front of him, there was still some distance away, but when he looked closely, he saw a thick shadow in the distance, like a huge ancient monster crawling on the ground.

Approaching the shadow, but slowly seeing it clearly, there is indeed a house, with high walls and simple gates, in front of the door are mostly withered vines and old trees, and the high walls are covered with The moss seems to have not been taken care of for many years. Most of the black paint on the quaint gate has fallen off, and the rotten wood inside has been exposed in many places. On the gate, there are three words "Zhongyizhuang" engraved on the stone, It has been many years and the handwriting is only barely legible.

When everyone came to the gate of Zhongyi Village, they all felt a chill, even though Chu Huan didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he was panicked and felt a little uncomfortable.

The old house in the wilderness is gloomy, desolate and desolate. Under the night, it looks even more weird. No matter who comes here, they will not feel very comfortable.

Even the horses where the crowd sat seemed disturbed, snorting and kicking restlessly.

More than 20 people surrounded Ying Ren without saying a word. Ying Ren looked at the old and simple gate, and couldn't help asking Chu Huan beside him, "Is there... anyone living here? Is it a deserted house?"

Chu Huan was startled, but surprised instead.

It was Yingren's idea to come to Zhongyi Village. Although Chu Huan didn't know what Yingren's intentions were, he thought that Yingren must have a good idea. Zhuang didn't know anything, which surprised Chu Huan, and it was even more unclear why Yingren came here.

Chu Huan asked softly, "Your Highness, are we going in?"

Ying Ren hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and then Chu Huan signaled Wang Han to go up and knock on the door. Wang Han got off his horse, but was a little nervous. He knocked hard on the door.

The death-like silence of the entire Zhongyi Village was completely shrouded in the night, and it seemed that there was really no one there. Wang Han knocked on the door very loudly, and the sound of "bang bang bang" spread out, which seemed unusual in this quiet place loud.

After knocking ten times, no one opened the door. Wang Han frowned, but Feng Wuma said in a deep voice, "Kick open the door!"

Wang Han nodded, and raised his foot to kick. At this moment, he heard a "creak", and the old but heavy door was slowly opened, revealing a gap.

Although Wang Han was quite courageous, he was still taken aback. He couldn't help but take two steps back and almost pulled out his knife.

There was a fire in the crack of the door, everyone first saw a white lantern protruding through the crack of the door, and then through the light of the white lantern, everyone saw a face clearly.

Seeing that face, even Chu Huan gasped.

It was an inhuman face, from his left brow bone to the lower right corner of his lips, it was obviously slashed with a knife, and a clear and obvious knife mark was undoubtedly revealed.

His left eye was completely blind, and the scar on his face was turned out by the knife mark, which was hideous and terrifying. Perhaps because he had stayed in such a strange place for too long, his whole body exuded a strange and gloomy aura. , and the remaining one eye, gloomy, glanced at everyone outside, and then asked in a hoarse and low voice: "Who are you looking for?"

He seemed to have not spoken for a long time, and even his pronunciation was quite jerky.

Wang Han glanced back, Ying Ren suppressed the panic in his heart, hurried forward, and asked: "Does Cai Shisan live here? Ben...I'm here to find Cai Shisan."

The scarred man stared at Ying Ren with one eye, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Are you looking for Cai Shisan? Which Cai Shisan?"

Yingren got off his horse, hesitated for a while, and finally walked forward, Feng Wuma and Chu Huan followed from left to right, and Li Maotu followed closely behind.

A few steps away from the gate, Yingren finally stopped. He reached out and took something out of his pocket, and it flashed in front of the scarred man. The scarred man frowned, but he didn't speak, and closed the door.

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