Chu Li smiled wryly and said: "Three years ago, the Feng family boy who had been away for a long time came back swaggeringly, dressed brightly, and as soon as he returned to the village, he went to every household to buy land... Sigh, then he began to return to the village to do evil...! "

Chu Huan sneered and said, "Whether you are close or not, people from your hometown, sweet or not, the water in your hometown. Their father and son were also taken care of by their fathers and villagers at the beginning. If they are prosperous, they should pay back. This land is the foundation of everyone's life. He If you want to buy land as soon as you come back, is that going to cut off everyone's livelihood?" Having said this, the coldness in his eyes grew even stronger.

Mrs. Chu Li sighed: "Who said no. He came back to buy land, and everyone naturally disagreed. There was no one to sell, and he was driven away. After a few days, he didn't know where he brought a group of rogues. The rogue, first went to the big farmers with a lot of land and sold them forcibly, and the price was extremely low. If they didn't sign the paperwork, they would beat them. The men in the village wanted to fight them, but those rogues were all It was a ruthless hand that injured many people, and then everyone had no choice but to press their fingerprints on the land sale document first, and was going to wait for them to leave before going to the county magistrate to seek justice."

Chu Huan smiled coldly, but did not speak.

"But later your Uncle Liu took someone to the county government office to sue the matter. He wanted the county magistrate to make the decision, arrest the Feng family boy and return our land, but...!" At this point, Chu Li shook his head. Shaking his head, his face was full of helplessness.

Chu Huan said: "But the county magistrate doesn't make decisions for us at all?"

"Who says it's not. The county magistrate announced the Feng family boy to ask about this matter, and the Feng family boy took out the document, saying that he was willing to buy and sell the land. He didn't force everyone to sell the land. When the county magistrate saw the document, Let’s say that Uncle Liu and the others are messing around, instead of punishing the Feng family boy, they beat you Uncle Liu and the others...!" Chu Li said with a wry smile: "Everyone can’t sue, there’s no other way, the Feng family boy beat you up... After winning the lawsuit, he made even more progress, and brought people back to force everyone to sell the fields. If they refused, they would be beaten. These are all peasant families, where are the opponents of those rascals, many people were beaten I was forced to sell the property just like that. Later, someone went to the county government office to sue twice, but they didn’t hand in the complaint, so they were beaten back by the people from the county government office... Our house The two-acre Susukida boy from the Feng family didn't like it at first, and he didn't bother our family. Later, your elder brother left, and I think there is no male in the family. Tian sold it to him, but he never came to the door...!"

Chu Huan clasped his fingers together, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Feng Ergou's doing this will not be out of kindness, there must be a conspiracy."

"At first, I didn't know why it happened as a mother, but since he didn't come to the door, Su Niang and I were naturally happy. There are no males in the family, but there are many males in the village. If we rent them out, after a year, we will always be able to find them." Some food is given to us, and Su Niang and I can’t eat much, so the rented food is enough for us.” Chu Li sighed: “The Feng family has occupied a hundred acres of land in our village, and then put down the words, who is willing to cultivate it? , when the harvest comes, you can leave [-]% of the rice grain...!"

"No such good thing!" Chu Huan immediately said: "This kid has no good intentions!"

Chu Li said: "Yes. Although you can keep [-]% of the land, whoever rents and grows his land has to pay the government's tax. Every year, the yamen has to collect at least [-]% of the grain as tax. Everyone is exhausted all year round. For the hard work, the Feng family boy will receive [-]%, the government will receive [-]%, and the family can only keep [-]%, which is not enough for the whole family!"

Chu Huan's fist was already clenched.

"At the beginning, no one was willing to do it, but... But this village is all from peasant households. They can't do anything except farming. If they don't farm, they can't even eat. If they rent land to grow, although the distribution is small, But you can’t starve to death.” Chu Li said: “Most people in the village later rented his land, but the two boys from the Hu family refused to rent the land, and went out hunting with other young and strong men , sometimes go out for three or five days, and come back to rest for a while after hunting prey, and survive by hunting."

Chu Huan understood that Hu Dashuan was killed by Xiong Xiazi because his family's land was occupied, but he didn't want to continue to be exploited by Feng Ergou. In desperation, he had to go hunting to survive. Xiong Xiazi was killed, in the beginning, he was really forced to death by Feng Ergou.

Chu Huan pondered for a while, and asked again: "Mother, who is that woman who came to the door today? I listened outside, and she seemed to ask you to sign a document. What's going on?"

Chu Li's face became flustered, and she hurriedly said: "No... nothing...!" The expression was very unnatural.

Chu Huan held his mother's hand and said calmly: "Mother, since Erlang is back, he will never let you be bullied by others. My son is now seven feet tall and the only male in the family. What's the matter? Don't lie to me, I will carry it all!"

After hearing this, Chu Li's expression softened and showed a look of relief. After thinking about it for a while, she finally sighed softly: "That's the eldest daughter-in-law of the Tie family, Sophora japonica!"

"Huahuahua?" Chu Huan was very unfamiliar with this name, but quickly searched for the information of "Tie Family" in his mind, and quickly figured it out, and asked, "Is it the Tie Family of a military household?"

Daqin has sixteen provinces, each province has prefectures, counties under the prefectures, and the Ministry of War has guards in each prefecture.

The guards are the foundation of the Great Qin army. At the beginning of the founding of the country, there were three guards in one state, and under each guard there were five thousand households, and each thousand households had 100 people. The head of a thousand households is set up in the household, and there are hundreds of heads of households under it. The three guards are under the jurisdiction of the guards of each state. The commander in charge of military affairs.

In the sixteen realms of the Great Qin Dynasty, the highest officials of each province are governors, but governors can only manage various government affairs, but cannot directly intervene in military affairs, while commanders can only be in charge of military affairs, but cannot intervene in government affairs. In fact, it is only the chief executive, who can only mobilize the Governor's Guards, which is limited to 5000 people, and cannot directly issue orders to the commander and the guards.

It's just that although the commander is the highest military officer in each province and is in charge of the guards of each province, if there is no transfer order from the Privy Council, the commander cannot mobilize troops of more than 500 people, and although the commander can mobilize his subordinates , but he has no right to raise or lower the official position above the head of a hundred households. The Wei Zhihou, Wei Dutong, head of a thousand households, and even the head of a hundred households in the Weisuo Army are all appointed and dismissed by the Ministry of War. They are recommended for impeachment, but they have no right to make actual promotions. They can only appoint and dismiss the lowest-level small schools.

The army of the Great Qin Guards belonged to the standing army of various provinces and states. The origin of these sergeants was the military households of the Great Qin Dynasty, which were registered in the Ministry of War. Almost every village had a varying number of military households.

Military households do not have to pay taxes. Their existence is the foundation of the Daqin army. As long as the children of military households reach the age of 15, they will enter the establishment of the Thousand Households and report to officially become a sergeant of the Daqin Empire and start military training. Tempered to become a qualified imperial military officer.Once you join the army, if you can live long enough, you can leave the army at the age of 50 and return to your hometown to provide for the elderly.

The emperor of the Great Qin Empire was born in the army, so he treated the soldiers well. All the children of the military family, if not in wartime, would have the opportunity to go home twice a year to visit, and the salary they received was not low. Once they made meritorious service on the battlefield, Naturally, he can be promoted, and even if he doesn't get promoted for meritorious service, he can live to return to his hometown when he is old, and the military salary savings for so many years are enough for him to spend the rest of his life without worrying about food and clothing.

The children of military households can still marry wives and have children. Even when there is no war, the wives and children have the opportunity to visit the guards several times a year, but once they really want to quell the chaos and conquer the enemy, these soldiers have to go to the battlefield and throw their heads for the country. Sprinkle blood.

There are more than 40 households in Liujia Village, but there are only two military households. One of them is the Tie family.

Chu Huan did not expect that the woman who was chased and beaten by Su Niang turned out to be the daughter-in-law of the military household Tie's family.

"The father and son of the old Tie family are all in the army now, and this Huaihua is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Tie family." Chu Lishi paused, and said in a low voice: "Huaihua only married in the second year after you left home, but Over the years, Sophora japonica's stomach has not lived up to expectations. She has been silent and has not given birth to a boy and a half girl. In the first few years, the eldest son of the Tie family often came back. Later, seeing Sophora japonica's stomach was not up to snuff, he just sent people to bring it back. Money, it is rare to come back once a year, on the contrary, Huaihua always went to the guards in the past few years, but the past two years have not passed...!" Speaking of this, he sighed.

"Then what did she ask you for?" Chu Huan asked.

Chu Lishi hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "She was also forced by Feng Ergou to come over and persuade my mother to put her fingerprint on a document...!"

"A document?" Chu Huan immediately asked, "What kind of document?"

"Yes... it's a document to expel Su Niang from my Chu family and let her return to her natal family." Chu Li said sadly: "Feng Ergou didn't come to sell my Chu family's property by force, and my mother always thought he kept it. Some good intentions. Originally, the two acres of land in our family had been leased to others, and we could get some grain every year, but every time after planting grain, someone deliberately dug out the seeds of the two fields... At first, it was not clear who did it I did it, and later I realized that it was Feng Ergou who sent people to make trouble deliberately, just because he didn’t want us to have food to eat. Feng Ergou intervened, and no one dared to rent our two fields. There was really no way. Su Niang female celebrity did a good job, so she found a job as a female celebrity to support her family. But after that, a few people from the village came secretly to persuade Wei Niang to let Su Niang leave and let her find another family. Gently follow me, an old woman, for a lifetime... Thinking about it for my mother is also true. Su Niang is filial and virtuous. Although my mother is reluctant to leave her, Da Lang has already gone. I can't let Su Niang keep it like this. Let her go back. If you are blessed If so, I can make another good family, I am an old woman, I can't miss such a good girl...!"

Chu Huan sneered and said, "Those who came to persuade you, the old man, must have been instigated by Feng Ergou!" He now understands that Feng Ergou must have taken a fancy to Su Niang, so he deliberately planned to get Su Niang away. in hand.

Su Niang's temper is too strong, and she is in the Chu family, Feng Ergou is not easy to start, but once she is released by the Chu family and returns to her mother's house, then the elder brother will be the father, Su Niang's elder brother can decide Su Niang's future, Feng Ergou If the dog wants to get Su Niang again at that time, it will naturally become much easier with Su Niang's brother to decide in the middle.

Chu Li said: "At the beginning, my mother didn't know that it was the conscientious beast of the Feng family who was making a bad idea behind, and told Su Niang in private that she was going to let her leave the Chu family. Said that if she leaves, no one will take care of me. Since she entered the door of my Chu family, she will be born as my Chu family and die as a ghost of my Chu family. She will only take good care of me. If I force her to leave, she will ...Hey, he crashed and died in front of my Chu family...!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan immediately stood in awe, and was very moved in his heart. Thinking of Feng Ergou playing tricks behind his back and daring to play Su Niang's idea, the fierce murderous aura that he could hide all the time suddenly burst out of his eyes. come out.

Suddenly, he heard something. He talked with his mother for a long time, but he still didn't see Su Niang coming back. It stands to reason that those few clothes would not take so long. He narrowed his eyes, stood up and said, "Mother, Miss Su Niang hasn't returned yet." Come back, I'll go take a look!"


Su Niang is currently washing clothes by the river at the west end of the village. The small river is clear and winding like a jade belt. It can be said to be the river of life in Liujia Village. Su Niang is squatting by the river. Looking from behind, her back It is like a delicate gourd, with a slender waist, and the buttocks below are like the round bottom of a gourd. Against the backdrop of that slender waist, it is unusually round and plump, tight and full of elasticity.

Su Niang didn't notice that when she was washing the clothes, there was a person groping towards her from the grassy path behind her.

This person is none other than Feng Ergou who has no conscience and does all kinds of evil.

Coincidentally, Hu Xiaoshuan made a fuss in front of Feng Ergou's door, which made Feng Ergou very upset. He thought about it in the room, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Knowing that Hu's family was having a funeral, he wanted to go to Hu's house Take a trip, show your prestige.

After the past two years, he understood that no one in this village dared to oppose him, no one dared to say anything in the village if he said one thing, so he brought the dog-headed military officer Zhao Bao and two dogs to go. The Hu family is leaving.

Who knew that on the way, before arriving at Hu's house, he caught a glimpse of Su Niang's figure, and felt itchy in his heart at that moment. Seeing that Su Niang was going to the riverside at the entrance of the village alone, the boy immediately handed over the two dogs to the dog head The military advisor Zhao Bao came here on tiptoe, because he wanted to take this opportunity to tease Su Niang.

Su Niang was washing clothes by the river, and Feng Ergou followed, hiding behind a big tree, staring at Su Niang's back. Now he also knows that Su Niang is wild and cannot be easily provoked, so he hid Behind the tree, staring at Su Niang's slender waist and round buttocks, feasting her eyes first, she dared not come out.

Just as Su Niang was rubbing her clothes by the river, her body moved, causing Feng's buttocks to rise and fall slightly. In the eyes of Feng Ergou, that movement felt very glamorous. The more this kid looked at it, the more itchy he felt. My mind was full of dirty thoughts, and the more I thought about it, the more excited I became, my throat became dry, and I came out from behind the tree in a mysterious way, and tiptoed towards Su Niang.

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