National color raw owl

Chapter 277 Righteous

The first drum of the execution ground has already sounded, and the quarter of noon has arrived. After the third drum is finished, the execution will begin.

At this time, a soldier was already carrying a wine bowl to the execution platform. Before the prisoner was sentenced, if he was always given a bowl of wine to let him go on the road, the wine was served in front of the 50-year-old prisoner, and the old prisoner sniffed it. Sniff, then spit into the wine bowl, laughed loudly and said: "It stinks, it stinks, the government's wine is also stinky, there is no clean place, I don't want to drink this kind of stinky wine, lest Dirty yourself."

When the prisoners nearby heard this, those who hadn't drunk spit into the wine bowl, and those who had drunk spit it out immediately, and they all shouted loudly: "It stinks, it stinks."

The onlookers secretly admired these prisoners.

Apart from the frequent turmoil and sao accidents in Tongzhou, Xishan Road is not all peaceful, and people's riots often occur in various prefectures, but Qiao Mingtang handles them well, and most of the sao riots can be calmed down quickly. .

Over the past few years, the imperial court's taxation has increased and increased, even if the local government does not impose excessively, it will make the people of Daqin miserable.

Naturally, Xishan Road was not spared either.

As the governor of Xishan Road, Qiao Mingtang really did a lot of measures to benefit the people when he first took office, building water conservancy, rewarding land reclamation, developing agriculture and commerce, and also achieved quite a lot in the administration of officials. In the hearts of the people of Xishan Road, Still very prestigious, can be regarded as a good official.

It's just that the imperial court needs more and more money, and the annual tax increases substantially. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the Great Qin Empire was waiting to be rebuilt. The imperial court issued a series of measures to restore the country's stability and prosperity after the war. The emperor His Majesty opened the examination in the first year of the founding of the country, selected talents, and greatly appointed them. At that time, a large number of capable ministers and officials appeared in the court and localities.

At that time, the army of the Great Qin Empire was extremely powerful. The Xiliang Kingdom in the northwest and the Koryo Kingdom in the northeast did not dare to invade the Great Qin Empire in the slightest. On the contrary, the troops of the Great Qin Empire often entered their borders. Wei, the domestic economy is developing rapidly, and the people in the early days of the founding of the country really felt the gradual rise of a country. Many people firmly believed that the people of the Great Qin Empire would live a life of peace and contentment.

It has been 16 years since the founding of the country, and the imperial court has not increased taxes at all for ten years. Although there are many local officials who commit crimes, embezzle and accept bribes, overall, the atmosphere in the officialdom is still relatively good.

At that time, every citizen of the Great Qin Empire felt that the prosperous age was coming, and they all felt that His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Qin Empire was an eternal sage, and they were all proud of being a part of the Great Qin Empire.

It's just that no one thought that since four years ago, the taxation of the imperial court began to rise sharply. The imperial court used various reasons to increase the tax one after another, and the method of tax collection was very violent. Suffering violent treatment, the so-called upper beam is not upright and the lower beam is crooked, the imperial court is like this, the local officials naturally took advantage of the fire to loot, took advantage of the imperial court's momentum to increase taxes, cleverly set up names, and tried their best to exploit them. Similarly, in just a few years, it began to decline rapidly, and the people everywhere were destitute.

Those local gentry even took the opportunity to use various means to oppress the people and annex the land, they were vicious, and they did everything they could to maximize their profits.

The officials and gentry colluded, and the entire Great Qin Empire was almost a pandemonium.

Although there are still some capable officials, facing the rapid decline of the entire country, it is difficult to stop this trend from declining again and again.

The people who can make a living are patient, but a group of people who have no heaven and earth, and can't even fill their stomachs can't bear such a predicament. Sao riots, although most of the civil uprisings were suppressed under the strong pressure of the government, the resentment and anger in the hearts of the people are becoming more and more intense, and some ambitious people with ulterior motives took advantage of the situation to occupy the land and become kings. Confront the government, accumulate strength, and stand by.

There are not a few reckless rogues who have accumulated their strength and waited for an opportunity, and they will erupt quickly like a spark of fire at any time.

Today, the people watching the beheading of the rebellious party naturally have people who are dissatisfied with the government. Some people even know that the people on the execution platform are all "rebellious parties" who are against the government, and they feel sympathy in their hearts.

At this time, the gang of tough guys on the execution platform were laughing and yelling, and they didn't even have any fear.

They are all people who have been tortured and tortured, and they are fearless in the face of death.

Some of them laughed and said: "Today we will go on the road together, and we will come down to the world together in 20 years, if this shit's imperial court has not perished by then, our group of people will form a friendship with Jinlan and pull that dog emperor down. "

Someone nearby immediately laughed and said: "I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until that time. With such a foolish ruler and sycophant ministers, in less than three to five years, the shitty state of Qin will no longer exist. I'm afraid we won't see it again."

"I just don't know which guy will be able to chop off the dog's head." Someone sighed: "It's a pity that I can't meet him."

The old prisoner who refused to drink said loudly: "No matter who it is, he is a good man worthy of admiration, and this man will definitely appear."

This group of prisoners knew that they would die today, so they spoke without fear.

All the officials on the main stage were already frowning, their expressions were ugly. Xu Congyang, Qiao Mingtang, Lan Tingyu, the head of the criminal department, and other officials, big and small, all looked down.

Qiao Mingtang also didn't expect these people to speak so arrogantly, and he was also annoyed, he made a wink, and some of his subordinates made gestures, and the soldiers on the stage immediately raised their hands to slap the prisoners' mouths, not letting them speak.

These people all glared at each other, and some even laughed loudly: "They're scared, they're scared. We don't need to use knives, we just need to use our words, and the government will be scared."

"It can stop us from offending, but it can't stop the hearts of the people in the world." Someone roared: "You work as minions for tigers, and you will get retribution sooner or later."

Many prisoners had their mouths split open, dripping with blood, and some even had their teeth knocked out, but they still didn't stop shouting and cursing. At this time, the second drum sounded, and it was already [-]:[-] noon.

The soldiers strangled the prisoners' mouths with ropes, which made them speechless.

Qiao Mingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and then his heart rose again. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and the surroundings were still peaceful, and there was no sign of anyone coming to rob the execution ground.

Amidst the drumbeat of "dong dong dong", the knife-axe hand had already stepped forward to wash the knife with wine. The big knife was cold, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed that it would rain at any time.

Xu Congyang was also a little puzzled at this time, and asked in a low voice: "Master Qiao, could it be that we all miscalculated?"

Qiao Mingtang also frowned, and said softly: "Brother, if no one really comes to rob the execution ground, shall we... shall we continue the show?" Beheaded?"

Xu Congyang sneered and said, "Since no one came to rescue, it means they don't care anymore, and there is nothing to keep."

At this moment, a cold light flashed among the crowd of onlookers. A hidden weapon from among the crowd had suddenly hit the execution platform. , fell to the ground.

Someone in the crowd has already shouted sharply: "Brother Chen, we are here to save you." From the crowd, five or six assassins who were wrapped up tightly rushed out, showed their concealed knives, and rushed towards the execution platform brazenly. .

Qiao Mingtang's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "They're here."

The crowd immediately started to riot. Six assassins had already chopped down several soldiers with their knives and rushed towards the platform.

Facing the Imperial Guards, these five or six people were fearless, their knives flashed, and they fought together with the Imperial Guards.

On the execution platform, someone shouted loudly: "Brother Huang, hurry up, hurry up... don't be implicated by me!"

"We drank blood wine together and swore to God." Someone among the assassins shouted: "Today we will live and die together."

The martial arts of these assassins were not bad, but their number was too small, and they were soon surrounded by the imperial guards. Although several of the imperial guards were beheaded, three assassins fell in a pool of blood.

Qiao Mingtang frowned and said, "Bachelor, it seems...wrong."

Xu Congyang sighed: "They are not the people we were waiting for. They are another group of people."

The assassin who appeared suddenly was not the one the government was waiting for. This time, more than ten prisoners were beheaded, but the assassin who came out first rescued other prisoners.

There were very few of them, and they rushed out despite knowing that they would die.

Seeing the assassins fall down one by one, Xu Congyang shook his head, and sighed softly: "They are all brave men who died generously and with loyalty as the most important thing, but it's a pity...!" He seemed quite distressed.

Under the chaotic swords of the imperial guards, this wave of assassins did not even get close to the execution platform, and they fell in a pool of blood. Brother Huang was pierced through his chest by several spears. Before he died, he looked at the execution platform and sighed. : "Brother Chen...Brother Chen, brother...Brother go first...go one step first...!" A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the face of a guard, he laughed twice, bowed his head, and died.

On the execution platform, a prisoner burst into tears, roared, and suddenly fell to the ground. A soldier stepped forward to check, and then got up and said, "My lord, he has already bit his tongue and committed suicide."

Seeing such a tragic scene, the prisoners on the stage and the common people trembled in their hearts, and even a few commoners wiped their tears secretly as they watched the dead bodies of the assassins being dragged over.

"This is a righteous man." The old prisoner looked up to the sky and roared angrily: "There are such righteous men in the world, and they will not die well!"

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