National color raw owl

Chapter 298 Tongzhou Camp

Chu Huan and Lin Bing rode like flying horses, crossed two streets, and came straight to the east gate.

In fact, Chu Huan was really worried that Zhao Guangqing would immediately send people to round up after he got the news, but he did not stop him all the way. , It must take some time, and Lin Bing and himself moved extremely quickly, without the slightest stagnation at all. Even if Zhao Guangqing got the news at this time, he wanted to organize people to round up immediately, but it was too late.

During the siege of Dinggu Shichang this time, Chu Huan has been wondering how Lin Bing knew that Lin Daier and his gang’s lair would be in Dinggu Shichang, Chen County. That place is very remote. If Lin Bing hadn’t led the way, Chu Huan would never have thought Lin Dai'er and his gang are hiding in the quarry blatantly. The so-called big hermit hides in the city and the small hides in the wild. The quarry hides, and the bandits hide in the quarry. I'm afraid it is beyond everyone's expectation.

Out of Yunshan Fucheng, followed Lin Bing, crossed the river by boat, and circled the mountain by car. In fact, the journey was really a big circle. Chu Huan had a vague feeling that if Lin Bing really knew that Dinggu Stone Field was Lin Daier and others. There is no need to go around such a big circle in a person's hiding place. The itinerary at that time gave Chu Huan the feeling that he was being led around in a circle.

Chu Huan is a smart person, and he already guessed that among Lin Daier's group, someone might have left a mark for Lin Bing along the way, because Lin Bing would get off every time he reached a fork in the road. Now that I think about it , His purpose of getting out of the car is, in all likelihood, to find the mark left behind.

If Lin Bing hadn't known in advance that Lin Dai'er and the others would be at the Dinggu Stone Field, even if Zhao Guangqing was the real culprit behind the scenes, he wouldn't have thought that the Dinggu Stone Field had been exposed.

Perhaps in Zhao Guangqing's view, the Dinggu Stone Field should be an excellent hiding place in a short period of time, although it is clear and secret. In fact, in Chu Huan's view, if it wasn't because someone betrayed it, it would indeed be a safe place.

Lin Bing's actions caught Zhao Guangqing by surprise.

The gate of the east city has been closed tightly, and seven or eight defenders are leaning against the wall, holding their spears. When they hear the sound of horseshoes, someone has already woken up their companions. They stand up, holding their spears. The first person was Lin Bing, who was dressed as a wealthy businessman. A soldier had already stepped forward and shouted, "Who is it? What do you do?"

Seeing that there were only two people, the guards were relieved.

Lin Bing looked back, not at Chu Huan, but to see if there were other people behind him. He knew very well in his heart that if Zhao Guangqing really got the news, with Zhao Guangqing's shrewdness, he would definitely control the Tongzhou camp immediately.

Lin Bing took out the heavy purse from his bosom, threw it over, and said, "It's convenient for you guys, I have to go out in a hurry."

"What's the matter?" A guard took it and weighed it, it was really heavy.

Although Lin Bing was a little anxious, he still smiled and said: "A batch of goods was shipped out today, but they were shipped by mistake, so I have to chase them back." He was dressed as a businessman, and he was naturally talking about business.

The soldier was thinking about the money bag contentedly, when suddenly a pistol came over and snatched the money bag away. The soldier was about to get angry, but he saw that it was the captain of the city gate, and he quickly bowed and said, "Captain, these two People are going out."

The captain of Chengmen put the money bag in his hand, and said slowly: "It's so late, what are you going out for?"

Chu Huan was also very anxious at this time. If Zhao Guangqing's men really caught up, they might not be able to get out of this city gate, but the captain was still talking slowly and pretending.

Originally there were only seven or eight soldiers in front of the gate, but when they heard the sound of horseshoes, the captain rushed over, followed by five or six others. The dozen or so soldiers were not scary, and it might not be impossible to solve the problem if two people attacked, but there was still a problem on the top of the wall. There are soldiers guarding, and there is a guard tent not far away. If there is a fight here, the soldiers from the guard tent will definitely rush over, and then it will be troublesome.

Before Lin Bing could answer, the soldiers at the side rushed to say: "Their shipment is wrong, and they have to go out and chase it back."

"Oh?" The lieutenant said with his arms crossed: "You should know that it's not time to open the city gate. If we open the city gate at this time, we can't afford to blame the superiors." He added another question: " Is that shipment important?"

Lin Bing smiled and said, "Yes." His eyes were narrowed, and his manner really looked like a businessman.

The captain smiled and said: "Very important goods? You are really living a good life in business, and the money is rushing into your pockets like running water. This batch of goods will earn a lot of money?"

Chu Huan only heard this person's words, and knew that this guy was just trying to blackmail more.

But at this time, he could faintly hear the sound of horseshoes coming from behind. According to the movement of the sound of horseshoes, there were a lot of people coming.

Although the sound of horseshoes was still quite a distance away, Chu Huan's heart tightened, knowing that if there was any further delay, the team behind would come up. Generally, no one would leave the city at such a late night, and the team behind would most likely be wrong. People sent by Zhao Guangqing.

Although he was anxious, his face still looked calm. Seeing Lin Bing throwing out a big money bag, he knew that Lin Bing probably had no other money on him, so he didn't say much, and took out his money with gold leaves from his bosom. Throwing the bag over, the school lieutenant picked it up, opened it and looked at it, with a smile on his face, he said: "Forget it, be kind to the people, we soldiers let you common people live a good life... !” He raised his hand and said, “Open the door!”

Immediately, several people stepped forward to pull open the huge crossbar of the city gate.

Chu Huan already felt the sound of horseshoes getting closer behind him, and saw the crossbar of the city gate being lifted down, and then saw the city gate open a gap, at this moment, a voice came from behind: "Close the city gate tightly, don't Open the city gate!"

At this time, Lin Bing had already urged the horse forward, and Chu Huan also urged the horse. The two horses neighed and came out through the door. They approached with a rumbling sound behind them. The captain immediately shouted: "Quickly close the city gate!"

The soldiers immediately closed the city gate and even lifted the crossbar up.



Daqin Sixteen Roads, a land of 66 states, has a vast territory, thousands of miles of fertile fields, and rich resources.

Since the founding of the huge empire, it has formed a relatively complete system in terms of economy, military, and politics. Military is the weapon of the country, but for the emperor, sometimes it is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it is extremely sharp. Hey, if you are not careful, you can hurt yourself. The empire has always been very cautious about the military system.

Since ancient times, there have been many things that local soldiers have respected themselves, so the empire has formed various strata in the military, such as the Twelve Guards, the Guards, the Imperial Guards, and the State Army.

The Twelve Guards are the garrison of the capital, and also the most well-equipped army in the empire, and the Guards Army is the foundation of the huge army of the empire.

There are guards in each province, which are separated from each state. Although the top general is a command envoy, the real mobilization command power belongs to the Ministry of War and the Privy Council, and the orders of the Ministry of War and the Privy Council must be issued through the provincial government. Discuss decisions.

If the local government wanted to mobilize the guards, it would be absolutely impossible without an official letter from the imperial court.

Although this made the transfer procedures of the Guards Army very complicated, it also ensured that it was impossible for the local government to use the Guards Army to cause chaos.

A governor can have [-] imperial guards under his command, which can be mobilized by the governor, while each state has a state army. The number of imperial guards is limited to [-] establishments, while the state army only has [-] establishments.

These troops, in addition to being used for city defense, are mainly used to maintain local stability and to suppress civil uprisings or riots at any time, unless the turmoil is too critical. Usually, the guards do not move, and the local guards The Hezhou Army can completely quell the Wuhe Rebellion.

Thousands of well-trained and well-equipped troops, not many, not many, even if they are controlled by the governors of various provinces and the governors of various states, they will not cause too much harm.

However, the composition of the state army is somewhat different from that of the guard army.

The guards are all from military households, and the transfer of the soldiers of the guards is completely controlled by the imperial court. For example, the guards of the Xishan Road are not necessarily from the Xishan Road. Many soldiers are dispatched from other provinces to the Xishan Road Although there are many local soldiers serving in the guard army, seven or eight out of ten of them come from other ways, which is also to prevent local factions from appearing in the guard army.

However, the state army is recruited from local young adults, who are very familiar with and adapt to the local climate, environment and geography.

There are [-] soldiers in the Tongzhou camp. Except for some high-level generals, almost all of their soldiers are composed of local children in Tongzhou.

The big camp of Tongzhou Camp is less than fifteen miles east of Tongzhou City, at the foot of Guanshan Mountain.

In front of the gate of the Tongzhou camp, the soldiers guarding the camp heard the sound of horseshoes, and the soldiers on the wooden tower immediately shouted: "Someone is coming." They stretched their bows and set up arrows, aiming at the two horsemen coming from afar.

Chu Huan and Lin Bing came flying horses, almost as if they were alone. Chu Huan knew that this was really going deep into the tiger's den. If he was not careful, he might not be able to leave the Tongzhou Camp alive tonight.

But he also knew in his heart that if the Tongzhou camp could not be suppressed tonight, if Zhao Guangqing really planned to rebel, then the Tongzhou mutiny would cause the whole Tongzhou to fall into chaos within a few days.

Tongzhou was originally a powder keg that might explode at any time. Xu Congyang came to Xishan Road to deal with Tongzhou affairs in order to prevent turmoil in Tongzhou and affect the transportation of materials to the northwest.

For a long time, Zhao Guangqing seemed to be trying his best to suppress the explosion of the powder keg, but if Zhao Guangqing himself was a fire and ignited the powder keg, then Tongzhou was bound to explode.

Once the Tongzhou battalion followed Zhao Guangqing to create chaos, then with a wave of his arms, Chu Huan believed that Tongzhou would soon be full of rebellious troops.

The large number of weapons hidden in Heishuishan has already shown that there is a great hidden danger in Tongzhou. If those weapons are related to Zhao Guangqing, it means that Zhao Guangqing has been hiding himself as the magistrate of Tongzhou all along, but he is doing rebellion in Tongzhou. Prepare, maybe he is not fully prepared now, but these years, there must have been a terrifying climate. If Zhao Guangqing's fire is ignited, the whole Tongzhou and even Xishan Road will become the second Hebei Road.

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