National color raw owl

Chapter 336 Array Book

In fact, Chu Huan had always wondered why the Xiliang people did not attack for a long time. Now after Pei Ji's analysis, he suddenly became enlightened and vaguely understood the key point. -

Pei Ji nodded and said: "If the people of Xiliang have no problems themselves, they will definitely not stay silent and do not attack. Xiao Tianwen stopped marching only because he had to. If Xiao Tianwen was forced to stop the army suddenly under the favorable situation, then It can only be that there is a problem within the Xiliang people."

Chu Huan said: "Xiao Tianwen is a famous general of the Xiliang generation. With his qualifications and prestige, even if there is a factional dispute within the Xiliang army, Xiao Tianwen can completely control it. The problem is naturally not the Xiliang army. aspect."

Pei Ji smiled and said: "Second brother is right." Picking up the wine jar and pouring wine, he continued: "After thinking about it, there are only two possibilities that will lead to today's situation."

"Brother mean?"

"First, it is Xiao Tianwen's food shortage, and there is a serious problem with logistics supplies. The so-called soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first. Once there is a problem with food supply, Xiao Tianwen has the ability to reach the sky, so he dare not take it lightly. Adventurous, although he likes to take risks when using soldiers, but his use of risks is not courageous, at least [-]% sure to act, and he must be cautious in his actions. There is a shortage of food and the supply cannot be guaranteed. If he advances again, it is not a risk , but is looking for a dead end." Pei Ji dipped his hand in the wine, drew a picture on the table, and said: "I have four big granaries in Daqin, Xiaohu, Chenyang, Jiping, and Jinling. , so there is no granary in the Northwest Road, and the grain supply in the Northwest is partially supplied by the local area in the Northwest, but the main grain is supplied from the Chenyang Granary in Anyi Road."

As he said, he easily drew a map on the table with his finger and wine. The map of the entire Great Qin territory was completely in his mind. Chu Huan saw the approximate location of the granary, and was shocked in his heart. At this moment, he understood that the world was hidden in Pei Ji's chest, and the great Qin Dynasty was only between his fingers.

Anyi Road is in the north of Xishan Road. Among the four major granaries, the scale ranks second. In the Dahua era of the previous dynasty, there was already a Chen Yang granary. Dahua was once prosperous, and the Chen Yang granary stored millions of grain Stone, which can support millions of people for a year, shows its strong scale. After the founding of the Qin State, Chen Yang’s granary was even expanded for a time. Or fire, Chen Yang's granary has become the rear guarantee of the Northwest.

Chenyang Granary is located at the junction of Anyi Road and Xishan Road. To transport grain to the northwest, it must pass through Xishan Road, go north all the way, pass through Tongzhou, exit Xiguguan, and transport it to the front.

Pei Ji pointed to the northwest map and said, "Xiao Tianwen is very clear, unless he is sure that he can take Xigu Pass, break through Xishan Road, and then capture Chen Yang's granary before he runs out of food reserves, then he can make a go of it, but He naturally also understands that this is of course impossible, and even if he captures the entire Northwest, the Northwest is not a place for grain production, and when the Xiliang Army broke through the Yanmen Pass, the governor of Tianshan Road Zhu Lingyue had already mobilized grain from all over the Northwest Speaking of which, the small amount of food in the Northwest is still controlled by the Northwest Army, so it is impossible for Xiao Tianwen to get too much food in the Northwest. If he wants to continue fighting, he can only rely on the supply from Xiliang's own country. Food and grass, otherwise there is no way to talk about advancing troops. He has [-] Xiliang troops under his command, and if he doesn’t have enough rations to guarantee rash advances, it is very likely that none of the [-] Xiliang troops will be able to return.!.”

Chu Huan deeply felt that what Pei Ji said was very reasonable, nodded and said: "So the eldest brother thinks that Xiao Tianwen dare not march because of the supply of food?"

Pei Ji nodded and said, "This is one of the reasons."

"Then there is another reason?"

"There have been changes in the Xiliang Dynasty." Pei Ji's eyes were shining, "Another possibility that made Xiao Tianwen dare not march easily is that there is chaos inside the Xiliang Kingdom, and the rear is unstable. Xiao Tianwen Naturally, I don’t dare to act rashly.” Then he sighed: “It’s a pity that this is only my own guess, which cannot be confirmed, and I have the Jingulan Desert between the northwest of the Qin Dynasty and Xiliang Kingdom, so I don’t know much about the news in Xiliang. So much, so what is going on, we can only drink and guess here."

Chu Huan praised: "Brother hit the nail on the head, it seems that the situation is very likely to be as the brother said."

Pei Ji smiled slightly, picked up the wine bowl, and had a drink with Chu Huan. Chu Huan put down the wine bowl and said, "Brother, if it is true as you said, the Xiliang people may really have to retreat soon. If we don't attack, General Yu is now reorganizing the remnants of the Northwest Army in the northwest. Once the Northwest Army has calmed down, with General Yu's temper, it is impossible to sit back and watch the people of Xiliang occupy our prefectures and counties in Daqin, and they will definitely launch a counterattack. , and if the Xiliang people are really short of food, they can't support themselves, and they can only choose to retreat in the end."

Pei Ji said: "Actually, we're just sitting here and discussing what happened. Maybe the people of Xiliang have other tricks and we don't know. I'm just judging according to Xiao Tianwen's temperament. I haven't been to the northwest, so I can only listen to it in Beijing." People here and there occasionally talk about the situation ahead, and if they really want to find out, they need to go to the northwest to take a look!"

Chu Huan said: "Big brother, is it because of this reason that you want to go to the northwest?"

Pei Ji pondered for a while before saying, "Second brother, let me ask you, if the Xiliang people have enough food and supplies, given the current situation of our Great Qin, is it possible for the Xiliang people to break through the Xigu Pass and enter the pass?"

Chu Huan thought for a moment, then slowly said: "General Feng has gone, General Chi is far away in Liaodong, so don't move lightly, and as far as I know, General Lei was scarred all over his body when he fought, and he often had seizures, and he couldn't hold on for a long time. Leading the army to fight, of the four generals, only General Yu can sit in the northwest. However, General Yu is very old, and he has not led the army to conduct large-scale battles in the past 20 years since the founding of the country...!" At this point, the conversation stopped pause.

Pei Ji nodded and said, "That's right, General Yu is over [-] years old, while Xiao Tianwen is under [-] years old. The difference between the two is about ten years old. Compared with General Yu, Xiao Tianwen is more powerful. The two famous generals In a confrontation, not only is it necessary to compete in the way of using troops, but also to compete in the soldiers, horses, money and provisions in your hands, and also to compete in willpower and mental strength. Xiao Tianwen is already superior in mental strength. His Xiliang iron cavalry, if it is ten Many years ago, he was definitely not the opponent of my Great Qin Iron Cavalry, but now he is among my Great Qin Iron Cavalry. Xiao Tianwen and Old General Yu are considered brothers in terms of how to use troops. This calculation, once Xiao Tianwen has enough food in his hands, Old General Yu Seventy-eight times out of ten, the general is not Xiao Tianwen's opponent." Speaking of this, he looked a little sad, and said: "It's a pity, General Feng, if Feng Hanxiao is still alive, in his prime, Xiao Tianwen is even the leader of Yanmen. Can't get in."

Pei Ji obviously admired Feng Hanxiao very much, when he talked about Feng Hanxiao, his face showed admiration.

Chu Huan sighed, "Yes, General Feng...!"

Pei Ji smiled and said, "Actually, what I want to say is that even if the Xiliang people retreat this time, but without General Feng, they will still come in next time when they are stable inside and have enough food and grass. Old General Yu is getting old. After many years of military service, the damage to his body will be great. If Xiliang is not attacked this time, he will be even more difficult to deal with if he makes a comeback against Xiliang. Once the people of Xiliang break through Xigu Pass, the consequences will be unimaginable." He pointed out Looking at the outline of the map drawn on the table, he said softly: "When people from Xiliang enter the customs, the Central Plains will be in chaos. Now our country is already in crisis, and foreign countries invade, and the Central Plains will surely fall back into the strife between heroes 20 years ago. I can vividly remember the chaotic situation in the world a few years ago. There were swordsmen everywhere, human lives were as cheap as grass, people were displaced and slaughtered, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains were surrounded by smoke, blood was everywhere, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere... I don’t want to see those horrific events in my lifetime. scene."

Chu Huan's expression was even more gloomy.

He has never experienced the time when the heroes were in conflict, but he can imagine the scene at that time, how many wives were separated, how many families were destroyed, how many men died on the battlefield because of the vassal hegemony, people are not as good as dogs in troubled times, hunger, terror, disaster, and death are always shrouded The head of the common people in the Central Plains.

The arrival of an era of peace was brought by how many people exchanged their blood and lives. Without going through the troubled times, they would never be able to experience the darkness and horror of that era.

"Back then, I wanted to end the troubled times, but now I want to keep the peaceful world." Pei Ji said slowly: "Although there are frequent civil upheavals in the empire, if the saints can wake up and work hard, the empire will return to normal." If we can regain our glory, the common people can still enjoy peace, but if the Xiliang people invade, the consequences will be chaos, so no matter what, we must not let the Xiliang people invade Guanzhong."

Chu Huan asked: "Brother, is he going to the northwest because he wants to use what he has learned to serve the Northwest Army and resist the Xiliang people?"

"As a disabled person, although I have a heart, people don't need me." Pei Ji waved his hand and said with a smile: "I don't have much ambition. However, General Yu is going to conquer the Northwest, and he will recruit talents in the future. I will go and try it. I don’t really want to be able to serve the Northwest Army, but I just offer some strategies. If General Yu can really adopt it, it may be of great benefit to us, Great Qin...!"

Chu Huan knew that although Pei Ji was physically disabled, he was worried about the world, so he admired him even more, and asked, "When is elder brother going to leave?"

"Actually, I was going to leave a few days ago." Pei Ji smiled and said, "I just didn't know the whereabouts of my second brother, so I was a little worried, so I waited for a while longer. When I saw my second brother today, I felt relieved. Finally After a while, I left Beijing and went to the northwest."

Chu Huan looked at Qin Lei, but found that the guy had already gnawed the duck's paw, and the floor was covered with bones, but the whole person was leaning against the wall, already asleep. He smiled helplessly and asked, "What about Lei Er?"

"I'll take him with me." Pei Ji said: "He can't stay in the Qin residence. This kid is wild, and if he isn't killed by the Qin family, he will cause disaster. Originally, I was thinking of entrusting him to you ...!"

Chu Huan immediately said: "If elder brother really has such intentions, younger brother is obliged to do so."

Pei Ji showed a gentle smile, and said: "I know the second brother will definitely accept it, but after thinking about it, he has been living in the capital, which may not be a good thing. I will take him by my side, and go around the world to see the world. It is of great benefit to him, but fortunately, although this child has a strange temperament, he listens to me and keeps him by his side, so that he can restrain himself."

Although Chu Huan and Pei Ji didn't get along for a long time, they were like-minded. Now that Pei Ji was about to leave the capital, Chu Huan felt a little uncomfortable, as if something precious was lost.

Pei Ji could naturally see Chu Huan's thoughts, and there was warmth in the depths of his eyes. Although his friendship with Chu Huan was as plain as water, they were in his heart. Few people looked down on him all the time, and no one had a sincere friendship, and Chu Huan did not He disliked his disability, and even made friends with him eight times. The two of them met only based on their sexuality, not their interests. This kind of affection is naturally very precious. Although Chu Huan was reluctant to part with it, Pei Ji was also a little bit reluctant in his heart. He reached out and patted On Chu Huan's shoulder, he said gently: "Second brother, you and I share the same loyalty, and being able to know each other is a fate given by God. After I leave, you take care of everything, and you are in the capital, be careful everywhere." After a pause, he said softly: " Because of King Qi's coming to the capital, you have to be more careful about getting into a fight. The capital looks prosperous, but it is actually the most dangerous place in the world, and the court and officialdom are even more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be doomed. You need to remember to keep a low profile in everything, and don't be arrogant because you have the support of the prince behind you."

Chu Huan knew that Pei Ji's words came from the bottom of his heart, and his heart warmed even more. He nodded and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will keep your words in mind. This time, brother is going to the northwest. There are thousands of mountains and rivers, and the journey is far away. Take care all the way." Taking out the banknote from his bosom, Pei Ji stopped him and said, "The silver you gave me last time is enough for me to use. You are in the capital, and there are still many places to use the silver in the future." Get up and go Going to the bedside, he took out a copy from under the pillow and handed it to Chu Huan. Chu Huan took it and opened it, but found that it was full of handwritten text and pictures. Except for large sections of text, there were pictures every few pages. The words "Bagua", "Fengshi", "Crane Wing", "Yanyue", "Flying Bird", "Tiger Tao" and so on are written.

"This is a book of formations." Pei Ji said: "Most of the front is the basic military formations that have existed throughout the ages. I have written down their strengths and weaknesses in the front. A new formation, but there are still defects. I am thinking of a large formation now, but it is not complete, and I have not recorded it. These formations, because of the difference in climate, geography and military strength, the formations used are different , if you have nothing to do, you can take a look at it on weekdays, maybe it will be useful to you in the future. "

Chu Huan knew that this book was the painstaking effort of Pei Ji. It is necessary to know that only by studying a formation method carefully can he fully understand its advantages and disadvantages. Pei Ji must have spent a lot of effort in the military formation, and this note It was the condensation of his hard work, and he was even more surprised to hear that he created a new formation. Chu Huan also knew that throughout the ages, there have been many generals like clouds, and there are not many famous generals, but there are very few who can really create formations. This not only requires a good knowledge of various formations from ancient times to the present, but also has extraordinary talent. The formation is not just arbitrarily fiddle with the position, but to be as mysterious and changeable as possible, and can be counted in both offense and defense. Increase the combat capability of troops by ten times or even dozens of times.

Arrays can make a group of loose sand form a powerful combat force. Different arrays have different functions. Some arrays can greatly improve offensive capabilities, some can increase defensive power, and some can increase The speed of marching can take into account both offense and defense, and the formation of formations often requires the cooperation of various arms. If a general can march and deploy with ease, he is naturally an extremely powerful general.

Chu Huan knew that this book was too precious, so he wanted to decline it, but before he could open his mouth, Pei Ji had already seen through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Everything in front of me is in my heart, you and I have the same loyalty, this book is not for you. , who can I give it to?"

Chu Huan thought about it for a while, and stopped being pretentious. He put it down and said, "Brother, you are about to go on a long journey, and my younger brother will see you off today. You won't sleep until you're drunk!"

Pei Ji laughed and said, "I'm about to get drunk!"

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