National color raw owl

Chapter 342 Summation

Chu Huan really felt that the scene in front of him was a bit unimaginable. Before seeing the emperor, Chu Huan knew that the emperor had conquered countless countries in the southern and northern wars, and after the founding of the country, he made great efforts to rule and create a prosperous world. Such an emperor must be A wise man with extraordinary wisdom, ordinary women and fools may believe Master Lin's absurd words, but how can His Majesty the majestic ninety-five-year-old Emperor, who is extremely wise, believe it?

But the emperor's joyful expression obviously believed Mr. Lin's absurd words.

The emperor believed that it was all right. The five or six important officials next to him were all the brains of the empire. None of these people raised any objections, and they all agreed to pay homage. For such a moment, Chu Huan actually felt sad for the empire.

The emperor was very happy and said: "Lin Yuanfang, your mother can dream of me. It seems that she is indeed a lucky person. The decree was given to give her a hundred liang of gold and five hundred pieces of silk. Later, I will write a letter to give it to you personally." she!"

Lin Yuanfang burst into tears of gratitude, and quickly thanked her.

The emperor looked at Chu Huan happily and said, "Chu Huan, I summoned you here today mainly to ask you, what kind of reward do you want for your achievements? What kind of official do you want to be? Come and listen."

Chu Huan was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "The villain dare not!"

He didn't call him a "little minister" now, lest Zhou Nayan next to him would talk more nonsense.

The emperor looked at Lin Yuanfang and asked with a smile: "Lin Aiqing, you also know about Chu Huan's achievements. You are the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. In your opinion, what kind of official should be given to Chu Huan?"

It was only then that Chu Huan realized that the loudly flattering Master Lin turned out to be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. It must be known that the Ministry of Officials was the head of the six departments, and the letter was the head of the Ministry of Officials. This Lin Yuanfang was really a powerful figure.

Lin Yuanfang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, I think what the real king said is very true. Chu Huan has made such great achievements. The real king has always been rewarded for his merits. Chu Huan's contribution is so great that he must be rewarded. Such a talent, if he can't Reuse is really a shame, but since the real king summoned Chu Huan to come, I think he already has some calculations in his heart, and everything depends on the real king's instructions. official position!"

Chu Huan was amused. Lin Yuanfang said a lot, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just took the opportunity to pat the emperor's horse again.

The emperor stroked his beard and looked at Zhou Nayan, and asked, "Zhou Aiqing, what do you think?"

Zhou Nayan asked respectfully: "I don't know if the real monarch wants to make Chu Huan an official in the capital, or send him to another place for appointment?"

The emperor said: "For the time being, I will stay in Beijing on business. If I can do it, I will have another purpose."

Zhou Nayan asked again: "If it's a Beijing official, which Yamen is Zhenjun going to let him enter?"

"Chu Huan saved the King of Qi, defeated the Tongzhou Army, and Liu Yao's bandit was also eliminated by Chu Huan, which cured my heart disease." The emperor said slowly: "Do you think that with these few achievements, Chu Huan should Where are you going?"

Zhou Nayan said solemnly: "Since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, no matter whether it is civil servants or generals, they have to go through assessment and selection, so that only talented people can be selected to serve the country." After a pause, he glanced at Chu Huan and continued: "The true king The opening of the scientific examination and the selection of martial arts are extremely wise. They are to give the people of the world a fair opportunity to become officials, to encourage the literati to study and to glorify their families, and to encourage the warriors to practice martial arts to honor their families. It is understandable for an official to have no position, if he is only promoted a little in the Wujing Guard, but if he is to be named an important position, it is unreasonable, and I am afraid that he will be criticized by others."

Lin Yuanfang immediately said: "Zhou Nayan, I don't understand the meaning of your words. Chu Huan has made several great achievements, and every one of them is a great contribution. Such a talent, the real king will bestow an official position , makes sense, who dares to criticize it?"

Zhou Nayan said indifferently: "Shangshu Lin, even though this is the case, some things are different. Chu Huan's contribution is certainly true, but except for a few people, who really knows it? Even if it is spread, at Chu Huan's age , and made several great achievements in a row, not many people may believe it."

Lin Yuanfang cupped his hands towards the emperor, and said, "Who would dare not believe the words of the true emperor?"

Zhou Nayan shook his head and said: "Shangshu Lin, guarding against people's mouths is better than Fangchuan. The words of the real emperor are naturally the words of Jiuding, but the legal system of the court can never be abolished. Every regulation of the court is true. For your hard work, Chu Huan was appointed an official without going through the examination, which is a broken charter, and there will always be people who will criticize it."

Lin Yuanfang sneered and said, "I'm afraid Master Zhou is the one who criticizes me!"

"Lin Shangshu said so, I have nothing to say." Zhou Nayan said lightly: "Chu Huan was awarded the official without examination, and I will naturally feel uncomfortable. As a disciple, I do things. , is to try our best to uphold every regulation set by Zhenjun, if Lin Shangshu says that it is wrong to uphold the laws set by Zhenjun, then I have nothing to say."

Lin Yuanfang's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said to the emperor: "True Monarch, this subject is not...!"

The emperor shook his head, indicating that he didn't take it seriously.

Seeing that the emperor had no intention of blaming him, Lin Yuanfang was full of confidence, and said, "Lord Zhou, although Chu Huan has not passed the examination, he has made outstanding achievements many times, and a real gentleman knows people with his eyes. Such a genius, it may not be impossible to hire him outside the rules?"

"The state has state laws, and the family has family rules. How can the state system be easily destroyed?" Zhou Nayan insisted, "In other words, if Chu Huan is really a genius, then he is not afraid of the assessment at all!"

The emperor gently stroked his white beard and asked Zhou Nayan, "Zhou Aiqing, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is that if the real monarch wants to reward Chu Huan, he must pass the assessment first. If Chu Huan can really pass the assessment, it will not be too late for the real monarch to reward Chu Huan." Zhou Nayan replied.

The emperor stroked his beard and asked, "Then how do you think the test should be done?"

"Chu Huan, I want to ask you, are you a civilian or a military officer?" Zhou Nayan looked at Chu Huan.

Lin Yuanfang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, rushed to say: "Of course he is a military officer!"

The emperor picked up Chu Huan's dossier and said with a smile: "Don't you know that when Chu Huan was in Yunshan Mansion, he once wrote 45 poems in one go, 39 of which were literary. It's also remarkable."

As soon as the emperor's words came out, several important officials showed surprise.

The long-faced official said, "Could it be that this Chu Huan is the one who is rumored to have composed 45 poems in a row?"

The emperor nodded and said, "Exactly!"

Immediately, all the ministers looked at Chu Huan, seeing that Chu Huan was very young and looked quite heroic, but there was no hint of literary spirit at all, and several people showed suspicion in their eyes.

Zhou Nayan asked Chu Huan, "Chu Huan, are you really familiar with poetry, books and articles? Classics and History, what are you best at?"

Chu Huan secretly groaned in his heart. He had heard of such things as Jingshiziji, but he was not good at it. Judging by Zhou Nayan's posture, he seemed to be testing it on the spot. If it was true, when the other party asked about the article, he knew nothing about it. , that would be very bad, and immediately said: "Don't dare, the villain doesn't know the classics and history collections, it's just...just know a few big characters." I also thought that if I only know a few big characters, how can I explain how many words I wrote? Ten poems, and immediately continued: "I like the poems and songs of the predecessors on weekdays, sometimes I recite randomly when I feel like it."

Zhou Nayan was skeptical of Chu Huan's literary talent at first, but after hearing what Chu Huan said, he felt a slight liking for him. To him, Chu Huan's words seemed to be modest, and he smiled and said: "Recite as you please." , You can get 39 poems, which is not easy. Besides reciting poems, what else do you do? Can you count scriptures?"

"Analyses?" Chu Huan was taken aback, but quickly realized that this analyses, could it be the mathematics of the later generations? If you really want to talk about it, I really have some attainments in mathematics, and said modestly: "Slightly clear!"

Zhou Nayan smiled, and respectfully said to the emperor: "True Monarch, if this is the case, Zhen Jun can test Chu Huan in both civil and military aspects, and no matter which one he can pass, he can be rewarded with an official position."

The emperor said: "I am going to enter the customs tonight, and I will leave in five days. It just so happens that the queen may not have been with the queen for a long time. After five days, I will be in the imperial garden to assess Chu Huan. I will watch it with the queen at that time. Relieve boredom."

All the ministers said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

The emperor was about to say something, when he heard footsteps, the emperor frowned, but saw a eunuch trotting over, in a hurry, holding a booklet in his hand, knelt down under the jade platform, and said respectfully: "True Monarch, Shang Shusheng sent a quick copy, claiming that it came from the northwest, and it was the note played by General Yu!"

All the ministers changed color immediately, and the emperor frowned, but Chu Huan was also slightly surprised. This note was an urgent memorial from the northwest, so it can be seen that the matter is very urgent. Could it be that the Xiliang people did something else? Starting to attack?

A eunuch had already stepped forward to take the memorial and presented it to the emperor. The emperor took out the memorial, frowned and looked at it for a few times, his brows gradually relaxed, and soon, a look of joy appeared on his face, and he suddenly laughed loudly, saying: "Okay, okay , OK!" He said "Okay" three times in a row, with a happy expression on his face. Seeing this scene, everyone immediately relaxed their nervousness, and then they were all full of doubts. They didn't know what was written in the notebook. Northwest won the battle?

The emperor threw the memorial to Lin Yuanfang. Lin Yuanfang picked it up on his stomach, looked at it for a few moments, then immediately fell to his knees, and said loudly: "The real king is so powerful, the power of the Great Qin State covers the whole world, and the bandits in Xiliang can hardly match the power of our heavenly dynasty. I finally made peace, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!" He lay on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Everyone was startled, only then did they realize that what was played in the memorial was that the people of Xiliang were preparing to negotiate a peace.

Knowing this, everyone immediately showed joy. Since the death of General Feng, in the past year, the Northwest has been lost again and again. The Northwest Army has retreated and retreated. It was precisely because the northwest was in danger that Yu Buqu dragged his old body to the northwest, but no one could guarantee that Yu Buqu could really stop the Xiliang iron cavalry.

Although the Xiliang people stopped attacking for a while, the military situation in the northwest has not relaxed, and the court has been extremely tense for a while, but no one thought that such a memorial would suddenly be sent from the front.

The emperor was very happy, and said repeatedly: "Old General Yu is old and strong. In just a few months, he turned the situation around in one fell swoop. The people of Xiliang took the initiative to ask for peace. Hahaha, I want to reward Yu Buyi greatly. My general , after all, I did not lose face...!"

"The real king is strategizing, wise and powerful, the Great Qin has a vast land and rich resources, and is unmatched in power. General Yu is working hard on the front line, and the clown in Xiliang is vulnerable and takes the initiative to seek peace. This is caused by the real king's supernatural power." Lin Yuanfang flattered in a hurry: "Da Qin Strong and mighty, conquering the world, ministers meet this prosperous age, have such a holy king, it is truly a blessing for ministers, long live the Emperor Wu, long live long live!"

Zhou Nayan frowned, and couldn't help but said, "Zhenjun, the Xiliang people suddenly asked for peace, is there... is there some trick?"

The emperor frowned, his eyes showed a stern look, Lin Yuanfang immediately scolded: "Zhou Ting, what did you say?"

"I made a slip of the tongue!" Zhou Nayan and Zhou Ting knew that his words were spoiling the scenery, so he hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty: "I implore the true king to grant me my sin!"

The emperor said indifferently: "The memorial is presented. The people of Xiliang have taken the initiative to seek peace, and they will soon send a peace mission to Beijing." The official with a long face said: "Ma Hong, you are preparing to welcome the Xiliang envoys with the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple. Mission, the people of Xiliang do not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and they violated my northwest, and now the mission is coming to the court, I want to show them the prosperity of our Great Qin, and make them never dare to set foot on my Great Qin land again!"

The long-faced official Ma Hong immediately said: "I obey the order!"

The emperor looked at Zhou Ting and said, "Zhou Ting, send someone to prepare for the assessment of Chu Huan in the imperial garden in five days' time." He said to Chu Huan, "Chu Huan, don't let me down!" Then he said: "The official position will be rewarded after the assessment, but today I will give you a hundred taels of gold and a hundred pieces of silk!"

Chu Huan knelt down to thank him, and then Eunuch Shui led him out of the palace.

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