That night, everyone dispersed happily, and early the next morning, a small official from the household department came to the Ximen Office to lead Chu Huan to report to the household department.

The yamen of the household department is located in Nancheng, not far from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War. The affairs of these three departments communicate more, so the three major yamen are all in the same area. As the place for the specific actions of the imperial government, the six yamen are all built very grandly. , Each door has a strict division of labor and is orderly. The yamen of the Ministry of Households is on the left, and next to it is the yamen of the Ministry of Industry. The word "Hubu" is hung on the tall door, and soldiers guard the door.

The petty official brought Chu Huan into the yamen of the household department, and went to inform Hu Bufan, the secretary of the household department, and asked Chu Huan to wait in the courtyard.

The courtyard is very large, with arches on both sides, leading to other courtyards. Whether there are officials coming in and out, when they see Chu Huan in the courtyard, they will take a very strange look.

Chu Huan was calm and composed. He hadn't received an official uniform yet, and he was wearing casual clothes. In the household department, people came and went in official uniforms, so Chu Huan, who was dressed in casual clothes, seemed a bit out of place.

Occasionally, when someone passed by and saw Chu Huan, they leaned their heads and whispered in a low voice, followed by a weird laugh. Chu Huan knew that they didn't say anything good, but he didn't care.

He knew very well that he was new here, and that he would be envied by many people as soon as he came here, and that he would be envied by many people. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the household department, he would encounter many difficulties in the future.

After waiting for a long time, still no one came to summon her. Chu Huan knew in her heart that most of the time it was the Minister of the Household Department who gave her a warning.

While waiting patiently, he suddenly saw a group of people coming out from the left, surrounded by more than ten people, an old official who was nearly sixty years old, and was coming towards the yard. Chu Huan didn't know what happened. Seeing the old official, he saw The official also saw himself, and then saw someone whispering something in the old official's ear, the old official's face changed color immediately, and his eyes suddenly fixed on Chu Huan's face.

Seeing him looking at her, Chu Huan nodded slightly, but soon felt that this person was full of hostility, and there was clearly hatred in those eyes, so she couldn't help frowning.

Although I'm new here, it's fine for some people to be jealous, but it's not likely that there will be such emotions like a deadly enmity?

But in just one thought, Chu Huan seemed to think of something, and his brows were slightly furrowed. Seeing the old official approaching him step by step, Chu Huan cupped his hands and said, "Senior is Mr. Yang? You are a junior, and you have met Mr. Yang!"

At this moment, Chu Huan remembered that he had been transferred to the Duzhi Division of the Ministry of Accounting as the head of the left, while the former head of the left, Yang Tong, was transferred to the Ministry of Rites.

When he first came to the household department, this old official was so hostile to him. Chu Huan guessed that this person was very likely to be that Yang Tong, and he replaced this person himself. No wonder this person would be like this hatred.

Chu Huan bowed his hands and saluted, but the old official stepped aside and said with a sneer, "I can't bear it!" His voice was cold and stiff.

Chu Huan smiled lightly.

The old official said, "You are Chu Huan?"

"Exactly!" Chu Huan was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Chu Huan, do you think you can stay in the household department if you squeeze the old man away?" The old official Yang Tong glared and said, "What virtue and ability do you have? You can recite a few poems, so you think you can take care of your family. Cao? Huang-haired child, don’t think you can do anything once you are favored, the higher you climb, the harder you fall.”

Chu Huan originally saw that Yang Tong was old, so he had a heart of respect, but who knew that Yang Tong had no good words as soon as he came up, Chu Huan was also a little annoyed, and said lightly: "Thanks to the favor of the Holy Majesty, can I be transferred to the household department? Take care, always have to try."

Around Yang Tong, more than a dozen officials of the household department, big and small, all looked at Chu Huan with strange eyes, and they all looked unfriendly.

Yang Tong sneered and said: "It's nice to say. The old man wants to see how you can stay in Duzhisi. Duzhisi's daily income is hundreds of dollars. You are nothing more than a relationship. I just got transferred in, and I can tell you that this household department is different from others, it has no real ability, and if you want to stay here, you will only bring shame on yourself."

What Yang Tong meant, of course, was that Chu Huan was transferred in due to his relationship with Qi Wang Yingren, not because of Chu Huan's own abilities.

All the officials nodded slightly, apparently deeply convinced by Yang Tong's words.

Chu Huan knew that he had just entered the household department, if he was ridiculed and humiliated by them, it would be difficult to stay in the household department in the future, so he smiled lightly and said: "My lord, I am too worried. My lord will be transferred to the Ministry of Rites. In the future, cao He only cares about the affairs of the Ministry of Rites, since Chu Huan has been transferred to the Ministry of Accounts, he will naturally do a good job in the Ministry of Accounts. Even if Chu Huan is not good at what the boss said, he will not be useless if he asks himself!"

Yang Tong said disdainfully: "You rely on riding a horse to shoot arrows? Relying on you to recite poems and write essays?"

Chu Huan looked calm, and said, "Your Majesty seems to be very prejudiced against Chu Huan." Although his voice was still very gentle at this time, there was no humility in his expression at the beginning.

If Yang Tong doesn't give him a good face, he doesn't need to make excuses.

The officials around immediately whispered to each other, and many people showed dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"Prejudice?" Yang Tong laughed, full of contempt, "Chu Huan, the old man is going to take up the post in the Ministry of Rites today. Since I met you before leaving, the old man really wants to test your ability to bear the burden." Begin to take charge of the Branch Division!"

"How is the boss going to try?" Chu Huan frowned.

Yang Tong said: "The old man will not try the vulgar abilities of riding a horse and shooting arrows, nor will you try your innocent groaning in reciting poems. Since you claim to be qualified to be the head of Duzhi Cao, then the old man will ask two questions, but are you sure?" Qualified to be transferred to Duzhicao!"

Chu Huan frowned, and an official beside him said, "Lord Chu, are you afraid to deal with it?"

"I heard that Master Chu is awe-inspiring in the Iron Blood Garden, and the soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth. Even the Holy Majesty is full of praise. Now that Master Yang just wants to ask two questions, is Master Chu going to retreat?"

"Who said Master Chu is going to retreat?" One person said in a yin and yang, "Master Chu is preparing, yes, Master Chu?"

"Come, come, let us see Master Chu's abilities. The iron blood garden is showing off its power. We are not qualified enough to see a good show. Today, Master Chu is here, just for us to see and see."

Everyone said something to each other, and there was a lot of sarcasm and disdain in their voices, obviously doubting Chu Huan's ability.

Although Chu Huan was appointed as the head of the Household Department by His Majesty the Emperor, everyone knows that the backer behind Chu Huan is only the King Qi. The strength of King Qi in the court is too weak. Wang didn't have the slightest sense of awe. Qi Wang had such a mentality, so he naturally dismissed Chu Huan even more.

The voices of people were chaotic, scattered and many officials gathered, but in just a moment, twenty or thirty officials from the household department, large and small, surrounded them.

Yang Tong was squeezed out of the household department by Chu Huan and lost a lucrative official position, but he wanted to be transferred to the Ministry of Rites to be a Qingshui official. He was naturally very annoyed. When he met Chu Huan today, it was because he wanted to let Chu Huan in It was embarrassing in front of everyone, and killing Chu Huan's face also relieved his pain.

Seeing that everyone was pointing and pointing, Chu Huan knew that Yang Tong was deliberately making things difficult for everyone. If he backed down, it would be difficult to raise his head in the household department in the future, so he said calmly, "What question does Master Yang want to ask?"

Yang Tong immediately said: "Okay. Since you dare to agree, I will ask you two questions. If you can answer them, I will be convinced!" Putting his hands behind his back, he pondered for a while, and finally said: "Chicken and rabbits in the same cage I don't know, 36 heads exposed in the cage. Count fifty pairs of feet, how many chickens and rabbits are there?" After speaking, he smiled coldly and stared at Chu Huan.

The officials around looked at each other, all showing strange smiles.

Chu Huan narrowed his eyes. Although the question was weird, he quickly understood the meaning.

Yang Tong's question is about a chicken and a rabbit in the same cage. The chicken and the rabbit have a total of 36 heads and a total of fifty pairs of feet, that is, one hundred feet. How many chickens, how many rabbits.

This is a math problem.

Suddenly, Chu Huan suddenly remembered that when Ri was in the Guangming Palace, Zhou Ting once asked him if he knew how to count scriptures. Did Zhou Ting know that he might be able to use arithmetic?

Of course, there are not only poems and songs in ancient studies, but actually there are many categories, and arithmetic is one of them.

Calculus is the arithmetic problem of later generations. In fact, the ancients already had a deep attainment in arithmetic. Chu Huan even knew that the "Pythagorean Law" of later generations actually appeared a long time ago. The people of Shanggao once said to Duke Zhou that if the hook is three, the shares are four, and the strings must be five.

Although the algebra has been very developed in ancient times, there are not many people who are really proficient in almanac. Compared with the civil and military studies such as poetry, poetry, horse riding and shooting arrows, only a small number of people study almanac.

It is also because of this that people who are proficient in arithmetic can often find good jobs. Even if their official positions are not high, they usually have a good life. This Yang Tong is proficient in almanac. , Yang Tong entered the household department because of this, and by virtue of his proficiency in arithmetic, he quickly gained a foothold in the household department. It is also necessary to give some thin noodles, and the life in the household is very nourishing.

The question he posed at this time was extremely difficult. Not to mention that he had never studied arithmetic, even if he had learned arithmetic, he might not be able to answer it. His intention was nothing more than to embarrass Chu Huan in public.

Although Chu Huan looks heroic in appearance, he has no literary temperament. If Yang Tong is killed, he will not think that Chu Huan knows how to count.

Seeing Chu Huan frowning slightly, Yang Tong immediately said triumphantly: "Chu Huan, can you answer it? You can't even answer such a question, and you still want to work in the household department? Hmph, what a big joke."

All the officials around were also talking a lot, with different eyes, among them, naturally none of them had good intentions towards Chu Huan.

Chu Huan smiled indifferently, and asked back: "Master Yang, Chu thought you were profoundly academic and could come up with some advanced questions, but unexpectedly you came up with such a superficial question, such a simple question, do you still need to think about it?"

Yang Tong and the officials suddenly changed color.

For such a difficult question, Chu Huan actually said it was superficial, and he really didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, Yang Tong was so angry that his beard puffed up, and he sneered: "Anyone can say big words, Chu Huan, since you said it was easy, then tell me what the answer is? "

"It's very simple." Chu Huan said confidently, "There are fourteen rabbits and twenty-two chickens!"

Yang Tong was startled, and many officials beside him looked at Yang Tong, and some officials frowned and thought hard, but they were thinking about how to solve this problem.

"Master Yang, is what Chu Huan said right?" someone nearby asked Yang Tong in a low voice.

Yang Tong took a deep breath, looked at Chu Huan, and asked, "You... how did you figure it out?" His words were almost equivalent to admitting that Chu Huan's answer was correct.

"It's easy." Chu Huan shrugged: "There are two ways to get the result, one is to cut the foot, and the other is to add the foot!"

"Cutting feet?" Yang Tong didn't understand for a while: "Adding feet? What does this mean?"

Chu Huan explained: "Rabbits have four legs. If we cut the feet now, assuming that rabbits only have two legs, then there are only 36 feet in 72 heads. But now there are 28 legs, a difference of 28 feet. One foot is added again, and two feet are added to one rabbit, so there are fourteen rabbits, and the rest are 22 chickens. This is the method of cutting feet!"

Many people haven't digested it, but Yang Tong has already asked: "Then what is the method of adding feet?"

"The reason is the same, that is, assuming that chickens also have four legs, then 36 heads will have 140 four legs, which is 44 more than a hundred feet, and then cut off the extra two legs of chickens, you can get 22 The conclusion of only one chicken. The rest are naturally fourteen rabbits." Chu Huan wrote lightly: "Master Yang, I don't know if what Chu Huan said is right?"

Yang Tong's face was ashen.

This question is a question he is proud of. At the beginning, he spent several days guessing to come to the conclusion. He thought it would be difficult for Chu Huan. The way of solving the problem, these two ways of solving the problem are not only ingenious, but also deep in the true meaning of the sutra, which is really wonderful.

He didn't know that the development of arithmetic has reached an incredible state in the later generations. In the wheel of the times, countless arithmeticians have created miracles one after another. , but it is easy to answer. This question is very difficult in this era, but Chu Huan, who has the foundation of arithmetic in later generations, can really easily answer this complicated question.

"Master Yang, Master Yang, is what Chu Huan said right?" The officials next to him asked one after another. It can be seen that even these people couldn't confirm the answer.

Yang Tong was surprised and frustrated at the same time, sighed, finally nodded and said: "That's right, he...his answer is correct!"

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