The people in the village got back the title deed, and even learned that Feng Ergou was dead. Everyone in the village was happy that night, even Su Niang and Chu Li were very happy.

But after the joy, the village soon fell into a deathly silence. Feng Ergou died in the village, and the paperwork in his hand was burned and the title deed was taken back. This is not a small matter. Many people soon realized that, Trouble may soon befall the entire Liu Family Village.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Tianfu gathered all the men in the village. Except for those who were too old or young, nearly seventy men in the village had already gathered at the gate of Feng's house in the east of the village. A few days ago, after a night of heavy rain, it was still raining lightly. Liu Tianfu sent people to the county to report to the officials. They only said that Zhao Bao had killed Feng Ergou. Poppi scoundrel over here.

Three years ago, Feng Ergou brought dozens of rogues to the village and beat them up. The gang fight has not been forgotten by everyone until today. Thinking of the gang fight, many villagers still have lingering fears.

It is undeniable that there are many strong men among these simple villagers, but after all, they are a group of peasants who only know how to rise from sunrise to sunset.

Many people still remember that although there were twice as many males in Liujia Village as the opponent, when it really started fighting, except for a very small number of villagers who were able to compete with the rogues, most of the villagers were timid before fighting. Most of the villagers fled in embarrassment.

That gang fight made everyone in Liujia Village succumb to Feng Ergou's feet, allowing them to be bullied and trampled on. Now less than three years later, the rogue who once terrified the villagers will come to Liujia Village again.

Although someone proposed to report to the officials and ask the yamen to send officials to protect the village, but as soon as the proposal was made, even the proposer himself was a little embarrassed and stopped talking.

After the last gang fight, the village did not send people to the yamen to report to the officials, and it was Liu Tianfu who personally led people there. When the yamen heard about this, not only did they not stand up for the villagers, they even scolded the unruly people for making trouble. It was precisely because of the tyranny of the government that the previous chaos drove Liu Tianfu and others back, letting the villagers know that the government would not handle it impartially, and there was no way to appeal, so they reluctantly succumbed to the local ruffians represented by Feng Ergou rogue.

The villagers know that at this time, even if they send people to the government, the government will never send people to take care of them. The local ruffians and the government are often the same.

Liu Tianfu, who understood this truth, sent a few people out of the village early to watch outside the village. As long as he saw a large number of people coming to the village, he would come back quickly to report.

The villagers went home separately, looking for "weapons". The Great Qin Empire forbids the use of knives among the people. Once discovered, it can be regarded as a crime of treason. Those gangsters give it a go.

Chu Huan didn't care about that much, he could use a few tricks with knives, guns and sticks, and it seemed that he didn't have to use weapons to deal with mere hooligans.

After Liu Tianfu summoned everyone to give instructions, everyone dispersed first, and it was agreed that as soon as the village gong sounded, all the men in the village would gather at the east end of the village, which meant that the local hooligans had arrived.

After the breakup, Chu Huan returned home in the light rain. As soon as he entered the house, he smelled a scent. The fire in the stove was burning brightly. Su Niang was cooking the food distributed last night in front of the stove. dog meat.

Two strong and big wolf dogs were divided into dozens of shares, and each family could get a catty or two of meat.

Su Niang didn't realize that Chu Huan came back to the house. The stewed dog meat in the pot was delicious. Su Niang obviously hadn't tasted the smell of meat for a long time. She went over to smell it, and murmured to herself: "It's really delicious... no wonder everyone envies it Those old men and women eat meat every day, who would not want to be an old man and a wife...!" The alluring scent went straight into Su Niang's nose, making Su Niang's appetite whetted, she couldn't help picking up the chopsticks, and slammed into it like a ghost. A small piece of meat was caught in the pot, and he muttered to himself: "I didn't steal it, it's just... just to taste it...!" Putting the dog meat into her mouth, she closed her eyes and tasted it, with a look of intoxication on her face, she was reluctant to chew that small piece of meat, but chewed it twice, and then put it in her mouth.

Chu Huan watched from the door, although he felt a little funny, but more sad.

Although Su Niang was savoring the delicacy of dog meat, after all, she had been extremely alert for the past two years, and seemed to feel something was wrong. When she turned her head, she saw Chu Huan standing in front of the door.

Su Niang was taken aback. She still had a small piece of dog meat in her mouth. When she saw Chu Huan, she immediately closed her mouth and turned her head away. She was afraid that Chu Huan would say that she stole the food and swallowed the small piece of dog meat. .

This was in a panic, the piece of meat didn't swallow for a while, and it got stuck in her throat. Su Niang suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, her pretty face was flushed, she hurriedly picked up the wooden ladle, scooped up a ladle of water, drank it in a panic, thinking Rinse that piece of meat down with cold water.

Chu Huan was amused by the way she was in a hurry, but before he could say a word, he suddenly heard the sound of a gong coming from the village.

He didn't expect to come so fast, the villagers had just dispersed back home, I'm afraid some people still didn't make it to the house.

He didn't say much, turned around and went out, according to the prior agreement, went to the east of the village. Along the way, he saw the men in the village rushing to the village one by one.

When we arrived at the village, we saw that no. 30 people had gathered here, and Liu Tianfu was among them. Chu Huan stepped forward and merged into the crowd, and the people who heard him said, "Here we come, look, just... Right there!"

Chu Huan looked into the distance, and saw seven or eight large carriages coming here from a distance, very fast, and getting closer to the village.

Liu Tianfu looked dignified, and the villagers looked at each other in a deathly silence. Some people gathered here from the village, most of them were holding long wooden sticks. When the carriages stopped far away, more than 50 villagers already gathered at the head of the village.

Liu Tianfu turned his head and asked in a deep voice, "Is everything here?"

"There are still a few people who haven't come!" Someone replied: "I was tied up at home by my mother-in-law, and they are not allowed to come!"

Immediately, many people showed dissatisfaction, but they also knew in their hearts that today's battle will be more dangerous than last time.

Last time, quite a few people were injured, and some even recuperated for several months before recovering. This time, because Feng Ergou's death angered the other party, there might be cases of missing arms and broken legs.

Unknowingly, Chu Huan had already walked to the front of the villagers, and stood beside Liu Tianfu, watching the carriages stop not far from the village head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, turned around, looked at the At least the villagers, whose faces were already pale, said in a deep voice, "Don't be afraid when someone calls at your door. If you don't make a move, your morale will be three points weaker, and you will definitely suffer!"

Including Liu Tianfu, the villagers were all terrified at this moment. When Chu Huan suddenly said these words, everyone's eyes immediately turned to him.

At this moment, everyone suddenly thought that in terms of being able to fight, Chu Huan was probably the most capable of fighting among this group of people. Chu Huan abolished Lu Bao with both feet. As we all know, when they think that there is such a powerful character in their own camp, many people suddenly calm down, and some people have already said: "Erlang, we... what should we do?"

Chu Huan had abolished Feng Ergou and Lu Bao, and he already had a lot of prestige among the villagers. At that moment Shitou also came forward, looked at Chu Huan and said, "Erlang, what do you think we should fight? Look at their formation, come on!" There are quite a few people here... I'm afraid we won't be their opponents!"

Before Chu Huan could speak, a villager in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, "They...they got off the car...!"

Chu Huan looked back and saw a lot of people jumping down from the seven or eight carriages one after another. Although it was late autumn and there was still light rain in the sky, the group of people didn't wear many clothes. Everyone is dressed in green clothes and trousers, with blue headbands on their heads, and black cloth belts around their waists.

The weapons in the hands of this group of people are also simple, and they are all wooden sticks, but the length is the same, and they are definitely not wooden sticks that are randomly searched by the roadside.

But in a short while, more than 30 people jumped down from the carriage one after another, and they were densely packed. The number seemed to be less than that of the villagers in Liujia Village, but the momentum of the other party was far stronger.

After getting out of the carriage, these hooligans looked at the densely packed villagers of Liujia Village at the entrance of the village, and all of them showed playful smiles. More than half of them participated in the gang fight two years ago, when the villagers of Liujia Village were beaten Thinking of the scene where the villagers fled in embarrassment at that time, many local hooligans laughed.

There is no doubt that in the eyes of this group of battle-hardened hooligans, the villagers of Liujia Village are just a group of sheep that seem to have a large number. No matter how many sheep there are, how can they be the opponents of wolves?

Facing this group of villagers, the local ruffian has no pressure in his heart.


The hooligans have no pressure, but the villagers have a lot of pressure. Seeing the group of people jumping off the carriage, the villagers can't help but think of the defeat more than two years ago, and they can't help but show fear on their faces color.

Chu Huan knew in his heart that if the villagers were defeated by these gangsters again this time, then from now on, the courage of the villagers would be truly frightened, and they would never dare to be enemies with these gangsters again from this year on. In other words, if this fight fails, then under the pressure of fear, the villagers will definitely let this group of hooligans continue to bully them in the future.

He looked calm, not to mention that there were only thirty or forty rabble-rousing hooligans, even if there were thousands of well-trained regular enemy troops in front of him, Chu Huan would never frown.

"You guys have to know that if we lose this time, we will work like cows and horses for these beasts in the future!" Chu Huan said in a deep voice, "They are all men with a body of seven feet, whether they are men or not depends on this for a while. After a pause, he continued: "Generations of us have lived and worked here in peace and contentment. When the world was in turmoil, the rebels did not destroy our village. Is it possible that the world is at peace now, and these hooligans have to take away the things left by our ancestors?" The property is taken away? Are we going to watch our wives and children go hungry all year round?"

"Impossible!" Shitou was the first to yell, his eyes shattered, "Even if they beat us to death, we must never let them take our land again!"

"Let's fight them!"

"We have been tortured by Feng Ergou for several years. Now that Feng Ergou is dead, we must not let others ride on our heads and domineering."

The crowd became excited, and the previous sense of panic disappeared a lot.

Chu Huan nodded and said: "Listen everyone, if you really want to fight, you must not mess up. Three people form a group, only fight according to one person, and then find another long as you don't get beaten down, It is necessary to beat the opponent to the ground. Whoever retreats first will humiliate his own ancestors, a dignified man, he can only die standing up, not live on his knees!"——

ps: The collection is about to exceed [-], everyone work harder!

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