Naturally, Lang Wuxu's curse would not kill Chu Huan. On the contrary, the next day Lang Wuxu and Chu Huan arrived at the household office at the same time. Annoyed, thinking of the poem on the fake official letter last night, my heart was going to explode, but I couldn't express it too clearly on the surface, nodded slightly, and didn't speak.

After Chu Huan entered the yamen, he was not idle, but went to inspect each room of Duzhicao. He wanted to get used to Duzhicao, so naturally he had to learn as much as possible about every institution of Duzhicao. .

Yesterday Chu Huan beat Dou Yi in public, and everyone really felt afraid of the new boss. Chu Huan was everywhere, and no matter what he thought in his heart, the Duzhi Cao officials were still very respectful on their faces.

At noon, Lang Wuxu came to Duzhicao again, but this time he did not seek Chu Huan's fault, but announced to everyone that the master of the Ministry Hall would transfer Dou Yi away from Duzhicao, and go to the household department Cao to listen to him. As far as the right person to be in charge is selected, he will submit it to His Majesty the Emperor and wait for the Emperor to show him.

As soon as this order came out, Duzhicao and his subordinates were even more surprised. Dou Yi's position in Duzhicao is very important. It took not a year or two to be able to sit in this position. Yi's position in Duzhicao can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai. Everyone thought that anyone in Duzhicao could be transferred, only Dou Yi's position was firmly established.

But who would have thought that when Chu Huan came to Duzhicao for two days, he forcibly forced Dou Yi, who was originally in a stable position, to leave Duzhicao. This method was really surprising.

Chu Huan naturally understood that the official letter played a big role in Dou Yi's transfer.

Someone sent an official letter twice yesterday, but Chu Huan easily dispelled them. Of course, he knew that it was Hu Bufan and Lang Wuxu behind the scenes. In another scene, at least Dou Yi would never be transferred out of Duzhicao.

The official letter is in Chu Huan's hands, and Hu Bufan obviously knows that the possibility of getting the official letter is very slim. After what happened last night, Hu Bufan can certainly understand that Chu Huan will definitely suspect him, and might anger Chu because of it. joyous.

Of course, Hu Bufan would not be afraid of Chu Huan. If it was the past, Chu Huan would have ten copies of such official letters in his hands, and he would not have the slightest worry. But now, unlike in the past, he is not afraid of Chu Huan, but The emperor, the emperor's mind is unpredictable, he is only worried that if Chu Huan really wants to make a big deal out of this matter, the Taizidang people will take the opportunity to get involved, and the consequences will be unmanageable, especially the emperor, if the emperor really wants to take advantage of Chu Huan To purify the household department as an introduction, then this matter must not become a big deal.

Of course, Hu Bufan knew that if he wanted to temporarily control it at this time and not make a big fuss, he could only transfer Dou Yi away. I can only lose my car to save my handsome man.

Yu Gong, once Dou Yi leaves Duzhicao, and Chu Huan, the thorny head, is in charge of Duzhicao, then Hu Bufan, the household secretary, will inevitably be constrained by a master in the future. It increased Chu Huan's prestige, but weakened his own prestige, but Hu Bufan had no choice but to do so.

Chu Huan naturally understood that Hu Bufan had no choice but to compromise this time and transferred Dou Yi away. He must be full of anger in his heart. , but actually already in a dangerous situation, like being in a wolf's den, every next step must be cautious, a negligence, will inevitably be torn to pieces by Hu Bufan.

Lang Wuxu brought Hu Bufan's order here, and before he left, he saw several people had already entered outside, the first person was Chu Huan, whom he knew, but it was Shui Lian, the general manager beside the emperor, who came with him It was a few guards. As soon as they entered the yard, Shui Lian screamed, "The imperial decree has arrived!"

Duzhicao and other officials came to the courtyard one after another to welcome the imperial decree, and Lang Wuxu was the first to kneel down.

Shui Lian glanced around, saw Chu Huan, nodded with a smile, but didn't look at Lang Wuxu who was kneeling in front of her.

When Lang Wuxu saw Shui Lian's expression, he knew something was wrong.

"Chu Huan accepts the edict!" Shui Lian opened the imperial edict and said loudly: "The imperial edict: I now confer the title of Duke Chu Huan, the head of the household department, on this!"

The imperial decree was really short and short. Before many people heard what was said, Shui Lian closed the imperial decree, looked at Chu Huan with a smile, and said, "Master Chu, accept the decree!"

Chu Huan was stunned for a while, with a dazed expression on his face, but he didn't dare to be negligent. He got up and bowed to accept the imperial edict, wondering in his heart. It's really prestigious, but he was at a loss as to what kind of position it was, and thought to himself: "Could it be that the emperor changed his mind and transferred me to another yamen?"

Lang Wuxu was also at a loss.

Mr. Fu?

The Great Qin Empire does not seem to have such an official position. What does it mean that the emperor bestowed on Chu Huan the title of "Public Fu"?But he also felt strange in his heart, could it be that the emperor wanted to transfer Chu Huan out of the household department?

This was a bit too sudden, why was there no news beforehand?

Chu Huan has only been in the household department for three days, why was he transferred so quickly?However, Lang Wuxu really hoped that Chu Huan would be transferred away. In this way, God really has eyes.

He thought to himself, could it be that the old man went to the palace to meet the emperor again, so the emperor transferred Chu Huan away under the advice of the old man?If this is the case, it is really a great thing, at least it shows that the emperor still has a lot of trust in the old man.

Lang Wuxu stood up, clasped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Mr. Chu...!" Xiang Shuilian said respectfully, "Grandpa, I'm an idiot, dare to ask, this... this position of Mr. Fu, which yamen does he belong to? Is Chu Gongfu going to leave our household department?" Shaking his head and sighing: "Such a talent is rightly used by our household department, I can't think of...!"

To be honest, he is the servant of the household department, and Shui Lian is naturally not as good as a general manager, but Shui Lian is someone close to the emperor, and among the many general staff, this Shui Lian seems to be liked by the emperor , so naturally Lang Wuxu didn't dare to pretend to be big in front of Shui Lian.

Shui Lian gave Lang Wuxu a strange look, and said, "Who said Mr. Chu is going to leave?"

"Then...then this father-in-law?"

Shui Lian said: "This official position was only released today. It is an official position just thought up by the Holy Majesty." Looking at Chu Huan, he explained: "Mr. The decree is for you to teach Princess Jinghua martial arts from today onwards, of course the household affairs cannot be delayed, but the princess's martial arts should not be delayed either."

Chu Huan opened his mouth, and said in astonishment, "Princess's master... Gongfu... so it is so, so it is so!" There was a feeling of dumbfounding in his heart.

When I first heard about the position of "Gong Fu", I really felt a bit domineering, but who knew that I was dragged to teach martial arts.

Chu Huan doesn't need to ask, he knows in his heart that this father-in-law is very likely to be created by that tricky and weird little princess. The emperor is devoted to cultivating Taoism, so it is impossible for him to take care of these trivial matters. Such a decree was made after being soft and hard.

There has been no movement from the little princess in the past few days, and Chu Huan is secretly relieved. Who knows that the little girl's ghost is still haunted, and she finally found her door. There is no way to hide.

Lang Wuxu's heart tightened.

Chu Huan's continued stay in the household department had already disappointed him to the extreme. Lang Wuxu was even more frightened when he heard that the job of the father-in-law was to teach the princess martial arts.

Everyone knows that the emperor has six children, four sons and two daughters. The first prince died in the battlefield in the early years, and now only three sons and two daughters are left. Princess Jinghua is the youngest and the youngest, but she is deeply loved by the emperor. , His Majesty the Emperor also dotes on Qi Wang Yingren, but Qi Wang is very restrained, on the contrary, he is very conniving to Princess Jingyun. In the palace, apart from the emperor, there is probably only Princess Jingyun who does everything.

There are many warriors in the capital, and His Majesty's masters are like a cloud. Chu Huan's martial arts is not bad, but to be honest, there are not a few people in Beijing who are really better than Chu Huan, but His Majesty has granted Chu Huan the title of Princess Fu Professor Martial arts, in Lang Wuxu's view, the key is not easy.

Of course he didn't know that Chu Huan's appointment as a father-in-law was really not the emperor's intention, but the little princess's intention.

Originally, Chu Huan was the head of the household department, which caused Hu Bufan and Lang Wuxu a lot of headaches, but now that he has become Princess Jingyun's master, this makes Lang Wuxu want to find a place to hit his head hard.

Although Princess Jingyun does not have much power, she has an advantage that no one can compare to, that is, her intimacy with the emperor. There are billions of people in the world, and thousands of officials, very few can speak in front of the emperor. Important ministers are qualified to speak in front of the emperor, but they are also cautious in their words and deeds, and there are some words that should not be said that can't come out.

On the contrary, Princess Jingyun can say anything in front of the emperor. Even if someone wants the emperor's dragon beard, Princess Jingyun can easily pull it out.

This little girl looks weak and has no political power, but once her role is revealed, it is fatal. A word from her in front of the emperor can certainly make people go smoothly and have a bright future, but sometimes it can Let the family be broken into pieces.

Chu Huan became the grand tutor, so he must be very close to Princess Jingyun. Lang Wuxu was already thinking in his heart. Muttering a few words, the power generated is really not small. The position of the public tutor is probably more powerful than the grand tutor. Chu Huan has a disciple like Princess Jingyun, which is more powerful than having King Qi as a backer.

He secretly groaned in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. Instead, he cupped his hands and smiled to Chu Huan: "Congratulations to Chu Gongfu, congratulations to Chu Gongfu, Chu Gongfu is a young hero, and it is really me Fortunately for the household department!" In the voice, there was a trace of flattery unknowingly.

The other officials of Duzhicao also expressed their congratulations one after another, and for a while they looked beaming, but Shui Lian already smiled and said: "Chu Gongfu, when he was about to leave the palace, Her Highness the Princess has already ordered that Chu Gongfu enter the palace immediately after receiving the imperial edict." , the princess is still waiting for Chu Gongfu to point out...Chu Gongfu, let's enter the palace now!"

Chu Huan frowned and relaxed, but Lang Wuxu bowed unconsciously and said, "Master Chu, then go quickly, we will take care of things here, nothing will happen!" He grinned, Smile like a peach blossom in spring.


ps: Continue to appeal to the brethren for tickets, Mr. Gongfu will have an affair when he enters the palace!

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