At dusk, Chu Huan went home from duty and bought some cooked food on the way. He himself is not a person who likes to cook. Mo Lingshuang just arrived today, so he couldn’t buy lettuce and let her go home to cook, so he just bought lettuce. After eating the cooked food, when he arrived at the gate of the mansion, he found that the gate was closed. Knowing that he had left, Mo Lingshuang must have locked the gate.

Seeing this scene, Chu Huan suddenly thought of Su Niang. When he was in Yunshan, every time he went home, the door was locked. As long as he said hello, Su Niang would fly over to open the door. Now that I think about it, Su Niang Chu Huan's ears are very sharp, and I don't know if she listens to the knock on the door every day. When she thinks that Su Niang would follow behind and mutter a few words every time she goes home, Chu Huan's heart suddenly feels warm. Feeling, I haven't heard Su Niang's nagging for a while, but I feel a little uncomfortable.

Just as he got off the horse, before he had time to call for the door, the door of the mansion opened with a "creak". Chu Huan was stunned, but saw Mo Lingshuang standing behind the door with a smile on his face. It was a very pure smile, with a soft voice: "Master is back!"

Mo Lingshuang has already changed her clothes, they are still very simple, but it is no longer a floral skirt. Below her is a blue pleated skirt, and her upper body is a light blue shirt, but she is wearing an apron and her hair is beautiful. Obviously, it has been taken care of, and without the cover of the embroidered turban, her hair is extremely black, with neat flowing seas in front of her forehead, her crescent-like eyes are watery, her nose is full of cherry lips, and she is full of sweetness in the water spirit. lovely.

Chu Huan was stunned for a moment, but soon regained his composure, thinking that there was indeed a reason for King Qi's first glance at Ling Shuang. Not dyed, clean and not demonic", there is no trace of makeup on the whole body, but it is full of freshness and tenderness. Even though the clothes are simple, it still exudes a kind of smart beauty.

Chu Huan thought of the maids he saw when he entered the palace, each of them was rigid, like a wooden figure, even if there were beautiful court ladies, they were too submissive. It's rare, and it's no wonder Qi Wang Yingren favors Ling Shuang so much. All things in the world are rare and precious. Yingren has never seen such a woman. When he first saw her, he was naturally attracted by Ling Shuang's beauty.

Chu Huan nodded and smiled at Ling Shuang, led the horse into the courtyard, and then walked towards the main hall with a few bags of cooked food, and said as he walked, "Can I adapt here? I forgot to tell you when I left, there is a grocery store on the next street Yes, there is nothing to eat at home, you haven’t eaten at noon? I was negligent.” Lifting the cooked food in his hand, he said with a smile: “I bought some food, let’s have a quick meal at night.”

Chu Huan's voice was soft and casual, like a big brother next door. Ling Shuang heard it, but felt a warm feeling in her heart. Although she regarded herself as a slave, no one really taught her how to be a big family. The rules of slaves, secondly, Chu Huan treats people kindly, and even though she is grateful to Chu Huan for being willing to be a slave, she is not servile in her bones. When Chu Huan treats her kindly, there is not much tension left in her body. Smile Said: "No need, the slave has already prepared the meal, and I will bring it to you!"

Chu Huan was a little surprised, but Mo Lingshuang had already turned and left.

Putting down the cooked food in his hands, Chu Huan looked around and found that the tables and chairs in the main hall were clean without a trace of dust. Obviously, Ling Shuang wiped it down again today.

This main hall is not small, and it must have taken a lot of effort to wipe the entire hall clean.

Soon, Ling Shuang came up with a hot meal, three dishes and one soup, both meat and vegetables, Ling Shuang quickly put it on the table, and said a little shyly: "Master, I didn't cook much before, and the taste is not good. It must be very good, but... but the servant will practice slowly and carefully in the future."

Chu Huan took a look. Although the taste of these bowls of dishes was not known for the time being, the color was very nice. He was surprised and said, " made this?"

In the entire mansion, there are only Ling Shuang and himself, no one else, who is not the food cooked by Ling Shuang.

Ling Shuang shyly nodded her head slightly, and said with some expectation: "Master, you can taste it to see if it suits your taste? I don't know your taste preference, whether you like it salty or light."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "I am not picky about food, as long as it is edible, I can eat it."

Ling Shuang covered her teeth with a smile, and Chu Huan sat down, picked up the chopsticks, and ate two bites of vegetables. In all honesty, Ling Shuang's cooking skills were ordinary, and definitely not delicious, but Chu Huan also knew in her heart that Ling Shuang In the past, there must have been only a handful of cooks, and it took a lot of thought to be able to make such a meal, which is very rare, and nodded repeatedly: "Not bad, not bad, Ling Shuang, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be really good. "

Ling Shuang showed joy, and said, "Master really likes it?"

"Of course!" Chu Huan picked up the rice, took a few mouthfuls, and ate most of the bowl of rice in a few seconds with the hot dish. Then he thought of something, looked up, and saw Ling Shuang looking at him with a smile on his face After eating, he hurriedly put down the bowl and said, "Sit down too, let's eat together!"

Ling Shuang lowered her head and whispered, "Then... that won't work!"

Chu Huan smiled and said, "Ling Shuang, are you a little afraid of me?"

Ling Shuang's pretty face froze for a moment, she nodded first, then shook her head, and seemed a little nervous again, but Chu Huan had already said softly: "Actually, you don't have to be afraid, I...hehe, how should I put it, you will live here from now on. Can’t you be worried every day because of me? In fact, half a year ago, I was just a white body, eating simple food, an ordinary person, if I hadn’t been lucky, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Since you and I met in Beijing, Living under the same roof again, you don’t have to be too restrained, we live to live life, if you are restrained every day, I will not be used to it.”

Ling Shuang looked at Chu Huan, blinked, hesitated for a moment, and then asked softly, "Master...Master, are you from Yunshan Mansion?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "You come to eat together, and I will tell you!"

Ling Shuang blushed slightly, thought for a while, and finally went to eat half a bowl of rice, and sat down at the table with some anxiety, Chu Huan said: "That's right, if it's just us when we eat, we don't have to pay attention to those rules .Well, by the way, I remember that Fuli seems to have no food, how did you make it?"

Ling Shuang said: "There is a place to buy vegetables two streets away, and the slaves went there to buy vegetables." Thinking of something, she took out the silver from her body, which was left to her by Chu Huan today, "This is what is left... !"

"You keep it." Chu Huan said with a smile: "This is good, but... this is hard work for you."

"No!" Ling Shuang hurriedly said: "Slave...Slave likes this...!"

Her words of liking are sincere words. Before entering the Chu Mansion, she hardly had a single day of peace and quiet. All along, it seemed that there was always a mountain pressing on her, but when she entered the Chu Mansion, she was defeated by Chu Huan. The moment she accepted it, Ling Shuang felt that the mountain that had been pressing on her body suddenly collapsed, and she became relaxed.

She herself couldn't figure out why she had this feeling, but she had a feeling deep in her heart that the moment she stepped into the gate of the Chu Mansion, her life would be completely different from before, and she seemed to have gained some kind of new life. She doesn't care if she is a slave in the Chu Mansion, she just has a very strong feeling that she will be safe in the future by staying with Chu Huan. For a woman who has never felt safe, what she got from Chu Huan That sense of security is incomparably precious, allowing her not to care about any other hardships.

In fact, the moment Ling Shuang saw Chu Huan in front of the mansion, she thought a lot in her heart. When she thought that all of this was arranged by Chu Huan, she had problems in her heart. Helping each other wholeheartedly, Chu Huan had already taken a fancy to him, so he arranged all this secretly, just to get himself.

In fact, Ling Shuang is not very disgusted with the latter at all. Chu Huan has helped her several times. She is grateful to Chu Huan, and in her heart, although Chu Huan is not chic and suave, he is also very handsome and has a heroic spirit , and Wen Hua wins the first prize, he is a man with outstanding literary talent, such a man has a certain attraction to women, if Chu Huan really likes her, Ling Shuang will not be unhappy because of this.

She was even ready to give everything to Chu Huan.

Now it seems that Chu Huan treats each other with courtesy and gentleness. Ling Shuang understands that Chu Huan is really helping her, and she has a great affection for Chu Huan in her heart.

If she could really do laundry and cook for Chu Huan every day in the future, and eat at the same table with Chu Huan, it would undoubtedly be a dream life for Ling Shuang.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to think that all this Chu Huan was entrusted by others.

Ling Shuang's eating movements were also very delicate, Chu Huan finished a bowl of rice in twos and twos, Ling Shuang immediately got up to add another meal for him, after finishing the meal, Ling Shuang made another cup of tea for Chu Huan, He was very thoughtful, but Chu Huan was a little confused. Ling Shuang didn't know that he was being favored by King Qi, but he, Chu Huan, was very clear about whether Ling Shuang should really let Ling Shuang do these servant jobs. King Qi knew that Ling Shuang was here to serve him with all his heart, so what would he think?But if Ling Shuang is not allowed to do this, what will Ling Shuang think?

Chu Huan just felt a bit in a dilemma.

I got up, glanced at the hall, and found that the main hall was empty, and suddenly thought that the main hall usually had ancestral tablets or calligraphy and paintings. I remembered the painting Feng Yuanpo gave me, took it, opened it, and looked at it. I was thinking about hanging it in the middle hall to add some color, when I suddenly heard Ling Shuang's voice in surprise: "Master, this "Nine Views of Streams and Mountains"?"

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