The Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple did not take lightly. Hu Bufan committed suicide in fear of crime. Ma Hong took office and immediately assisted the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple to investigate the household officials.

Chu Huan originally thought that this storm would definitely sweep across the government and the public, and the momentum would be huge, but unexpectedly, although the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple hit hard, the scope of the blow was much smaller than expected, and the main scope was Gathering in the household department, I heard that officials from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple sent officials to the local area to investigate, but when they left, they were silent and there was very little movement. This storm was not as earth-shattering as Chu Huan expected, although it included Dozens of household officials, including Dou Yi, were involved and sent to the prison of Dali Temple, but some of the names that Chu Huan saw in the roster seemed to be safe and sound, and were not involved.

Chu Huan didn't know why this happened.

According to common sense, if Tai Zidang seized the account book, he would definitely not show mercy, and would spare no effort to bring down one more Hanwang party member, but the facts show that Tai Zidang seems to be merciless.

For a moment, Chu Huan couldn't figure out the reason.

Lang Wuxu obviously left behind in that account book. This time, he was not involved in the thorough investigation of the officials. Although the officials of Dali Temple looked for Lang Wuxu several times, the guy was safe and sound in the end.

This kind of person is sure to have a backup every step of the way. Chu Huan also knows that this kind of person is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and he must always pay attention to it.

The Red Silver Book incident is still going on, but people in Beijing are not paying attention to this incident, but to the Xiliang Mission.

The Xiliang army is still in the northwest, and the Xiguan Road in the northwest still has several states under the iron cavalry of the Xiliang people. This is undoubtedly a shame to the Qin people, and it is even more of a threat.

Although Yu Buqu has regrouped his troops and built a defense line in the northwest, and the Xiliang people have not entered the army for the time being, no one can guarantee that the Xiliang people will not continue to invade, let alone guarantee that the Northwest Army under Yu Buqu will be able to stop it. Live in Xiliang people.

When the heroes were vying for hegemony, the people of Xiliang took the opportunity to repeatedly invade the original land, burning, killing, and looting. After the founding of the country, the Great Qin Iron Cavalry guarded Yanmen Pass, and the great general Feng Hanxiao was in the northwest. The northwest can be regarded as settled down, but the Qin people are very hostile to the Xiliang people in their bones. In the eyes of the Qin people, the Xiliang people are like beasts that drink blood.

In the northwest region, Xiliang people suffered a lot. It was even rumored that Xiliang people used human flesh as food and were extremely cruel. Therefore, Qin people hated and hated Xiliang people, but they were also afraid of Xiliang people.

Feng Hanxiao and his [-]th Taibao were assassinated by the Xiliang people. This matter had long been known to the Qin Empire. After Feng Hanxiao died, the Xiliang people immediately mobilized [-] cavalry to invade the Qin territory, break through the Yanmen Gate, and attack the northwest , The Northwest Army was defeated again and again, and the Xiliang iron cavalry could be regarded as invincible. For a while, the people of Qin were terrified and panicked.

It's just that no one thought that the Xiliang iron cavalry stopped suddenly when they were in full swing, and then the news came that the Xiliang people took the initiative to ask for peace.

This thing is really unexpected.

When the Xiliang Mission came to Beijing, the people in the capital were naturally very concerned, and the court had already released rumors that this time the peace talks were proposed by the Xiliang people. From the people's point of view, it was a sign of weakness.

The Xiliang mission did not keep the people in the capital waiting too long, and even arrived in the capital earlier than people expected, and the information they got was that the official envoy of the Xiliang mission this time was the eldest prince of the Xiliang Kingdom. Xiliang State attaches great importance to this peace talks.

It has been 18 years since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, but it is very rare for a real foreigner to come to Beijing.

Except for the Goryeo Kingdom in the Northeast, which has professed its vassals to the Great Qin, and will send envoys to pay homage every year, only the barbarian tribes in Mobei occasionally send people to pay homage.

The barbarians have no country, and the tribes fight each other to kill each other. Maybe the barbarian leaders who come to worship this year will die in battle or be unable to come because of the war next year.

There are dozens of countries in the Western Regions, large and small, and they used to communicate with the original ones, but after the Xiliang Kingdom became stronger, it became a stumbling block between them. Afterwards, they never showed any kindness towards the original dynasty, and the countries in the Western Regions should not make friends with the original kingdom.

The arrival of the Xiliang mission was the second real country to come to the capital besides the Koryo state. This naturally aroused the attention of the people in the capital. On the streets of the capital, there were already crowds of people rushing to the streets to watch the arrival of the Xiliang Mission.

After the Xiliang mission entered the northwest territory, in order to ensure the safety of the mission, General Dingguo Yu Buyi sent [-] policemen to escort them along the way.

Yu Buquxin understands that the Northwest Army does not appear to be weaker than the Xiliang people in terms of military strength, but the combat effectiveness is quite different. Since the Xiliang people broke through Yanmen and won consecutive battles, the morale of the Northwest Army has suffered a huge blow , It is extremely difficult to restore the fighting spirit of the Northwest Army in a short period of time. In today's form, the Northwest Army can only defend at most and is unable to counterattack.

At this time, the people of Xiliang proposed to negotiate a peace, and it was naturally Yu Buyi's heart. As long as the two sides negotiate a peace and allow enough time, Yu Buyi is confident that he can train the Northwest Army into a steel lion again.

The Xiliang mission came here this time, but there were only 200 people, but each of them was a true warrior of Xiliang.

With a big gong to clear the way, the Royal Guards went out of the city to rotate [-] escorts from the Northwest Army. The guards were all around, their armor was bright, their swords and guns were cold, and the Xiliang Mission was all riding vigorously. Horses in Xiliang, wearing leather felt hats, it was April, and the weather was getting warmer. These Xiliang people were still wearing leather battle armor on their upper bodies, wolf fur aprons rolled around their waists, leather boots on their feet, and hanging around their waists. Xiliang people's unique scimitar, horse and warrior, are truly heroic.

There were crowds of people on both sides of the street, and the Xiliang knights didn't look left and right, and all of them were expressionless, looking well-trained.

The team was like a long snake, winding its way from the streets of the capital to the newly completed Tongren Pavilion.

The Tongren Hall has long been heavily guarded, and guards were dispatched from the palace to guard it. The official envoy of the Xiliang Mission is the eldest prince of the Xiliang Kingdom, with an unusual status. Naturally, we must do our best to ensure his safety on the ground in the capital.

Although the Xiliang Kingdom took the initiative to ask for peace, but this kind of peace negotiation is also what Daqin couldn't wish for. Now Daqin's internal worries are full of chaos and people everywhere, especially the war in Jianghuai Road is raging. It is already quite difficult, once a peace agreement can be reached with the Xiliang Kingdom, the pressure of foreign aggression will be reduced a lot for the time being, and we can concentrate on dealing with internal troubles.

The whole court naturally understands the importance of reaching a peace agreement with the people of Xiliang. The prince of Xiliang is a noble person, so naturally he must do his best to protect his personal safety. Broken, unable to continue talking.

The Xiliang mission settled down in the Tongren Pavilion, and the inside and outside were tightly protected.

If it weren't for the raging domestic war, the Great Qin Dynasty would have delayed for a while, making the Xiliang Mission wait for a while to suppress their spirit.

But in the current situation, for Daqin, the sooner a peace agreement can be reached, the sooner the northwest will naturally be peaceful.

As for the Ministry of Rites, before the Xiliang mission arrived in Beijing, they began to prepare for the peace talks according to the meaning of the door letter.

It is naturally easy to talk about peace talks, but it is naturally a very complicated matter to talk about it. There are too many things involved. A series of issues such as soldiers, horses, money, land and personnel need to be negotiated. The first thing to do is to make the most appropriate positioning for yourself.

Although the Ministry of Rites will be responsible for the specific negotiation affairs at that time, of course it is Men Xia Shu Sheng who is behind the scenes. As far as the position of the negotiation is concerned, Men Xia Shu has been discussing and arguing endlessly these days.

It stands to reason that the Xiliang army's successive victories are to propose peace talks when they are in an advantageous situation. Under such circumstances, Daqin should make a low profile and be at a disadvantage in the peace talks. It can be said that it is against common sense to suddenly stop the army and propose peace talks when the army is in full swing. These important ministers are all thoughtful people. Some people have already speculated that there must be a big problem in Xiliang.

Some people say that in order to smooth the peace talks, let the Xiliang army retreat as soon as possible, try to lower their posture as much as possible, and reach a peace agreement as soon as possible, but there are still some people who insist on peace talks with the Xiliang people with a high profile. It was the Xiliang people who took the initiative to seek peace, how could they be wronged to negotiate a peace? The people with the two opinions are roughly similar, and the door letter has been arguing endlessly for a while.

However, the basic principles of the peace talks have already been determined. First of all, the [-] Xiliang cavalry stationed on Xiguan Road in the northwest must be returned to the outside of the pass. This is the first point of the peace talks and a prerequisite for the peace talks. If people cannot do this, there is no need to continue the peace talks.

Although the Northwest Army retreated steadily, but now Yu Buqu temporarily stabilized the situation in the Northwest, and the imperial court quickly transported a large amount of supplies from inside the pass to outside the pass. Road is the only way for materials to be transported. Xu Congyang sits on Xishan Road and personally ensures the smooth flow of the transportation line. Although the Great Qin Empire is in a crisis, after all, the land is vast and abundant, and the people of Xiliang may not be able to persist if it is consumed for a long time.

Although Xiliang occupies the Xiguan Road and controls the Yanmen Pass, there is a shortage of food now, and the transportation of materials from Xiliang itself has to go through the vast Jingulan Desert. The conditions for material transportation are very difficult. The two sides are in a stalemate. Since the Liang people took the initiative to negotiate a peace, it is naturally impossible for Daqin to make any concessions on the land issue.

Today's sage builds the country with martial arts, and he claims to be the king of the prosperous age. If the Xiliang people take over the land under his rule, it will undoubtedly be a big slap in the face of His Majesty the Emperor. When the country was founded, people from Xiliang would lose face because they occupied Xiguan.

Therefore, the imperial court's negotiating position is very clear. The Xiliang iron cavalry will withdraw from the customs, and other things are easy to discuss.

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ps: The desert will be on the shelves tomorrow. I have written a book for three and a half years, with 700 million words. What is the level of the desert? Is it worth subscribing? Everyone writes words with heart.The time to test the desert is coming soon, and the time to test the brothers is also coming, let's join hands and continue to write the glory of the country after it is put on the shelves!

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