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Chapter 465: Peace and chaos in the country, heavenly masters misled the country!

Yu Buyi's sitting posture is a standard military posture. He doesn't want civilian officials to like to lean on the chair, but his back is straight, with a clean and neat posture, and he speaks very crisply. Order it!"

Xue Huai'an and Chu Huan looked at each other, but Yu Buqu had already asked, "Master Xue, do you know why the West Valley Pass was blocked?"

Xue Huai'an said with a smile: "The old general's actions are naturally reasonable."

Yu Buqu showed a solemn expression on his face, and said: "After you left the customs, you should have seen the situation in the northwest."

"Yes!" Xue Huai'an frowned and said, "Old General, the situation in the northwest seems to be not optimistic. There are refugees with their families everywhere along the way. Take the opportunity to rob!"

Yu Buyi nodded and said: "During times of war, this is a common thing, and it is not surprising. In addition to asking the state officials to collect supplies, another important thing for the general is to let them stabilize the people, and to punish illegal people who take advantage of the chaos Those who commit crimes and take the opportunity to harass the people and looters will be killed without mercy!" He is indeed a veteran who has come out of the iron-blooded battlefield, and his majesty is still there, and there is a murderous look in his words.

"Exactly." Yu Buqu hurriedly nodded and said, "I want peace of mind!"

Yu Buqu said: "Northwestern Kyushu, three states were conquered by Xiliang people, and the remaining six states are not at peace. People's hearts are fluctuating, and they are afraid that Xiliang people will continue to attack. The common people don't care about peace, they only know Xiliang people After the invasion, they burned, killed and looted like animals. They occupied three prefectures, and their bones were like mountains. They were worried that the Xiliang people would continue to invade. Many people wanted to escape into the pass. After entering, nearly 10 people have poured into the pass, if the pass was not closed in time, this number would be more than ten times more!"

Yu Buqu sighed: "Xiaomin is weak, but he is very afraid of Xiliang people."

"What you see now is much more stable than before." Yu Buqu also sighed, "When I first came to the northwest, the army and the people were chaotic, the soldiers were not soldiers, the people were not civilians, there was chaos everywhere , a large number of refugees dragged their families to the pass, and people who took the opportunity to loot and murder were scattered everywhere. The old man knew at that time that in such a situation, he didn't need Xiliang people to call him, and he would destroy himself. The people were terrified. I can't blame them, but I have to try to calm the people's hearts so that the situation doesn't get worse."

Chu Huan finally asked: "Old General, is the blockade of Xigu Pass also based on the consideration that refugees from the northwest will flood into the pass and cause great panic in the pass?"

Yu Buqu looked at Chu Huan, nodded and said: "This is one of the reasons. You are right. If the West Valley Pass is not blocked, refugees will pour into the pass like a tide, and it will definitely cause shocks in the pass." After a pause, he said: " But this is only one of the reasons, and there are many other reasons, which made the general attach great importance to ordering the blockade of Xigu Pass."

Xue Huai'an asked, "What worries does the old general have?"

"I would have known that, apart from the Northwest, the Jianghuai Tianmen Demon Dao is raging, and the remnants of the Qingtian King in Hebei are not dead. This is a serious problem. Once a large number of refugees flood into the customs, leave their homes, and have no food and clothing, I will be worried that the Tianmen demon will take the opportunity to seduce. It is necessary to know that these people are under the control of the six gods, if the demons of Tianmen are bewitched by evil words, the people may not be fooled, and a huge number of people will flood into the customs, it will be a huge threat to the empire!" Yu Buqu said solemnly: "You two don't know something. , Tianmen monsters have infiltrated into the northwest, not long ago, Xinzhou almost caused a disaster, but fortunately, they were detected in time and put out in time, otherwise, if the fire ignited, the consequences would be really unimaginable."

Chu Huan frowned and said, "Old General, Tianmen Dao has already started making plans in the northwest?"

"I have heard about the Tianmen Dao a long time ago, but I didn't take it to heart at that time. I just thought it was just some demonic words to confuse the public, and it can't cause any big waves." Yu Buqu's eyes showed chills: "However, in the past two years, Tianmen Taoism has become a trend, causing such a catastrophe in Jianghuai. When I first talked about the Taoism Gate with people, since the Taiping Taoism at the end of Han Dynasty, the remnants of Taiping Taoism have never disappeared, but some If there is an opportunity, it will cause chaos in the world."

Xue Huai'an said: "Since the Zhangjiao of Taiping Dao, this group of demons are good at sorcery, and the sorcery is still passed down. Although these sorceries are all demons and heretics, they can confuse people's hearts. It is very easy to confuse the people and develop a large number of believers. A group of demons are bewitching everywhere, which is a disaster. In the past, I only heard that there are ghosts in Jianghuai Taoism. The number of believers is still very small, but the speed of development is extremely amazing... ...!"

In Chu Huan's heart, he also sighed secretly. In fact, whether the Tianmen Dao can grow or not is closely related to the lives of the people. If the people live and work in peace and contentment, and have enough money and food, even if they believe in witchcraft, they will not follow the demon way to cause trouble, not to mention leaving behind a stable day. To rebel and cause chaos, but if the people live in poverty and have nothing to rely on, the Heavenly Gate Dao will take advantage of the vacancy, but it can give the poor people a spiritual sustenance, and it is reasonable to be bewitched by the demon way to rebel.

The power of Tianmen Dao is now spreading extremely, which also proves that the empire is rapidly declining, and the people are very miserable.

"Tianmen Dao must be the scourge handed down from Taiping Dao." Yu Buqu obviously hated Tianmen Dao, clenched his fists and said, "Taiping Dao disrupts the country, and Tianshi Dao harms the country, that's the reason!"

Xue Huai'an was taken aback, but he didn't dare to answer the question.

He is not stupid, Xue Huai'an is naturally very clear about the meaning of Yu Buqu's words, the so-called Tao of Celestial Masters actually refers directly to the Tao of Longevity today.

His Majesty the Emperor's obsession with cultivating Taoism, the cause of the disaster is of course his understanding of life and death from the decline of horses, but the real reason is that Xuanzhen Daozong of the Tao of Longevity bewitched the emperor, precisely because Xuanzhen Daozong of the Emperor Changsheng Daozong bewitched the emperor. Talking about cultivating the art of longevity made the emperor adore cultivating Taoism, and the empire went into a fork.

Yu Buqu's words meant that the Dao of Heaven disrupted the empire, and the Dao of Longevity confused the emperor, misled the king and the country. Naturally, Xue Huai'an did not dare to continue with such a topic.

Yu Buqu seemed to feel that he was going too far, and said with a smile: "After all, no matter whether the people of Xiliang fight or not, the hearts of the people in the Northwest will be stabilized. The common people are like sheep. The whole flock of sheep was also frightened. If one sheep rushes into the pass, the others behind will follow. If the pass is not closed, countless people will naturally swarm into the pass. The consequences will be that the people in the northwest will be extremely panicked. Therefore, it is imperative to block the Xigu Pass. It must be done. Besides, the most important thing is that the Northwest needs people now, and the court is in a difficult situation. Although the emperor is generous and has transferred supplies, food and grass from the pass, it is impossible to continue like this. The wars in the Jianghuai and Hebei still need a lot of supplies. The Northwest needs assistance from the imperial court, but it needs to get out of the predicament by itself!"

"What does the old general mean?" Xue Huai'an asked puzzled.

"Part of the grain brought over from the customs would have been used for seeds." Yu Buqu said, "I have also ordered the officials of the states to provide grain seeds for the common people, as long as they can stay and farm in peace, until the autumn harvest At that time, the general will ensure that the people in the northwest will have enough food and clothing. The general has already discounted, and I implore the Holy Majesty to reduce taxes in the northwest so that the people in the northwest can recuperate. If the tens of millions of people in the northwest can farm with peace of mind, the food they can get in the autumn harvest will be enough to support the northwest As long as the imperial court reduces and exempts taxes, there may even be enough food.”

Chu Huan was a little surprised and said, "Is the old general planning to farm wildly at this time?"

"There are already a lot of fields in the northwest that have been planted with grain." Yu Buqu said: "If the West Valley Pass is not sealed off, the people will only want to enter the pass to seek refuge. The people of Xiliang suddenly stopped their troops and even offered to negotiate a peace. They would have guessed that they were unable to continue eastward. If farming was delayed due to this, then at least within a year or two, large areas in the Northwest would starve to death due to lack of food. people."

Chu Huan suddenly realized: "The purpose of the old general's blockade of the pass was to reassure the people and encourage farming. The lower officials are dull. Only now can I understand the good intentions of the old general."

Yu Buqu waved his hands and said: "This is also a helpless thing. If it is not like this, the fields will be abandoned, and when the Xiliang people really withdraw their troops, then the season for planting will have passed, so after thinking about it, I would have made this bad plan. It was also a gamble."

Chu Huan knew what Yu Buqun meant by taking a gamble, blocking Xiguguan so that the people in the northwest could not enter the pass, so they could only stay and farm in the northwest. If the people of Xiliang really withdrew as promised, when the autumn harvest came, the northwest would still be able to A large amount of food was harvested, but once the Xiliang people backed down and invaded again, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

Yu Buqu was indeed making a big gamble based on his judgment of Xiliang people.

Xue Huai'an was a little puzzled and said, "Old General, everyone said that there is a shortage of grain and grass in the Northwest, so how can we get enough grain?"

On Yu Buqu's face, there was a look of determination, and he said: "It's just to tide over the difficulties together. There is a shortage of food in the Northwest, and the day of food shortage is enough. The food rations for the soldiers of the three armies can only fill their stomachs. Even the common people have to grit their teeth." Hold on, hold on with one meal a day...!"

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