National color raw owl

Chapter 471 One head, one stone rice!

Mo Zang'a was squeezed by Chu Huan's words several times, and his heart was already full of anger. If Chu Huan was not an envoy of Qin, he would have already chopped Chu Huan's head with his saber.

But the envoy was an envoy after all, and although he was full of anger, he didn't dare to really do anything to Chu Huan.

When Chu Huan talked about the past of the [-]th Taibao, Mo Zang'a and all the Xiliang soldiers immediately felt great shame in their hearts. They all glared at Chu Huan, just wanting to step forward and tear Chu Huan into pieces.

At this moment, hearing Chu Huan's claim that he wanted to accompany the military training, and his words were even full of provocation, Mo Zang Yinyin felt that the opportunity was approaching, staring at Chu Huan and asked, " want to accompany the military training?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's right. Since your Xiliang army is going to train soldiers against the frail Qin people, why don't you try my Daqin's real elite skills? This kind of competition has always been beneficial to your military training."

Mo Zang'a grinned and said, "The ugly thing is to say, our Daxiliang warriors are training soldiers, unlike your Qin soldiers who are all flower and flower stands, we are real swords and guns, and if we make a mistake, we will lose our lives!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "I also like this method of training soldiers very much. Real swords and guns, seeing flesh and blood, this stimulation, can also develop real skills."

Xue Huai'an saw that Chu Huan's proposal to be a training partner was actually provoking the Xiliang Army, and he was a little worried. He came closer and was about to speak, but Chu Huan already understood what he meant, and said softly, "Master Xue, don't worry, I'm an official with his own discretion."

Seeing Chu Huan's calm expression, Xue Huai'an hesitated for a moment, so he didn't say much.

Mo Zang'a asked, "How are you going to practice with?"

"It's very simple." Chu Huan raised his finger and pointed to the five Xiliang cavalrymen who came out and said, "You have five cavalrymen here, and my Daqin Mission also sent five cavalrymen to fight against each other. They will train with real knives and guns. ,what do you think?"

Mo Zang'a turned his head and glanced at the cavalry of the guard army. Naturally, the cavalry of the guard army is different from ordinary Qin soldiers. They are the elite cavalry of the empire. The horses are also the best horses in the empire. Although starting from the capital, they were exhausted all the way, and they looked like people in the dust, but everyone seemed to be very energetic. People were like tigers, and horses were like dragons. Those in front who heard Chu Huan's words The cavalry of Qin State are eager to try at this time.

Although the Xiliang cavalry is tall and powerful, the cavalry of the Guards Army are also thick-backed, and they are really not inferior to the Xiliang cavalry in terms of size.

Mozang really hesitated for a moment. If the cavalry from the Qin State Mission were to fight, he really couldn't guarantee that the Xiliang cavalry would win. Five cavalry against five cavalry. A great loss of face for the people of Xiliang.

"What?" Chu Huan glanced at Mo Zang'a, and said calmly, "Chief Commander, do you have no confidence? Otherwise, how about we only have three cavalry?"

Mozang was a little annoyed. If the Qin cavalry only had three soldiers, no matter whether they won or lost, the people of Xiliang would lose face. After being provoked by Chu Huan, he immediately said: "Since you want to train with my Xiliang warriors, I will I will give you a chance to choose five cavalrymen and compare them with my Daxiliang cavalry warriors to see how capable they are!"

Chu Huan had already said in a deep voice: "Which brothers are willing to fight?"

The cavalrymen of the Guards Army were already full of anger at this time. Chu Huan gave an order, and a large group of cavalrymen behind them shook their horse reins, wanting to go out and fight.

Xuanyuan Sheng had already raised his hand and said: "Don't move around." Turning his head, he pointed to four of the cavalry and said, "You four, follow this general...!" The first galloped out, and so did the four behind him Followed out.

Chu Huan looked at Mo Zang'a and said, "But before the partner training, I still have a few words to say!"

"What do you want to say?"

"When you, King Maha, negotiated peace with us, Great Qin, you have already reached many agreements." Chu Huan said slowly: "One of them is that the people of Jinzhou and Yuezhou are willing to leave. The army can't stop it, you should be very clear about this?"

Mozang shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have never heard of this order." After a pause, he said with a smile: "But the people of these two states live and work in peace and contentment under the leadership of Daxiliang, and now they live happily. Very comfortable and didn't want to leave."

"Nonsense!" Suddenly someone shouted from the group of poorly dressed Qin people: "My lord, they Xiliang people won't let us go. They are not human beings. They burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of evil. Men are all dragged to do coolies, and they are also treated as slaves." Their targets let them practice shooting, women...!" At this point, his voice was choked up, and he couldn't continue.

"Yes, my lord, they are cutting wood and mining everywhere, and whoever does it slowly will be beaten to death." A person hissed, "People in Xiliang rob everything they see, and many others were arrested by them and sent back to the West." Liang, he said he wanted to be their slave... This dog official surnamed Deng helped the evildoers and robbed them everywhere...!"

Deng Ming has already sternly said: "Tell them to shut up, talk nonsense, a bunch of troublemakers...!"

Soldiers from Xiliang had already stepped forward, punched and kicked, and the group fell silent.

Chu Huan smiled coldly, and said to Mo Zang, "Mo Zang, it seems that you are not telling the truth."

"These people are talking nonsense." Mozang said with a smug face: "The people of the two prefectures sincerely cooperate with us in Daxiliang, and we will treat them leniently. Deal with it." Paused, waved his hand and said: "The general can't control these things, you can go and discuss with us Maha King." Pointing forward the horsewhip, said: "Do you want to practice?"

"Of course we have to practice!" Chu Huan nodded and said, "You just said that people who are willing to leave can be allowed to leave, so if these Qin people are willing to leave, will you let them go?" Dozens of Qin Rendao.

Mozang Awei hesitated, and finally nodded and said: "If they want to leave, they can of course leave... But they agreed to come to accompany the training. I, Daxiliang, keep my promise, and other people's promises to us cannot be changed." The ten cavalry, who were looking at each other angrily, said: "If your cavalry wins, our warriors don't need these Qin people to accompany them for training. Naturally, they can leave. Otherwise, they will fulfill their previous agreement and accompany our warriors to train." !"

Chu Huan nodded and said: "That's fine, but I still remember that there seems to be rewards for partner training. By the way, Mo Zang, what are your partner training rewards?"

Mo Zang frowned slightly, but still said: "If you hurt my Daxiliang warrior, you can get three buckets of rice. If... if you kill one person, you can get one stone of rice!"

Chu Huan said with a half smile but not a smile: "I understand now, I think you won't break your promise!" After saying this, he didn't talk to Mo Zang Ado, but said to Xuanyuan Sheng and the five people in the field: "Do you remember?" Hold on, one head is one stone of rice!"

Xuanyuan Sheng had already grasped the saber tightly. There were two cavalrymen on each side of him, lined up, and the other five cavalrymen were also lined up, facing each other. Xuanyuan Sheng slowly raised the broadsword in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Gentlemen, make a quick decision and take the enemy's head!" With a wave of the knife, he urged the horse under his crotch, and the horse galloped out, followed by the four cavalry around him, and the five Xiliang cavalry also roared to meet them.

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