Xue Huai'an wondered: "Why? Luoyan Lake is just ahead, if we don't go there, where are we going?"

Chu Huan said: "My lord, look at the people here. They have not lived here for ten or twenty years. I am afraid that they have been here for more than one generation. They have survived. Naturally, they have their own set of rules. Good-looking novel: I am a witch." Looking back at Yijia Mingming's team pulling more than a dozen carriages, he said solemnly: "If our team enters rashly, I'm afraid it will make them hostile and cause a huge misunderstanding. If this is the case, it will be a bit troublesome gone."

Xue Huai'an pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Vice Envoy Chu, you are right. In your opinion, what should we do?"

"Why don't the officials take two people there to investigate first, and get in touch with them first. If they allow, how about we enter the town?"

Xuanyuan Sheng next to him immediately said: "Vice Envoy Chu, let me go!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said: "You are responsible for the safety of the mission, how can you leave easily?" Turning around, he said: "Bai Xia, Sun Kong, you two come out!"

From the queue, two riders galloped out. It was Bai Xia and Sun Kong who followed Chu Huan on the mission. After they left Beijing, they followed the team and followed Chu Huan's instructions, don't talk too much, don't do anything The two of them obeyed the orders that others would not do. They didn't say much along the way, and everyone knew that these two were the personal followers of Deputy Envoy Chu, so they were acceptable to them.

It's good that Bai Xia is not a talkative person, but Sun Kong is a person who can't hold back his words. He can't say a few words all the way, and everything must be done in accordance with the order of the mission, which almost didn't hold him back. Crazy, when he heard Chu Huan's call at this moment, he immediately came to his spirits, patted his horse on the slope, and said with high spirits: "Master, I am here!"

Chu Huan glanced at him, and saw that he raised his head and chest, his face was still full of excitement, thinking that this guy could still follow this difficult journey, so it was not easy to scold him, and said, "You two follow me to town Go check it out first!"

Bai Xia also came up and reminded: "Are you going to wear official uniform?"

Chu Huan remembered that he was wearing an official robe, and immediately took off all the official robes and hats. He had already changed his clothes after a massacre in the Xiliang barracks. At this moment, he was wearing a light blue brocade suit, with his hair in a bun. He bowed his hands to Xue Huai'an and said: "My lord, rest here first, I will go to visit you as an official, and I will be back soon." He then ordered Xuanyuan Sheng: "General Xuanyuan, I will trouble you here!"

Xue Huai'an and other officials cupped their hands and said: "Vice Envoy Chu, be careful, work hard—the bloody past of the six brothers!"

Chu Huan flicked the reins, and the steed rushed straight down the hillside. Bai Xia and Sun Kong followed one from the left and one from the right. The three riders shot down the hillside like three arrows, and a cloud of dust rolled up behind them.

Luoyan Lake is like a clear mirror, with a large area. Although the town built by the lake is not small, it is not lively. The earth houses built with rammed earth look small, but they are very strong. The consciousness of building construction is orderly, there are criss-crossing streets and alleys, although the number is not large, they are quite large.

A huge stone stood by the lake, as tall as a person, with the words "Luoyan Lake" engraved on it. Not far away was a flagpole with a flag floating on it, which really read "Luoyan Town". Character.

The three galloped on horseback, and soon arrived at the entrance of the town. They saw a dozen or so children flocking to the entrance of the town. These children were all dressed in fur and looked at the three of Chu Huan very curiously.

Chu Huan slowed down his horse and entered the town. There was a straight street with few pedestrians on the street. Walking along the long street, he found that although the town was small, it was full of internal organs. There were teahouses, pubs, and oil shops. There is no shortage of shop rice and cloth shops, and there is even an inn with the sign of "Yanmen Inn". When Chu Huan passed by the door, a young woman dressed in fancy clothes was already there. There are also several stalls on the street. , there are pancake sellers and jewelry sellers. Although it is not as prosperous as Guannei Town, it seems that there is no shortage of things.

The three of Chu Huan were walking on the street, people on both sides were staring at the three of Chu Huan, but no one came up to say hello for a while, and Chu Huan was not in a hurry to find someone to ask, but slowed down on the street. As he was walking, a figure suddenly ran out from the corner beside him. If Chu Huan hadn't reined in the horse in time, the figure would have collided with the horse.

At first, the figure just lowered his head and walked forward. When Chu Huan reined in his horse and heard the neighing sound of the horse, the figure seemed to realize that it almost hit something, took two steps back, and raised its head.

When Chu Huan saw the sudden figure, it was a woman. The woman was quite tall, in her early twenties, with a long, black braid hanging down to her buttocks. Wearing a small purple jacket and a fur vest over it, her appearance is not extremely beautiful, but her eyes are jet-black and watery, exuding a heroic spirit, her skin is neither white nor delicate, but the beauty of this environment Among them, it is naturally impossible to maintain supple skin, and the moon is not lonely.

She was wearing purple trousers on her lower body. The purple trousers wrapped her two plump and strong long legs. She was wearing a leather skirt with a knife hanging from her waist. She looked up at Chu Huan and saw Chu Huan staring at him. Looking at her, Liu eyebrows tightened, and said coldly: "Get out of the way!"

Chu Huan didn't expect this girl to have such a temper. She bumped into him and he reined in the horse in time, but her attitude was really rude, as if she had been shot.

At this moment, a voice from behind shouted: "Xiulian, can I still eat people? Why do I have to leave? Can I talk to you?" In the voice, a man had already caught up behind him. , who is only in her early twenties, looks like a hulking back, wearing fur clothes, with a knife on her waist, the girl named "Xiu Lian" heard the voice behind her, twisted her waist, and walked on two slender legs Flying, it seemed that he was afraid that the man behind him would catch up.

Chu Huan was very curious, and the man behind trotted to catch up. Seeing Chu Huan, he felt a little strange, but he didn't have time to pay attention to Chu Huan. He looked around, saw the girl, and chased after him.

Sun Kong came closer and said in a low voice: "Master, is this guy trying to tease that girl? Shall we draw our swords to help?"

Chu Huan glanced at him and said, "You can go and draw your sword to help!"

That man looked several years younger than Sun Kong, but his figure was much bigger than Sun Kong's, and he had a knife on his waist, so it seemed that he was not easy to deal with. Hearing what Chu Huan said, Sun Kong immediately shut up.

The man was fast, he chased on the street, he grabbed the girl's arm, but the girl slapped her backhand, the man's reaction speed was slow, he leaned back, but let go of his hand.

"Qiu Mingdao, you want to follow my sister again, believe it or not, my sister stabbed you to death with a knife?" Miss Xiulian looked really bad, her eyebrows were tightly frowned, and one hand was already holding the knife on her waist Handle, good-looking novel: Jianghan Heroes txt download.

The man Qiu Mingdao said anxiously: "Xiulian, what's wrong with me? Why don't you just look at me? Everyone in the town knows that you have been betrothed to me, and you will marry into my Qiu family at the end of this year. ...why do you still treat me like this?"

Xiulian has already scolded: "Who wants to marry you? Nainai has never promised, and if you dare to talk nonsense, Nainai will never let you go!" Her face was full of disgust.

The two of them faced each other in the street, and the people on both sides were just watching from a distance, no one dared to step forward to persuade them.

After Xiulian scolded, she turned around and left, Qiu Mingdao followed a few steps, Xiulian suddenly pulled out the knife, turned her head, and pointed the blade at Qiu Mingdao, Qiu Mingdao stopped, Xiulian continued to move forward, Qiu Mingdao Ming Dao stood there blankly, watching Xiulian go away, but he didn't dare to chase after him. After a long while, he turned around, with a lonely expression on his face, and suddenly saw Chu Huan riding a horse looking at him, frowning, But he still came over without losing his courtesy, cupped his hands and said, "Who is this next? Who are you looking for in Luoyan Town?"

Chu Huan got off his horse, cupped his hands and said, "Your servant, Chu Huan, this time we are going through the desert. I heard that you can find camel travelers as guides here?"

Qiu Mingdao nodded and said, "That's right. It's just that there are seventeen camel customers in the town. Which one are you looking for?"

"To be honest, Chu just heard people say that camel riders can take us across the desert, but he doesn't know anything about the others, and he doesn't know who to look for." Seeing that Qiu Mingdao knew how to be polite, Chu Huan said with a smile: " Thank you brother for giving me some pointers!"

Qiu Mingdao sized up Chu Huan, and said, "Seventeen camel customers, it depends on how much you can afford. If it's just the three of you who want to cross the desert and have no other goods, just find a small camel customer." , and only 200 taels of silver can pass.”

"What if we have a lot of people and carry cargo?"

"It depends on your price." Qiu Mingdao was also patient: "Small camel customers, at least 200 taels of silver, there are 500 taels of silver, 1000 taels of silver, and even big camel customers, there are two hundred taels of silver in our town. Home, but the price is not cheap,: Qinglian Zhengdaolu."

"Oh?" Chu Huan said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, brother, we have hundreds of people crossing the desert this time, and there are more than a dozen truckloads of goods...!"

"If that's the case, it can only be our Qiu family." Qiu Mingdao immediately said: "No other family can take this job...!" Camel riders can also take over the job, it depends on which one you want to lead the way."

Chu Huan asked, "What next?"

"I'm Qiu Mingdao, the Qiu family's camel customers are less in charge." Qiu Mingdao cupped his hands and said, "If you really want to find the camel customers, you can follow me to find my father!"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's very good, thank you, Young Master, for your guidance."

Qiu Mingdao suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Yes, I almost forgot, are you from the government?"

"Ah?" Chu Huan asked in surprise, "Should you be the master, is there anything special about that?"

Qiu Mingdao said solemnly: "That's right, we lead merchants and people, but we cannot lead soldiers. If you are the army of the imperial court, no matter if you are from Xiliang or from Qin, we will not take jobs."

Bai Xia frowned, and couldn't help but said: "Young Master Qiu, you camels are businessmen, take money from people, do things for others, and you still have to pick customers?"

"That's the same." Qiu Mingdao said solemnly: "If you are really from the government, I advise you to leave, our town does not accept people from the government." He cupped his hands, as if the previous incident had blocked his heart Panicked, still very lonely, turned around and left.

Chu Huan hurriedly said: "Young master, let's go slowly, troublesome master, can you take us to meet the head of the Qiu family's camel traveler?"

Qiu Mingdao hesitated for a while, and finally said: "If you want to meet, you can go with me, but I have already said that, you can make up your own mind." Leading the way, Chu Huan led the horse and followed, heading for Qiu's camel Go away.

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