National color raw owl

Chapter 532 Talange

Chu Huan stared at Mei Niang's charming face, and after a long time, he turned his head and closed his eyes.

Why didn't he want to live a life away from disputes? Living with such a glamorous stunner as Meiniang must be a very pleasant thing. His heart even felt impulsive at that moment, but only that After a while, too many things flooded into his mind again, so he had to choose to remain silent.

Meiniang already giggled and said: "I'm just joking with you, you think it's beautiful. Do you really think that Meiniang is willing to accompany you to the days far away from the bustling life? Meiniang can't bear that kind of poor life." .Meiniang still has a lot of things to do, even if you want to take me away, I won't follow you." She giggled, her breasts trembled wildly, she was beautiful and beautiful.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the tent, and both of them sat up, and saw a few Xiliang soldiers enter through the tent, they came over and untied the ropes that bound their hands, before they left, two The Xiliang girl carried a small wooden table into the tent and put it down, and two more Xiliang girls came in with baskets and placed the contents of the basket on the table.

A smell of nai wafted over immediately. There were golden roasted mutton, nai pancakes, hors d'oeuvres in tubes, and rare melons and fruits on the prairie, all of which were placed on a table.

Chu Huan and Mei Niang glanced at each other, both of them were smart people, and they immediately understood that it might not be Zhuo Yanbu's hospitality, but Qi Luo might have played a big role.

But I don't know what Qi Luo is doing now.

Another girl from Xiliang came in with a wooden water basin filled with clean water. It was for the two of them to wash their hands. The two wooden basins were respectfully placed in front of her by the girl from Xiliang. Mei Niang rolled her eyes and revealed Smiling, you are not polite, washed your hands first, sat down on the edge of the table, looked at the dazzling array of delicacies on the table, and said: "I am hungry, since they are so hospitable, we have to show face, Mr. Chu, Don't you think so?" He reached out and took a piece of melon that had already been cut, and began to eat it with gusto.

To be honest, Chu Huan was a little hungry, so he washed his hands and looked at the delicacies on the table. Compared with the exquisite banquets in the Central Plains, they were naturally far different. It is already very rich.

Since the two entered the desert, they had never eaten cooked food, and they even lived on eagle meat and blood for a while. With such a rich food in front of them, they naturally wanted to eat a big piece.

Meiniang didn't care about her image at this time, she drank hors d'oeuvres and ate barbecue pancakes. Although she couldn't be called a wolf, her speed was not slow, but even so, her eating movements were still very fierce. Chu Huan pulled his neck and bit the meat, which was much more beautiful.

Everyone had already retreated, and halfway through eating, a girl from Xiliang came in and said respectfully: "Miss Liu, after eating the food, you can go to the Moon Spring to take a bath, Hu Ya is waiting outside the tent!" After finishing speaking, they retreated.

Chu Huan wondered, "Moon Spring? Is it Moon Lake?"

Mei Niang was also puzzled, but when she heard the word "bath", it seemed to have some kind of psychological effect, and she felt itchy all over her body.

After entering the desert until now, it has been almost 20 days without taking a bath. For Mei Niang, this kind of torture is really more uncomfortable than cutting a few knives on her body. "Quan" is such a wonderful name, and my heart is throbbing. Although I was only half full at this time, I couldn't wait any longer. I glanced at Chu Huan, smiled enchantingly, and asked deliberately: "Do you want to go with me?"

Chu Huan took a sip of hors d'oeuvre and said vaguely, "I was not invited!"

"Then I invite you to go!" Mei Niang said with a smile, "Do you dare to come with me?"

Chu Huan knew that Meiniang was teasing her on purpose and ignored her, but Meiniang was already giggling, got up and got out of the tent, and found that it was just past noon, the sun was shining brightly, so he took a deep breath, only then did he realize that there was something wrong here. The air was unusually fresh, and the Xiliang girl named Hu Ya was waiting outside, and when she saw Mei Niang coming out, she smiled and said, "Can the guests go?"

Mei Niang rolled her eyes and asked, "Where is Moon Spring?"

Hu Ya pointed to the hill in the distance and said, "The Moon Spring is in the cave, and it is the most holy place in our Zhuoyan tribe. If you have a wound on your body, you will recover soon after bathing in the Moon Spring!"

Mei Niang wondered: "There is such a good place." Although the small gash on her leg was carefully treated along the way, there was no bacterial infection, but it still left a scar, which has not healed yet. She was very happy that the wound could heal quickly, but she was cautious, and asked again: "Can anyone go to the Moon Spring?"

Huya shook her head.

"That's weird." Meiniang frowned and said, "I'm just an outsider, why did you let me go to the Moon Spring to bathe?"

Hu Ya explained: "That's what our Talange ordered!"

"Talange?" Meiniang asked puzzled, "Who is Talange?"

Hu Ya smiled and said, "Miss Liu, don't worry, Talange is your friend, you will understand everything when you arrive at Moon Spring!"

Meiniang saw Huya's sincere expression, she looked generous, she didn't seem to have any tricks, she hesitated for a while, and finally nodded her head slightly, Huya had already beckoned someone to lead the horse over, and got on the horse first, Meiniang saw someone leading the horse When he came to his side, he didn't hesitate anymore, got on the horse, Hu Ya urged the horse out in front, and Mei Niang patted the horse and followed.

The galloping horse left the camp and headed all the way to the hill. Not long after, at the foot of the hill, he saw a small path artificially built, just enough for a horse to pass through. At the entrance of the stone path , but there were several Xiliang soldiers from Zhuoyan's tribe guarding, Hu Ya rode in first, although Mei Niang was a little doubtful, but she was not afraid, and followed into the stone road.

Flying along the stone road for a while, it came to the end, but in front of it was a stone ladder, there were dozens of them, extending upwards, above it, there was mist, and the mist lingered in the air, like a fairyland.

Mei Niang was amazed, Hu Ya had already dismounted, and said respectfully, "Talange is waiting up there, the Moon Spring is up there!"

Mei Niang nodded and asked, "Is Talange a man or a woman?"

Hu Ya smiled and said, "After the girl goes up, everything will be understood!"

Mei Niang said "Oh", looked up and saw the smog above, curious in her heart, although she still hesitated a bit, but she was already here, she also wanted to see what was up there, without hesitation, walked along the stone ladder Going up, after walking through dozens of stone ladders, when I got to the top, I found that the top was smoky and steamy, and I vaguely saw a half-moon-shaped pool on the top of the hill. The pool was not small, the area was very large, and the water was clear , The hot air actually floated out from the surface of the water.

Mei Niang was quite surprised, she saw this hill from a distance before, she didn't think there was anything special, let alone thought that there was such a strange pool on the top of this hill.

Suddenly thinking of the hot springs that people often talk about, is it possible that the Moon Spring is actually a natural hot spring?

The sun was shining brightly, and the water in the pool was rippling, shimmering, and smoky, and a familiar voice said: "If you don't come down and take a shower, you're probably going to stink to death!"

Meiniang followed the sound to look, but only now did she realize that there was a face on the edge of the pool, with long hair hanging loose, in the smog, if you don't look closely, you can't see clearly at once, Meiniang But he also recognized it all at once. That person was none other than Qi Luo. He was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "You asked me to come here? Your real name is Talange?"

"My real name is Shi Qiluo!" Qiluo didn't look at Meiniang, "Talange is just my identity!"



After Mei Niang left, for some reason, Chu Huan didn't feel that there was any danger. Maybe it was because of Qi Luo.

After he was full of wine and food, he got up and moved his hands and feet, and was about to go out to have a look, when the tent was lifted again, and a big man from Xiliang came in carrying a large wooden barrel, and soon there was a Xiliang with healthy skin and a plump figure. Girls from Liang came in with hot water and added water to the wooden barrels, and girls from Xiliang came in with clean clothes. Seeing this, Chu Huan understood that all this was definitely not because of Zhuo Yanbu's hospitality, but because of Qi Ro's sake.

From this point of view, Qi Luo's identity is really extraordinary.

I haven't bathed in the past month, although it is not as unbearable as Mei Niang, but at this time Chu Huan also feels a little itchy, and when everyone retreats, he is not polite, takes off his clothes and jumps into the wooden barrel After taking a good bath in the toilet, he realized that the stains on his body were very thick, and there were a lot of yellow sand and fine particles stuck on him. After he finished washing, the water in the wooden bucket had changed color.

Putting on clean clothes, he looked like a Xiliang herdsman at first glance. He walked out of the tent, but saw the centurion who had succeeded him from Mao Luo waiting outside the tent, with his arms crossed. Chest, changed his indifferent attitude before, and said respectfully: "Clan Chief Zhuoyan is waiting, please come with me to meet you!"

Chu Huan was just about to meet Zhuoyan patriarch and reveal his identity, so that Zhuoyan's tribe could help find the whereabouts of the mission. He nodded immediately. The centurion was leading the way, and Chu Huan followed. He thought the camp was in the middle The golden-roofed tent was the residence of Patriarch Zhuoyan, but the centurion did not lead Chu Huan to the golden-roofed tent, but to the tent to the north.

While Chu Huan was walking, he also found that the Zhuoyan Department's main headquarters was densely packed with tents from a distance, but it was very particular when viewed up close. The tent is in the middle, the most gorgeous and beautiful, surrounded by more than a dozen felt tents, forming a small camp, while the other felt tents around are separated by a certain distance, which seems to be intimidated by the majesty of the golden tent , dare not approach.

According to Chu Huan's understanding, that should be the residence of the chief of the Zhuoyan tribe. After all, in Chu Huan's understanding, the chief of a tribe is naturally the highest leader, and he should also live in the most beautiful yurt.

But the centurion led the felt tent to the north, Chu Huan was puzzled, and couldn't help but ask, "Aren't we going to see Patriarch Zhuoyan?"

The centurion turned back and said, "I'm going to see Patriarch Zhuoyan!"

"Then why don't you go to the patriarch's felt tent?" Chu Huan turned to look at the golden tent, "Isn't the patriarch in the golden tent?"

The centurion was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood, shook his head and smiled, and said, "The guest misunderstood, the golden-roofed yurt is where the middle-ranking official is, not the yurt of the patriarch!" Pointing forward, "That's where the patriarch is. felt tent!"

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