Chu Huan glanced first, and really found that although the opposite wall seemed to be a connected mural at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there were three murals of artistic conception.

The mural on the far left is the most beautiful of the six paintings on the walls on both sides. It is full of fairy spirit, and the male and female figures are very elegant, dressed in colorful clothes, the sun and the moon shine together, and the ribbons are dancing, surrounded by cranes Qingluan, the lines and brushwork are also very smart, the painting style is beautiful, the expressions of the characters on the screen are also very gentle, with smiles, just like real people, the wonderful brushwork makes people can't help but marvel.

Compared with the vivid lines of the first mural, the lines in the middle picture are much firmer, and the characters on the picture are all dressed in armor, men and women are no exception. If the clothes of men and women in the first picture show "soft" Then the second picture shows the word "Gang". She is even more beautiful, with a charming smile on her face, while the male has a ferocious face, extremely fierce, with bared teeth and staring eyes, full of murderous intent.

Chu Huan was immersed in the painting at this time, only felt that the mural in front of him seemed like a living person, with an extremely real expression, and slowly moved to the third painting, and saw that it was a picture of sentient beings. There are women, some old and some young, with different clothes and appearances. They seem to be from the Central Plains and some from the Western Regions. Their expressions are also very different, with different joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys. There are ugly and beautiful appearances. Compared with the first two Although the picture is more messy, it is closer to life.

With a smile on his face, Shu Bojia folded his palms together and did not disturb Chu Huan from looking at the painting.

Chu Huan himself didn't know that after he had read the three paintings in detail, a long time had passed, and even he himself could not perceive the rapid passage of time.

Suddenly remembering that there were three pictures on the wall behind him, he turned around, stepped back again, and opened the distance.

If the first three pictures seemed to make Chu Huan very calm, the last three murals made Chu Huan frown instantly.

In the first picture, the scene is very bloody. This large mural is divided into more than ten small pictures. The combination of more than ten small pictures forms an extremely cruel and bloody picture. The characters in the painting are divided into two parts. One kind of face is ferocious, like a ghost, and the other is a naked creature that is being punished by a ghost. Some of their faces are completely destroyed and they are being burned, some of their limbs are dismembered, and some are being released. Dip into the molten copper, and some are in the fire slurry, stretching out their hands in the air and shouting.

Although this is a static picture, the picture above is so realistic that Chu Huan seemed to hear the sound of howling from the picture. The cruel and bloody picture surprised Chu Huan. Pores are going to stand up.

He just scanned this picture roughly, didn't dare to look at it, moved to the second picture, and found that this picture was not much better than the first picture, and the second picture was also a scene of massacres, but the objects of the massacres changed. Became livestock, cattle and sheep, chickens and dogs, birds and beasts, all became the targets of massacres, a group of hideous butchers wantonly slaughtered livestock, and the picture was also very bloody.

Chu Huan was terrified when he saw it. Compared with the three murals on the other stone wall, the murals on this wall made Chu Huan feel extremely depressed, and his stomach felt extremely uncomfortable.

The third picture is full of thin and bony figures, and the environment is very gloomy. On the picture, the bony men, women and children all look desperate. What, some are hunched over with pale eyes, as if everyone in the picture is dying, with only their last breath left.

Although not as bloody as the previous two murals, this mural is full of despair. The facial expressions of the characters on the screen are extremely realistic. You can even see the clear skeleton of the characters on the screen under the skin.

Seeing this picture, Chu Huan suddenly remembered the pictures of hungry people in Africa that he had seen in his previous life. The skin color was different, but the body was almost the same thin and shriveled.

After reading these three pictures, Chu Huan finally let out a long breath, then turned his head and glanced at the three murals behind him, six murals, six artistic conceptions, after reading these, Chu Huan finally shifted his eyes to the door facing the room that wall.

Compared with the murals on both sides, the murals on the front are more majestic. At a glance, Chu Huan saw a giant dragon coiled around in colorful colors. There is a portrait of a person in the middle, but this portrait is very special, with the light of Buddha scattered behind his head. It is the most common Buddha light in Buddhist paintings, but this portrait is obviously not an ordinary Bodhisattva.

He is wearing a very strange battle armor all over his body, as if covered with a layer of dragon scales, and the armor on his head is also extremely special. The color of the battle armor all over his body is golden, and the golden light is dazzling. This name is like the god of war. An ordinary person has a peaceful expression, his eyes look very kind, full of compassion, but in his hands, he holds a golden staff on his left, and a shield on his right, with the word "卍" engraved on the front of the shield .

Around this God of War, there are giant dragons coiled, and there are not one or two giant dragons. Chu Huan counted them carefully. There are six giant dragon heads in total, coiled and intertwined, and there are even floating clouds around. , the six giant dragons and the Golden God of War form a majestic and majestic picture. To break out of the painting, soar into the sky, screaming proudly above the nine heavens.

There are six giant dragons with different colors, and each dragon has a different color. Chu Huan took a closer look and found that the six giant dragons are blood red, pure white, jet black, navy blue, deep purple, and sky blue, plus gold. The golden color of the God of War, the seven colors appear together on a mural, the colors are colorful and incomparably gorgeous.

Chu Huan was shocked.

He has been a man in two lifetimes, and he has seen quite a few paintings, but the only thing that can give him a huge shock is this majestic mural.

Chu Huan actually seemed to feel that it was difficult for him to move his eyes away from this masterpiece.

After a long time, he regained his composure, sighed, and said, "Today, I am so lucky to have a glimpse of such a masterpiece." Turning his head to look at Shubojia, he asked, "Master Shubojia, what's in it? The painting must have been painted with a lot of effort!"

Shu Bojia asked with a smile: "Benefactor Chu, can you see clearly the world in this hall?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "I've seen it clearly."

"Then what did benefactor Chu see?" Shu Bojia had a gentle smile on his face from the beginning to the end, and his voice was also very gentle, giving people an unusually friendly feeling.

Chu Huan was taken aback when he heard this question.

"A painting is not a painting, and a picture is not a picture!" Shu Bo Jiawen said: "I only see the picture, but I don't see it clearly. Apart from the picture, can benefactor Chu see other things?"

Chu Huan pondered for a while, he seemed to feel something in his heart, but he couldn't express it out, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Master, I am stupid, such a profound picture, it is really difficult to comprehend in the next moment."

"No problem!" Shu Bojia walked to the middle of the hall with a smile, looked at the first picture in the order Chu Huan had just viewed, and said slowly: "There is no birth, no old age, no disease, enjoy life, and be happy." , is for the way of heaven!"

His eyes moved, and his voice was solemn: "Xing is good, possesses hatred, has no suffering, stirs up troubles, loves killing karma, it is for the Shura way!"

"Appropriate practice of the Dharma, enjoy the seven emotions and six desires, birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment and hatred, separation of love, not getting what you want, all the seven sufferings, this is the way of the world!"

He turned around slowly, facing the other wall.

"The eight great heats, the eight great colds, the nearness, loneliness, deathlessness, and all kinds of suffering are for the realm of hell!"

"If you don't know the Dharma without wisdom, if you don't know the Dharma, you can't practice the Dharma. If you suffer little karma, you don't have great goodness. If you go through ten thousand kalpas, you will be reincarnated. This is the way of animals."

Shu Bojia's expression was solemn, but his voice was very peaceful: "Hunger has no food, thirst has no drink, and he lives for thousands of years, but suffers the retribution of suffering. This is the way of hungry ghosts!"

"The three realms of heaven and earth are for the yu realm, the seductive realm, and the non-secular realm. All living beings in the three realms live in six realms, life and death, six realms of reincarnation!" Shu Bojia looked at the murals on the wall, his eyes filled with awe, and said slowly: " This is the Hall of the Six Paths, and the murals on the wall are the way of heaven, the way of the world, the way of Asura, the way of hungry ghosts, the way of hell, and the way of animals!"

Chu Huan's lips moved, but he didn't make a sound. At this moment, he finally understood that the six murals on the walls on both sides suddenly belonged to the six realms of reincarnation.

He was surprised, but he really didn't understand why the ghost master arranged for Shu Bojia to lead him to see the murals of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Could it be that every person who came to seek medical treatment should come to see it, or maybe the ghost master wanted to ask everyone A visitor preaching the Dharma?

Chu Huan was puzzled for a while, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"All sentient beings are originally pure. Due to ignorance and reckless actions in the past, they have the consciousness of entering the womb!" Shu Bojia frowned slightly, staring at the doubtful Chu Huan, and said slowly: " With the consciousness of entering the womb, there will be the conception of the body. After conception, the six roots of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind will be formed. After birth, by various causes and conditions, there will be good and evil karma, and the birth of good karma , people, Asura, the six reincarnations of evil karma, animals, evil ghosts, and hells are the twelve karmic conditions. Infinite rotation!"

Shu Bojia didn't speak fast, but very slowly, but Chu Huan listened in a daze, seemed to understand a little bit, but didn't seem to understand at all, and his head was a little dizzy.

Shu Bojia put his palms together with a smile, and sang the Buddha's name. Chu Huan suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Master, which ancient Buddha is that man in the golden armor? I'm ignorant and ignorant, but I don't know who this ancient Buddha is!"

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