National color raw owl

Chapter 551 Dharma Protection

Chu Huan watched helplessly as the ghost guard tore off the monster's neck. In horror, more ghost guards and monsters gradually appeared in the flames. He heard it all the time, but Chu Huan only felt that his whole body was stiff and unable to move an inch. The high temperature generated by the raging flames made Chu Huan feel as if his whole body was being roasted in the stove.

Suddenly, I suddenly saw a ghost guard turn his head, red hair and fangs, looking at himself, those eyes like bull's eyes actually had a vicious look.

Chu Huan was really surprised, but saw that the ghost guards all around suddenly turned their eyes to him, and even a ghost guard walked towards him with torture tools.

Chu Huan was in it, endless fear welled up in his heart, but he was not born to be slaughtered by others, and when he saw a ghost coming, although he was frightened in his heart, he still wanted to clenched his fists for a fight. When he had the courage to make a fist, But he felt strange, took a look, and was even more shocked, but he found that his two hands had turned into hooves, and he cried out in surprise, but a cow mooed from his mouth.

All this was really unimaginable, Chu Huan really didn't know how he turned into a cow.

Ghost servants rushed over from all directions, each with a hideous face, Chu Huan felt powerless all over his body, seeing a ghost servant swinging a big knife in his hand and slashing at him, his whole body could not move, and he was powerless to resist.

Seeing that the big knife was about to fall on his head, he heard a miserable howl, and a golden spear suddenly appeared from the ghost messenger's chest, piercing his chest. Before Chu Huan was startled, the ghost messenger in front of him suddenly saw Transformed into a warrior wearing armor all over his body, his face was still very ugly, but at this time, the screams around him had turned into shouts.

He looked around, and found that all around were warriors in armor, men and women, the men were ugly, but the women were extremely sexy and beautiful.

Blood splattered everywhere, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

Chu Huan looked at himself again, but he also turned into a warrior in armor. Several fierce warriors rushed over from both sides, shooting towards him with their guns.

Chu Huan already had an extra long spear in his hand. Seeing the enemy approaching, he had no choice but to stand up and fight. He brandished the long spear and fought among the crowd. Heads were flying all around him, limbs were all over the ground, and he looked like a cruel Shura field.

In it, if I don't kill people, people will kill me.

Chu Huan killed several people in a row, and in a flash, a Shura warrior rushed over from the side. His speed was as fast as lightning, and his spear was sharp and ruthless. Before Chu Huan could react, the cold tip of the spear had already When the stabbing hit Chu Huan's neck, Chu Huan could no longer dodge. He just thought that he was about to die under the pistol. He closed his eyes, and suddenly there was a very pleasant music in his ears, accompanied by Qingluan's cry.

Surprised, Chu Huan opened his eyes, only to find that the surrounding fog was dense, a blue luan flew in front of him, and another woman in soft and luxurious clothes turned her head and smiled at herself, her appearance was like a fairy, and her smile was bright.

The sound of the sounds of nature is endless, and the surrounding scenery is as beautiful as a picture. Regardless of men or women, they are all exceptionally noble, elegant and pure.

Chu Huan was walking among the crowd. Everyone was smiling, very humble and polite. Cranes and Qingluan flew by from time to time in mid-air, and they saw many rare and exotic animals.

He walked slowly, everything around him seemed like a dream to Chu Huan, suddenly his feet sank, he fell down, his eyes were dark, he heard bursts of crying, and then he felt his body was light and floating in mid-air At this moment, in a simple house, there was an old man lying on a wooden bed, and beside the bed were five or six people crying on the ground, all dressed in sackcloth and filial piety.

Chu Huan was puzzled, looked at the old man on the wooden bed, and realized that the old man was dead, his beard and hair were all white, but the eyebrows and eyes were unusually familiar, and he suddenly realized that the appearance of the old man on the bed He is somewhat similar to himself, but his age is much older than himself. For a moment, he was puzzled, and heard a scolding voice in his ear: "Your soul has been released, follow us to hell to report...!"

Before Chu Huan had time to see who was speaking, he felt a circle in the air, and then his neck was tightly strangled, but it was the chain that bound his neck.

Chu Huan immediately felt that he had difficulty breathing, the chain was about to break his neck, and the chain was getting tighter and tighter, but Chu Huan gritted his teeth and resisted, feeling faintly that his neck seemed to be torn off, and it was extremely painful. Suddenly, he thought of the low sound of the Buddha's trumpet. The sound of the Buddha's trumpet was low, but the Buddha's voice was faint and full of majesty.

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Chu Huan's eyes suddenly lit up, everything had disappeared, only the Buddha's voice was still in his ears, and his eyes became clear, but he was still in that small room, with Master Ghost sitting cross-legged in front of him, the oil lamp was dim, and his pair of eyes The red eyes were staring at him, but the Buddha's voice came from the mouth of Master Ghost.

Only then did Chu Huan realize that he had just had a very weird nightmare.

At this time, he also felt that his whole body was dripping with sweat, as if a bucket of water had been poured from his head, and even his clothes were soaked.

Master Ghost's Buddhist voice stopped abruptly, and the room returned to tranquility for a while. Only Chu Huan felt some pain in his neck. He raised his hand and touched his neck. There was nothing abnormal, but the feeling of being strangled by chains has not dissipated, and even breathing Also hurried, panting heavily.

"Great...Master...!" Chu Huan regained his composure, what happened just now was truly unbelievable.

Master Ghost's voice sounded weak, but he asked in a very dignified manner, "How do you feel after going through the six rounds of reincarnation?"

Chu Huan was taken aback, recalling that the dream he had just passed was very similar to the mural he saw in Liudaotang, and he seemed to have experienced it vividly from the mural.

He didn't know how he could have such a feeling, but one thing was certain, the hallucinations he had had must be caused by Master Ghost.

But he couldn't imagine what kind of method the ghost master used to make himself enter such an illusion. He did know that there is a kind of hypnosis, which can evoke things hidden in the deep memory of people, reminding people of the past The unnoticed memory hidden in the deepest part of the mind, but generally speaking, the hallucinations produced by hypnosis are things that people have experienced before, but they are forgotten by people, and the sleeping memory is awakened through hypnosis.

But today's illusion is completely different.

The hallucinations I had today were brought into the six realms of reincarnation, as if I had experienced the six realms of reincarnation, and that feeling was truly terrifying.

It was hard for Chu Huan to imagine that the ghost master had the ability to control people's thoughts and directly guide people's consciousness into the scene of six reincarnations, which was much more powerful than hypnotism.

Hypnotism itself is an extremely mysterious ability, and the ghost master's consciousness guidance technique is obviously much better than hypnosis. One is to help people recall forgotten memories, while the ghost master's is to live and breathe. The fantasies of controlling people are really incomparable between the two.

If Chu Huan hadn't experienced it himself today, he would never have believed such a bizarre thing.

Master Ghost was still staring at Chu Huan, as if waiting for Chu Huan's answer.

Chu Huan was silent for a moment, then heard what happened in the hallucination just now, and finally said: "Bitter!"

Master Ghost nodded slightly, and said: "You are fine!" He didn't say why, but said slowly: "The three ways of goodness, the way of heaven, the way of Asura, the way of the world, the three ways of evil, the way of hungry ghosts, the way of hell, The animal way, the six ways are divided into good and evil, the three good ways are the upper three ways, and the three evil ways are the lower three ways. The six ways of reincarnation are difficult for all living beings to escape, but whether it is the upper three ways or the lower three ways, they are full of limitations and constraints. The six ways Infinity, samsara is endless, if you can't transcend the six realms, you will fall into the six realms of samsara forever, never resting!"

Chu Huan was a little dazed and puzzled.

He has no research on Buddhism, and although he has heard of terms such as the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he has no interest in what it is, and has never had the heart to understand it.

When the ghost master said it at this time, Chu Huan seemed to understand, but what was even more strange to Chu Huan was that he was just bringing Meiniang to detoxify and save his life. Why did the ghost master arrange for him to watch the murals in the Liudao Hall? , Is here again talking about the Buddhadharma to myself?

What he wants to know most at this moment is Mei Niang's safety, but since the ghost master is here to preach, he can't interrupt, and the scene he experienced the six reincarnations just now is indeed extremely bizarre, so he can only listen calmly now. Thinking in his heart that Master Ghost would do this, he would always have an explanation for himself, and listen to what Master Ghost wanted to do.

"Samsara among the six realms is a matter of unspeakable suffering, and it is also the biggest problem that living beings have to solve." Master Gui's voice was extremely solemn: "If you want to solve this major problem, you must have a magic method. Full of the joy of enlightenment and transcendent wisdom. Therefore, the Buddha widely preached the Five Precepts and Ten Good Laws, the Four Noble Truths, the Twelve Causes and Conditions, and the Six Paradigms Bodhisattva Law, so that all kinds of beings can get rid of suffering and enjoy happiness, enter Nirvana, and transcend the six realms Reincarnation!"

Chu Huan seemed to understand, and asked cautiously: "Master, do you mean that the birth of Buddhism is to help sentient beings transcend the six realms, and Buddhism is the great way to solve the six realms of reincarnation?"

Master Ghost's voice was a little joyful: "You are very enlightened, and you have already understood what I said."

Chu Huan thought to himself: "This is not a high level of enlightenment. What you say is the truth." Naturally, he would not say this, and asked: "Master, I don't understand Buddhism. These mysterious methods, It’s really hard for me to understand the truth.”

What he said was tactful, but the meaning was clear, he didn't want to continue talking about Buddhism.

Master Gui naturally understood the meaning of Chu Huan's words, shook his head and said: "In the past, you don't need to understand, but now you need to understand this. Only when you understand what is Buddhism, can you protect the Dharma for life!"

"Guardian?" Chu Huan was taken aback.

Master Ghost said slowly: "You remember that you promised me that if I want to save her, there is only one condition, and that condition is that you must protect the Dharma for Buddhism in this life!"

When Chu Huan heard this, his face changed instantly.

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