The cavalry holding the moon flag slowed down, and Duoji gave a wink to a general beside him. The general urged his horse forward, raised his hand and waved his knife and made a few movements. It was to order the opponent to stop advancing. After the sword language was made, the team in front slowly stopped, and the distance was less than 200 meters.

Flying out from the moon flag, it was Zhuo Yanlun, the patriarch of the Zhuoyan tribe, and said loudly: "We are the troops of the Zhuoyan tribe, and I am Zhuo Yanlun, the chief of the Zhuoyan tribe. I have urgent military affairs!"

"I know you are members of Zhuoyan's Department." Duoji looked alert, and said loudly, "Are you planning to rebel? You mobilized troops without authorization, and even brought troops here. Aren't you afraid that your heads will be chopped off?"

Zhuo Yanlun also said loudly: "Commander, it's not that we are good at mobilizing troops, we are here to report an emergency military situation."

"What is the military situation?"

"Qin's army has already reached the grassland." Zhuo Yanlun looked flustered: "They attacked my Zhuoyan headquarters, and now they are killing people and setting fires everywhere in the grassland of Zhuoyan tribe. Our Zhuoyan tribes have suffered heavy losses. Ask the Commander for help!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Duoji was startled, but the soldiers and horses behind him could also hear it clearly, showing a look of astonishment.

"Nonsense!" Duoji scolded angrily: "Zhuo Yanlun, do you know that lying about the military situation is a more serious crime. How could the Qin army come to the grassland? What nonsense are you talking about?"

He really didn't believe that Qin's army had reached the border of Xiliang.

Xiliang and Qin State did not lack military confrontation, but only the Xiliang army crossed the desert to attack and harass the border of Qin State, and it was never heard that the Qin army attacked the border of Xiliang State.

What's more, the whole country of Xiliang knows that the [-] troops under the king of Nanyuan Xiao Tianwen are still in Qin State and have not retreated back. The Yanmen Pass of Qin State is under the control of Xiliang army. Come.

From behind Zhuo Yanlun, he flew up to ride again, also anxiously, and said loudly: "I am Tuo Shan Delong, the central control officer, Zhuo Yan's patriarch is not lying, the Qin army has indeed entered the grassland , They are numerous and overwhelming, they are burning, killing and looting, and their soldiers and horses are coming here, maybe within half a day, they will be able to kill here, the commander quickly asked us to see the chief officer and report the details! "

Duoji frowned when he saw that the central officer also came out.

Duoji naturally understands that all the time, the tribal officials have been used to monitor and contain the patriarchs. It is rare for any tribe's patriarch to get along well with the central officials. This is also their position.

If it was only Zhuo Yanlun who said that, Duoji would probably not believe it, but Tuo Shan Delong also came out to confirm that Duoji immediately believed six or seven points, still hesitating, but saw Zhuo Yanlun raised his hand, Loudly said: "Bring it out."

Immediately a group of people came up from behind, the Zhuoyan warrior held a long knife in his hand, and pushed out seven or eight tied Qin soldiers. Duoji looked over and saw that these soldiers were wearing Qin armor, and their eyebrows and eyes were indeed from the Central Plains Qin Only then did people believe it, and asked in a deep voice, "How many troops do they have? How did they enter the grassland?"

Zhuo Yanlun said solemnly: "The exact number of troops is not certain for a while, besides my Zhuoyan headquarters, there are many other tribes under my Zhuoyan under attack, the first one to be attacked is the Shanta tribe, the Shanta tribe The patriarch led people to our tribe to report the news, before we were ready, a large group of soldiers from Qin State killed our Zhuoyan tribe."

Zhuo Yanlun turned his head, Shanta Ximing came out tremblingly from behind, he was actually forced by Maha Tsang to get on the boat, he was unwilling, but because of Maha Tsang's power, he dared not refuse Since then, his face has never been good-looking, and his fat face is a little pale, but in Duoji's eyes, it seems that he has been greatly frightened.

He saw that the other party only had a few hundred people. Although he reprimanded the other party for wanting to rebel at first, he also understood that if the Zhuoyan tribe really rebelled, it would be impossible to bring only a few hundred people here. If you want to rebel, you are undoubtedly suicidal, and you have already firmly believed it now.

Tuo Shan Delong, the central control officer, even said: "Chief Commander, we don't know where the Qin army came from, but they did come prepared, with a large number of people, and they killed everyone when they saw them. They are burning, and they are about to march into the middle of the Gulaqin Grassland. If we don’t make preparations, the consequences will be disastrous. Without further delay, please ask the commander to take us to the chief officer and report the details, so that we can discuss countermeasures. "

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Duoji's expression became serious, and he knew that if the Qin army really came to attack, it would be a big deal. It should be known that the [-] warriors of Xiliang were in Qin, and they were the main force of Xiliang. Xiliang has prepared a large number of strategic materials for many years. Although Xiliang is not empty now, except for the two guards of Tariq and Babaitu, there is an extreme shortage of truly skilled fighters in Xiliang. Come on, it could be a catastrophe for the Xiliang Kingdom.

The military situation was urgent, and Duoji was horrified in his heart, and immediately said: "Follow me to the golden tent!" Turning the horse's head, ordering his subordinates to return, people called the horses for a while, and Duoji's team led the way, Zhuo Yanlun led the team and followed behind, galloping towards the golden tent.

Fifteen miles away from the Jinding big tent, fences and solid sentries have actually been set up, guarded by soldiers. Within fifteen miles, there are checkpoints every five miles. The pasture where the big tent is located.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Duoji was still thinking about how the Qin army crossed the desert and entered the grassland. He just found it unbelievable. As a trusted commander next to the chief officer, he actually knew a lot about military affairs. Xiao Tianwen named Ming and guarded the Yanmen Pass, how could it be possible for the Qin army to come out of the pass.

He only felt that there was one possibility, that is, the Qin army did not come out of Yanmen Pass at all, but probably came from northern Xinjiang, exited from northern Xinjiang, entered the land where the barbarians were, and then marched westward from the barbarian land, although there were some people on the way. Mountains, rivers and rivers are blocked, but it is not impossible to pass through. If this is the case, then the barbarians in the northern border are likely to be bought by the people of Qin, and they have even joined hands with Qin to catch Xiliang by surprise.

The barbarians in northern Xinjiang are not a unified country. There are many tribes, occupying the vast grasslands and deserts in northern Xinjiang. They cannot form a powerful military group. What they like to do most is fighting in the nest. A great leader emerges who unites the tribes of the barbarians.

This is unfortunate for the barbarian tribes, but for Qin and Xiliang, it is naturally a great thing. The barbarians are competitive, barbaric by nature, cruel and bloodthirsty. If there is a unified barbarian country, It is a great threat to the two countries. Fortunately, what the two countries are facing is only the divided barbarian tribes. Feng Yuanpo, the Marquis of Loyalty, sits in town, while Xiliang is guarded by the Hanhai Zhiyan tribe, and the barbarian tribe does not pose much threat to the two countries.

Although the divided barbarians can't form a unified combat force, the barbarism of their individual combat is well known all over the world. When the barbarians fight, they will cut off the enemy's head and hang it at their waist. After the battle, they will use the head to judge their achievements. Cruel, Duoji thought that if the state of Qin bought the barbarians and sent troops in an alliance, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He was galloping with a galloping horse under his lap, but he was always thinking about how to deal with the invasion of the Qin soldiers. He was a general, and when he heard about the enemy's situation, the first thing he thought of was to defend against the enemy.

Except for Qingluo King City, the eight gold tribes in Xiliang are guarded by two thousand commanders. If the chief executive is the last chief executive of the gold tribe, then the thousand commander is the highest military commander of the tribe. The first thing to do is to organize military forces to carry out military operations. Whether it is to suppress chaos or deal with foreign enemies, the commander has a heavy responsibility and does his part.

If the Qin army is marching towards the central area of ​​the Gulaqin Grassland, Duoji will undoubtedly take on the heavy responsibility of resisting the Qin army. He is surprised but not afraid. He is already thinking about how to carry out military deployment at this time He knew very well in his heart how to assemble troops and horses to face the incoming enemy next. As long as the chief officer knew about this, he would definitely order him to start military organization.

He was thinking about how to deal with the incoming enemy, but the horse under his crotch flew like a fly, and he came to the last checkpoint without knowing it. He heard the rumbling hooves of the horse behind him. When he realized something, he stopped the horse and ordered his subordinates The soldiers immediately deployed strict defenses to the surrounding areas of the Jinding tent to guard against the invasion of Qin soldiers.

Since Qin Bing could suddenly appear in the Zhuoyan tribe like a ghost, then he might not suddenly appear in the Shi tribe, so Duoji naturally asked his subordinates to strengthen the defense around the Jinding tent.

He saw hundreds of soldiers and horses from Zhuoyan's tribe unknowingly accompanying them, he was just thinking about how to deal with it, but he forgot about it, and after deploying his subordinates, he said to Zhuoyanlun: "Patriarch Zhuoyan Tell Zhuoyan soldiers to stay here and wait, not to enter the pasture." Not much to say, he urged his horses to gallop towards the golden tent.

He kept urging his horse, and galloped hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye. Suddenly he heard the rumbling sound behind him. Outside the checkpoint, he brought all his subordinates into the pasture. He was furious for a moment and snapped, "Zhuo Yanlun, you are so bold. Didn't you hear my general's order?"

I was about to turn the horse's head around, but I saw that Zhuo Yanlun and his subordinates did not stop the horses, but still insisted on rushing towards me. After all, Duoji was not an idiot, suddenly understood something, his face changed drastically, and he said in a broken voice: "You... You really want to create...!" Before the last word "anti" was uttered, more than a dozen arrows had already been shot in the formation, and the arrows were like shooting stars, all of them hit Duoji's body, and the number of arrows hit the vital points. One of the arrows shot through Duoji's throat.

Duoji's eyes were bulging, and there was a look of shock and anger in his eyes. He wanted to show Jing, but no sound came out of his throat, his body tilted, and he fell down from the horse.

Among Zhuoyan's troops, one person galloped out, it was Maha Zang, wielding a saber in his hand, he took the lead, looking at the big golden tent in front of him from a distance, the healthy horse rushed towards him like flying, followed by all the soldiers behind him Afterwards, people were like tigers, horses were like dragons, and Chu Huan was also in the crowd with a dignified expression, knowing what was going to happen in his heart.

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