National color raw owl

Chapter 589 Gulaqin, Fearless!

The Gulaqin soldiers stationed in Montenegro built a simple stone wall as quickly as possible. At dawn, the horn sounded, and Sanfeng issued a military order. The whole army went up the mountain to guard behind the newly built stone wall. In fact, many places have not been fully built, but time has not allowed them to continue to build their own line of defense.

The scouts sent have returned quickly, and Maha King Kong's vanguard army is approaching, and will arrive at Montenegro within an hour at the latest.

The three peaks of Montenegro are treated seriously from top to bottom.

The main peak, Yingshou Peak, is commanded by the golden patriarch Nashiboguli, the commander of the Left Wing Peak is commanded by Sohabu Yuanyi, and the commander of the Right Wing Peak is Zhuo Yanlun. The golden wolf heads have already been erected on the three peaks. flag, but few people know which mountain Maha Zang is currently on.

At this time, Maha Zang and Chu Huan were both at the Right Wing Peak where Zhuo Yanlun was. Moha Zang did not put on his own battle armor, but an ordinary shepherd's attire. He was capping the top right now, looking into the distance.

Several groups of people arrived last night, adding more than 2000 people, but all 2000 people were sent to Yingshou Peak by Maha Zang.

The three mountain peaks were completely silent, and the dawn had already appeared, and everyone tensed up.

The sound of humming horns sounded from the sky, and the sound of the horns was continuous, low and solemn. Soon, the people on the Montenegro saw a dark shadow appearing between the sky and the earth in the distance, and that elongated black shadow appeared. Like dark clouds sweeping in from a distance, the sound of huge horseshoes seemed to be muffled thunder mixed in the dark clouds. The ground was already trembling. Ten thousand elite cavalry were maintaining a neat formation and advancing quickly towards the Black Mountain.

On the three mountain peaks, there are also many war horses. At this time, these war horses seem to feel the pressure brought by the enemy, and they start to feel uneasy. But it also put tremendous pressure on the Gulaqin warriors. The warriors hiding behind the stone wall have already drawn their bows and are ready to draw their bows and shoot arrows at any time.

Maha Vajra's team came so fast, they had already traveled several miles in a blink of an eye, getting closer and closer to Montenegro, and seemed to have no intention of stopping, but seemed to want to rush up to Montenegro in one breath.

Zhuo Yanlun stood on the top of the right wing peak, and said with a sneer: "Maha Vajra really doesn't understand the marching method, he thinks he is great, but now it seems that he is only brave and foolish!"

Maha Zang looked calm, but at this moment he still asked with a smile: "Why did Patriarch Zhuoyan say that?"

Zhuo Yanlun said it inadvertently, and asked Maha Zang, hurriedly said: "Prince, forgive me, Zhuo Yanlun made a slip of the tongue." Then he pointed to the cavalry galloping in the distance and said: "Marching depends on horsepower, but Maha King Kong's men and horses have already sprinted here from more than ten miles away, and they don't care about their horsepower. Although they look imposing, if they suffer a little setback, their morale will definitely drop."

Chu Huan said aside: "Patriarch Zhuoyan, maybe Maha King Kong thinks that they can win easily and don't need to care about horsepower at all. They have high fighting spirit. If they want to withstand a round of attack, they must pay a lot of effort." heavy price."

Maha Zang nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "Which place do you think Maha Vajra will attack in the first formation?"

"Of course it's Yingshou Peak!" Zhuo Yanlun immediately said, "I think he must have thought that the prince would be at Yingshou Peak!"

Mahazang nodded and said: "I think it is the same. This first battle depends on Shiboguli. The defeat of the first battle is related to the overall situation. I just hope that Shiboguli and Gulaqin warriors will not let this prince disappointment!"



Naturally, it is impossible for Maha Vajra's team to rush to Montenegro in one go.

No matter how stupid Maha Vajra was, he also knew that Gulaqin had already made preparations. He saw the three mountain peaks raising the golden wolf-headed flag of Maha Zang from a distance, and gradually slowed down his horse speed and did it. With a gesture, the horn sounded next to it, which was to order the whole army to slow down. A few miles away from Montenegro, the team finally stopped.

Maha Vajra waved his hand, and from behind he had already urged a group of people to gallop out, holding the golden eagle head flag, which was the flag representing Mahara. At the foot of Yingshou Peak, the soldiers on the mountain did not receive orders and did not shoot arrows.

The first person was only a centurion, and the person beside him was holding a golden eagle flag, fluttering in the morning wind. Behind him, more than a dozen cavalry fans fanned out, and all of them had drawn their sabers from their waists. Down, the sharp saber was scorching cold.

"Listen, everyone on the mountain!" The centurion was very angry, and his voice was extremely loud, and he let go of his voice and shouted: "The Holy Lord ordered to capture the traitor Mahazang, and you Gulaqin is the son of the Holy Lord!" People, it is up to you to choose whether you want to disobey the order of the Holy Master and perish yourself, or hand over the Maha Tsang to get the understanding of the Holy Lord."

There was no sound on the mountain, and the centurion shouted loudly again: "Shiboguli, your Shi family has been favored by the king of Xiliang, and your Shiboguli has received the favor of the king of Xiliang. Are you going to take up your sword and betray the King of Xiliang? You have to understand that if you are an enemy of the King of Xiliang, there will be no people or animals left in your Gulaqin grassland. How can you take the whole ancient city for such a bereaved dog? The fate of Laqin Grassland...!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of "咻", a sharp arrow passed by the centurion, and the centurion only heard a scream from beside him. Surprised, the subordinate who held the golden eagle head flag actually He was shot in the forehead, fell from the horse, and even the flag fell to the ground.

The centurion's expression changed drastically, and he didn't dare to say any more. He turned his horse's head, flattered his horse, and left.

The golden eagle flag fell to the ground, and the soldiers of both armies could see it clearly.

Maha Vajra clenched his fist and said sharply, "Dadu!"

The commander-in-chief, who was already on the verge of moving, urged his horse forward, and Maha Vajra had already ordered: "I will give you three thousand soldiers and horses, and within two hours, I will capture the Eagle's Head Peak for this king!"

Dadu looked very excited, mobilized three thousand soldiers and horses, set up a formation, pointed the blade of his saber at Yingshou Mountain, and shouted sharply: "Warriors, capture Yingshou Mountain and capture the traitor Maha Zang alive. The king's sharpest knife, this knife, will split the Black Mountain for the king of Xiliang today... Warriors of the grassland, show your courage, brandish your swords, and kill!"

He took the lead, and the steed under his crotch rushed towards Yingshou Mountain like flying. Behind him, three thousand elite cavalry followed like a mountain, roaring like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

They are the most elite cavalry in the empire. This is their glory. They want to show the lowly slaves in the Gulaqin grassland what it means to be a real grassland warrior.

Sohabu Yuanji from Left Wing Peak, Moha Zang from Right Wing Peak and others clearly saw a stream of iron gushing out from Maha Vajra's team, rushing straight to Yingshou Peak, rumbling The sound of the horse's hooves resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the earth trembled under the trample of the horse's iron hooves.

Standing under the banner of the golden wolf head with a scimitar in his hand, Shiboguli shouted sharply: "The warriors of Gulaqin are our relatives behind us. Once the enemy breaks through the Black Mountain, they will drive straight in. We My relatives will be massacred. My Shiboguli, the patriarch of the Gulaqin Grassland, your father, is willing to use our swords and sharp arrows to prevent the enemy from chopping the butcher knives on our relatives... Warriors , Take out the courage that our ancestors gave us, let your swords cut the enemy's throat, use your bows and arrows to shoot through the enemy's chest, for the sake of relatives, for Gulaqin, for the prince, we Gulaqin Grassland, fearless! "

"Gulaqin, fearless!"

"Gulaqin, fearless!"

The soldiers on the mountain shouted in unison. Facing the menacing enemy, they thought of the retreating family members behind them, and their blood began to burn.

That's right, even if it's not for the eldest prince, even if it's not for Gulaqin, but for his own relatives, he must block Mahara's cavalry, even if the last drop of blood is shed, the enemy cannot break through Montenegro.

Yingshou Peak has three layers of formations. The first formation is the soldiers behind the stone wall on the mountainside. The soldiers here are mainly swordsmen for close combat. Everyone is equipped with two swords, mixed with a very small number of archers. The best archers are guarded behind the second stone wall near the top of the mountain, while the commander of the whole army lives on the top of the mountain under the protection of a few guards.

The cavalrymen under Dadu's command were both strong men and strong horses. In a blink of an eye, they galloped to the foot of the mountain. Under Shibogulli's order, the archers fired their arrows at once, and countless arrows were like a black rain of arrows, roaring towards the galloping cavalry.

The cavalry rushing to the front turned their backs and horses for a while, screaming and neighing, but the cavalry behind did not show any fear. The reason why they were called the most elite warriors in the empire was not only because they were well-trained , not only because of their excellent equipment, the most important thing is that they are not afraid of death.

According to the tradition of the prairie, only true warriors are qualified to charge in the first battle. It is a supreme honor to be selected into the first team. They are richer than the fighters in the rear.

Arrows rained down on the mountain. Dozens of cavalrymen fell from their horses in front of them screaming, but the cavalry behind them charged forward. Their horses were fast, and some people had already rushed to the mountainside. When rushing up the mountain, the terrain is also flat, but only halfway through the rush, the road up the mountain is already bumpy, and the gravel has sharp edges and corners, and the hooves of many horses have been scratched by the corners of the gravel , Going forward is already very difficult.

The rain of arrows whistling like dark clouds coupled with the rugged mountain walls, the cavalry's momentum of attacking like a rainbow was immediately blocked. Dadu saw the opponent's arrows raining like rain, and before they fought, nearly a hundred people on his side had fallen from their horses , either dead or injured, shouted angrily: "Shoot arrows, hold them down!" There was already a horn sound, and the cavalry in the rear had already bent their bows and set arrows, and shot arrows up the mountain. Their bows and arrows were all extremely powerful. The best strong bow has a long range and full bow strength. Although the arrows flew back and forth for a while, the Tariq cavalry suffered a lot of casualties, but the Gulaqin soldiers also had many arrows.

In fact, the arrow shooting skills of the Tariq cavalry are much better than that of the Gulaqin warriors on the whole. This is because their arrow shooting accuracy is much higher, and it is also because their shooting speed is also faster. many.

Many Gulaqin archers only shot one arrow, and the Tarik cavalry has already shot two arrows. Although both sides are attacking each other with arrows, at first glance, the arrows shot by the Tarik cavalry The number of arrows seemed to be much more, and the dense arrows roared up the mountain. The Gulaqin warriors behind the stone wall were suppressed by the random arrows of the Tarek cavalry for a while, unable to lift their heads.

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