National color raw owl

Chapter 612 Bugs

Chu Huan frowned when he heard the terrified scream, but he had already seen the man retreating again and again. Originally, the left hand was still holding the rope, but now he had dropped the rope, and the left hand held the right hand.

The person behind Chu Huan also changed suddenly, and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts...!" The man's voice trembled, "My hand...something is on me...!" His tone was horrified, his hands began to scratch all over his body, and his body twisted desperately.

"Damn, what's going on?" The man behind Chu Huan became nervous.

"There is something on me, something crawled on me." The man had already started to tear his clothes, his voice was painful, "It bit me, on me... ouch... damn it, it's in my crotch... no Okay, let's run again...!"

This person was talking like crazy, his body twisted, and he danced, as if he was dancing, and he seemed to have gone mad with epilepsy.

Chu Huan was also a little surprised when he saw this. He saw that the man had already taken off his coat and even started to take off his pants. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Holding a dagger, the companion approached, and said in a deep voice, "What are you crazy about? What bit you?" Seeing that his companion was insane, he was really worried that Chu Huan's subordinates would be alarmed. He reached out and pressed his shoulder on his companion, angrily Said: "Don't call, don't be heard...!"

"I can't bear it...!" The man turned his face, with a painful look on his face, "It's like being pricked by a needle, it's so uncomfortable...!"

The companion looked at his face, and couldn't help being shocked, seeing that this person's eyeballs had already started to bleed blood, his pupils dilated, and hastily withdrew his hand from that person's shoulder.

After all, he is not an ordinary person. His companion has such symptoms, but it seems to be poisoned. He knows that some poisons are the most contagious, so he dare not put his hand on his companion's shoulder.

He withdrew his hand, but in an instant, he shrugged his shoulders suddenly, and grabbed his shoulder with one hand, the look in his eyes was even more frightened, "Damn, it seems to have come to me... ouch... it has come to me ...!"

At first, this man only twisted his body slightly, and he was restrained, but after a while, like his companion, he dropped the dagger in his hand and scratched his whole body with both hands.

Chu Huan was very surprised when he saw the strange behavior of these two people, and he didn't know what happened for a while.

Suddenly one of them was sitting on the ground, although his hands and feet were still moving, but his movements were getting slower and slower, and his breathing was extremely short, like asthma.

Chu Huan knew that there was another change in the new house. He watched with cold eyes, but he tried harder to breathe in his chest. Soon he saw that the two of them were already sitting on the ground, and they seemed to be exhausted. He heard one of them say weakly: "We ...We seem to be poisoned... Who is it, which expert is here?"

The two of them turned their gazes to Chu Huan with difficulty at first, only to see that Chu Huan was still sitting on the chair with his hands tied, and it didn't look like Chu Huan made a move. The two looked at each other, and suddenly thought of something, His eyes turned to the bride sitting by the bed at the same time.

The bride was wearing a big red wedding gown and a silver crown bead curtain, and she was sitting quietly like that, but when the two of them looked at the bride who was so heart-warming at this time, they felt a chill hit their hearts.

At this time, Chu Huan's eyes had also turned to Qi Luo.


A faint sigh sounded, and it was the bride. Hearing this sigh, Chu Huan's heart sank. Based on his understanding of Qi Luo, this meaningful sigh was definitely not from Qi Luo.

Qi Luo was happy to do things, Chu Huan had never seen her sigh so sentimentally.

Under the light of red candles, the bride sitting by the bed has slowly raised a hand, the smooth brocade slid down, revealing a delicate and dazzling pink jade hand like white jade, and a small section of bullying Shuang Sai. Xue's tender lotus root arms were also exposed, under the candlelight, they were white and rosy, but this small arm already made people's hearts flutter.

Seeing that arm, Chu Huan's heart sank even more.

This arm is too white, dazzlingly white, Chu Huan just glanced at it, and immediately knew that the owner of this arm was absolutely impossible to be Qi Luo, Qi Luo's arm was not so white, it was bronze skin, and this The white arms are completely different.

Chu Huan couldn't help but gasped.

On the wedding night, the bride sitting in the new room was not Qi Luo.

It was unimaginable, extremely weird, he had been worried that Qi Luo had been poisoned, but he didn't know until now that the bride who was in the same room with him turned out to be someone else.

At this moment, Chu Huan's mind was spinning rapidly.

He remembered clearly that when he went to welcome the bride, he carried the bride on the fancy horse. At that time, he saw clearly that the one who carried the bride on the fancy horse was definitely Qi Luo.

All the way back to the North Court Palace, after more than an hour of wedding procedures under the auspices of the chief ceremonial officer, from the beginning to the end, Qiluo was under his nose, at least before entering the bridal chamber, it was indeed Qiluo who was with him.

But at this time the bride has become someone else.

Where did Qiluo go?

Who is this fake bride?

Before entering the new house, Chu Huan really did not expect that on the night of his big wedding, such bizarre things would happen one after another in the new house, and someone inexplicably sneaked in to kidnap him. The first hunter has become someone else's prey at this time, and the new hunter is very likely to be the bride, and this bride is not the real bride.

Chu Huan felt that his head was hurting, but at this moment, he had to remain absolutely calm to be able to put those two people down quietly. It seemed that this fake bride was really not an ordinary person, but I don't know if this fake bride is an enemy or a friend, and why she pretended to be a bride and appeared in her bridal chamber at night.

The bride's pink jade arm has been raised, including Chu Huan, the three men in the room are all looking at the pink jade hand and half of the jade arm, and soon, one of them yelled "Ah!" , and then heard his voice frightened: "Then... what is that... it's... a bug...!"

At this time, Chu Huan also vaguely saw something crawling on the pink and white jade arm by the light of the red candle. The crawling thing was small and green in color, but it was so fast that it was almost It passed by in a flash, and a dozen small bise dots flickered on the snow-white arm, which was very conspicuous. Chu Huan also felt that it was indeed a small bug crawling on the arm, but it was so pink and white. On the arm, there are small bees crawling around, which is indeed very strange.

"Are you looking for them?" The fake bride finally spoke. Her voice was very soft and calm, and she didn't seem to have any emotion, but there was a trace of natural tenderness in that voice.

The two guys sitting on the ground finally knew that they had met an expert, and one of them said, "You... who are you? Why did you attack us?"

"Shall I attack you?" The delicate voice sighed softly, "No matter what a man does wrong, he will always blame it on the woman. It seems that women are responsible for all the mistakes in the world. If you don't come here to expose my pearls Lian, how could my good babies climb on top of you? They protect me from being bullied by you, is it all wrong? "

Her voice was very soft and soft, but it sounded full of resentment and grievance.

"We were wrong." The other person is obviously a person who knows the current affairs, "My brother offended, I am really sorry, please... please forgive me."

The bride stood up slowly, and the red wedding gown was spread out. Chu Huan saw clearly at this moment that the fake bride was slightly shorter than Qi Luo. Under the candlelight, the fake bride had raised her head slightly, looking through the Through the bead curtain, Chu Huan could also see her snowy face.

Chu Huan sighed inwardly.

After he entered the new house, he did not get close to the bride for the first time, and although there was candlelight in the house, it was still quite dim after all. With his head down, Chu Huan never took a closer look at her face, so he really didn't find anything wrong.

More importantly, no matter how cautious Chu Huan is, it is impossible for him to think that his bride will be impersonated. What he is most worried about now is Qiluo's whereabouts. Since Qiluo has been impersonated, then Qiluo must Has fallen into the hands of this woman, what is the purpose of this woman pretending to be Qiluo, who is she, is Qiluo dead or alive now?

The red candle was poisoned, and Chu Huan accidentally fell into a trap and was poisoned by the red candle, but the bride seemed to be fine. If the two kidnapped guys took the antidote in advance, they would not be poisoned by the red candle. So how does this fake bride resist the poison in the red candle?Could it be that this woman is a connoisseur of drugs?

Wearing the big red wedding gown on this woman, she looked elegant and quite luxurious. The woman still raised one hand, walked to the side of the two, looked at the two guys who were sitting on the ground, and sighed faintly : "The wedding night, such a beautiful night, why do you bother others? Good babies are not happy, and I am also very unhappy." Then he asked in an extremely soft and even pleading tone: "Can you Can't tell me, who are you? Why do you so-called masters want to see Master Chu?"

The two guys sitting on the ground only felt that their bodies were starting to become stiff. It seemed that it was very difficult to even move their fingers, and it seemed that there was a chill starting to hit the whole body. One of them said: "This matter... ...This matter has nothing to do with you, we...we advise is best not to get involved, otherwise...!"

"Otherwise what?" The fake bride smiled wryly: "Otherwise you will kill me? Hey, you men, why do you only know how to fight and kill, and talk well, can't you?"

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