National color raw owl

Chapter 670 7 Surnames

Lin Lang asked anxiously, "Why is Chu Lang so sure?"

"It's not so sure." Chu Huan said: "Actually, in the eyes of the imperial court, what are the seven surnames of Xiguan? In the past, the seven surnames of Xiguan have great influence in the northwest and are powerful. They will easily shake them to avoid chaos. It’s just that there is chaos in the Northwest now, and the seven surnames in Xiguan have survived in name only, so the imperial court naturally doesn’t care. The Beishan and Tianshan two roads occupying land for grain production are suspected of taking advantage of the imperial court’s danger, but the imperial court has no time Going west is also a fact, and at this time, it is also a way to let the people in the northwest restore their vitality in the northwest, and it will be too late for the imperial court to calm down the southeast, restore their vitality, and then rectify the northwest."

Linlang said: "So, the real estate that the Su family has worked hard for generations will be taken by others this time?"

"Unless the Su family can come up with food." Chu Huan said: "Although Gao Lian's group really wants to infiltrate Xiguan, it's not something glorious after all. No matter how ugly this kind of people do things, A beautiful coat should also be put on the face. According to what they said, although they are sending grain to help Xiguan Road resume production, if the gentry and aristocrats of Xiguan Road can provide food themselves, they will not intervene in it.”

"This is really hypocritical." Lin Lang snorted coldly, with a look of disgust on her pretty face: "How many wealthy families in Xiguan Road can provide food storage now? My old uncle said that Xiliang people fight After entering Xiguguan, they looted all the money and food, and the people of Xiliang also captured many ordinary people for mining. "

Chu Huan sighed: "In the past, the seven surnames in Xiguan, the Su family and the Qian family, have been reduced to Yunshan Mansion, and the other families will not live well. Lin Lang, with the strength of the seven surnames in Xiguan today, it is impossible Take out the food, so...!"

Lin Lang said sadly: "If the old uncle knows about this, I'm worried that he won't be able to hold on." With a wry smile, "The Su family, up and down, is now counting on returning to the northwest and making a comeback with the land deed in hand. Land occupation is a fact, so the land deed in their hands will become a piece of waste paper, useless."

Seeing Lin Lang's gloomy expression, Chu Huan said with a smile, "Lin Lang, are you worried about them?"

Lin Lang was taken aback.

"Are you worried that the Su family will really die?" Chu Huan asked.

Lin Lang sighed quietly: "Actually, after my father left the Northwest, he also hated those members of the Su family. But this hatred did not last long. My father also told me that he left Yuezhou, of course not because of The bonus, but because he was angry at him for not fighting. His father said that if he was given a few more years, the fine wine he brewed would definitely be able to represent Xiguan Road as the House of Royal Wine, but at the most critical time, the family would run him The right to the winery was deprived, and all his father's previous efforts were in vain... He left Yuezhou only because he knew that staying in Yuezhou would have no chance to realize his long-cherished wish, so he led a group of people into the customs and started a new business in Yunshan The sake of the wine shop is to hope that one day it will be able to win the title of Royal Wine. He has no hatred for the Su family many years ago, and he only wants to run the wine shop well."

"What does Linlang mean, you don't actually have too much hatred for the Su family?" Chu Huan asked softly, staring into Linlang's beautiful eyes.

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "My mother told me secretly about what happened to my father in Yuezhou. At that time, I actually didn't have any good feelings for the Su family. If it wasn't for the Su family, my father would have realized his own His long-cherished wish was to get the name of Royal Wine, but...!" Speaking of this, Youyou sighed: "Father didn't fulfill his long-cherished wish until his death, and his death was because he didn't win Royal Wine and left melancholy. Not having a trace of resentment towards the Su family is self-deception, but I don't care about watching the painstaking efforts of several generations of the Su family go to waste because of this reason."

Chu Huan thought for a while before asking: "If you have the opportunity to help the Su family make a comeback, would you be willing?"

Lin Lang blinked her beautiful eyes and asked, "Is there a way?"

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"It's not impossible." Chu Huan frowned, thoughtfully: "It's just that the ups and downs of the Su family are not just a family matter, it involves the ups and downs of the entire Xiguan family, and even the situation in the entire Northwest " After a pause, he slowly said: "If only the Su family is alone, they will still be unable to fight against the rich families in the northwest. On the contrary, the Su family will become the first bird, and become the key target of those rich families in the northwest with ulterior motives, and even get rid of it. A bad end will be even more miserable than it is now.”

Seeing Chu Huan's serious expression, Lin Lang already felt the seriousness of the situation, but she also knew that the more this happened, the more she had to calm down, and said softly, "Chu Lang, what do you think should be done?"

Chu Huan thought for a while, and then said: "As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the seven surnames in Xiguan have suffered this catastrophe, their influence in Xiguan may not disappear in a short time." Paused , said: "I feel that the gentry and aristocrats scattered all over Xiguan Road are like a piece of loose sand. If you want to reunite them, you need a banner, and this banner is the seven surnames of Xiguan."

Lin Lang had a faint feeling that Chu Huan had some big ideas, put a jade wrist around Chu Huan's neck, and asked, "Chu Lang, are you planning to turn the seven surnames in Xiguan into a banner?" Where is the family scattered, and it is not easy to get together? Just the Su family, there are more than hundreds of people in each house, and now many of them are scattered everywhere and their whereabouts are unknown. I want to get the seven surnames of Xiguan together , it’s not an easy task.” After a pause, he continued: “Although these seven families belong to the wealthy Xiguan family, their friendship with each other is not very good. Even if they came together for the revival, most of them still have Without the family property and shop, if even the land is taken away, how can we have the strength to fight against Gao Lian and the gang of wealthy families?"

Chu Huan said: "This is a very difficult thing. If the seven surnames of Xiguan want to make a comeback, they need to use their wisdom. I think that since they were all wealthy families in the past, the so-called centipedes are not dead. Rigid, I still have some strength in my hand, as long as the seven surnames can share weal and woe, they may not be able to survive.” After thinking for a while, he finally said: “Lin Lang, I reckon the matter of occupying land in the northwest with grain, no It will take too long, and the imperial court will soon receive notices and reports on this matter. The imperial court's current focus is on the southeast, so it is natural to hope that the northwestern side will settle down sooner, and the matter should be taken in a hurry. The imperial court is suspected of being in danger, but if the imperial court considers the overall situation, I am afraid that it will soon issue an order from the northwest to occupy land with grain."

"Chu Lang, if...if I borrow food from my uncle, is it possible for keep the land?" Lin Langxiumei frowned, pondered for a moment, and finally asked.

Chu Huan's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Of course it's a solution, but you don't have a loan!"

"What do you mean?"

"The precondition for occupying land with grain is that the rich people in Xiguan are unable to provide food by themselves." Chu Huan said with a smile: "Gao Lian and the others saw that the rich family in Xiguan had no money, so they hypocritically proposed that only the rich people in Xiguan could not provide food themselves. Renting land for grain. If the wealthy families in Xiguan cannot get the support of food, Gao Lian will naturally rush in, but if the powerful families in Xiguan get the support of food, then... the annexation of the two wealthy families of Beishan and Tianshan represented by Gao Lian Ambitions, too, will be shattered."

"Linlang, you are a member of the Su family. Once you have enough food for the Su family's farming, of course the Su family's land will not be taken." Chu Huan stared into Linlang's eyes: "But if only the Su family gets Support is of no help to the overall situation. As I said just now, if you want to fight against the powerful families in the Northwest, the Su family alone is not enough. You need the concerted efforts of the big and small families in Xiguan. We will definitely regard these companies as mortal enemies and will do everything possible to suppress them."

Lin Lang understood, and said, "Chu Lang means that this time is a battle between the wealthy clan of Xiguan Dao and the other two noble clans?"

"That's right." Chu Huan nodded and said, "This matter has not been made public yet, but I am afraid that everyone will know about it soon. The situation facing the Xiguan wealthy family is actually very dangerous. Once they are unable to deal with it, Then the Xiguan Hao family will only become a historical noun from now on, and the so-called Xiguan seven surnames will no longer exist."

Lin Lang said: "Since it's so serious, I... I'll go to Uncle Qi to discuss this matter first!"

"It's not appropriate to go to war with this matter for the time being." Chu Huan said in a low voice, "I think the wealthy people in the northwest are also very concerned about the seven surnames in Xiguan. Perhaps the movements of the seven surnames in Xiguan are now in the hands of the wealthy people in the northwest. Lin Lang wants to help Su My family survived this catastrophe, I naturally understand your painstaking efforts in my heart, but if you can't join hands with the powerful Xiguan family and rely on the Su family alone, you must not take risks. It is your hard work that the old club laid this foundation in Yunshan, don't It’s easy to engage in pointless disputes.”

Lin Lang knew that Ailang was worried that he would be impulsive and use all of the Su family's property to help the revival of the Su family. He nodded and said, "I know how to measure. I won't reveal anything about the food aid, but the Northwest matter , I still want to let Uncle Qi know, let him contact the wealthy people in Xiguan as soon as possible, and let them find a way."

At this moment, Su Bo's voice was heard from outside: "Miss, Mr. Chu, are you here?"

Hearing the voice, Lin Lang was a little embarrassed. During the conversation with Chu Huan just now, Chu Huan couldn't help stroking her delicate body with his hands, and even the skirts were messed up. At this time, she hurriedly stood up from Chu Huan's lap and saw Seeing that her tube top was lifted, a large section of her snow-white chest was exposed, her temples were messy, and she was a little shy. She hurriedly straightened her clothes, and Chu Huan also stood up and asked, "Is Su Bo? Is there something wrong?"

Su Bo said: "Young Master Chu, someone from the old lady's end has come to send a message, it seems that the old lady has woken up!"

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