Brancy has already asked anxiously: "Chu, you said there is a way to help us solve it, what can you do?" The dispute between her and Janice's sister position is not one day or two, and just heard that Chu Huan has a solution, Keeping it in mind, I hurriedly asked at this time.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Are you not convinced by anyone?"

Janice and Brancy glanced at each other. On this issue, the two had a firm stand, and their expressions were not friendly.

Chu Huan laughed and said: "I record the time in the Central Plains. There are twelve hours. You guys are arguing over who is the elder sister. Why don't you discuss with each other. There are twelve hours in a day, and everyone takes turns to be the elder sister for six hours. , wouldn't that solve the problem?"

As soon as these words came out, Ling Shuang and Su Niang both smiled, and Brancy shouted, " can this be?"

Chu Huan shrugged, "This is the only way, otherwise you will think of other ways?"

The sisters frowned, obviously thinking about Chu Huan's words.

At this time, he saw that Sun Zikong had hurried over, and said: "Master, someone just came from the yamen, saying that the yamen of the household department is waiting for you to discuss matters, and asked you to hurry over."

Chu Huan was taken aback. He had just returned home when the household department got the news. The news over there was really well-informed.

He didn't say much at the moment, and ordered Sun Zikong to lead someone to help Su Niang arrange the yard, while he tidied it up, rode a thunder and fire unicorn, and hurried to the household department yamen.

Arriving in front of the yamen of the household department, Wuxu, the left servant of the household department, was standing outside the main entrance of the yamen of the household department, and saw Chu Huan coming on a thunder-fire unicorn. He said with a smile, "Master Chu, congratulations, you have come back triumphantly, our household department has really grown up this time."

Chu Huan got off his horse, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "How is your servant?"

Lang Wuxu took Chu Huan's arm affectionately, and said with a smile: "To tell the truth, Mr. Chu, Lang has really had a hard time since he was sent as an envoy by Mr. Chu. Without Mr. Chu, this life is really difficult!"

Chu Huan laughed, he knew Lang Wuxu's double-faced and slapstick nature, but when he saw Lang Wuxu sizing up the thunder and fire unicorn, he praised: "After Xue Shangshu returned to Beijing, his colleagues hosted a banquet. Master Xue was full of praise for Master Chu, and even said that Master Chu tamed a top-quality horse on the grassland, and when I saw it today, it really is a first-class horse!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "This is also good luck."

At this moment, someone from the yamen came out and said: "My lord, Ma Bu Tang has passed down a message, if Master Chu arrives, go directly to meet him in his hall!"

"Let's go!" Lang Wuxu took Chu Huan's arm and ordered Chu Huan's steed to be pulled down, "Master Chu, Ma Butang knew that you were coming to Beijing, and wanted you to have a rest, but At present, our household department has an urgent matter to deal with, but Ma Butang insists on letting Lord Chu discuss it together." Leaning closer and whispering: "Master Chu, there is still a great deal waiting for you!"

"Oh?" Chu Huan was puzzled, but Lang Wuxu had already dragged him into the yamen.

After entering the yamen, all the officials I saw along the way saluted Chu Huan respectfully, and there were many new faces among them.

Chu Huan understood that Hu Bufan, the former Minister of the Household Department, had died because of the red and silver book, and His Majesty the Emperor appointed Ma Hong to take charge of the Household Department. Because of the Red Silver Book case, many officials were implicated and sacked, and the household department was also reshuffled. It was quite normal for new officials to enter the household department's yamen.

The Shangshu hall is very quiet, and the two came together. Someone went in in front of the door to report, and soon the two of them were passed inside. After entering the lobby, Chu Huan found that the furniture in the hall was completely new. A screen, an ink landscape painting, solemn and elegant, heard the sound of footsteps, a person turned from behind the screen, dressed in official robes, tall and thin, but with a pleasant smile on his face, seeing Chu Huan, He already said with a smile: "Master Chu, I'm waiting for you here. Congratulations on your triumphant return from your envoy. Everyone in the whole capital knows the prestige of Master Chu!"

Chu Huan hurriedly clasped his hands and said, "My lord has given you too much credit, I'm just doing my job with due diligence!"

Ma Hong came over with a kind face and took Chu Huan's arm, and said cordially, "It's not too bad. Master Chu entered the Xiliang King's Palace with a knife, and under the threat of the Xiliang people, he did not kneel down. He was full of pride. You have added a lot of face to Daqin, you don't know, when the Holy Majesty learns about this, it will be Longyan Joy." He took Chu Huan to the back of the screen and said with a smile: "Here is a will from the Holy Majesty. After Xue Butang returns to Beijing , the Holy Dragon was very happy, and gave him a big reward, but Master Chu made the hall sick, and Xue Butang had already reported to the Holy One, the Holy One praised Master Chu not only for being brave and resourceful, but also for his filial piety in front of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs, not waiting for Master Chu When I came back, Master Chu was the first to be rewarded."

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Lang Wuxu smiled and said: "Master Chu, I told you just now, there is still a great thing waiting for you here."

Ma Hong took out an imperial decree from his sleeve, and said solemnly: "Chu Huan accepts the decree!"

Chu Huan and Lang Wuxu hurriedly knelt down, and then Ma Hong muttered: "By God, the emperor ordered: Chu Huan, the head of the household department, went to Xiliang to be an envoy to Xiliang. Promoted to the right servant of the household department, please kindly encourage him, I admire you!"

Chu Huan was stunned, and Ma Hong had already smiled and stepped forward to help Chu Huan up: "Come on, Minister Chu, the emperor's kindness is mighty, to Mr. Chu, that's a lot of grace!"

Chu Huan took the imperial decree and said: "Holy Majesty Long En, I can't repay the death of an official!"

Ma Hong laughed and asked people to serve tea, so Lang Wuxu and Chu Huan sat down in the hall, and then said to Chu Huan: "Lord Chu, you just entered Beijing today, so you should have a good rest for two days, but There is a big matter, but I have to ask you to discuss it together."

Chu Huan wondered, "But I don't know what a big deal it is?"

Ma Hong glanced at Lang Wuxu, and Lang Wuxu understood, and immediately said: "Lord Chu, you just came back from the Northwest not long ago, and you should know the situation in the Northwest better than us. This matter is about the Northwest. .”

Chu Huan's heart tightened, and he asked, "What about the Northwest?"

Ma Hong took a thick stack of folded papers from the table next to him and handed them to Chu Huan. Chu Huan took them with both hands, flipped through them casually, and then looked at the signatures. He found that most of the folded papers were submitted by Northwest officials. Yes, the excerpts of Zhu Lingyue, the governor of Tianshan Road, are also among them.

The hall was solemn and quiet. Chu Huan first read Zhu Lingyue's excerpts, and then flipped through the other excerpts.

These excerpts, apart from Zhu Lingyue, other official statements, summed up that the Northwest is still in a predicament, the people lack clothing and food, the vagrants are rampant, and the refugees may violently rise at any time. To put it bluntly, if the Northwest cannot resume production as soon as possible and there is not enough food and pay, the army may even have problems.

All in all, the notes of the Northwest officials first exaggerate the situation in the Northwest, but it seems that the current situation in the Northwest is worse than when the Xiliang people occupied it.

After the presentation, he implored the imperial court to provide assistance to the Northwest as soon as possible. Almost every scripture mentioned the need for a large number of grain farming tools to resume production.

"These are all the notebooks of the Northwest officials." Ma Hong said calmly, pointing to another stack of memorials on the case table, "This is the notebooks of the Beijing officials. These notebooks were originally presented to the Holy Majesty, and then transferred to the Ministry of Education. Just a few days ago, the Zhongshu Province threw these papers here again. This is only a small part of them, but the meanings are similar. Northwest officials are crying for food, farm tools, and money. , Some of them are written by the emperor to order the household department to allocate grain, but more of them mention the self-construction of the Northwest, so that the people of the Northwest can resume production by themselves."

Chu Huan said with a calm smile, "Northwesterners resume production on their own? If they have the ability, it's not impossible."

"There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world." Ma Hong leaned back on the chair, "I just read the first few scriptures, and I haven't figured out what's going on. By the side, someone wants to take advantage of the fire to rob!"


Ma Hong sneered and said: "The Three Ways of the Northwest were divided into several countries before the founding of the country. Back then, General Feng wiped out all the countries in the Northwest. Those false emperors and lords died and fled, but the local wealthy families in each country could not be killed. At the beginning, the strongest country was the Yue Kingdom on the Xiguan Road. The capital of the Yue Kingdom was in Yuezhou. At that time, the Northwest countries also fought a lot. Although they belonged to the Northwest, they still had some hatred between them, but at that time The power of the Yue State is strong, and the wealthy families of the Yue State are powerful for a while. Today's Xiguan Dao Hao Clan is mostly left over from the Yue State. This time, the Xiguan Dao Hao Clan suffered a catastrophe and their vitality was greatly injured. The wealthy families of Tianshan and Beishan have found Opportunity, that is to put the Xiguan noble family to death!"

Chu Huan frowned and said, "Your Excellency, are you talking about land occupation with food?"

"Lord Chu came back from the Northwest, so he knew about it." Ma Hong sighed, "You are right. The self-construction of the Northwest mentioned in the excerpt is to let the Erdao Hao clan of the North Mountain of the Tianshan Mountains take out grain and go to Xiguan to cultivate it. Presented Most of the Beijing officials who submitted these papers were born in Beishan and Tianshan. They originally came from the families of these two wealthy families. According to them, the two wealthy families are willing to provide grain seeds, but how much grain seeds they have to pay and how much they rent? Land, and also asked to be exempted from the tax for three years... I will not talk about the tax exemption for the time being, but the land rented for grain is obviously to occupy the land with grain, and it was aimed at the Xiguan wealthy family."

Chu Huan asked calmly: "Then what does the court mean?"

"The sage issued a decree that there should be no chaos in the northwest, so the Ministry of Finance came up with a solution." Ma Hong frowned. With both hands, he said helplessly: "As the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice. This official is now feeling hot in the buttocks of the Minister of the Ministry of Households. Tell me, among our four major granaries, Chen Yang's granary is already empty, and Ji Ping's granary is empty." To maintain the Northeast, there is not much food in stock, so we can't move it, and there is not much food in the Xiaoling warehouse. Now the remnants of Qingtianwang in Hebei are starting to move again. Han Santong sent people to guard the Xiaoling warehouse, and our household department can't move it if we want to. However, there is only one Jinling warehouse left. When I took over, I was still happy to hear that the Jinling warehouse was well stocked. I sent people to Jinling warehouse to check the grain. Take your breath away...!"

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