Ma Hong dragged Chu Huan into the house, closed the door, and let Chu Huan sit down. He said he was drinking tea earlier, but he didn't mean to make tea at all. He sat down beside Chu Huan and said with a smile: "Chu Huan My lord, there is nothing to investigate in the shops on Jinyu Street, since they have all been bought by merchants and all the money has been taken back, so why bother to cause trouble."

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "My lord, even though I said this, we are entrusted by the Holy Master to manage the household department's office, so we must do our best. The next official will follow the lord of the Ministry, and the lord will take care of everything every day. There may be some things that I don’t have time to ask about, and the lower officials receive the salary from the court, and they always have to help the adults deal with some things that I don’t have time to ask about.”

Ma Hong forced a smile and said, "Master Chu is right."

"Actually, the lower officials really don't know anything about the affairs of the household department." Chu Huan laughed at himself, "but the lower officials have figured out a reason to work in the household department!"

"Oh?" Ma Hongqi said: "I also ask Master Chu to enlighten me!"

"I don't know if I'm right or not, but I think that the imperial court is like a family, and the household department is just like a family accountant. What the accountant has to do is to balance the income and expenditure of the family." Chu Huan said with a smile. : "To put it bluntly, the more income the better, the less expenditure the better. Is this the truth?"

Ma Hong nodded and said with a smile: "It can be said that way, but it is not so simple to do it. When it comes to spending, it is not that you spend less money if you want to. There are some money that should be spent, which cannot be saved. "

Chu Huan nodded and said: "My lord said yes, but the more income the better. Let's say that since the eleven shops on Jinyu Street are confiscated and can be sold out by the household department, they can get an extra tael of silver. The department can also have an extra tael of silver in stock, and in the future it will be able to do things with an extra tael of silver. The lower officials are worried that the subordinates are not clear about things, so they hurriedly listed the shop, but they did not get a good price, so there is something wrong. Take off the official robes you're wearing."

Mahone frowned and didn't speak.

"Xiaguan has already estimated that the storefront over there must not be less than 500 taels." Chu Huan looked very determined, clenched his fists, "If this amount is less, Xiaguan will personally negotiate with the merchants If it is less than this amount, it means that those merchants want to take advantage of the fire, and the officials must check their details. In the future, our household department must strictly manage these merchants who are detrimental to the interests of the court. ...!"

Ma Hong's eyelids twitched faster and faster, his expression was ugly, Chu Huan looked at him, and said with concern again: "Your Excellency looks really uncomfortable and looks very bad, why don't you ask the doctor to come and have a look?"

Ma Hong waved his hands, pondered for a while, and finally said: "Master Chu, you just said that you have a friend from your village who wants to do business in a shop on Jinyu Street?"

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Since it's been sold out, the current officials didn't mention it."

"Lord Chu, don't worry." Ma Hong smiled and said, "Don't you just want to have a shop? I'll send someone to handle it for you. We are also the heads of the household department, so a small shop is not a problem. By the way, he Do you want a shop?"

"That's not true." Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Since we want to do business, this store is too shabby. If there are no three or four, it may not be interesting to do business!"

"Three or four rooms?" Ma Hong gasped and stared at Chu Huan. Seeing Chu Huan's expression was calm, he sneered in his heart. This young man looked very simple and honest, but he really had a big appetite.

Every shop on Jinyu Street has the shadow of a court official behind it, and there are even two shops on that street with Yiguo Gong Xuanyuan's clan.

Ma Hong has been in Beijing for many years, and naturally has many properties, but he is a rising star in the officialdom. Jinyu Street has long been divided, and even if he wants to squeeze in, he is powerless.

This time Huang Ju's downfall, as the number one behind-the-scenes person in Jinyu Street, Huang Ju has eleven shops in Jinyu Street. In this way, after the house raid, eleven shops were vacated.

Although there are so many people in the court who are concerned about these shops, it is naturally impossible for Ma Hong to let these shops that are worth more than gold flow into the hands of others. All the shops in Jinyu Street, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, even used the shops that had been prepared a long time ago, and took stock of all eleven shops.

At eleven o'clock the storefront came into his hands, and there were eleven more mines waiting for him. He was in a good mood at first, but Qiu Junyu, Minister of the Ministry of Justice, came over first, and they talked for a long time, and the two talked dumb for a long time In the end, Ma Hong had no choice but to be separated from three shops by Qiu Junpin with a smile on his face but a heartache in his heart.

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Qiu Junyu is a well-known cruel official in the court and the public. This person's position in the court is different from others. He does not belong to any party, not even the New Party. It is said that the emperor holds two things in his hand, a sharp knife and a hunting dog, then Shen Yiwei is the emperor's knife, and Qiu Junyu is the emperor's hunting dog.

For this hound, no one wants to have a deep friendship with such a vicious person, but no one wants to offend him. Even when An Guogong was here, he would give Qiu Jun a little face.

Ma Hong knew that Qiu Junyu was the one holding a knife with a smile on his face. Since he came to the door in person, he was bound to win. In fact, Ma Hong already knew in his heart that he could not swallow all the eleven shops on Jinyu Street. Come down, especially this Qiu Junyu, the copying of the house is a combination of two departments. If you offend Qiu Junyu, it will not do any good, so you can only bear the pain and part with it, and lose three facades.

A wolf was sent away in the front, but a tiger came behind, and Chu Huan's appetite is not small, he opened his mouth to ask for three or four shops, Ma Hong was angry, his eyes twitched, but he forced a smile: "Chu Huan My lord, I'm afraid we won't be able to spare so many shops."

Chu Huan said with a smile, "It's okay." He didn't say much, stood up, cupped his hands and said, "Master, I'd better go and check the situation of those eleven shops, so I won't disturb you any more." leave.

"Two rooms!" Ma Hong gritted his teeth, "Lord Chu, your friend from the village is going to do business, so I will let you make two rooms available!"

Chu Huan shook his head, and said with a smile: "Don't dare to embarrass your lord, I'm afraid he is still not interested in the two shops." He walked away, and Ma Hong's eyes showed resentment.

In fact, apart from Qiu Junyu, he was really not afraid of other officials from the DPRK and China intervening in this matter.

As long as he cooperates tacitly with Qiu Junyu, other officials have no right to enter the household department for inspection. Even if someone envy finds those merchants, Ma Hong doesn't have to worry. He has already thought of a way. Can't come up with evidence.

But he was afraid of the people inside the household department.

Especially Chu Huan, the servant of the household department. Chu Huan is not only the servant of the household department, but also has the title of earl. When troubles come, Ma Hong's life may not be easy.

Ma Hong never doubted Chu Huanxing's courage to make trouble.

At the beginning when Chu Huan first joined the Ministry of Household Affairs, there was a disturbance. This is already known to everyone. At that time, Chu Huan had no scruples. Now that Chu Huan even has the emperor's appreciation and trust to a certain extent, it is even more so. In fact, Ma Hong's biggest wish is that Chu Huan can stay in the ministry courtyard honestly, preferably drinking tea every day and dozing off, so as not to interfere with his activities in the household department.

But today, the servant of the household department obviously doesn't want to be quiet.

Chu Huan had no reason to be quiet.

After Ma Hong became the head of the household department, he called on his cronies wantonly and built a foundation in the household department. Although it was not stable, the current household department was almost under Ma Hong's control.

Chu Huan didn't have much interest in controlling the household department, but he was not used to Ma Hong covering the sky with his hands in the household department, and he could feel that Ma Hong was polite to him on the surface, but deep down However, he was full of hostility towards himself. For such a person, it was naturally impossible for Chu Huan to watch him do whatever he wanted in the household department.

Chu Huan also knows that Ma Hong is a member of the New Party, and the greater Ma Hong's power, the greater the power of the New Party. He does not want to see the growth of the New Party and the growth of any power in the DPRK. , will not be a good thing.

Chu Huan knew very well that the shops on Jinyu Street were taken away in a short period of time. It could only be Ma Hong himself. Running a store is already a common thing, but it is not easy to get it on the table, and even the emperor is very clear about it.

Even if this matter is thoroughly investigated, the emperor will just reprimand Ma Hong, take away the shop, and then confiscate some money from Ma Hong. It may not be a big blow to Ma Hong's status. In this case, Chu Huan He would be more than happy to tear some fat out of Ma Hong's mouth, at least to warn Ma Hong clearly that this household department is not the world of his Ma Hong family.

Seeing that Chu Huan was about to walk out, Ma Hong finally gritted his teeth, "Sanjian!"

Chu Huan stopped and turned around, only to see Ma Hong pointing up three fingers, "Sanjian, Mr. Chu can tell your fellow villager that he can run three shops on Jinyu Street."

"Oh?" Chu Huan said with a smile: "Then there will be Master Laobutang. By the way, I have to go and find out how much money is needed for one of those shops to be given to merchants, so that I can ask my fellow villager to compensate for it." give them."

Ma Hong said angrily: "Your Majesty Chu, you don't need to worry about it anymore, you don't need to check. Three shops, you ask your fellow villager to pay 600 taels of silver...!"

"How much?" Chu Huan was taken aback, three rooms cost 600 taels, wouldn't it mean that one room only costs 200 taels of silver?

Ma Hong felt angry, and said coldly: "600 taels."

Chu Huan laughed and said, "This... I'm afraid something is wrong!"

"Since you are Uncle Zhongyong's villagers, you must take care of them." Ma Hong waved his hand, "Master Chu, you can ask your villagers to go to Jinyu Street to choose three shops, and if you like them, pay 600 taels of silver to me. Come here to get the land deed and house deed." Couldn't help but add, "Lord Chu, on behalf of me, I would like to say to your villager, I hope his business will prosper!"

Chu Huan turned his head, clasped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Excellency, your business is also booming!" Without further ado, he opened the door and left. He glanced at the door, and finally put it back slowly.

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