National color raw owl

Chapter 727 1 embroidered shoe

Although Chu Huan's character is not bad, he is still a man after all. He couldn't help but glance over Yu Hongzhuang's chest, his expression was serious. Yu Hongzhuang didn't seem to notice, but there was a slight smile on the vermilion lips, and he sat down. After going down, he said: "Master Chu, when Cao Ang came, he must have told you the matter?"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, and said, "You mean the shops on Jinyu Street?"

"Exactly." Yu Hongzhuang said with a smile: "My lord is now the servant of the household department, in charge of the world's money and food matters. The shop in Jinyu Street has been raided. My lord can help the slave family just by lifting a finger."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Boss Yu seems to know Chu's situation very well."

Yu Hongzhuang smiled coquettishly and said: "Master Chu, don't misunderstand that the slave family is spying on you. The slave family doesn't have the guts to do so. Go out and find out by yourself. Who in the capital doesn't know the name of Master Chu?"

Chu Huan saw that she was beautiful and charming, so he couldn't keep staring at her, let alone set his eyes on her chest. When he moved down, he saw a pair of embroidered shoes under the long dress with jade red makeup, Jade footed golden lotus, paired with the pair of embroidered shoes with embroidered flowers, is really beautiful. Touching his chin, he said: "Then Cao Ang must have told you that I will not interfere with this matter."

Yu Hongzhuang pursed her lips and said coquettishly, "Lord Chu is rejecting my slave's family and refuses to help."

"Why don't you go to the Minister of the Household Department." Chu Huan frowned.

Yu Hongzhuang smiled and said: "Where did my family know him... Even if I knew him, my family would still come to Master Chu. No matter how you say it, my family and Master Chu are old friends. You and I are both from Yunshan. Now Master Chu is well-developed. It's just a matter of raising your hand to help fellow villagers, and I also know that Master Chu has the best heart, and since my family asks for help, Master Chu will definitely not disappoint my family."

Chu Huan smiled and shook his head, "Not necessarily."

Yu Hongzhuang said: "Master Chu, my family is willing to pay 5000 taels of silver to buy a shop, which is all of my family's belongings... If this fails, my family... I have nothing to give to Master Chu... !" There was a look of begging in her eyes, and her flirtatious attitude just now became pitiful and charming, and at the end, she seemed to puff out her plentiful breasts.

"Boss Yu is self-effacing." Chu Huan leaned on the chair, "Boss Yu runs a gambling shop in Yunshan, and every day he makes money, 5000 taels of silver is a drop in the bucket for you, so why is it all? It's strange, if you don't do the business of fighting for gold in Yunshan, and come to the capital, doesn't Boss Yu put the gold bowl in search of a wooden bowl?"

Yu Hongzhuang giggled, and said: "Master Chu's analogy is really interesting." Then he sighed quietly: "Master Chu doesn't know something, if everything is safe, I would be happy to stay in Yunshan. But not long ago, the gambling house A group of gamblers fought in the gambling house, and one person was killed. The government immediately investigated. This happened in our gambling house. Although the person was not injured by the people in the gambling house, he was injured. It is also to blame. The slave family managed up and down, and finally got rid of the lawsuit, but the storage for many years was also wiped out by this lawsuit."

Chu Huan said with a faint smile: "In your workshop, there are all kinds of teachings and nine streams, and this kind of thing will happen sooner or later."

Yu Hongzhuang's eyes flowed, and she said coquettishly: "My lord, is this a joke on my family? My family is in such a state of desperation, you are still making fun of it, you bad bastard...!"

Chu Huan couldn't help jumping when he saw her enchanting sao appearance, thinking that if this sao girl really flirts, few men can stand it, but at this moment, she can't help but think of Meiniang, Meiniang It is also a stunner with enchanting charm, but quite different from Yuhong makeup, Meiniang's coquettish charm makes people have a feeling that they can be seen from a distance but not be played with. When a man sees Meiniang coquettish, his heart flutters, but It gives people a feeling that it is difficult to get close, and the charm is cold, but Yu Hongzhuang's gestures always give people the feeling that she can get close to every man.

Mei Niang, all men want to hold her in their arms, but Yu Hongzhuang, it seems that she can throw herself into the arms of any man at any time.

This is of course just a feeling.

Chu Huan said solemnly: "It's not a joke. You came to the capital to open a gambling house?"

Yu Hongzhuang smiled and said, "Master Chu thinks so?"

"Jinyu Street doesn't seem to have a gambling shop." Chu Huan said: "Since you are going to do business in the capital, you should know the market on Jinyu Street. Most of the customers on Jinyu Street are high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Of course, they will not be like ordinary people. , Gambling money in your gambling shop...!" He raised his head, and his eyes fell on Yu Hongzhuang's red lips, red lips, white teeth and white teeth, "Boss Yu, if you really want to do business, there are many places in the capital that are suitable, even In terms of old friends' friendship, I will help you with the registration of the household department as soon as possible, and Jinyu really not suitable."

Yu Hongzhuang smiled even brighter, "Master Chu agreed to help, and he really valued love and righteousness. The slave family did not misunderstand the person. To tell you the truth, the slave family has been running a gambling house for many years. After the last incident, I finally understood a truth. It is indeed easy to earn money by opening a gambling shop, but the risk is indeed not small."


"I don't know, my lord. Do you think that running a gambling shop is really as easy as it looks?" Yu Hongzhuang sighed softly, "When you open the door to do business, the first people who welcome you are the servants of the government. What? And those local hooligans, if you don’t take care of it, the business will fail, plus the government’s tax... Everyone thinks that opening a casino to make money, but all parties manage it, and it really falls into the hands of us. How many can there be?"

Chu Huan leaned on the chair, didn't speak, just looked at Yu Hongzhuang and complained.

The more Chu Huan looked at Yu Hongzhuang, the more she felt that this stunner was really talented in acting. Her expression could change into various expressions in an instant, sometimes charming and charming, sometimes charming, sometimes full of sorrow, no matter what kind of expression she had , It seems to come from the heart, and fortunately Chu Huan knows that she is from the market, otherwise she will really be driven by her emotions, frowning and asking: "What do you mean?"

"We're not going to continue in the gambling business." Yu Hongzhuang lifted Haoruo Baiyu's hand, and gently lifted a lock of black hair from her cheek. This movement was full of charm, and she complained: "Yunshan came out. The case was settled, and it was very difficult to settle the matter. It was almost bankrupt, and the matter was calmed down. This is in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, and there is no backer behind the servant's house...!" At this point, he glanced at Chu Huan and sighed softly: "This The hooligans in the capital are much more domineering than those in Yunshan Mansion, if anything happens, I'm afraid I can't handle the money, but my family will be imprisoned...!" She looked at Chu Huan pitifully, blinking She blinked, her long eyelashes flickering, very moving, "Lord Chu, look at my weak body, how can I stand the pain of prison...!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Boss Yu is serious. There are not a few gambling shops in Beijing, and I don't see what happened to them."

"They all have backers behind them." Yu Hongzhuang said in a delicate voice, "Unless Mr. Chu agrees to be the backer of the slave family in the future, otherwise... otherwise the slave family will not dare to run a gambling house anymore."

Chu Huan just smiled lightly. Naturally, he would not agree to this kind of request. Even if Yu Hongzhuang resorted to all kinds of means, Chu Huan would never think about such a request. Helping people to hold their own is backed by the servant of the household department, and they behave recklessly, and it is very likely that they will cause trouble for Chu Huan.

Chu Huan is very clear about his situation. Although he is now the servant of the household department and has the title of earl, he is only a newcomer in the court. His status is entirely based on the emperor's reward and the friendship of King Qi. Above all, now it can only be regarded as having just gained a firm foothold in the capital. When it comes to power, Chu Huan doesn't think he has any power now, and he also knows that many officials in the court are jealous and even Many people were staring at him, waiting for him to get out of the basket and jumping out immediately. If no one else said anything, Ma Hong, Minister of the Household Department, was hostile to him.

Ma Hong is one of the leaders of the New Party. He is hostile to him. There is no doubt that the entire New Party must not have a good impression of him. In the eyes of the New Party, Chu Huan is a member of the King Qi Party, and the New Party has its own system. Whether it is the former Taizidang, the Hanwang Party, or the Qiwang Party that is slowly forming now, the new party has never had a good impression, and has always regarded other parties as hostile forces, so no matter from the party or personally, Chu Huan seemed calm, but in fact he had many enemies.

He is very clear about his situation, and naturally it is impossible to be Yu Hongzhuang's backer and cause trouble for himself. What he is looking forward to most now is that after this incident, King Qi will gain the respect of the emperor, and the King Qi Party will gradually form , I hope that one day, King Qi will be able to rule the world. At that time, he can use the hand of King Qi to fulfill his long-cherished wish.

The emperor pursued longevity and wanted to live forever. Chu Huan never took it seriously. No one lives for a hundred years, let alone longevity. Huan never thought that the emperor would live forever, and even thought that if the emperor continued like this, he would die within a few years.

After all, he came from time travel, and knew that immortality was only an unattainable fantasy, and the emperor not only practiced Taoism and immortality, but also took pills for a long time. Those so-called pills that can prolong life and live forever, Chu Huan knew that they were poisonous Over time, there must be toxins in his body. The emperor paranoidly thought that he would live forever, but Chu Huan thought that the emperor was probably poisoned to death, but he just didn't know it.

Seeing that Chu Huan was silent, Yu Hongzhuang raised her hand, shook it lightly, and said softly, "Master Chu, Master Chu...!"

Chu Huan came back to his senses and asked, "If you don't run a casino, what are you going to do?"

"Embroidery village!" Yu Hongzhuang said confidently: "My family has learned embroidery since childhood, and I tried to run an embroidery village in the early years. This time something happened in the gambling shop, and it was hard for me to change my career. My family thought about running an embroidery shop in the capital. There are many official wives and wealthy ladies in Jinyu Street. They must like embroidery very much. After thinking about it, my family decided to I want to open an embroidery shop on Jinyu Street, but I have no other way, so I can only go to Master Chu’s house, begging Master Chu to help the little girl...!"

Chu Huan looked Yu Hongzhuang up and down, and was quite surprised: "Boss Yu can also embroider?"

"Master Chu doesn't believe it?" Yu Hongzhuang smiled coquettishly: "My family knew that Master Chu would not believe it easily, so I brought my own embroidery here. Would you like to have a look at Master Chu?"

Chu Huan really never thought that this enchanting and colorful stunner is good at embroidery. Although Yu Hongzhuang is a delicate woman, she has a kind of quack spirit on her body. She really doesn't look like the embroidery lady in the boudoir of Xiuge. She said with interest : "Unexpectedly, Boss Yu has such a skill, I really want to take a look."

Yu Hongzhuang smiled sweetly, she was so charming, she stretched out her hands, and lifted up the purple skirt, revealing a pair of slender and plump legs wrapped in silk trousers, but she raised one leg in a rather enchanting posture. On the other leg, there was an Erlang leg, but the Erlang leg didn't have any sense of rogue, but was elegant and charming. Chu Huan was very surprised, and didn't understand what Yu Hongzhuang was going to do, but he saw Yu Hongzhuang turned her head and looked at Chu Huan. A happy glance, a charming smile, handsome and beautiful, as charming as spring.

She carefully took off one of her embroidered shoes and threw it away. The embroidered shoe had already flown towards Chu Huan. Grasping the pink embroidered shoes in her hands, her hands were limp, and she said in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

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