National color raw owl

Chapter 740 Rainy Night

Early the next morning, when the sun was rising, Chu Huan was standing on the bow of the boat, the river was flowing, and unconsciously, he had already traveled between mountains and rivers. Still covering the mountains, standing upright on both sides of the Jingjiang River like javelins, the weeds and thorns on both sides of the river have dried up, and the reeds are also withered and yellow.

Chu Huan practiced the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" in the middle of the night last night. He has broken through the two paths of Zhaolun and Fuchen. Now he is trying his best to practice the third level of pure land. Compared with the previous two, the reaction of practicing pure land is obviously much more gentle , but during cultivation, the skin feels tense, as if something is being pulled. After a long time, there is even a feeling of skin cracking, but compared to the pain of the previous two cultivation, this one is Chu Huan's pain. able to bear.

He didn't know when he would be able to break through this way. Although Luo Duo didn't explain how to break through the class when he practiced the "Dragon Elephant Sutra", in the past year, Chu Huan has also figured out some tricks. , the reaction brought about by cultivation is gone, and if there are no side effects, it will break through the class.

Now, according to the cultivation method of the first two ways, there is no such pain. Chu Huan is now clear that when he practices the Pure Land Way, once the tightness and tearing of the skin disappears, he will wait until the time when the skin is tight and tearing. If the third breakthrough is successful, Chu Huan did not know in advance what effect the breakthrough would have when the first two breakthroughs did not occur. The skin changes drastically.

Luo Duo said at the beginning that the peak of martial arts must reach "copper skin and iron bones". Chu Huan has naturally heard such a term, but he has always thought it was just an exaggeration, but now he has gradually believed that in the martial arts In the world, there is indeed the possibility of breaking through the limits of the human body. Now he can last for a long time without breathing, which is several times longer than ordinary people. His bones have a powerful self-repair function. If this is not Chu Huan's own experience, He felt that this was simply a fantasy.

"Dragon Elephant Sutra" eight ways, Chu Huan has not yet broken through the three ways, already felt the magical effect of the Wushuang Collection, he did not know what kind of terrifying body his body would turn into after breaking through all the eight ways, but he You know, if you want to really break through the eight ways of the "Dragon Elephant Sutra", I am afraid that so far, few people can do it.

Every time after practicing the "Dragon Elephant Sutra", Chu Huan kept repeating the same question in his mind, why did Luo Duo pass on such a precious unparalleled book to himself, and it seemed unusually indifferent to teach the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" at the beginning He didn't even think of the name of master and apprentice, but now he knows that the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" is extremely precious. If the world knows the existence of the "Dragon Elephant Sutra", those martial arts practitioners will definitely do it. at all costs.

Luo Duo easily taught the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" to Chu Huan. Chu Huan once even thought that Luo Duo had a trick in his heart and wanted to use the "Dragon Elephant Sutra" to harm him, but this idea has long since disappeared. Puzzled, why did Luo Duo pass on such a peerless book to himself? Luo Duo's appearance is obviously not from the Central Plains, so why did he appear in the Central Plains?Back then, I met Luo Duo in Lin Lang's wine shop. With Luo Duo's mysterious martial arts, there are probably not many opponents in the world. Why did he hide in He Sheng Quan wine shop and pretend to be deaf and dumb?

For Chu Huan, everything is a mystery. Chu Huanzhi feels that over the past year, there have been more and more mysteries in his heart, but he still can't find a clue to the countless mysteries.

He didn't know where Luo Duo was now, let alone whether he could still see that weird beard in this life.

According to the boatman's introduction, before dawn tomorrow, you should be able to enter the territory of Anyi Road, enter the river channel in Anyi territory, go up the river, and within three days at most, you will definitely be able to reach Fenglin ferry.

The moonlight was bright last night, but the sky was unpredictable. In the afternoon, the sky seemed to be pretty good. When it was almost dark, the sky was overcast with clouds, but after a while, it started to rain lightly.

As the saying goes, the heavy rain passes for a while, and the light rain stays overnight. The light rain keeps falling, and most of the officers and soldiers of several ships squeeze into the cabin.

It's already winter season, although the rain is not too heavy, but the rain falls on the body, but it is very cold. Chu Huan's thunder fire unicorn was also brought into his cabin. The cabin of the official ship is huge. Crowded, there is no problem at all in accommodating dozens of people, Chu Huan's ship is even more spacious, and Lei Huo Qilin enters the cabin, and there is more than enough space.

When there is light rain, the wind will not be strong, and the sailboats will not be able to do without wind. Several boats stopped and did not continue to move forward.

It was getting dark and the lights were lit in the cabin. Chu Huan stood in front of the cabin door and looked at the light rain outside. Sun Zikong had already moved behind him and said with a smile, "Master, this weather is actually the most suitable for fishing!"


"When it rains heavily, the fish in the water will float up and exhale." Sun Tzukong said with a smile: "If there is a net at this time, if I cast the net down, I will be able to catch a net of fish."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "If you want to eat fish, it seems that the boat has already stored it."

"That's different." Sun Zikong shook his head and said: "The fish caught from the river are alive and kicking, the most fresh...!" He looked at Chu Huan, and his voice stopped suddenly, only to see Chu Huan's expression was strange, his eyebrows were tight Suo, I didn't know what happened for a while, but saw that Chu Huan had walked out of the cabin quickly, and walked to the bow in spite of the increasing rain outside, Sun Zikong hurriedly followed, and asked: " Master, what's the matter?"

Chu Huan put his hands on the bow of the boat, stared ahead without blinking, his eyes were shining brightly, but it was terribly cold, he turned around abruptly, and called the boatman, "Play the gong!"

The boatman didn't know what happened for a while, he knew that playing the gong was an appointment before, once any ship was in trouble, he would play the gong to contact other ships. However, the sound still passed from the bow of the ship. In just a moment, a group of people appeared at the stern of the front ship. Someone was holding a lantern. Chu Huan's eyesight was not ordinary. Looking at a certain distance, Chu Huan still vaguely saw Xuanyuan Shengcai.

"My lord, ask us from the front, what's the matter?" Seeing a boatman gesturing towards him under the lights ahead, the boatman beside Chu Huan immediately asked Chu Huan.

"Tell General Xuanyuan, be careful at the bottom of the boat." Chu Huan said in a deep voice, "There are people on the bottom of their boat...!" Turning around, he has already ordered: "Everyone, be careful, the situation has changed!"

At the beginning, Sun Zikong didn't know why Chu Huan suddenly became so dignified. When he heard this, he was taken aback. At this time, it was raining continuously, and the rain was hitting the river surface, and rain flowers were splashing everywhere on the river surface, but he couldn't see it. There is no abnormality under the river surface, let alone the abnormality under the bottom of the boat ahead, but after Chu Huan gave orders, the guards and the two camel passengers who followed behind had already drawn their knives and were ready to fight. .

The boatman next to Chu Huan gestured towards that side, and the officers and soldiers on the boat in front immediately became alert. Some people had already scattered, lying on the side of the boat, and looked down. Chu Huan frowned, thinking that there were still two boats behind, and immediately Instruct the boatman to go to the stern of the boat to show his warning immediately.

Chu Huan was just looking ahead in the cabin. He didn't pay much attention to the front, but suddenly something seemed to flash in front of his eyes. He reacted very quickly. The shadow was flickering, and the shadow seemed to be stuck to the side of the ship like a gecko. Chu Huan thought he was dazzled at first, but when he walked forward, he clearly saw that the shadow had slipped from the side of the ship to the bottom of the ship in an instant , dive into the water.

This is also thanks to Chu Huan's excellent eyesight. As an ordinary person, in the dark and on a rainy night, it is impossible to see the situation ahead. The shadow in front obviously had the same idea, so it is not suitable for the boat Someone saw him in action. When Chu Huan saw the man go into the water, his first reaction was that he had encountered an enemy, and his second reaction was that there were people under the boat.

If it hadn't been for the experience back then, Chu Huan would not have come up with such an idea so quickly. That time when Lin Dai'er and his gang hijacked the passenger ship, they cut open the bottom of the ship while sleeping.

The image of Lin Daier flashed in Chu Huan's mind. Could it be that Lin Daier's group of thieves did not change their behavior and did harm to Jingjiang again?But this thought just passed him by in a flash. He knew that Lin Daier's party was almost wiped out, and there were only a few people left. With Lin Daier's current strength, it was impossible to attack the fleet. The purpose of hijacking the passenger ship was nothing more than to kidnap Mrs. Qiao as a hostage and rescue her companions. This time the fleet is all members of the Guards, so she should have no interest in this.

Chu Huan wore a scimitar on his waist, but he did not draw it. He clenched his fists with a stern expression. These four boats were obviously official ships, and the people on board were all officers and soldiers in armor. What kind of person is the target? Since we know that this fleet is a member of the Guards, if the opponent really dares to attack, then he must be targeting the officers and soldiers, and if he dares to attack two hundred Guards, the strength of the opponent must be Not weak, but Chu Huan couldn't figure out who the other party was for for a while, his eyes swept across the river, and his eyes were cold.

At this time, both the ship in front and the two ships behind have already started to scramble, and the signal has been transmitted. The officers and soldiers on the ship are all lying on the side of the ship, holding the handle of the knife, waiting for the battle. I don't know what's going on under the boat, and in winter, the river is icy cold, and most of the Guards officers and soldiers are not able to swim, so no one went into the water for a while, Chu Huan stood at the bow, and a boatman beside him didn't dare to go into the water. Leave and keep in touch with the boatman on the boat ahead.

Suddenly, Chu Huan saw that the official ship in front visibly trembled, and his heart was startled. The officers and soldiers on the official ship in front obviously felt it. The incident still made everyone nervous. The ship vibrated suddenly, and someone had already cried out in surprise. Chu Huan only saw the figure flickering in front of him. After a while, he heard the sound of people shouting from the ship in front. Seeing the figure running at the stern of the boat again, the boatman beside Chu Huan said: "My lord, there is a signal from the front. There are indeed people under their boat. The bottom of the boat has been cut through many places, and the river is pouring into the cabin...!"

Chu Huan clenched his fists tightly, his veins protruding. If the bottom of the boat had been pierced, it could only prove that the other party had already appeared at the bottom of the boat, and before he noticed the movement of the other party, someone was already digging the boat under the boat. Apparently, they took advantage of the heavy rain to attack suddenly. The sound of wind and rain, coupled with the large number of people on board, made quite a lot of noise. All kinds of sounds covered up the sound of the boat digging underwater, and everyone didn't realize that the enemy had already approached.

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