National color raw owl

Chapter 785 Ghost Night Walk

() Chu Huan was a little surprised when he heard that Xuanyuan Shengcai claimed to have seen the Tianmen Demon Dao, and asked, "Where did you see it?"

"Within Huzhou." Xuanyuan Sheng said solemnly: "Your Excellency knows that we will send scouts to scout the way beforehand. That night, two scouts scouted the way. When they came back, they said they saw a very strange situation."

"what's the situation?"

"A large number of people gathered in the middle of the night and went to one place." Xuanyuan Sheng said softly: "It is reported that there are more than 200 people who sneaked around in the dead of night and took advantage of remote paths to scout Seeing this situation, I felt that something was wrong, so I hurried back to report to me."

"What happened next?"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "I also feel that more than 200 people are not staying at home in the middle of the night, but secretly gathered together. The incident is weird. If I lead troops there, I'm afraid it will scare the snake. So I brought ten good soldiers to go secretly to find out the truth."

"We took off our armor and only wore ordinary clothes. In less than half an hour, we found the group of people who were walking on foot." Xuanyuan Sheng said solemnly, "When we found them, there were more of them. There were nearly a hundred people, and along the way, there were no people inhabited. People joined the team from time to time on the way. At that time, I led people to stop a few people who had gathered on the way, and took five people to change their clothes. and brought those people back to the camp." ..

Chu Huan said: "General Xuanyuan is trying to fish in troubled waters."

Xuanyuan Sheng smiled wryly and said: "Hundreds of people, their clothes are rotten, they are poor people at first glance, if we don't change our clothes, we will be very conspicuous in the crowd, and we will be seen through by them immediately."

"What happened next?"

"We mixed into the crowd and followed the group of people all the way, leaving a mark on the way." Xuanyuan Sheng said slowly: "It was not until dawn that we arrived in a mountain forest. When we entered the mountain forest, we saw There were two Taoist priests waiting at the mountain pass, and led the people into a cave in the mountain. The cave was very spacious and could accommodate nearly a thousand people. When we went inside, we found that there were 200 people gathered inside. After adding up, there are more than 500 people...!"

"Are they all ordinary people?" Chu Huan asked with a frown.

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "Exactly, they are all people in rags. These people entered the cave and sat around on a big stone platform inside the cave. We smeared our faces with mud and mixed with the crowd. In the middle, after waiting for half a day, the sky was already bright, and then I saw an old Taoist priest suddenly appear, and when the common people saw the old Taoist priest, they immediately bowed down to him...!"

Chu Huan looked stern, and said with a sneer, "A crooked monster!"

"The old Taoist climbed onto the big stone platform and recited a spell for a long time. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but the people present looked very devout. They looked at the old Taoist's eyes like ...It's like looking at a god...!" Xuanyuan Shengcai recalled the scene he just experienced not long ago, and his expression remained dignified from beginning to end: "The old Taoist priest read the scriptures for a long time, and all the people remained silent for a long time. Afterwards, I suddenly saw the old Taoist take out a stone and put it in his left hand, in front of everyone, the dust whisk in his hand covered the stone, he read a few words, after he took it away, the stone ...that stone...!" Xuanyuan Shengcai was born in Wumen, a man of high skill and boldness, but at this moment his face showed a look of horror, "That stone has turned into gold, and its shape is still the same as that one The stone is exactly the same, but it has changed from stone to gold!"

"Turning stone into gold?" Chu Huan snorted coldly, "This is the trick of charlatans!"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said: "I also know that it must be a trick, but I saw it very clearly from the beginning to the end, and I couldn't see the slightest flaw...!" Shaking his head with a wry smile, he said: "The old Taoist's methods are really good, all of them The people were dumbfounded, and soon they all knelt down again and called him the old god who saves the suffering!"

Chu Huan sighed: "With the general's eyesight, he couldn't see the flaws, let alone the common people."

At this time, someone brought up tea, and Xuanyuan Sheng stopped talking. When the person stepped back, Xuanyuan Sheng picked up the teacup, drank half a cup, put down the teacup, and said softly: "This is not the most unusual thing. Yes, after a while, two Taoist priests lit a big fire on the big stone platform, and the old Taoist actually stood in the flames, unscathed...even his whisk was not damaged at all, my lord, what do you say... Isn't this too wicked?"

Chu Huan said: "They are here to confuse the people. If they can't come up with some incredible crooked ways, then naturally they won't be able to confuse people's hearts...!" There was a strange color in his eyes, "It seems that the way of Tianmen is really stupid in Anyi Road. The yu is moving, the southeast is in turmoil, and they have extended their tentacles to Anyi again...!"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said again: "These two hands were exposed, and the common people already regarded him as a god. At this time, the demon Taoist began to talk nonsense, what did you say...!" Some words are not easy to say.

Chu Huan said softly: "General Xuanyuan doesn't have to worry about it. There are only you and me here. If you have anything to say, it doesn't matter."

Xuanyuan Shengcai sighed: "The old Taoist said that the Holy One is... an evil demon who came to the world, transformed into a human form, and poisoned the people. If you allow... the Holy Spirit to do evil things, the people in the world will never have peace. Generations will live in water and fire...!"

Chu Huan laughed dumbly and said, "The Holy One is an illusion of an evil spirit? It seems that Tianmen Dao really took great pains to prepare such absurd words in order to confuse the people."

Xuanyuan Sheng just shook his head and sighed: "Your Excellency thinks it is ridiculous, but those common people believed it to be true. At that time, many common people stood up and said that the Holy One was extravagant and coveted, and he didn't care about the life and death of the common people. That must be an evil spirit coming into the world... Your Excellency, don't you?" I saw that the hundreds of people present at that time were all excited, and they all had...disrespectful words towards the Holy Majesty!"

"Besides, what did the old Taoist say?"

Xuanyuan Shengcai said solemnly: "The gate of heaven was opened for the first time, and the old lord came into the world. All my Taoist people will enjoy eternal life!"

"This is?"

"This is the sixteen-character mantra of Tianmen Taoism to confuse the people." Xuanyuan Shengcai said in a deep voice: "The old Taoist claimed that the Holy Majesty is an evil spirit who came to the world, and only the Supreme Lord can subdue the evil spirits and return the people to peace in the world. But the Supreme Being Laojun is a great immortal in the sky, he will not come down to earth easily, only the people are united as one, with a pious heart, can beg the Taishang Laojun to be born into the world, and save the people from suffering."

Chu Huan picked up the teacup and didn't speak.

"The old Taoist also said that he is the envoy sent by the Taishang Laojun to the world to experience the sufferings of the mortal world. The Taishang Laojun sent nearly a hundred envoys from the sky. As long as these envoys get the support of the people, they can open the gate of heaven. Welcome Taishang Laojun to descend to the mortal world." Xuanyuan Shengcai couldn't help clenching his fists, "Before Taishang Laojun came to the world, if he could convert to Laojun, believe in the way of heaven, and become a disciple of the way of heaven, then wait until Laojun comes to the world. ri, as long as you are a Taoist of Tianmen, you will enjoy eternal life!"

Chu Huan smiled bitterly in his heart. For those poor people, the difficult life filled their hearts with resentment and anger. They hated the imperial court deeply. When someone stood up and claimed that His Majesty the Emperor was a monster, the people naturally believed it. Ji claimed that the Taishang Laojun could save them from the fire and water, so how could they not worship.

Xuanyuan Sheng took another sip of tea and put down the teacup, "Besides, that old demon said that the universe is upside down, yin and yang are misplaced... that ghosts and ghosts cause disaster...!" He frowned, "My lord, You arrived in Taiyuan before me, but you heard that there are ghosts here?"

"Haunted?" Chu Huan immediately thought of those haunted villages.

Xuanyuan Sheng just nodded and said: "That's right. The old demon said that the Holy One is an evil demon who came to the world and acted against the world, causing the people to suffer, and Yin and Yang were misaligned. He also said that the actions of the Holy One have caused resentment in the three realms and unrest in the heavens. Suffering in the mortal world, chaos in Yin...!" His brows were furrowed, and he said in a low voice: "He said that the resentment in the Yin world has broken through the gate of hell, and those resentful ghosts have come out of the gate of hell, causing trouble in the world, and now they are shaking the world. Ghosts communicate with each other, and a hundred ghosts walk at night... If there is no protection from the Heavenly Gate, the common people will be haunted by evil ghosts, and the sun and the moon will be dark...My lord, is this Anyi really haunted by ghosts?"

Chu Huan sneered and said, "I was just skeptical before, but now I'm sure!"


"Those weird things in Anyi Dao are really the work of Tianmen Dao behind the scenes." Chu Huan sneered, "They play tricks everywhere just to scare the people... Tianmen Dao is indeed a crooked way, using these despicable and shameless means to Bewitching the people, heretics, disturbing the world, leaving poison to the people, must be eradicated." Immediately, he told Xuanyuan Shengcai what he had seen and heard in the deserted village before, and Xuanyuan Shengcai immediately clenched his fists and said angrily: "My lord, as you In other words, those who play tricks behind their backs must be people from the Tianmen Dao, and it seems that they have reached out to Anyi Dao now, my lord, the Tianmen Dao is sneaky, bewitching the hearts of the people, and pretending to be ghosts, we must guard against it!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly, turned his eyes back to Xuanyuan Shengcai's face, and asked, "Have you captured those monsters?"

Xuanyuan Shengcai looked a little embarrassed, and said with shame: "My lord, we didn't catch them, but we almost died in their hands...!" Feeling very ashamed, his face turned red.

Chu Huan said "Oh", and Xuanyuan Shengcai had already explained: "The old demon dao confuses the people, and those people have to join the Tianmen Tao one by one. There was a whole jar of wine in the vat. The old demon said to the people that if they want to enter the Tao, they must make a blood oath. In the future, if the Taoist sect has orders, the Taoist disciples must actively respond. Next to the outline, whoever wants to enter the Tao, first cut a hole on his finger with a knife, drip two drops of blood into the vat, and then drink a small bowl of wine...!"

Chu Huan stared at Xuanyuan Shengcai and listened carefully.

"A few brothers and I were in the crowd, and we also lined up to pass. When it was my turn, I saw that the wine in the vat was a bit cloudy. The people in front of me each had two drops of blood. The vat was mixed with wine and blood. It's very scary." Xuanyuan Sheng smiled wryly and said: "It's also my fault that I can't hold my breath, the big vat is only a few steps away from the old demon's way, I saw that the opportunity must be lost, so...!" Shaking his head and sighing: " So I made a move!"

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