National color raw owl

Chapter 791 Dark Day

() The fire in Yusuo Lake is getting smaller and smaller, and the continuous screams before are also much smaller. In this battle, thousands of officers and soldiers did not even have a fair fight with their opponents. Most of the loss.

At dawn, the battle was coming to an end, and the fire was almost extinguished. Except for a few ships that fell into the hands of the Huang family or were sunk, most of the ships were buried in the flames.

Officers and soldiers were shot to death by arrows, hacked to death by knives, drowned by water, burned to death by fire, or frozen to death in the lake. Looking around, corpses floating all over the lake are shocking.

Huang Tianyi looked a little tired, he yawned, stood up and stretched, suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "By the way, the Governor gave us such a big gift, we should give him a gift in return, Reciprocity is the tradition of our Huang family."

Huang Zhigui seemed to understand something, nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, brother, I'm ready."

The surrounding shores of Yusuo Lake were as silent as death. . .

Yuan Chongshang was sitting on the ground. This fiasco had obviously hit him hard. Since he slumped down last night, he hadn't stood up again.

"My lord, look...!" A person suddenly shouted in shock.

Many people have already seen a flat boat leisurely paddling towards this side from Yusuo Lake.

Chu Huan jumped onto a big rock, saw the small boat slowly approaching, his eyes were sharp, and at this moment, he actually saw two wooden frames erected on top of the small boat, two naked men at this moment They were being tied to a wooden frame, standing side by side, and there was only one boatman in the boat. As the boat approached, everyone could see more clearly at this moment. The two people tied to the wooden frame were covered with blood all over their bodies and had numerous wounds. The blood had already solidified, and both of them drooped their heads, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Chu Huan's guards were not far behind Chu Huan at this moment. When he saw Xiaozhou approaching, Xuanyuan Sheng waved his hand. Dozens of guards rushed over vigorously, bowed their bows and set arrows, aiming at Here comes the boat.

Yuan Chongshang also showed surprise when he saw a small boat approaching. He stood up slowly, and the small boat stopped at a distance from the shore. The boatman hid his body behind and said loudly: "Governor Yuan Are you there?"

Yuan Chongshang clenched his fists and said sharply, "Who are you?"

"You are Governor Yuan?" The other party laughed teasingly: "Master Governor, my master said that you gave him a generous gift, and my master was most afraid of being in debt, so he returned a big gift."

"What do you mean?" The master asked sharply beside Yuan Chongshang, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"I don't know if the governor still remembers these two people?" The boatman hid his body behind the naked man and said loudly: "These two people were sneaking around on the island. Just yesterday, my master arrested them for interrogation. The two confessed to being the governor's person. My master respects the governor very much. Since he is the governor's person, he let them go and let the younger one be returned to the governor... These two people were still alive just now, but they are still alive now. I don’t know if he’s still alive...!” He reached out his hand from behind, touched the noses of the two men, and said apologetically, “My lord governor, I’m really sorry, I thought these two guys were strong, But... but I didn't expect it to be so cold, they seem to be dead...!"

Yuan Chongshang was furious. He was a big official, a majestic governor, and he was already furious after a disastrous defeat. At this time, a small boatman was also teasing him, which made him furious, and he shouted sharply: "Shoot him to death!"

Naturally, the guards' archers would not obey his command, and they all looked at Chu Huan, but the boatman knew that something was going wrong, but he was already prepared, he laughed and said, "Shoot me to death? Governor, I'm afraid you Not that capable."

He had already rushed to the side of the boat, as if intending to show off his superb water skills, he jumped up from the side of the boat with a dry land plucking a green onion, soared into the air with an extremely graceful posture, and then fell into the lake.

Almost at the same time that this person stood up, a feathered arrow cut through the icy air like lightning and shot straight at the boatman.

The boatman did not expect such a fast arrow at all. He even calculated that even if he deliberately humiliated Yuan Chongshang and jumped into the lake with a graceful posture, it would only be a blink of an eye.

He never thought that in such a short period of time, an arrow would shoot over like a shooting star.

He was in the air, and he had nowhere to use his strength. He watched the sharp arrow shoot towards him. The moment he fell into the lake, the arrow sank into his neck like a poisonous snake and penetrated.

At dawn, this person fell into the water. He struggled in the lake, and the lake water was covered with waves, but soon, the waves gradually disappeared, and the person slowly sank into the lake. After the ripples spread, he recovered. There was a bright red blood.

Most people on the shore saw this fatal arrow. Everyone's mood was unusually heavy and the atmosphere was unusually gloomy, but this arrow gave them a little boost.

Everyone looked over immediately, but they saw that it was the young imperial envoy who shot the arrow. At this time, Chu Huan was returning the bow and arrow in his hand to the soldiers beside him.

Everyone was taken aback. Seeing Chu Huan in official robes, most of them thought that he was just a civil servant. At this moment, they suddenly realized that this seemingly low-key imperial envoy actually had a very low-key arrow technique. So superb.

Of course, Chu Huan didn't intend to show off his arrow skills in front of everyone.

In the battle of Yusuo Lake, almost all the officers and soldiers were annihilated, which dealt a serious blow to the government. Chu Huan knew very well that the current Anyi Road is actually not stable.

He knew very well that although the Huang family was beaten into a rebellious party, the Huang family was a local family in Anyi. After gaining power, it operated in Anyi for another 20 years, and it could be said that it was deeply rooted in Anyi.

Now that there is turmoil in the northwest, wars in the southeast are raging, and bandits from all walks of life are everywhere, the entire empire is actually in a state of restlessness. This kind of situation is most likely to make those who have ambitions to move about.

Of course, the power of the Huang family cannot be limited to Yusuohu. Chu Huan believes that although after the Huang family was turned into a chaotic party, many forces that had intersected with the Huang family quickly alienated or even separated their ties, but this is not the case. It means that those people's hearts are towards the imperial court. In fact, he understands that many people have been waiting and watching. If the imperial court gains power, those people will naturally hold back. But once the Huang family gains power, the environment in Anyi will become extremely dangerous.

In this battle, Yuan Chongshang lost completely, while the Huang family won completely.

A small boatman dared to ridicule Yuan Chongshang in public. If this boatman can leave safely, it will undoubtedly be another defeat and another serious blow to the government represented by Yuan Chongshang.

He shot and killed the boatman, even though it was only one person, but at least on this dark day, a candle was lit, at least a trace of dignity remained in the government.

Chu Huan knew that Yuan Chongshang was the head of the Anyi Taoist government. At this moment, Yuan Chongshang's dignity was actually very important.

At this moment, someone jumped into the small boat on the shore, approached it, and pulled the boat to the shore, and then someone went up to untie the two dead naked people, covered them with clothes, and put them on the shore.

Yuan Chongshang's steps were heavy, and he walked slowly to the side. When he saw the faces of the two, their faces were even paler.

He planted eyeliner on the island, and the two people in front of him were the eyeliner he secretly planted.

Yuan Chongshang finally understood at this moment that he thought that his plan was very thorough and that his plan was seamless, but in fact everything was under the control of the other party.

Everyone around looked at Yuan Chongshang, and Yuan Chongshang only felt that those eyes seemed to be filled with disdain. In the end, his night attack plan was completely exploited by others, resulting in almost annihilation of thousands of elite imperial guards. It is undoubtedly a great shame, and it will surely become the subject of ridicule by the world.

His body was originally very strong, but staring at the two corpses at the moment, he felt dizzy, dizzy, and dizzy. Suddenly, he felt a tightness in his chest. Leaning back, he heard exclamations from all around him, and vaguely saw Chu Huan flying towards him, and then he didn't know anything.



Governor's Mansion Yamen.

Yuan Chongshang felt like he had a nightmare. In the dream, he not only saw Huang Tianyi walking towards him with a steel knife and grinning, but also saw the cold face of His Majesty the Emperor.

Huang Tianyi disappeared, but His Majesty the Emperor waved his hand, and Yuan Chongshang saw several executioners who were big and three rough rush forward, pressed himself on the ground, and chopped off a ghost knife in the air. Waking up in a start, he sat up in a jerk, and then heard the miserable crying in his ears.

Amidst the crying, there was an instant scream, and soon, I heard a cry in my ear: "Master, master, you are scared us to death, master, you are fine... hurry, hurry Let someone bring the porridge over...!"

Yuan Chongshang was panting heavily, and at this moment, ignoring the cries around him, he raised his hand and touched his neck, making sure that his head was still on his neck, he was relieved, looked around, and found that he was lying on the ground. On the bed, covered with a brocade quilt, he turned his head and saw that there were several women in the room, all of whom were his wives and concubines. Very noisy.

"Shut up for me!" Yuan Chongshang was furious when he heard the twittering and chattering, "Who the hell yells again, I'll break her neck...!"

How could the women dare to scream again, there was no sound for a while, and the room was deadly silent.

"Third son, come here and help me up." Yuan Chongshang saw the third lady beside him, and at this moment he saw that the woman was a little more pleasing to the eye, and the third lady immediately came forward and persuaded softly: "Master, you You just woke up, take a rest first, don't get up, if you have anything to do, just tell us to do it...!"

Yuan Chongshang doted on the third wife very much on weekdays, but at this time he said in a bad mood: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, help me up quickly."

The third lady didn't dare to say much, she carefully helped Yuan Chongshang get up, Yuan Chongshang got off the bed, the third lady helped him to the table, Yuan Chongshang just sat down here, pouted at the teapot on the table, The third lady obediently poured a cup of tea for Yuan Chongshang. Yuan Chongshang took the teacup, drank it in one gulp, raised his hand and wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth with the corner of his sleeve, and then asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

The third lady hurriedly said: "The master came back at noon yesterday. When he came back, he was unconscious. He invited the doctor. The doctor said that the master was in a hurry. He boiled two doses of medicine and fed the master to drink it...!"

Yuan Chongshang looked at the sky outside and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's noon." The third lady replied.

"Master Chu... Where is the imperial envoy, Master Chu?" Yuan Chongshang asked anxiously, "How is the situation over there at Yusuo Lake?"

The third lady said: "Master Chu came here in the morning. He came in to see the master and then left. He said that when the master wakes up, he will send someone to notify him...!" Thinking of something, he said: "Yes, Secretary of the Household Department Master Teacher is still waiting in the main hall."

"Let him come here!"

When the teacher came over, Yuan Chongshang had already waved his hand to let the women in the room go out quickly. When they left, the teacher bowed his body and cautiously stepped forward to salute, "My lord, can you wake up?" Now, take care of yourself!"

"Quickly tell me, how is the situation at Yusuo Lake?" Yuan Chongshang asked anxiously, "Fang Shihao... and the Imperial Guard of the governor, how many people survived?"

The master's voice was quite heavy, "My lord, in this battle, we... almost the entire army... the entire army was wiped out...!" With his head lowered, he slightly raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Chongshang. Chong Shang was staring at him, and could only continue: "According to the count, there were less than 300 soldiers who escaped death, and most of them died in battle... in the lake. The Huang family's rebellion...the rebellion captured some people... ...Now the surface of Yusuo Lake is full of...they are all corpses, the Huang family sent someone to pass the word, saying that they asked us to send a few boats to clean it up, and also said...also said...!" He hesitated, but he dared not say anything go down.

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